Why hasn't there been a serious, non-porn game about sex yet...

Why hasn't there been a serious, non-porn game about sex yet? I want a wholesome game about lovemaking with funny dialogue. And no, visual novels aren't games.

Also can some burger give a serious answer: why you fear depicting an act that hundreds of millions of people have everyday and that is the reason everyone you know is alive? Is it just religion or do you fear something about showing how normal and casual everyday sex is?

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Catherine, though I'm not sure if that is what you would be looking for.

we, as a species, evolved to have extreme modesty when it comes to sex and nudity. We normally don't want it on public display.

I'm thinking about a fully fleshed game about sex. Not just the humping and the like, but progression: from talking to touching, to sex and aftercare. Fully playable. I haven't found anything like this, porn games skip everything but sex.
Sex is fun, so it can't be that difficult to make a fun game out of it.

Do you have a single fact to back up anything you're saying or are you one of those armchair evolutionary psychologists who thinks every single facet of modern humanity dates back to the savannah?

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It's a cultural thing. There are tribes that still run around butt naked, it just isn't sexual to them. Western countries are in the north so clothing was necessity, especially during cold periods of history. Clothing became the norm outdoors. Nowadays woman isn't called a whore for showing her ankle.
If we were evolved to be modest, we would have hidden genitalia and women would only have boobs after birth like most animals.

yes, here's two facts to back it up:
>we evolved
>we are extremely modest when it comes to sex and nudity

Those tribes do not have sex in the open though, do they?

Biological evolution =/= cultural evolution.
When you're forced to hide youself or die/go to jail, guess which one you'll choose. Now we have just been grown into that society, but there is always an alternative. We just need to make that change.

You're missing everything in-between those two statements. What you're doing is called an "assumption".

And there plenty of cultures that aren't modest when it comes to sex and nudity, most of them have just either been killed off or forced to change by an outside culture.

Don't know. People have sex in the parks, toilets, changing rooms and beaches when it's quiet. Sex just happens and only our social rules prevent us from doing it when we want it. Most people do it home or at a hotel because everything else is illegal (our choice as a community).

this whole post. this is to add on

> evolution
> fact

>People have sex in the parks, toilets, changing rooms and beaches
Those “people” should be scourged.

epic for the win!

Lots of indigenous tribes don't bother wtih covering up breasts or genitalia
Explain this.

>love simulators will soon be reality thanks to VR and AI

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meanwhile in finland

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i can see the the mongolian roots, the nazis where right

How would you make a game about having sex, no matter how light-hearted, that wouldn't be perceived as porn?

That's not true. Loads of tribal societies don't give a shit. Religious culture is what made us so damn modest. It has nothing to do with evolution.

We're modest because we're taught to be from before we can walk.

I think he refered to white people.

The rest didn't evolve.

He doesn't, because there is no evidence to back it up. A single look at some of the remaining tribal societies proves that modesty and monogamy are entirely religious/cultural constructs in "modern" societies. It's got nothing to do with evolution and everything to do with the values you're brought up with. If you're brought up in a nudist/naturalist family, chances are you won't give a shit about casual nudity. If you're brought up in a hardline conservative Muslim family, chances are you'd loose your shit if you saw a guy wearing jeans or an inch of female skin.

No stupid zooming on the genitals, dialogue and .
I think that's a good start.

Loads of them do. Most of them live in basic straw or plank huts, or with their entire extended family under the same roof. Public wedding ceremonies, including consummation, are common and sexual fertility rituals are rather common.

Based Binlan

>american who thinks his demented culture is natural

Why hasn't there been a serious, non-porn game about pooping yet? I want a wholesome game about deucedropping with funny dialogue. And no, scat aren't games.

Also can some burger give a serious answer: why you fear depicting an act that hundreds of millions of people do everyday and that is the reason everyone you know is alive? Is it just religion or do you fear something about showing how normal and casual everyday popping is?

What would the gameplay be? I can't imagine this being anything but a bland simulation. Maybe if it was a VR thing, it would work, but even then I doubt it.

But that's still porn. I mean, even if it's softcore nonsense and doesn't *focus* on the genitals, the focus is still on sex. So it's porn. Doesn't really matter how you try to spin it.

