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Other urls found in this thread:!ph4H3TrK!aoJNGQHPhZ9o1_-XdalAh0Db3lZd1gG6MSDWcwoq0DY

7 Years


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I don't get it

its funny cause he ends up becoming the main character in the later games and apollo got his ending already

what did shu takumi mean by this?

Also because even in AA4 Apollo is pretty much a supporting character who’s used mostly as an illegitimate replacement attorney’s badge for Wright to go all Mary Sue on the course of the game.

you'd have to be retarded to actually believe they would get rid of their franchise protagonist for more than half a fucking capcom game. Come on guys

>Ace Attorney 4 is called Apollo Justice
>the two filler cases barely build on his character
>the remaining two major cases are all about Phoenix
>the next two games reinstate Phoenix as an attorney and put him at the fore again
>also, they add another attorney

Ace Attorney 6 at least tried to give Apollo a send-off, but he got three awkwardly handled games that didn't do as much for him as the trilogy did for Phoenix.

i really got into the ace attorney games but quit after the first case in apollo's game

if phoenix comes back does this mean i can resume the game?
yeah it's dumb like quitting dmc4 because you're playing nero but what can i say

I ain’t complaining about Wright being around. I’m complaining about HOW he was being around.

Nothing will ever beat the trilogy in terms of Pure Anime goodness

Pretty sure the only reason he didn't stay is cause of the fanbase.

That said, why will we never get AA4 on something HD. Can we emulate AA5 and beyond yet?

Except the first three games are probably not as anime as you might think.

Phoenix has the problem of just being there now because the fanbase expects him to be there.

The fifth case of AA5 at least lets him go up against Edgeworth again. And the DLC case of AA6, but that's shit.

Yes he comes back.

next year

Attached: thena.png (840x511, 621K)

>Can we emulate AA5
yes search for "ace", all the games run from great to perfect

Why is the new sprites so SOULLESS?

This. The original trilogy is pretty grounded. The franchise only really becomes full wacky anime AA5 onwards.

Oh hell fucking yes. Citra isn't shit anymore?
Thanks, dude.

Didn't AA4 get an upgraded version too? I don't give a fuck what people say. Aside from the original trilogy, AA4 is my favorite.

Because HD is a meme.

AA5 was too goofy for its own good.

>The original trilogy is pretty grounded.
>Cross examining a parrot
>People getting possessed by ghosts
>Pretty grounded

>Able to see that Maya wasn't just smiling, she was smirking
HD sprites have all the Soul, bro.

Is there a full sprite of Nick facing the camera?

because you feel the urge to say it in every thread

Think rationally about it.

Don't open, sad inside.

Attached: dhurke.png (1727x899, 1.3M)

>he thinks a parrot witnessing a murder isn't grounded

>He thinks ghosts are grounded

>implying ghosts aren't real

>Implying they are.
5 is much more realistic.

Post >yfw this cock glosser was ever on screen

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AA5 ruined Ace Attorney

>Muh over simplified emotions detector
Defend this

Oh finally an AA thread. Is it possible to inject a completed save file into the AA trilogy on PC? Been enjoying replaying so far but finally got to 2-3 and really have absolutely no desire to do that case at all.

Based on science, superior to magic rock and ghosts.

Fuck you faggot, you're going to play it and find out Arco is the killer.

AA wasn't meant to be in HD.
It's like playing OoT in 4K

Why did JFA have to be held back by such a shitty case? Sometimes I wonder if 2-4 is as good as it is partially because it comes right after one of the lowest points in the series.

only on iOS and android afaik

Because it's not the worst case in the series. And people like 2-4 because it's high tension and you have to defend someone who's actually guilty where you can get them off the hook at the expense of condemning an innocent person.

nvm, apparently it was released on 3DS too in 2017, but I'm not sure if it's the same or an upgraded version

Should I stick with DD or can I just skip to SoJ?

Just play through it man. It's not THAT bad.

>I'm gonna fix mommy!

Attached: 1553275555475.png (360x333, 184K)

DD is not a pre-requisite for SoJ but you should play all the games in release order anyway.

Stick with DD. DD isn't even that bad. It's certainly not the best, but it has its moments.

My biggest issue is less the case itself and more that every single character involved with it is an unlikable twat.

Mega man X7 anyone?

Who gives a shit about Apollo.
I'm more mad that Phoenix regressed back into bumbling faggot shit later.

I wanna invade her territory.

