So what's the answer Yea Forums?

HOMM3 thread i guess

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Other urls found in this thread:

thread theme:


Also always gold

I pick Gold 99% of the time.
I'll pick experience if I am just about to fight and it would net me an extra level, or if for some magical reason I have enough gold at this point of the game (read: never).

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The first few levels I usually pick exp.
It also depends on the amount. 1000/500 it seems better taking Gold since it is a 2:1 ration compared to your example which is a 4:3.

Just look at the resources

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Gold, always gold.

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Don't the experience carrry over in the campaign story?

>ten thousand million hundred billion trillions of hours of homm gameplay
>still haven't beaten the campaigns

are they even good? only the wake of gods custom ones got me interested enough to play through

It does, but since most missions feature tight level limits there's little reason to pick exp from chests, you'll hit that max mission level fast anyway. It does serve a point if you want to autistically grind 5 best possible heroes during every mission to the max level to take them to the next one, picking up every possible stat up on all of them along the way too.

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Yes but you are capped what level your hero can go up to in each scenario so you can't overlevel on the first mission.

They're good fun and elaborate on the heroes.


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How do you ever have 5 viable heroes in a campaign mission? I run into a wall every time I try to use more than one hero, as most AI heroes have insane, high level stacks from the get-go, and you really need all your troops in one place. Especially in maps where you have to clean off stupid shit like garrisons or fucking RUST DRAGONS.

>downgrade me
i dont get it

Gold earlygame, exp lategame unless you are rushing some very specific things like raise dead hero with early Earth Magic on Necropolis.

Great taste.

Both wrong.

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>*I hope it's not upgraded*
>I'm a genie, you get three wishes
>what's your first wish?
>downgrade yourself! (do a downgrade literally)
>damn, dude, are you serious?
>9 genie months later

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Who is this 'Sandro' guy again?

Wrong again fellas
thread theme has finally arrived

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Something tells me that a woman raised by harpies is best avoided.

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Master genie is a guy, basic genie is a girl.

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das sexis

I've picked experience since I was a kid. I always have one main hero that gets all the creatures and maybe two heroes to collect resources/bring creatures to the main hero.

Reminder that AI value of an earth elemental (a level 5 creature) is 330 (slightly more than 3 centaurs, slightly below 3 halberdiers) while air elemental (a level 2 creature) has AI value of 356 beating even fire elemental (a level 4 creature) which has AI value of 345
Conflux is a well designed faction.

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They seem pretty healthy and well-adjusted in MGQ.

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fucking saved

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Why would you ever main crag, when you could pick gobbo mommy?

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I almost never play Stronghold and I can admit this is the thread theme

Is there a mod that replaces all units with Ricardo?

i hope so

Almost always exp unless I need money right away

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Why did HoMM get so popular while the vastly superior Age of Wonders forgotten?


>Implying anyone has forgotten nipple armour

Attached: 1152-age-of-wonders-windows-front-cover.jpg (800x1047, 149K)

>play homm as a kid
>can't speak english
>nothing makes sense to me
>game is hard and i keep getting my ass kicked
>still love it

Age of Wonders is a great game, not sold on vastly superior however

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3 is great, but this is my favorite town theme.

Good taste user, IV has an incredible ost

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We had a Master of Magic thread and that faggot was probably the faggot hyping up Age of Wonders in that thread also. God, I hated that game.
>hey user here's the spiritual successor to that Master of Mana or whatever game you like so much, it's called of Age of Wonders lulz go buy it
So disappointed.

Kek, shame I missed this thread. Reminder that
>Alpha Centauri

Is the holy trinity of 4X games and you should try MoM with Caster of Magic mod.

Whoever made those Ricardo memes bang up job son

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Fallen Enchantress is on sale, I might get it. I know I'll be disappointed, though.

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> I might get it. I know I'll be disappointed, though.
You already know what to expect my dude. Just give MoM another whirl. For all it's ugly overworld graphics and clunky interface it just feels timeless.

I've been playing Endless Space 2 recently which imo is fantastic if you love space 4x.

>Endless Space
Hated that game also. Didn't try 2, the first one was such ass that I can't bring myself to try the second.

One of them is about CRAG

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Why is this shitty game still geting 1k+ on twitch daily

The graphics suck, the combat is outdated and gameplay is slower than chess

I never played the first one but fell in love with the second. A lot more depth and polish than Endless Legend though. At times feels like an updated MoO2 (though missing some of the best features of MoO2).