You want a romantic softcore porn game. That's fine. But it's still porn. Porn is pretty loosely defined, and to most people, that'd be porn.

A Corny Voyage.
A million joke games.

To me porn is something you use to arouse yourself and masturbate. I just want a feel-good sex themed game. It would be something new and would definitely sell if marketed right. Could be educational too.

> lovemaking with funny dialogue
give 5 examples

Yeah, but it doesn't really matter what it is *to you*. The majority of people would still view it as point.

Might I suggest you read Manga Love Story or whatever it was called? It's not a game, but it's basically what you describe. But most people reading it still consider it porn. Softcore, but porn.

Now, it wouldn't be something new - please don't pretend that "Sex, but really rather nice" is some original idea you just had. That's kind of sad. And there's literally no way to market it so that it wouldn't be regarded as porn. Like, seriously - there are people in the US who won't let their kids receive sex-ed because a condom on a cucumber counts as loosing your virginity in their world - you think the mommy-bloggers wouldn't make sure it got an Adults Only rating and became effectively impossible to sell on all major platforms? Let's get real for a second.

You want a specific type of porn that caters to your specific desires. None of it's original, it'd be unprofitable, and there we go.

There's already a game like that. It's called real life.

I want this too, so badly.
Give me a serious game or a silly game but have sex as another thing in it, it's just not the main focus and is an aside, but it's there as a feature.

>Honey, I'm home!
>How you doooin'?
>I don't do vaginal - it's a slippery slope!
>Knock knock - who's there? - Anal - Anal who? An'all the things she said, all the things she said!

There you go. Funny casual sex dialogue.

>Why hasn't there been a serious, non-violent game about mass murdering yet?
Your thought process makes no logical sense.

Nothing wholesome about scat, you coprophage.

>we, as mutts, evolved to have extreme modesty when it comes to sex and nudity. We normally don't want it on public display

Man why does being loved have to be so hard? It's easier to get laid than it is to have a women love you. I got foreskin so If I wanna bust a nut I'll fap but nothing can replace my fantasy of having a women love me.

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inb4 /pol/-tier "women are incapable of love" argument

Change evolved to devolved and it's accurate.

Even when I get the gf I don't actually get a gf cause they don't give me love they just take and take.

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Well maybe they are? I mean they don't even know what they want, whats wrong, what they like, etc so maybe they also don't know what love is.

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it should be obvious to anyone over the age of maybe 20/after having their first gf that love is bs

have sex

Because romance shit is mostly consumed by women and very few women actually play video games.

You would have either get a boring movie game like Gone Homo or The Last of Us or a pretentious game like that "Life game" on mobile I see featured on YouTube once in a while.

Mind you, I don't think it's impossible to have a game that blends gameplay properly with the theme of pure love (from dating, to sex, to daily life together) but I think no one in the industry is mature enough to create something like that.
It doesn't help that a good chunk of videogame enthusiasts, fans or developers, are subhumans that have no idea how a normal relationship works (and I am speaking about myself too).

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they arent evolved


Yeah, it's just that the other 6 billion people are the exception to the rule

>visual novels aren't games.
Wrong you utter faggot incel

they're called 'dating simulators' they been a thing since the 80s

Cultural evolution stems from biological evolution tho

How cool it would be if all violence in games and movies was replaced with sex
>Saw is full bdsm, if you come you lose
>Hunger Games about who is the last person who hasn't been fucked in the ass
>Dark Souls difficulty level sex games, journos still demand an easy mode so they can fap while playing
>Baba Is Sex

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There are serious porn games about sex...

Do you guys seriously just spend all day thinking about us? I'm almost flattered.

Engage in fornication, Sir Incellus of Permavirgin.


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Pic related has been around since 2004.

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>meanwhile in Berlin

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B-but muh

Why do people do this? Doesn't the sand gets everywhere?

No, you sit on a towel.

Blondie in clearly isn't, plus the man's nutsack is totally touching the sand

We used to have those on newgrounds.

Normally you go into the water to rinse off the sand, Jesus Christ how retarded are you? It's not rocket science.

what happened, did newgrounds go full sjw?

I like it.

by letting the screen fade to black