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>Who gives a shit about Apollo
Anyone who wanted a character who actually develops and stays that way. Apollo is based as fuck towards the end of SoJ.

Me too, really activates my peanuts that they made him a sweaty loser again when he showed clear growth in the 7 year period. He needs to be way more of a hardass now

God i hate how the remake fucked the art so bad
The original sprites had shading, quality animation, and were very crisp
I get that its closer to the concept art. I think thats a bad thing. The colors are just so fucking flat, there's zero shading and everything just looks so cheap and smooth, not crisp. Its fucked bros. Absolutely should have had an option to play with high res sprites.

>quality animation
Rose tinting a bit too hard there buddy. Animation is the same as it ever was.

>That said, why will we never get AA4 on something HD.
The phone version is on the same level as the trilogy (and the 3DS version, like the 3DS version of the trilogy, is based off that).

Everything just looks so plastic with the new models, it's actually jarring

>tfw no AA spinoff game set in mid 20th century Japanifornia

Hobo Nick only seemed competent because we didn't get to see his thoughts and because he was planning this shit out for 7 fucking years, he was also probably pretty fucking pissed about it. Now that he's a real lawyer again he's actually happy, and because we can see his thoughts we once again realize that he's a fucking bluffing retard.

For what it's worth, I honestly didn't feel like AA3 was supposed to be the end of Nick's story at all. The end of the Fey story perhaps, sure, but if anything it felt like Nick's journey as a defense attorney in a legal system where all the odds were constantly against him was only just starting to me now that he's put Mia to rest. At most he just needed a different assistant chick while Maya goes off to do her training.

Obviously the writers disagree though and as the series has continued I've noticed that they really seem to feel that the player has to be playing as some sort of rookie lawyer all the time for some reason, sometimes they do spins on that concept but they never really properly move away from that idea. It holds the series back in my opinion.

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Every character being a bluffing retard when you play as them is boring though. They push it hard that Phoenix is the only one that does it but every character does it and reacts in moreorless the same bumbling retard way in their internal monologue until the end of cases when it's time for them to blow the case open. The fact that Phoenix acts the same 7 years later after having a kid dumped on him (that alone should've changed him a fair bit surely) and after being kicked out of the legal profession entirely makes no sense.

It may be more of a problem with just how the case system is set up in AA. It's always so stacked against the defense that the defense always has to turn into a bluffing retard for at least one part during the case.

it's not "closer to concept art", it is literally the art used for the GBA games, the sprites were just downscaled versions of this, and some sprites that looked really shit downscaled got drawn over, eg parts of Phoenix's sprites, the judge's head and Von Karma's face, but most weren't, like Will Powers and Redd White, and looked like complete shit as a result

you're going through rose tinted pixelfaggotry that has 0 alignment with reality, AA1 especially always had shitty spritework, and the first 3 games all had limited animation that was 100% preserved here, due to being GBA games, the only AA game with quality spritework/art/animation is Apollo

and what's this autism about 'shading'? I can't even parse that one, since gradiented 2 step is gradiented 2 step no matter what, you're literally inventing shit that didn't exist

If you change a main character too much fans complain, nips complained about Phoenix in AA4 which is why what is talking about was made to be the case. The devs know it, that's why all characters hardly change at all over time, it's the safest thing to do.

I didn't mind Hobo Nick, but how Nick was in the flashback case bothered me way more to be honest. That case was pretty soon after the end of AA3 too, he was basically acting like Payne in it. Why people don't refer to that when talking about "AA4 shitting on Phoenix's character" instead of everything else I don't really know.

>That image

Athena is for Blackquill


Attached: BLACKQUILL.jpg (328x263, 12K)

Yeah I agree.
I just can't buy the guy in the games after 4 as Wright.
He feels a bit like a parody of himself.
His characterisation in 4 was perfect and so was his place as the new Mia type character.

The remake sprites remind me of shitty newgrounds porn games, or alternatively, this fucking thing.

Attached: NHaN1qP.png (640x480, 164K)

In 5-3 there was a bit where he talked Athena through her first murder scene and it was (and still is) the most mentor-like he's felt all series imo.

>wonder why AA5 has an M rating
>get to this scene

>Tfw really liked Hobo Wright and Apollo
>Wright regressed back into his sweaty self and Apollo was so unpolular he got written out of the series

Man, that 2 cases were pretty good

Attached: 4582724f72f04f247dbc70896a5df89c--athena-phoenix-wright.jpg (720x718, 84K)

It was honestly literally impossible to like apollo after beginning of third case where he literally left crime scene after police literally specially asked him to watch over it before they literally return and literally check everything properly

This nigga was fun. They don't make them like that anymore.