Everything about ES2 is just quality imo.

>The graphics suck
They're timeless and charming desu
> combat is outdated
Literally how
>gameplay is slower than chess
Not necessarily

The answer is playing the superior HoMM2 instead.

Tyraxor > Crag

There's one in every thread

зyм зyм лмao

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a cute

Based and slav boomer pilled

Reminds me of when I wanted Transport Tycoon so bad and finally my parents got it for me...on their vacation trip to France, so it was the French language version. Still loved the shit out of the game, just took weeks to figure it out.

I hope your main gets Eagle Eye, you fucking contrarian shit.


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Tomboy waifu moving at incredibly high speed.

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scholar can kinda be useful sometimes

It's not my fault I'm right.

Not having Eagle Eye must be the reason why you can't see that HoMM3's art direction and sprites are garbage compared to 2. Maybe you should check your hearing since HoMM2's soundtrack is also better.

What? AoW is top notch, but as far as im concerned the sequels might as well not exist for being so generified

>Heard anons say HoMM was very popular in third world countries
>Thread's full of that shitty spic meme and slavs
For once Yea Forums was right

>play HoMM2
>my favorite faction got literally zero changes compared to 1 except looking more generic
At least barb in 1 was funky to look at, in 2 it's just boring.

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I still have Shadow Magic and AoW3 sitting on an external HDD just waiting to be played but could never really get into them like I could get into AoW1. Not even nostalgia since I only played the series 4 or so years ago for the first time.

Correction - it's really popular in second world countries.

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I still don't get why it was so popular in slav countries. All I know is both of my parents played it and so do I

Dismiss hero

aow3 is pretty good for co op against multiple very hard AIs in the random map generator, campaigns are weak imo

I never see Yea Forums talking about Age of Wonders so I'll just pop in here and say AoW rules.

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My theory is that it's popular in countries where first few console generations weren't that big and everyone's first games were on their dad's PC's.

Came out at the right time at a reasonable price considering how overpriced vidya gets in eastern Europe. It helped the game is very good and every Russian soldier hotseats when not on duty.

Because console market pretty much nonexistent and everyone is playing on PC.

God if this wasnt one of the comfiest games ever created.
Who /rampart/ here?

>I still don't get why it was so popular in slav countries
Near infinite replayability = you don't have to spend more money on games
Low system requirements = your shitty 90s chink potato your dad smuggled through the border can run it no problem
Hotseat mode = you can play with your bros without having to go to a "computer club" and getting mugged by gopniks

For me it's Dungeon with my boy, Dace.

Kyrre is a girl?

t. sorceress main mad at rampart's lack of sparkles and rainbows

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Age of Wonders 1 is great. I wish it had a random map generator though.

>He didn't go to computer clubs and LAN CS 1.6 with a bunch of gopniks

>a reasonable price
Every single videogame was exactly 100 rubles because they were all pirated and you only paid for the CD. HoMM was in fact more expensive than most games, because you could get 50 arcade games on one CD for the same price.

My uncle always taught me to take experience, but then again he was rushing archery.

How do play as Stronghold or Dungeon? Nekropolis is mass skeletons and tower is good magic.

Factory when?

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t. never read hero's bio.

>CS 1.6 with a bunch of gopniks
CS was for nerds though, true patsans all played DotA.

>Kyrre served as a scout during the initial defense of AvLee from the Kreegan attacks. Her ability to navigate difficult terrain allowed her to excel in her duties.
Although she became a dude in 4

Kyrre is a tranny in the HoM&M universe.

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Stronghold is aggressive offense and week 1 behemoths

Dungeon is 2expensive4me

>Stronghold is aggressive offense and week 1 behemoths
Oh I've seen the AI do that. I did not know that's actually the way to go.

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Birbs day 2, behemoths week 1, start taking griffin conservatories and dragonfly hives, then go wreck whoever is on the other side.

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Gold is better, but I often pick 1500 exp or even 1000 exp.
Never 500 exp.

>enter a computer club
>literally everyone is playing dota
>you pay for 2 hours of vidya
>boot up Vice City
yeh boi

Wolf Pen > Cliff Nest > Behemoth Lair
Have fun

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>Not playing hotseat with your parents as a kid

AoW1 isn't even a 4x.
When I first played it I thought it seemed like a mix of homm and warlords(tbs series).

