*Mikiri's your power attack*

>*Mikiri's your power attack*
>"Psh, nothin personnel stray"
Why can't Western boss fights have this kino?

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Because they believe that the best way to maximize profit is appealing to the lowest common denominator, meaning casuals.

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Because they'd rather focus on making pretty looking snow and instant gratification bullshit since that is what the masses want.

That wasn't a boss fight though

That is the best way to maximize profits.

Will they ever bring Cole back bros?

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Just look at all the articles about the game and you'll understand why.

fuck is this shit

Those difficulty articles didn't spring up naturally, they originated from a Forbes article that seeked to cash in on potential outrage culture. And a boss being able to Lore friendly mechanically respond to your attacks has nothing to do with them. Thanks for showing that Western devs are utterly retarded as per usual

My mind was blown when I got mikiri'd not even mad

>Western games don't have kino boss fi-

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Yeah, instant masterpiece at that moment.
The way he does it too is just too fucking cool.
The fake surrender is also amazing

mhmmm yessssss... daddy... put it harder in me please... ooohh yeaaaa.......OHHHHHH...... AHH....that feels good daddy.......

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Yeah fake surrender was kino too attack him and he say something like ive taught you well and throws a smoke bomb and resumes attacking

I got Mikiri deathblowed and laughed because Sekiro can can somehow survive being stabbed by a sword wider than his leg, directly through the heart

Did you attack him the first time? I knew there was something fishy so I instantly went for the shadowrush.

God this was a great scene.


why would you ever do the thrust attack anyway? It's not very good.

Owl wasn't kino though. Genichiro was the kino throughout.

Genichirou was a charisma-less bore. The best thing he did was kill himself.

both Owl fights shit on Genocide and SS Isshin.

was the 3rd one good? I never looked at it.

damages through guards, more damage than a standard r1

>more damage than a standard r1
not by much. why not just use any of the combat arts instead?

I like his Japanese voice actor and how he keeps moaning Ashina whenever you kill him but otherwise he exists only to have the spotlight taken away from him by Isshin. Genichiro is a bitchboy and he dies like one.

That's two. I can't think of any others honestly.

Sekiro sold extremely well

cause most CA Are even worse than a standard r1/thrust attack

I don't think I ever intentionally used a lunge attack in my entire playthrough.

Everything about Owl is great, the ways he kills you, the things he says
Genichiro is literally a jobber and his fights are unremarkable.

I hate how the second time his dialogue gets cut off.

>mfw Isshin pulls out a motherfucking gun

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pretty much none of them are worse than the thurst attack, the wind up is similar.

>Why can't Western boss fights have this kino?
But, user, haven't you seen Ghost of Tsushima? It's pure kino and ludo.

I actually do think the background stuf looks great. If only the character animations weren't so fucking ass. The fact that the girl just stares at you after she misses an attack makes her look robotic too.

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Best finishers:

1. Sword Saint
2. Genichiro in the roof
3. Monkey phase 1
4. Owl 2
5. Emma

Sekiro ensured this game will flop harder than a meteor.

Mysterio in Spider man 2 video game was pretty good. pretty memorable twist.

>cinematic sony exclusive
>selling less than sekiro

I guess you are right but it will flop in terms of quality.

Half as long

Im still mad at Sword Saints phase 2 and 3.
The first phase was so kino while the other two had him poise through your attacks and forced you to play passive and cheese.

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I use it when I'm about to do a regular slash and start pressing R1, but realise the opening is bigger than I thought so I keep R1 held.

>The skies belong to me

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first week sales generally aren't because of a game's quality but because of a dev's reputation or advertising
I love Sekiro but it definitely isn't as accessible as DaS3, which was FROM's most recently released game other than Deracine
their next game probably won't sell as well initially because of Sekiro's reputation and the average consumer will be wary

it fucks up the big hat midgets

>Forced you to play passive and cheese
Lmao spotted the shitter

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How about deflecting you fucking scrub.

>Legendary Sword Saint: "Swords are fucking gay, guns are where it's at. If you absolutely need a melee weapon at least use a spear"

>He dual wields a sword and a spear when you piss him off
>On top of that he has a gun
I think he deserves the title

>Source: my anus
Literally every single From Software game since DaS 1 was marketed in the West based on how difficult it was retarded nigger. It's how they got popular here in the first place. Sekiro's marketing centred around you literally dying to progress the game and how it would fuck you up.

The spear is new, its from the general he killed in the opening cutscene.

But the hunter injects his doesn't he?

Literally picks up a spear from the ground and wields it like a master. This guy is quite impressive

>have hard time beating a boss
>mute the music track in-game and put on some upbeat hip hop, rap or pop
>win with ease

Anybody else tried this?

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how the fuck do people survive this attack, 4 playthroughs always 1 shot with full health. he has another one that always 1 shots too.

lmao nigger

>not beating Sword Saint with this playing on the background


>forced you to play passive and cheese
Just learn to parry, that's all they expect you to do. It's technically passive play but it's perfectly satisfying.

Stop doing the thing that triggers the attack?

Are you a mob? Only a mob would fall for a mikiri counter more than once.

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once every playthrough, brain fart I guess

yeah no shit they're advertised around being hard, but the difference between souls/bb and sekiro is that if you hit a wall in souls/bb you can "give up" and overlevel/summon and force your way through, which is how most shitters who bought the game made it through rough patches, and I'm sure lots of people bought Sekiro assuming that would still be an option
all you can do in Sekiro is get good or grind if you have the mask unlocked, and the mask isn't available until late into the game

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Your negative reaction only makes my penis harder.

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Post it if you are so great

Because boss fights are the worst part of video games, you should just be able to skip them if you wanted to

Because Nip boss fights have some minimal character and background story. Western boss fights are usually literal whos bullet sponges.

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not only does he mikiri your thrusting attacks and sometimes jumps and face steps your sweeping ones.

In the owl 2 fight he has that 1 adaptable attack that depends on whether you stand still, dodge to the side or dodge back and the attack adapts and changes accordingly, kinda like animation cancelling.

those plus fire isshin's stationary dodge are probably the most wtf moments I had in that game, good bosses too.

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>adds easy mode
>sells millions

Dude I basically played the whole game with my own soundtrack after I beat it once. Ding-a-ling ching chong flutes gets old really fast.

>forced you to play passive and cheese.
jesus christ the game is centered around parrying, just fucking parry.


>its from the general he killed in the opening cutscene.
wrong, the spear from that general was given to gyoubo or whatever is name is, the horse dude boss.