So did she fucking rip the corpse into pieces or what? And then tried to put them back together?

>Apollo was so unpolular he got written out of the series
He got so much attention in 6. Is he unpopular? I've always liked him even though I never liked 4.

Okay, from now on I'll clarify that the concept art is shit and only decent when it's turned into a sprite. Thanks!

>kek 2-3 is shit meme

it's not, it's one of the better cases in the series from murder mystery/reveal standpoint, decently sized cast, active mystery, late reveal of the villain with a good backstory that contributes to the overall theme of the game, which is questioning how just the system really is

what kills it is the setting is fucking lame, the mystery's 'how the magic happen' lame starting point and Trillo+Moe being fucking annoying and lame

plus by that point AA1 fags hate the game because the music changed, the magatama was introduced (yeah cus ghosts is a ok but magic rock bad) and 2-1 is the single biggest piece of shit case in the series, 5 minute amnesia shit with the stupidest murder mystery ever

conversely, people have a better impression of AA3 purely because the music change was expected and the tutorial case isn't complete shit, if 3-1 was like 2-1 people would call the 2-2 the worst case in the series

>Apollo got written out
>Basically the biggest plot points of 5 and 6 is literally all about him
If anyone got written out it was Athena. 5 was basically barely about her and in 6 sure she got her own case, but that's because she was barely in the game outside of it.

because they are traced over gba sprites

that's the thing guy, you have it backwards, you have an irrational attachment to the sprites which you try/tried to justify by saying shit like that, without accounting for reality sans fanboyism

even now, instead of going "yeah, maybe the sprites weren't ever good", you're going "nuh, sprites is awsum", any reasonable person with this information (and a pair of eyes) looks at the sprites and looks at the art, their takeaway is that the 2 are the same, only the sprite is a low res version of the art, and judgment is equal to both

it literally cannot be better than the art, because it being low res "sprite" was a storage and memory limit being circumvented by downscaling to cellphone resolution, it wasn't some special thing drawn and created pixel by pixel for 120p or whatever the fuck

>It's the original art!!!
How the fuck do you people unironically say this shit when there's huge details missing and changed in stuff like the wide angle court shot

>Franziska is still the most popular female character after all this time
Fucking how?

Attached: tumblr_inline_o8ij27VIZP1qkpnrw_1280.jpg (900x1200, 334K)

it's the opposite, sprites are just low res versions of this art

Prosecutor bonus

based nips

She's hot, competent, and appeals to BDSM fans.

They just got rid of Dante in DMC.

Nips love antagonists.

>muh missing detail
>muh differences
there isn't, that's you having a horrible case of rose tinted glasses

you're the one sperging out and going full nostalgiafag, not my fault you go flat earther in denial when told you are factually incorrect

Oh, so you have no clue how spritework is made from drawings, sick

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Dude are you fucking autistic.
Lemme draw a comparison for you becuase you dont understand technical quality != aethetic quality
Car Seat Headrest's Twin Fantasy. Ignore the few changes that were genuinely different between the two versions and compare merely the difference in sound. The original is way more lofi and all that, and the new version has much higher production quality, a much cleaner sound. Yet many prefer the original because the lofi sound is what made it enjoyable. Not even a matter of nostalgia, a person presented both will, sometimes, prefer the lofi version.
Same with the sprites. Sure it's the same art, sure the remake is TECHNICALLY superior, in terms of physical attributes. But aesthetically you'll find many that prefer the "worse" version. Trying to tell them "s-stop nostalgiafagging" reveals your autism and I genuinely wonder why you can't comprehend why someone would prefer the original, what do you gain from diehard defending this stupid point.
There's merit to both but I've seen more prefer the original style and at best tolerate the remakes look. Make of THAT what you will.

Apollo doesn't get nearly as much love from either the developers or the fans, even in his own game. Hell I remember the last objection in the game isn't even him, it's the magician girl sidekick that comes up with the thing. Apollo is a good enough character as Phoenix's apprendice, he's not good enough to carry a game.

>the 2 are the same, only the sprite is a low res version of the art, and judgment is equal to both
>it literally cannot be better than the art, because it being low res "sprite" was a storage and memory limit being circumvented by downscaling to cellphone resolution, it wasn't some special thing drawn and created pixel by pixel for 120p or whatever the fuck

It annoys me that you're this stupid, actually believe all of this, and present it like it's fact.

