These are the people demanding a Persona 5 port for switch

>these are the people demanding a Persona 5 port for switch

Fucking hell i thought "people who only own a switch" was just a meme. Imagine having to watch all your "favorite games" because you keep buying platforms that specifically dont have them to play.

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persona 5 is basically a movie anyway

post yfw ps4 + pc + switch

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That's actually not a bad question that could warrant discussion on how someone could get meaning out of different qualities in a game. Considering games are basically the biggest interactive medium you could be fan of certain aspects of a game without needing having played it. However since this is Yea Forums instead I will simply shitpost and say "Imagine being a switchfag."

I didn't know i get to pick where the characters in the movie goes and which characters establish a relationship and which ones don't.

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then why are you begging to get it on switch
just watch it on youtube

I've got a PS4 and a PC but I haven't used my PS4 in like a year and the only games I've got for it are Bloodborne and Nioh. I was thinking about getting a Switch but I bought an expensive rice cooker instead.

more like interactive anime

I love Little Nightmares, but never played it myself. Don't see how this is any different.

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Zoomers were a fucking mistake.


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I know you don't.
That's part of the problem.

Why the hell would they put Joker in Smash if Switch doesn't get Persona 5? Shit would make no sense.

There is no problem

I don't really get how you can be a fan of something and not play it. Its like reading a synopsis of a book on Wikipedia and calling it your favorite. It makes no sense and sounds fake as fuck.

>The people have spoken
>1526 votes
>1526 twitter users who probably don't even play games that much if they seek out polls like this on twitter
yeah guys that's what everyone thinks haha

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I've never read Jurassic Park, but I watched some guy read it so I'm a fan.

That's not really the same though. Viewing the same gameplay, but being played by someone else is still gameplay. A synopsis doesn't have anywhere near the similar impact

>tfw find the time management and SL/attribute increasing efficiency incredibly engaging

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It's more like listening to an audiobook than watching someone read it.

I never read Jurassic Park either, but watched all the movies.

Here's the thing: what separates video games from other mediums is interactivity. It's the most important element by far. Even in story-heavy games. How can you call yourself a fan of something if you haven't experienced the most important aspect of it?

The answer is, you can't. At most you have a passing interest. Which is fine, but that's different from being a fan.

>Viewing the same gameplay, but being played by someone else is still gameplay

It's not.

The problem is most of those games nowadays are walking simulators, no replay values and really short. That's why most people watch on youtube games like Resident Evil 2 Remake, Persona games, Walking Dead games, or even DMC. It's less tiring and the result is the same: you see the ending.

Sandbox and FPS games, however, are always full of surprises and you need to be involved to get the pleasure.

>not just a twitter screencap thread, but a twitter screencap of a screencap thread

It is though

no wonder people want easy mode on every game.

For your sake I hope you're pretending.

This is true for 99% of modern games, though.

There's no possible reason to play this garbage when you could watch someone else play it and get an identical fucking experience, because gameplay these days is non-existent and just treated as a fancy light show to get you from cutscene to cutscene.

The problem is when zoomers, who have grown up with nothing but Youtube games, mistakenly assume that titles like Sekiro are the same. That there's no difference between watching someone play a game that's actually a video game. And that's what casualisation has brought us, a generation who doesn't understand that experiencing certain types of game first hand is the only way to enjoy them.

why would they demand a port of a game if they already watched a playthrough of youtube on it's original platform, you don't make any sense

Do I have to explain the difference between watching an action and performing the action yourself? Passivity vs activity? Static vs dynamic?

Whilst that is true you can still claim you are fans of certain aspects of a game if you follow those around. Such as say the composition of OST's or perhaps the art direction. Whilst you might not be a fan of Rayman: Origins, you could be a fan of the workings of the UbiArt engine just by seeing the game in motion. But I would agree in saying that you would instead need to specify exactly what your enjoyment about a game is. If you can clearly define to me what exactly you like about something and your takeaway from that then I think it would be fair to call you a fan. If you can't, which most Let's Play watchers can't. Then you aren't a fan.

This. I like games more than anything else because they are interactable. Taking that away is the same thing as taking away the reading part from someone who likes to read books

I'd agree with you if you didn't say "is the only way to enjoy them". That's not the case in all games, especially when you lack the skills to play said game "optimally" or at a higher level, but maybe at a casual level.

Why would I waste $50 to play a stoy video game when I can see someone complete it for me?
I enjoy God Of War but I only saw a walkthrough, and can still realize it's an awesome game. I don't have the pressure of doing combos or mashing buttons to win a fight, I know the streamer is going to do it for me. I can also eat while watching.