I could see AoW2-3 being called spiritual successors, but MoM is still superior. I even played AoW2 before MoM, and MoM still came out as superior to me.

I don't remember what was wrong with it in this instance, just that caster of magic is trash. Probably bloated overpowered shit.

Not my parents but either close family or classmates. I still have PTSD from Rampart's Archers

>tfw my friend used to say fortress is shit because it has bad ranged units
>tfw he said tactics is a bad skill

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Eagle Eye isn't actual bad in homm2

They messed up Kyrres pronouns in homm3 and homm4.

What's the most important magic type for each town? Always wind for haste?


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Ah yes, when a developer spelling mistake results in expanded universe lore.

Gold is better when you need gold... which is basically the entire game

Fire is great for dungeon and inferno for armageddon memes. Earth for resurrection and town portal is never a bad idea.

Fire for dungeon/conflux. You know why.

True that. I bought my HoMM3 for 100 rubles from a stall near Baumanskaya almost 20 years ago.


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Which franchise has been alive and making great games in the last five years?

Hint: not HoMM.

Age of Wonders 3 is great and Planetfall is incoming.

>Going to the bazaar with your parents and finding that one stall that sells bootleg vidya
>More often than not it was 2 or 3 games on 1 disc

What's the best town why is it Conflux?

I've played hotseat with my sister and my brother.

Many hotseats with friends. Once in the later years we were watching a movie and had 2 games of homm going on two different computers, one homm2 and one homm3. We were 5 people playing iirc.
I had already won on homm2 basically, but I fucked up bad in homm3 and I was definitely behind, but maybe I could've won but probably not.
Reclamation on homm3 and the map that looks like a shield on homm2.
Rampart, and Necromancer.
I sieged the Warlock town in homm2, he had like 2 green dragons defending and I had maybe as many as 10 bone dragons. I think it was 7-9 though. There were no neutral towns on that map so basically pretty clear that I had won at that point.

On reclamation I lost one of my cities without a fight in the first or second week because I missed a path

>that one chaotic evil dude that sold demos to clueless parents

Just look at all these Age of Wonders threads we have on the regular.

AoW was given good reviews and forgotten about. I hope Planetfall turns out well and not like Beyond Earth.
AoW3 just felt clunky and slow, had a surprising amount of content though.

Yet people still play, make mods and talk about HOMM3. When was the last time you saw someone mention AOW aside from people asking for games similar to HOMM?

Necro and you know it

You don't pick magic schools to boost damage.

Conflux and Necropolis are both imbalanced and banned from my games.

Conflux because more t7, fastest t7, good rush heroes, cheap town and because it was made for an expansion so it was made imba to stand out.

>Age of Wonders 3
I find that hard to believe after playing 2 all those years ago. 2 wasn't terrible though. Just bland and mediocre compared to the first.

Fire for armageddon, earth for town portal and air gives haste and fly.

>to make up for such generous offer bazaar merchants put discs between two sheets of plastic instead of proper plastic box

I watched the russians play and they never build to capitol, they dont even buy a TOWN HALL?

Is there something I'm missing

How long can you squat for before your legs start to hurt?

AoW is pretty good, but I got it after a very long Civilization V binge, and the rudimentary city building/empire building just got me bored.
I know thats not the point of the game, but I just was introduced to it at a time when I really was into that.

seconding this
whats the deal with build orders

>tfw you got into a fight with a friend over whether Fortress is shit or not and you're not friends anymore
>tfw years later you learned that your boxed edition of HoM&M3 lacked a very crucial patch that boosted the damage of Lizardmen

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Why would your legs hurt? You must be squatting incorrectly.

>not a proper plastic cd case with an obviously home printed game cover features oc donut steel game box design.

They don't know what those things are. They live in Russia after all.

Basically high level HOMM play includes going for units first and having several heroes to ferry the new units you buy to your main hero to conquer shit on the map while your extra heroes gather all the resources (so your main guy doesnt waste move points).

What is it about the Stronghold theme that makes so many people agree it's the best? I'm one of them and I don't get why, most of the themes are top tier and I feel like this one pretty arbitrarily made me feel like it edges out the others by a hair. Yet it can't be that arbitrary if I see the consensus arise time and time again.
I don't even play Stronghold ever.

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>dat flee when game fucks you over

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It's full of grandeur and emotion

>Also always gold
Crag Hack please

AoW3 was not horrible the way you'd expect a modern sequel to be at least, though. Age of Wonders always was the underdog in the first place.

