Think you'll still be playing video games when you're 30 and have one foot in the grave?

Think you'll still be playing video games when you're 30 and have one foot in the grave?

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I'm 31.

If you play video games after 21 then your life is pretty much over

>be me
>stop playing games around 18
>next 3 years have multiple gfs go on exciting trips and live a fulfilling life
>friend wins an xbox 360 and gives it to me at 21
>life ruined, girls stop showing up, gained a lot of weight might as well kill myself now

I was so close bros. Why didn't I tell him no thanks?

I am 30 and I've been playing games far more now than at 20.

>Why didn't I tell him no thanks?
Probably because this is a made-up story and you're retarded?

Not made up. The moment I got a console I became more introverted and stayed in more. You have no idea what 3 years of non gaming does to you. I almost felt "like a man". I fucked a girl in a display Ikea bed. Now I am alone and pathetic and fat.

Made up. Except for you being pathetic and fat. That's about the only true part in any of this.

Not made up at all. Try not playing vidya for 3 years. You will start developing hobbies you never thought of before and naturally gravitate towards going outside. Shit was crazy. I went all around the US and saw a lot of sites I never cared about. Lost my virginity and even thought about starting my own business. GTA 4 ruined that.

We're always on the verge of death. Any second, you could just die from circumstances outside of your control and there'd be nothing you can do to stop it.

I stopped gaming at 19 and got into lifting weights and trying to be a fuckboy. It worked. I went on to sleep with plenty of women and had two back to back girlfriends that caused me lots of grief and agony. I came back to gaming when I was around 25-26, and was really depressed when I realized gaming turned into glorified gambling with loot crates and pay to win mechanics. Modern gaming is a fucking mess, so I try to stay behind the curve and play games from the prior generation as I wait for the sales price of ps4 and switch games to bottom out. I cant bring myself to dropping 100 leafnigger bucks on a new game. Thats such a fucking rip off when most of the content is locked behind a paywall that I refuse to indulge in. Remember when horse armor came out and everyone was rightfully appalled? These jewy companies did not care as gaming went from niche to mainstream, every mouth breathing millennial fuckwad that sucks at games could now pay to win, and since these are companies and my childlike illusion of games as art became obviously incorrect, people like me got left behind. Wew blogposting.

Wow me too!
I got laid the instant i pushed that power button on my 360. Like 50 chicks started breaking into my door and sucking my dick.
Fuck i had to call the police to bring everyone in line.

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Made up. You're still fat and pathetic. Always have been. Cute fiction about everything else, though.

I'm a fucking loser.

>larping on Yea Forums

I'm just joking guys, I'm still a sad sack of virgin after i stopped playing games around 18.
In fact my life was just so shit regardless.

I would encourage a lot of you younger guys to ditch gaming in your late teens so that you can experience the downsides of the new social order, so you arent taken by surprise when you realize that modern women are mostly all whores with no allegiance to anything but their pussy. If you spend your 20s pushing forward back, you will be so socially stunted that you wont be able to navigate through social situations with ease and avoid the pitfalls of your peers. A lot of my friends didnt follow my path and they are now fucked for the rest of their lives as borderline incels, in massive amounts of debt, or shacked up with some literal crackhead.

Gaming can be insidious as there are always new great games on the horizon which will eat up all of your free time as life passes you by.

If I had been gaming the entire time and didnt try put myself out there in my 20s, I wouldnt be making a decent salary these days and wouldnt be able to afford much of anything.

Good luck, boyim.

mfw when married, paid well and still gaming with friends.

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Um, excuse me, but it's every girl's RIGHT to fuck whoever and whenever they want. If Katie wants to get knocked up by Tyrone while still married to you, that's HER choice and there's NOTHING you can do about it!

Fuckin a, man. Thats awesome.
Hahahahaha. You wouldnt believe how many divorced men I work with that should be clearing 50k net, but due to alimony and child support are only making minimum wage. The look of defeat in their eyes kills me. They are paying for their ex wives to buy new vehicles and shower their young fucktoys with gifts. The game of life is dangerous as fuck.

Is the child at least theirs?

That thought always lingers in my mind but I wouldnt dare ask. There are quite a few mid 20s cucks that are with women that have children from a prior relationship. One guy has 3 step kids and hes only 25. Such a fucking faggot. I cant respect someone that is that much of a bumbling retard. A glorified wallet that has thrown his life away just for a taste of her sugar hole.

>If you spend your 20s pushing forward back
I spent my 20`s doing exactly that. Ended up pulling off several special moves and the occasional fatality.

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Yeah probably. I'll be 30 in less than 10 years. And I can afford games now instead of being a cashless teenager


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Yeah because I don't, and can't get laid or a gf even if I put down video games. It has always been that way. I've been going to the gym for 13 years already, since I was 14, but anyway I analysed my life and even if I didn't play video games, shitpost, or didn't go to the gym, I would still be seen as an incel but just more or a loser because I wouldn't even have a hobby or would have more of a nerdy hobby such as anime or manga and cartoons. So yeah, I stilll see myself playing them becaues I still won't have a gf or wife.

Of course you can. I was a fat neckbeard in high school and completely changed by my early 20s. You have to want to change, though. Heres the thing, getting laid doesnt mean anything in the long run. Sex without love is mindless animal lust. I have yet to find a woman that is capable of higher emotions and have only found women that have wanted to use me for my dick. Thats a hallow existence itself. Women want a provider, or at least an equal. You need to position yourself in the social ladder so that a woman would feel a sense of security by being with you. Focus on your career, and dont let yourself get fat and gross and youll be fine. Personality is key. Dont be defeatist. It will ruin you.