How do you deal with restartitis in video games

How do you deal with restartitis in video games
I'm never content with the character and keep restarting over and over
Even making things like a checklist of what I like and following it doesn't help. It literally feels like a mental disorder and it keeps up at night sometimes trying to decide what my characters should be in video games

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just hit random and be okay with it

either just self insert or if you have a problem with yourself self insert and then think what else would you want to be and add it to the game.

Yeah I do it too. Not sure what the answer is but probably has something to do with bypassing the thought processes that lead to you restarting. You need a way of not engaging with that type of thinking at all really. Games are supposed to be carefree fun.

>You need a way of not engaging with that type of thinking at all really.
Yeah I wish I could do that again it's hard to get into that mindset for me

Yes it is. Try and learn mindfulness.

Just create the most ridiculous character possible.

I do self insert sometimes, making a fantasy version of myself. It somewhat does it sometimes but mostly not
I find that when I do random I always end up back at square one, though I can see it as a viable tact

Play roguelikes instead.

By making my first char like me.

>Games are supposed to be carefree fun.
I think this says a lot
if it doesn't meet this condition for you anymore and feels like an obligation, your taste may have changed and you just probably don't really enjoy video games anymore
Which isn't a bad thing. People change what they like all the time.

You have a problem if this is so upsetting to you. I suggest making a random character and sticking with it no matter what and finish the game. I think after this "shock" you will start to care less about being perfect.

It is a problem indeed
I fully admit it

you must force yourself to spend a playthrough or two to getting to know your game.
but I feel you for with games like Dragon's Dogma Unreal World and hell even minecraft I have the darnest time convincing myself not to be bogged down by the sense fear of making irredeemable mistakes or making the wrong builds.
the whole damn idea and appeal of games is how it is free of consequence.
Guess I and some of you took games like GTA3 and Fable as their gold standard for freedom, where there is honestly just one set path but you could still walk and mess around without the world marching on without you.

Ah, yeah I know all about the dragon's dogma struggle

When you restart to change character, you make the game easier. Don't play on easy. Git gud.

The real difficulty of the game is actually getting past character creation and sticking with it

I keep doing this in Minecraft because after two hours I decide I don't like the biome I built my base in.

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I feel that sometimes, yeah

the problem is that your ideas of a base in a biome are dreamt up using real world scale where as in minecraft the mountains are 30 meters tall and the biomes are no larger than a neighbourhood so once you plop down your base all you will be looking out at are the other biomes.

Yeah that on top of just doing singleplayer and I get bored fast.
No they aren't I'm just in indecisive fuck who can't decide between living in a dark oak forest or on a plains biome

quit dating your characters and learn to commit, including their flaws.
noone gives a shit that you put that upgrade point somewhere you regret. and your character really appreciates how much easier it made it for them at the time.
minmaxing is for autists.

getting a lobotomy worked for me

>self insterting
holy fuck. I sure hope none of you niggers actually do that

There is literally nothing wrong with self inserting