Whenever anyone says "the people have spoken" you just need to remember that the public are arseholes.

The only difference is pressing some buttons and turning a joystick.

Please fuck off back to Twitch and leave the rest of us alone. I don't know how you got here but whoever invited you here made a huge mistake.

That's a pretty fucking big difference.
At this point I think you're either baiting or mentally disabled.

If you like games why would you own only a Switch? Makes no sense unless you only care about Mario games

So this is what being a cuck really means

>full of surprises
oh boy another pointless tower
what a surprise!

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skill can be acquired. for example completion times for sekiro can vary tens of hours between players of different skill levels BUT the game is far from impossible regardless of your initial skill level. not being skilled enough is a flimsy excuse.

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I don't understand. The entire charm of gaming is that you directly progress the game by interacting with it. Of course anyone can be a fan to anything because it's based on personal opinion, but why choose video games as your interest if it's not in playing the game?

>tfw barely if ever even played most of the games I'm a fan of, but know everything about them from the lore to the character backstory to all the mechanics and in-game locations and maps
It's still better to play the games themselves since there's no better way to experience something than doing it yourself, but there are ways around it.

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> Wanting the game to run on a platform that clearly can't handle it.

GBA port when?

If I have no interest to play a game, i'll just watch a play-though, or if I want to watch some eceleb watch it. Also if I have to buy a console just to play a game that's not on PC I won't dish out the cash for one game.

Graphical stories, basically movies

Cloud Strife

I dont blame them. Persona is a boring shitty jrpg, you may as well just watch a slideshow of numbers with the music playing in the back and you get the same feel.

This. I honestly don't' know why Yea Forums hyped it so much.

I know you are part of the voters in OP pics. But have the hard truth bomb : it's a ps3 game, and you've been defending a port this whole time.

Eh, kinda. Cant I call myself a fan of X until only ive played it even if I know literally everything I need to know about the IP, understand how the gameplay, works, bugs and other aspects of the game without actually playing it? Personally the only reason I dont play The Wonderful 101 or No More Heroes is because I dont have the money to buy the consoles and games, but I love everything about them from what ive seen and heard, is it wrong to call myself a fan until I have the money and play them?
>Resident Evil 2 Remake, Persona games, Walking Dead games, or even DMC
>No replay value
Im not gonna argue for TWD but everything else has a lot of replay value that is suited to the players choices and likes.

>zoomers will kill movie games because they'll just watch a streamer "play" it instead


I wish people would stop acting like it's a PS4 exclusive. Literally nothing stopping you from borrowing/buying a cheap used PS3, it plays and looks almost exactly the same because that's the system it was made for.

>can you be fan of an album if you've never listened to it
>can you be a fan of a movie if you've never scene it
makes no sense

Filthy secondaries are always a problem with crossover games, unfortunately.

We men of culture are few amidst the hordes of plebeians.

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You cannot know if you actually like the game if you didn't play it. You can guess but you cannot know. You can like all non game aspects of it however, from the soundtrack to the characters and stories. But not the game.

>adult who owns Nintendo console as his main
>smash player

BIG big oof

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FF7 is on the switch you retard

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I agree that watching a game instead of playing it is kind of gay, but there are exceptions. I am not going to spend thousands of dollars on a PS2 just so I can play Silent Hill 2.

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more like low production cost interactive anime that's masked by "gameplay"

>thousands of dollars on a PS2

but sh2 is an interactive storytelling masterpiece. you miss out on the nuance on how different endings are gained through gameplay.

Isnt Silent Hill 2 for the ps1?
Also where the fuck does a ps2 cost "thousands of dollars"?

Where is the part about Switch? I haven't seen it.

I'm exaggerating. They're still pretty fucking expensive.

I was a mgs4 fan until i bought a 20 euros game on the ps3, in 2019

>Thre is no pc emulator for a 11 year old game
>Fucking movie

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like 30 bucks for a fat with broken reader. another 100 bucks for fmcb + hdd so you get unlimited games. no soldering needed. very retard friendly.

Last I heard people were trading theirs around for 20-50 euros.
Then again I am in EE where PS2 was the only relevant console we had that even girls owned them and everyones a piratefag who chipped theirs.

I've seen posts on Yea Forums claiming they were fans of Mortal Kombat sinply because they jerked off to some characters from the game so I don't see how this can't work.

You're spot on correct, these people didn't get the dopamine hits from applying their own decision making and interaction, they've experienced a surface level portion of the game at the very most.

I have never seen God, but that doesn' t mean I don' t love him.