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>it literally cant be better than the art
Holy shit dude are you stupid?

I just went through the clown segment.
Kill me now.

nips like hips and whips

lmao at stalking people maybe, she sucks at anything else

>You're the one sperging, and to prove it I'm going to literally start crying buzzwords

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Punished Acro

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I'm not saying it's superior, I'm saying it's the same, and that's why the whole sprites being superior argument falls apart. It's somebody getting attached to the white noise on their old cassette tape of stairway to heaven. It's an idiosyncracy.

You putting so much stock and affection in to your percieved differences is entirely on you. It is nostalgiafaggotry in its purest form, there's nothing else to call it.

AA7 any day now...

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you literally proved me right by cowarding out even harder, for everyone to see

Dont they have to make a bunch of unlocalizable games?

These are not the same visually.
Unless you ask a disabled person, anyone you ask would say "these are not the same pictures. Same thing being drawn, but they look way different."

Attached: aceph1.jpg (630x336, 98K)

holy shit are you illiterate?


You're very emotionally invested in people believing you

Apollo Justice is a scathing attack on the childish idealism of the Phoenix Wright series, and the Japanese justice system as a whole, which lacked trial by jury until after the game was released. Phoenix finally released that the system was rigged and no amount of being "right" and no amount of evidence would bring justice. It's a pity that audiences were too fucking stupid to appreciate it, and Capcom pandered to them by bringing buffoon Phoenix Wright back in AA5 and AA6.

I literally told you Phoenix's sprites were some of the few that got significantly redrawn after downscaling.

Why are ignoring that part. Macro is a meme.

It's too bad Crapcom neutered the game before it was even out. Such a snoozefest, but I can absolutely see where there was potential.

Dude, there's like 3 differences. It's nitpicking at this point "this shadow looks different! his poorly drawn hand is drawn at a different angle that looks just as poorly drawn!"

>Played it as a kid
>Actually believed he wouldn't come back and got emotional about it

Attached: 3242323423.gif (240x181, 302K)

>soft jaggy soul
>soulless thick straight lines
It shit bruv sorry your autism makes you blind to anything but supporting daddy capcom

>"Dad, I think I want to be a defense attorney when I grow up!"
>"What if you have to defend someone who's guilty?"
>"I, uh...I won't agree to take their case..."
>Dad laughs

Attached: bad day every day.jpg (600x583, 50K)

Did nips only like angry beat-up Apollo from 5 or something

The jury-related stuff in the game was an absolute joke though and the series was already taking the piss out of the legal system before that game though. You don't need to literally have characters yelling about legal revolution all the time to do this.

This guy did nothing wrong.

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Holy shit, that Phoenix mugshot looks horribly off, the HD Trilogy is truly hideous.

Did I just got fucking spoiled?

What's with the gross gradient shading?

Fortunately I'm pretty sure that's just from Case 1, so not that bad of a spoiler.

>The jury-related stuff in the game was an absolute joke though and the series was already taking the piss out of the legal system before that game though. You don't need to literally have characters yelling about legal revolution all the time to do this.
Japan literally didn't have trial by jury. I don't think that be emphasized enough. Someone could be BLATANTLY not guilty of a crime, but the prosecution had a bunch of flimsy "evidence" against them, they were fucked. The older Phoenix Wright games had Phoenix ass-pulling the evidence necessary to get their client off the hook, but that's not it works in the real world, and that's what makes Apollo Justice work as a game.

I'm aware that they were testing it at the time, Capcom actually received a grant from the Jap government to make this game about juries (I reckon that's the main reason AA4 exists at all in fact)

>The older Phoenix Wright games had Phoenix ass-pulling the evidence necessary to get their client off the hook, but that's not it works in the real world
That falls flat since prosecutors submitted evidence mid-trial without scrutiny all throughout the game though

I haven't played any Phoenix Wright games after this one. Am I missing out?

Yes, 5th was pretty good despite being simple

Phoenix ends AA3 with 3 love interests.
Ends up with none of them

Attached: whatthehellisthid.png (1024x537, 266K)

>3 love interests
There's Iris, Maya I guess, who's the third? I know Takumi mentioned in an interview that he thought Nick & Franny would be cute together but they don't really interact like that in the games so that's not who you mean I'm assuming

He's clearly attached to Edgeworth.

Attached: 18939339281818.jpg (1913x1076, 685K)

There's a lot of sexual tension between Franziska and Phoenix in the last case of game 3 when they're investigating together.