Army first, you pick money on the mpap

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Is it weird that 4 of all the games in the series had the best campaign?

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They focus on troop development, rush strongest/most cost effective units of their respective factions, separate units into onestacks to draw out retalliation and then utterly obliterate guard stacks and manage to make more gold per day than a town hall would by just clearing the map, while at the same time leveling heroes and collecting artifacts. Then they get even more heroes and expand in all directions simultaneously while at the same time chaining troops from one hero to another, transporting armies and artifacts across great distances in a single turn with hero chains.


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Absolutely. That game was very odd in all respects, but I'll never forget Gauldoth.

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Never said it was. In fact I was pleasantly surprised by AoW3. Playing it just felt slow and a little clunky. I appreciate just how much effort the devs put into pumping out content which surprised me, it just never really captured my interest as much as some of the other 4x games. I liked it but it was always just "good".

I was trying to figure out why the hero gave out a harpy like scream of "He-e-e-et" but then I realized it was in Russian.

>The graphics suck
zoom zoom

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-19-13-25-25-241_com.eltechs.erpg.png (2160x1080, 1.41M)

The absolute best.

>can you go for years without talking to another human being?
imagine that, haha

>mental king is called Spazz

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They lost the plot in Heroes 4 expansions. Kinda surprised it even happened considering the state of things.

Like half of all Russian homm memes are focused on clueless Solmyr players that go capitol week 1 and get rushed by Crag Hack.
I don't know why Solmyr in particular became associated with that meme, probably because he belongs to Tower, which is the most rushable faction, further highlighting the folly of early capitol.
As to why it's bad you a far better deal by going units/extra heroes and gathering shit from the map. There are heaps of shit scattered all over, including unit banks like griffin cons and fly hives which allow you to snowball ridiculously fast when you get them going. Capitol is just kinda shit.

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No, actually. What surprise me most is how bad was MM9

New World Computing did lots of mistakes in their twilight years, like a fucking multiplayer arena shooter Legends of Might and Magic.

Solmyr starts with Chain Lightning which is pretty OP early game so he probably was abused by shitters

Earth is the best school bar none.

Their battle royale and card games like Might and Magic Battle Royale and Might and Magic: Arena didn't have a lot of success either. They focused too much on the esport and twitch scene.

solmyr doesnt need much units to fight, good hero to use for being a jew and hoarding gold.

slavs are redpilled

Good thing it's the only Russian word I know.

Rampart praises nature and its natural beauty, while Rampart shows respect to the survival of the fittest, a cruel and brutal but straightforward way of doing things, just like the nature itself, it also helps that it has some hint of a great journey in it.

He's no Luna though

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>while Stronghold
I'm fucking blind

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MM9 wasn't that bad, it was just unfinished. I really dug the switch to 3d despite now poorly done it was (just fucking mirroring npc textures).

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You can't post these without translations.

Looks like a who would win meme

>who would win
>a unit with the highest tactical values, especially defense
>a fucking cow

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didn't know i needed this

>you will never explore the deepest depths of magic
It's a gremlin kind of feel

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EA bad



Maybe you can explain it to me.
How did that faggy dancing faggot became such a meme?


>I've never seen you fight, you can pass
>Pass faster fuckers!

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I too agree that indie developers like CD Projekt deserve some exposure my fellow gamer

The Japanese, basically. They find big muscley western homos hilarious, for some reason. Then weebs brought it to the western internet.

He's a part of the Gachimuchi gang, it just took the west a decade to catch up to advanced japanese memes.

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>russian humour


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Some Ruskie translate, I'll butcher it if I try it from memory.

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ruskies are brain-damaged

They're orthodox, angels there are definitely far right.

for me its the dungeon

Attached: dungeon.jpg (800x374, 320K)

I think it's
>your girl
>your girl after marriage

>Your girl
>Your girl after marraige

>advanced japanese memes
fuck weebs man for bringing this shit to the West.

Attached: Japanese Humour.jpg (515x2066, 789K)

you/your gf/your gf after wedding

>your girlfriend
>your girl after marriage

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>your girl
>your girl after marriage

The units have names next to them signifying what they're supposed to represent, it's not about political alignments of actual Homm3 units. Devil and Archdevil are Lenin and Stalin respectively, Gremlins are jews comparing their ball and chain to taxes, Medusa and water elementals are feminists and all the snake-like units on the bottom right just go "hssssss".
robots can't have much of a political alignment anyway
you probably don't need translation for this one

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>The West

Compared to far eastern japan it is to the north-west mostly.

