What the fuck is with the renewed interest in this game all of the sudden?

what the fuck is with the renewed interest in this game all of the sudden?

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It's the Dark Souls 2 of Zelda.


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It's a good game

Its the last Zelda game that I felt I needed to play. Its probably an age related thing, but I actually lined up outside Wal Mart in freezing temperatures to pick that bitch up when the wii released. Had a great time playing it.

The only thing this game has going for it is its shortstack waifubait

The Zelda game before the present one is always hated, up until another game comes out.


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Zelda circle.

Also, I think you're just imagining things..

The kids who grew up with this game are in the biggest age demographic gap on Yea Forums. You’d have windwaker threads a lot a few years ago, etc.

Marketing, they are probably gonna re-release it soon.

>game came out 13 years ago
What the fuck

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>Zelda circle.
No such thing.
The apocryphal Zelda Cycle asserts that fans turn against the most recent game. Which is bullshit because BotW was great, and Skyward Sword was mediocre; meanwhile Twilight Princess and Wind Waker were both from roughly the same era, despite the latter aging like milk when the former has aged perfectly well.


Not really, it's as hit and miss as it ever was. I still argue as vehemently FOR it as I ever have over the past 12 years but part of that stems from opposing viewpoints. It's still pretty hit and miss, I assure you.

>You got a Piece of Heart!
>"Who's heart did you catch? You big sweetheart!"

that game was always popular with a lot of people, does no one remember all the 10/10 reviews it got when it was new?
i always liked it; except for the wolf parts, though that is mostly because of the godawful ugly pissyellow aesthetics of the twilight world

>Which is bullshit because BotW was great, and Skyward Sword was mediocre

Not that it confirms the Zelda cycle or anything, but this particular relationship is pretty volatile when considering the "dungeonfag v. explorationfag" approach. As a dungeonfag, I felt BotW shat on me to the point where I'd even take SS over it. Granted, I'm not too mad because dungeonfags have had it pretty good for the last 25 years so the fuck ever, but that doesn't magically mean I completely approve of BotW's direction over very many past Zeldas or see it as a great game. I still have problems with it outside of that as well but its dungeon content distribution is the main nail in the coffin for me.

have sex

Hold hands

It was dare I say fun to play

S-such degeneracy.

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