I downscaled an HD sprite and gave it the same palette as the GBA/DS sprite.

While they're similar, they clearly put a lot of effort into polishing the sprites. It wasn't just a matter of pushing a button to put it in the game.

Attached: mia.gif (718x501, 31K)

Edgeworth>Godot>Blackquill>Von Karma>Franziska>Klavier>Nahyuta

Refute me if you can, Defense.

>anything but rock bottom

Nahyuta is entertaining at points, especially in 6-4
That alone puts him above Klavier in my opinion, who doesn't really have much going for him in general aside from the teenage version looking like a DMC character.

Think Blackquill ended up being a more well-rounded and entertaining character than Godot was too.

Fran gets too much hate in my opinion, you only ever face her in two trials and in that first trial she wasn't even that bad. She gets humbled hard and does have an arc both within her game alone and the wider series, it's just that said arc is always sort of in the background so people pretend that it doesn't exist.

Edgeworth > Blackquill > Manfred > Franziska > Nahyuta > Klavier for me.
Winston > Gaspen too.

Attached: 58631963_p1.jpg (1182x1365, 889K)

*Godot inbetween Fran and Nahyuta

I never intended to cast shade on Franziska, I thoroughly enjoy all the prosecutors up until Klavier and Nahyuta. I can see why people are more into Nahyuta since he's got more of a personality than Klavier, but he's just too annoying to me, with his long butterfly animations and his bantz being pretty weak compared to the others. I think he's most enjoyable when presented as someone fascinated with this strange foreign japanafornian culture, which only happens a few times. Klavier's just there and not that interesting but I actively dislike Nahyuta at points, so that's why he's in the bottom position. For the most part Prosecutors are great characters and foils. 2 missteps out of the 9 or so in the series is acceptable, I guess.

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I just finished the trilogy on Switch, thinking of picking up the other games. Is the Layton crossover worth playing?

If you like Layton bullshit.
I enjoyed it for what it was. But Phoenix is not a main character

Reminds me of pic related
Someone edit this with wright's hair and suit

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The Phoenix & Maya dynamic is at it's best in that game. The Layton side does take the centre stage a lot of the time though so depending on your thoughts on it your mileage will vary with the game. Even if you dislike the Layton series you have to admit that those games have top-tier atmosphere and it's brought into that game too.

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Capcom marketing shill department.

You don't need to get it but they will be sure to be obnoxious about it

Not her, but he wasn't annoying like Nahyuta

True, he just didn't do much

He really was

I liked the Kitaki case

It was a decent case. Much better than the follow-up case


Attached: 34634879_p14.png (700x600, 314K)

Smiling like a proud beast. Almost... like a lion if you think about it.

>Start this case
>Assume I'll have to think through Regina's Alice-in-Wonderland-tier delusions
>Nothing of the sort happens

I know JFA was rushed, but damn, I'd love for them to remake it one day. There's a lot of missed beat in JFA that I thought would come up but never did.

I wish Apollo would have fucked off and died off screen somewhere after AA4.

It’s not even that, she inputs the data so it’s an over glorified excel spreadsheet that they allow in court, probably just because black quill has a hardon for her mom.

>Hating /ourguy/

Why? He's just a younger, more hard-ass version of Phoenix.

Not him and I don't actually dislike Apollo at all but he's basically the same as Phoenix, only "hard ass" during certain plot points but otherwise just being the same out-of-his-depth idiot dismissed by everyone else most of the time. More of a general writing fault than an issue with his character specifically (though I do think that to an extent he was a waste of an opportunity to do something really different with an AA mc)

No, that's just hamfisted dogshit

to bad all capcom protagonist must be single well except Nero

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3DS trilogy looks the best imo

Apollo is fucking shit and AA4 was a mistake. They raped Phoenix's character by having him lose his badge for 7 years.

Fuck AA4 and fuck Apollo

I'm pretty sure that a poll in Japan had him as the most popular character, even over Phoenix, after SoJ.

Japanese popularity polls are always garbage, what did you expect.

Yeah, Phoenix in AA4 comes across as a scheming genius and in the next game he's back to being the same Phoenix he was in the trilogy. Quite jarring.

I always felt like he should become the Mia figure to Athena while Apollo could get his own spin-off games

This style really wasn't meant for anything but sprite art.