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I'm not the only one that thinks of JUST when i see the blue conflux guy right?

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EXP, why would I get gold if I end up making more than three times that amount a turn?

inferno has no good heroes, but a lot of those other heroes listed there are as trash as inferno heroes

Ayden is almost good, but not really.

because you can spend more than your daily income+2000 gold

>Doesn't have a single good unit except for Dragons
For me, you are retarded.

Any handy infographics/guides to this game? I'm about to play it for the first time

Don't play inferno and play on smaller maps

Ricardo has been around for years along with all the other gachi lads. But he blew up last year when someone decided to use him specifically to bait and switch with all those tiktok thots.

Just go in blind and explore/try shit out. Come back for tips if you run into problems. Why you'd want to spoil the entire game for yourself I have no idea.

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i'd rub her lamp with my dick, if you know what I mean

What's the joke here?

why the fuck would you want that shitty /wsg/ meme in homm3?

Russians plus the fact that Homm3 is still the best game of the series. Every new Homm game just makes everyone want to play Homm3 more.

anyone that did the campaigns, can someone give advice on the third stage of spoils of war? I can't seem to raise a proper army until the closest enemy AI starts attacking

>dios mio, that was close

The bottom color is teal.

Some Ricardos are very creative

Decent oc from Yea Forums is rare nowadays

i love that this unit's portrait looks like the "HAHAAAA I"M USING THE SHAVING FOAMS" meme

i'd fuck her void, if you know what I mean

Can't remember but I'll give you a tip for the next one, Liberation of Steadwick. Rush angels, you get an extra portal of glory and it's all about getting as many angels as you can to deal with the otherwise large army of devils you'll run into rather quick.

outside of Marius on huge maps is the best to pick useful non-main hero and hope for someone good in the tavern
Calh(gogs), Pyre (logistics + chance of starting with ballista), Octavia (cash + scholar)

Castle and Tower might heroes also have really shitty stat and skill distribution

I recommend Heroes 3 Succession Wars Mods.

Is Comfy AF.

Attached: Heroes III The Succession Wars 2.jpg (1440x900, 677K)

Graphics look dank but is it complete yet?

>Equipping Sandro hero with tampons

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bastion chads

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I love the fact that there's basically a weekly HoMM thread as of late and that every new thread brings in more absurd russian heroes memes

It's weird that russians are utter shit at so many things yet manage to churn out actually good memes about vidya.
They must have found the humor of their situation.

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Is there one of Shiva from Stronghold?

you boomers seriously still play this ugly old shit?


Not the same artist, but there's this.

Attached: 52958360_126128591845328_1236816393427680984_n[1].jpg (1080x1080, 59K)

Nope, just checked the artstation of both artists.

Attached: Sg8NJ9XKhoQ.jpg (754x1080, 173K)

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The cutest.

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Huh, I always assumed that fire was a pattern on her robe, weird.

But why the dragon

Pls post more homm memes

Just for (You).

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M&M Duel of Champions was and will forever be the only good card game ever made. I'm still mad

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Ashan reference I’m guessing

So is there any tweaks required to play this,or really recommended mods?

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>flying hippie skank

Pinnacle of HoMM memes. Nothing can top this.

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it's been years since I've seen this shit
was it taken out of HoTA or was it just astronomical luck on my part?

only card game i ever enjoyed

now that you mentioned it, i´m not sure if hota has it

There's the HD mod which just adds a bunch of quality of life features on top of obvious HD functionality and Hota if you're in the mood for something extra. It's like a new expansion made by a dedicated Russian team that doesn't even accept donations and works purely out of love for the game.
Before that though make sure to get the GoG version and not the steam one, ubisoft being objectively evil soulless jews released that shoddy remake with no expansion content.

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>Heroes III HD Edition.jpg

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You are supposed to have only 1 or at the most 2 good armies, the other heroes are to be used as scouts.

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>business up front
>party in the back

>Your stack of harpy hags have been cursed.

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>mfw Haste
Fast niggas.

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Cute but are a bitch to deal with.

Dog niggas

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Genie niggas

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121 niggas

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What is their special effect?

Christ, they messed up poor moandor.

>a botched abortion
>an intellectual atheist

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I don't know if it's because I'm high but seeing man vs player as the last image scared me a little, wtf.
Am I the only one that finds it really unsettling?