>i'm a fan of a film after reading a synopsis
>i'm a fan of a novel after reading the blurb

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>40 hours of cutscenes
40 hours of cutscenes
>40 hours of cutscenes
40 hours of cutscenes
>40 hours of cutscenes
40 hours of cutscenes
>40 hours of cutscenes
40 hours of cutscenes
>40 hours of cutscenes
40 hours of cutscenes
>40 hours of cutscenes
40 hours of cutscenes
>40 hours of cutscenes

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I only own a switch because I couldn't care less about the other games.
Well I also own a pc but since I've built it I've only played MHW and then never touched it again.

With 60 hours of gameplay. lrn2ratio

>just finished a palace
>been sitting through 4 hours of cutscenesm=, sleeping and more cutscenes

is there any other medium where the actual hobbyists are in a kafkaesque chokehold of secondaries/tertiaries?

Navigating menus is not gameplay

>turn based jrpg

so like 0 hours of gamepla yand 60 hours of repetition

Those don't include the social links, it's more like 60 hours of cutscenes and 40 hours of gameplay (most of which is watching animations, which again is more like a movie)

Wouldn't mind if they didn't keep stating the obvious and reiterating information I already know over and over and over again

Games are the lowest form of entertainment

Its a 150 hours game, so whats the problem?

watching sports is. especially bad sports like hand egg, fatswing, ice fight and divegrass.

ive never seen your mom but doesn't mean i dont think shes not a faggot

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lol look at this faggot, thinking sitting on a couch like a vegetable watching some shitty reality tv show is better than playing chess

That would be mainstream American Comic books

>Resident Evil 2 Remake
>no replay value

Switch (currently my main platform for portable indies + exclusives)
PS4 (exclusives + multiplats that switch can't handle)
toaster PC (mostly for older games, visual novels, and rpg maker eroge)

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Silent Hill 2 is for PS2.

>zoomers and ecelebs only like P5 because of style over substance
What a surprise. The only time I like watching my favourite games is if I've already played them and I want to see someone else experience them.
And no, only watching a playthrough of a game does not make you a fan.

They are called secondaries. Pretty much like the entire Touhou fandom.

>Already happened with tellt*le games.
Best timeline

>Imagine having to watch all your "favorite games"
PS4 owners don't have to

But what if the secondaries read the derivative works and keep up with the lore?

that still makes you a secondary because the entire point of being a secondary is that you don't play the main games

ebin, switch port any day now though right for that no game

It's like those fuckers who watch CinemaSins or Half in the Bag and comment shit like "lol I don't even go watch movies I just wait for you to cover it". Filthy secondaries
I'd argue most Touhou fans are tertiaries at this point. They just post the girls and know nothing else

You definitely get a different experience from it but I think you can still be a fan of a game or series without playing it. Your opinion on what makes it good isn't as valuable, you can comment how you feel about the story and characters and be a fan of those or the setting.

I mean I know people who are fans of football or hockey but never play and have never played.

Being a "fan" just means you like something, you can be a fan of anything for any reason whatsoever it's such a nothing word, you can even obsess over fantasy game worlds and characters without playing them.

If you do this you aren't a gamer or someone who's opinion should be taken seriously when it comes to complaints or gripes about the game.

I'd play Persona 5 on Switch.

>faggots who follow some faggot on twitter = all Switch owners
You're genuinely retarded.

i'm a fan of your dick but i've never played with it

>They just post the girls and know nothing else
that's still secondaries

It depends on how tightly you want to define these words. I've never played Deadly Premonition, but I've experienced the story and characters. Everyone says that's the main draw of the game, while the gameplay is bad to average. I would call myself a fan of DP. I've given that game more attention despite not playing it, more than I have given some games that I have played for 50+ hours.

I think it depends on how deeply you invest yourself in the primary qualities of a game. When you watch a playthrough instead of playing a game, it's easier to be a fan of walking simulators rather than games that are more focused on gameplay. I would say it's impossible to be a fan of Tetris without playing it.

You can compare it to sports, where you can be a fan of all sorts of sports without participating in them. But if you do play a sport and then learn its intricacies, the sort of discipline required to become good, the limits which can be reached, how tricky it is execute a good maneuver etc; that sort of thing teaches you to value sports in general. You learn that pattern and understand that other sports have their own patterns, and then you can become a fan of all sorts of sports. I think you can do the same with some games.

>watch someone else play game from start to finish
>still beg for a port
So what are they going to do even if they get their hands on the game, play for an hour before realising that the streamer made it look easier than it is or getting bored because they already know what's going to happen? So if they're not intent on playing the game but still want a copy, why not just buy a copy for the systems it's already out on?

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Why does reading this makes me uncomfortable?

Don't worry, if the US follows what the EU did involving copyrites then let's plays will all die.