Yeah, pretty much.
I see even cavemen can understand this basic concept, really speaks for EA.


>be high
>want to know if that was due to my state or is it really unsettling because it was funny to me
>can't mention the word high or weed without that one sperg being insecure
Does it net you a lot of sex?



have sex

lay off the hash bro

>attention whores for no reason
>viciously recoils when called out
>constantly insults other's sexuality
Am I talking about about a woman or about ? its both cause youre a huge vagina

>tfw will never slonk gangweed with Malcolm while chilling near a windmill and discussing the faults of society that forces heroes with unfortunate specialisations to be resource bitches and unit mules

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>was born, gathered some resources from windmills and died
This is the society we live in

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where's my nigga grindan

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>Clone the archangels.
>resurrect twice in battle.

At least Grindan is a highly appreciated secondary hero - it's nice to have a mule that gives you some dosh on top of carrying shit around, the eagle eye heroes are literal gutter trash that no one wants.

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>are you really a dragon-killer?
>depends on how you look at it

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Jesus christ, it's like gazing at 2010s memes again. I need to learn russian.

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normal response to a comment
insecure sperglords.

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I already explained how Solmyr is viewed in Russian HoMM3 meme culture, but I'll quickly go through it again:
Solmyr is a guy that goes for capitol rush while having nothing but gremlins to his name, which causes him to get rushed by based Crag Hack who intelligently went for early units instead. It's mocking one of the most common noob-traps in the game basically.

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It had a proper official release with good translation and some publisher support, was reasonably priced, had pretty graphics and low system requirements, and hot seat made it favorite at parties. Plus, it was a damn fine game.

>Hey guys, I got a new look

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Fuck, there was a club near my school and i remember that sometimes different classes agreed on CS matches over good old fistfights if some shithead from B showed disresect for our V bro or vice versa.

>dude, scratch my eye, I can't stand it anymore
>only if you buy something
>ok, what are you selling
>boots and gauntlets
>not funny

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That's just rude.

Russians have top tier bantz, even better than australian shitposting, but it only works in russian.

An advanced meme

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Fuck, I was pretty sure that's what you were supposed to do, but whenever I run scout heroes, I run into the problem of "15 Minotaur Kings block your path" no matter where I go. Maybe I just suck.

If you are playing normal or easy difficulty then xp, if not then always gold.


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Something to do with sandro and the campaigns?

The part where he asks the mage to scratch his eye is one that kinda tickles my fancy. There's something intrinsically funny about a serpentfly being unable to scratch it's own eye.

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Nope, it has to do with Thant's specialisation.

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No idea, then.

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The entire purpose of scout heroes is to find those minotaur kings so you can send your real army to kill them. During the time it takes to send your real army over you should be scouting someplace new or accessing one of the many resource buildings you can snag. Basically you should almost never be picking up chests/resources on the map with a real army since the scouts can just grab it much quicker.

Thant gets animate dead by default, which lets you resurrect your undead units. But if there's someone standing on the corpse you can't target it anymore.
Here's a relatively easy one.

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>Basically you should almost never be picking up chests/resources on the map with a real army since the scouts can just grab it much quicker.

This and learning basic tactics like splitting up units into 1 stacks to block attacks and using the wait command is the most important thing to learn to progress from being a shitter in HOMM3.

This thread reminded me how much of a good fucking game this one is. Might load up a scenario later this night and stomp some neutrals
Also shoutouts to slavs for having god tier taste in vidya

>but it only works in russian
The Bloodborne of bantz: it only works if no one can try to prove you wrong.

Okay, thanks. I'll try doing that, maybe I can beat some of the harder campaign missions without having to sweat blood.

Never made sense to me. What kind of experience do you get from giving money to peasants? Are peasants going to teach you in the art of battle or magic? Feh.

Outside of the campaign it's a good habit to duck into treehuts/skill granting locations with scout heroes first. No reason to accidentally get some god awful skill on a real hero. I usually keep the bulk of my forces on one hero, a secondary hero with only quick cheap units, and then 2/3 heroes who literally have 1 fast unit and run around the map picking shit up.

situational, at 2,9k with one unit indicating the hero is not going to be used the answer is money

>inferno holding the pole
>dungeon and necropolis laughing to the side
>all other castles in the bottom

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>inferno laughing at anything
I was under the impression inferno sucks dicks?

t. Пeтyх

Sure, but they do have spicy boys that are good for Armageddon. I don't know what Necro has but Dungeon has Black Dragons that are immune to Armageddon as well.

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It does, but it also has the highest chance of all towns of getting armageddon. Combining that with efreeties who are immune to fire is like one of the very few Inferno strats that actually work. Necro and dungeon also have a chance of getting armageddon, but it's half of inferno's, good and neutral aligned towns can't get it at all, since armageddon is supposed to be an evil town only spell. I mean you can still get it if you capture the enemy town, but whatever.

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I just realized the titans are KKK because they hate black dragons.

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How'd you get that interface?

>when you look at a photo and think "how the fuck did it get there?"

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>in hero bios every eagle eye specialist is hyped up as the ultimate talented mage of his/her faction

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Holdover from King's Bounty. There you got leadership, which increased how many troops you can recruit for each army slot.

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well a skill doesnt have to be useful to require talent

If HoMM4 did something right it was giving Sandro a really pimping crown. Very Persian.

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>If HoMM4 did something right
Caravans. There are other things, but that's the biggest one.

hey hey people

fuck no, learn to use more than 2 heroes

>learn to use
I was playing this game before you were born most likely. It's a shitty mechanic and was a shitty mechanic since HMM2.

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Old man cannot learn new things, what a shocker

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i didn't know this game came out in the 80s you double boomer

chaining heroes is not that hard trust me

>cannot learn
Kid cannot stop projecting, what a retard.

I really like how HotA team made both the male and the female variant of each hero class. It always annoyed me how Crag Hack had a female avatar in battles.

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>Not Necro

this image is terrible and whoever made it should feel ashamed

>before you learned that statue of legion works even outside a castle

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Are the expansions any good? i dont think i've ever played any of them. are they made by the same developers? what do they add exaclty?

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hero units was a step into the right direction.
after all it's sad when a game named HEROES of might and magic doesn't have truly controllable heroes smashing enemy stacks

>tfw when you have 200 IQ
don't hit on me you silly caravan bois

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They are made by the same devs. Combination artifacts (the famous necro power lich raising meme features one of them), some extra neutral creatures and map features where you can hire them, one extra faction and a bunch of campaigns. They're great.

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>Skeleton boss from Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

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>cheesing one of the expansion campaigns with only the main hero on grandmaster stealth

I thought it was loss for a moment, but then I realized that the bottom rightmost hero isn't from necropolis.

>>are you really a dragon-killer?
>>depends on how you look at it

>Is it weird that 4 of all the games in the series had the best campaign?
No. If anything, it's a bit odd that it took until the fourth game for the devs to realize the campaign stories should center on the heroes you play as, rather than some off-screen king/queen you (almost) never get to control you run errands for.

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That was already the case by the time 3's expansions rolled around. That also led us to chucklefuck Gelu blowing up the planet.

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Imagine shitting valuable crystals
Just looking at your ass would give jews and women scat fetish.

>I'm in danger

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Man when I was a kid I have this memory of listening to Boney M - Holiday, and hiring a fire pony, but when I look at all the creatures in HOMM3 there is no such thing? Might be in IV.

Why is Sacrifice and magic mirror level 5 spells?

They're the most shitty spells and I'm building 5 levels of mage guild just to get cucked out of implosion or dimension door by rng

Yeah, it's nightmare from 4.

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I like how you can equip 8 swords

At one point I forgot 4 existed and when I rediscovered the music from it 1-2 years ago and I got a flood of memories (when listening to 3's ost I was wondering where's the music I remember), even though I remember 3's gameplay waaay more, 4's music is just amazing.

hahaha holy shit nice one

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They're lucky tampons

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I've never realised how lewd Catherine's armour is

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121 = month 1, week 2, day 1.
Crag Hack usually has behemoths by the second week.

121 refers to the monday of the second week of the first month, it's the timing for the fastest possible rush in the game possible as long as you take your turn before your opponent (red always goes first). You get your turn on monday, buy out the creatures, chain them to your main and move in for the kill before your opponent gets an opportunity to buy out his own creatures. That works on any monday really, but 121 is the fastest, most balls to the wall variant (only possible on small maps).
Crag Hack and Stronghold are commonly associated with the rush since they're probably the easiest ones to execute it with.

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>behemoths by the second week.
Crag would spit in your face. Week 1 behes or bust.

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>air elemental
>the other level 2 units

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This is nothing personnel tier

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Can confirm, It's fantastic.

Beta towns had more soul

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Recommend some good custom maps for SW.

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Can I make a cute woman and have her raise an army of skeletons and tentacles?

Define cute.

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Can I get uuuuuuuuh

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Skeletons are most definitely not for lewding. And evil eyes even less so.

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maze is better

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I don't want to lewd the skeletons.
I want to lewd the witch that summons the skeletons.

These are your necro babes.

Isra and Vidomina have the strongest necromancy.

Some other heroes can learn necromancy, but it's rare.

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Only if you're a scalie.

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These are your necro babe options for homm2.
I prefer Charity, the grey one.

Attached: homm2necrobabes.png (553x201, 64K)

What is it that made 3 so much fucking better than every other game in the series and why can't they manage to do it again?

I don't get it

Both options are hot garbage and he's choosing the least shitty (but still pretty awful) one.

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No game since then shipped in a finished state.

How's the remaster of III? Is it any good? If not, what's the definitive way of playing on a modern pc?

It was relatively balanced and had factions that were a mix of stuff from a theme rather than one aspect drawn.

Earlier games lacked the mainstream balance.
You may complain about conflux getting extra t7, and necropolis and their necromancer.
At least the units can somewhat fight within their tiers against other factions.
In homm2 there is no balance between the strength of the units of different factions. Titans and Black Dragons have 300 hp, while the guy with the most hp from the knight faction has 65.
The balance that is there is more about creature cost and primary skills(which is easily negated by just taking another hero). Knights and Barbarians can afford more troops and get out there before black dragons are on the table.

Later games had more uniform generic factions.
Rampart and Sorceress isn't an elf faction, it's a fey inspired factions that has all sorts of good natured nature fantasy creatures, elves and dwarves. Later games featured a faction of elves, a faction of dwarves.
I think those are two ways that homm3 may appear unique in the series, I think homm4 had more specific problems than that though.

I thought they were slav memes not american memes

Nobody fucking gave a shit about balance in 2, nerd
New games just were shit and unfun

>2 disguised lizard people, a gray not even bothering with a disguise and Whoopi Goldberg
Amazing options

Cats are carnivores, expecting them to like veggies is a bit cruel. Just read a news article about a vegan woman that only fed her cats rice. Someone else recorded giving the poor felines some kielbasa and they tore into that thing like a pride of hungry lions.

Do not buy HoM&M3 HD that's on Steam or wherever Ubisoft is selling that. It's a terrible, botched up release that lacks official expansion packs.
Buy the GoG release instead.
Download Heroes 3 HD mod and you're good to go.

My parents had a cat that liked stealing tomatoes from the table and eating them, so then they put tomatoes in the cats bowl once and it refused to eat it. Glared at them apparently.

Thanks a lot

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This is absolutely hilarious. I fucking love homm memes.
t. Czech.

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Is this from the game?

I think the scenario is called "Elves!"

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Slav anons, how do I squat correctly?

The way I do it is with raised heels and lean forward but it places a lot of pressure on my toes and eventually starts hurting
If I plant my heels I cant keep my balance and fall backwards

>The first few levels I usually pick exp.
This, very much so.

Spread your legs wider and keep the heels down, it may be a matter of getting some of your leg ligaments used to stretching this way. Since you probably don't squat often it's not surprising your legs aren't used to bending that way.

>cries in 200%


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>Boy: I'll choose the KING difficulty (Russians call the difficulties by the chess pieces on their icons) it's gonna be a great challenge that will improve my strategic skills!
>Man: What are you, fucking nuts?! KNIGHT? I'm here for the plot, not for an hours long torture session

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Keep the gold and kill the peasents for the exerience

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What determines scores in campaign. I want to be the black dragon one

difficulty and #days it took you to complete the maps I think

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It's probably something extremely uncomfy, like completing the entire mission on a tight par timer while clearing a certain percentage of the mobs and suffering below certain point of losses. But I don't know for certain. It's probably explained in a wiki somewhere.

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I work off ratios
2000gold or 1500 experience: pick experience unless it is early game and you're playing on harder difficulties.

1500 gold or 1000 experience: Whatever you need, but usually gold.

1000 gold or 500 experience - pick gold

>I work off ratios
Or just gold.

minotaurs u dipshit. harpies, lots of ranged.

How do you FUCKERS play on such high resolution? I can't see shit when I do that.

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