>the only AA game with quality spritework/art/animation is Apollo
Don't forget the 1-5 original characters

No, he's a autistic no-fun-allowed kid version of Phoenix that gets no respect. I was personally done with that character after AA4.

>Did I ever tell you about Clay Terran, Mister Nick? He and I grew up together. It's surprising that I haven't ever mentioned him or he hasn't showed up before. Anyway, I can't wait for you all to meet him. Oh, what the fuck, he's dead already? Now I'll pick his coat up and wear it like a cape, like a badass. I'm a loose cannon, Mister Nick. I make my own rules. Well, not really.
>Did I tell you about my foster father, the famous leader of the rebellion in Kurain? Well, here he is anyway. Mister Nick, watch out, my backstory is so interesting and it never stops.



Godot is the most overrated character in the series. He's the worst actual prosecutor by a mile, and his entire character is "Prove it Trite *sips le covfefe*" until the last moments of the final case, which doesn't save the last dozen-ish hours of time.

Edgeworth=Blackquill>Von Karma>Franziska>Nahyuta>Godot>Klavier

>Capcom does the right thing by sidelining Apollo on 5 and introducing a hot big tit attorney
>Fujos throw a tantrum and want their ApolloXPhoenix fanfics to be real
>Capcom caves in and makes Apollo important again in 6

Fuck fujos and fuck Apollofags

Yeah, you know a character is garvage when they have to keep giving him more backstory to make him interesting.

In 3 games the only big thing to happen to Phoenix was him having a girlfriend in college

Athenafags are no better

That's some shit taste if I've ever seen it, but I'll admit that Godot's backstory (as a prosecutor) makes zero sense.

>Godot wakes up from his coma
>Literally just shows up one day and somehow gains the title of the nation's most prolific prosecutor while never taking on a single case
>Proceeds to lose to Phoenix Wright three or four times in a row

Did I miss something?

Bullshit, he also defended his best buddy in elementary school.

Attached: larry.png (190x160, 9K)

>you have shit taste
>but you're right
OK retard.

>Capcom does the right thing by sidelining Apollo on 5 and introducing a hot big tit attorney
Abandoning an established character for the second time in a row without giving him proper development was a shit idea without a doubt.
>Capcom caves in and makes Apollo important again in 6
And the development he gets makes it a huge improvement over 5.

Athenafags are just mad Athena is supporting cast now. Frankly, I like her character and I thought as far as new character goes they handled her better than Apollo. She was introduced and a problem from her past was found out about and resolved. That's better than Apollo, who they keep piling shit on top of to try make interesting. Hope he stays in Kurain.

>sidelining Apollo
Did you somehow miss that he went NUCLEAR after he survived a bombing and his suddenly appearing best friend got killed? Apollo has center stage in all games he's in. Athena has one case and she's the defendant in it. No shit she's gonna be integral to it.

Having a shitty backstory doesn't mean your character is immediately bad. Godot's personality and music do more than to make up for any of his downsides. Besides, I only said his supposed history as a prosecutor was stupid. I think his relationship and history with Mia Fey was a great point of interest, especially considering how a lot of the cases in T&T revolve around it.

>nation's most prolific prosecutor
But he wasn't? He jokingly bragged about having a perfect record with no losses but then shortly proceed to admit he had no wins either because he was new at prosecuting.

No, that was Edgeworth, wasn't it? The class accused Phoenix of stealing Edgy's money, Edgy shut them up because they had no proof and that inspired Phoenix to become just as cool as his best friend. Then Larry shows up at the end and reveals he stole the money. We learn this in the first game.

But man, it's been a while so maybe I'm misremembering. I should replay these games.

I could've sworn that either Edgeworth or someone else says that Godot is a "legend" or something to that degree. Wouldn't be surprised if it's just my shit memory.

>he went NUCLEAR after he survived a bombing and his suddenly appearing best friend got killed
Awakening his angst did absolutely nothing to flesh out his character, it's fucking shallow just like Athena. They should've focused on putting all the resources into one of them instead of half assing both and Apollo takes precedent since he's already established and had loose ends from his game.

Maybe. The point is Phoenix had a flashback backstory.


>Larry was the mastermind behind the entire franchise

Attached: Baby_Butz.png (960x640, 128K)

If you actually like Apollo "I have a new backstory each game because I'm boring bland shit please like me I have a cape now" Justice, you have objectively shit taste

Apollo is Gant's son.

Attached: my final piece of evidence.png (441x630, 255K)

His made actual sense though. Larry was stablished as his childhood friend from game 1.
Apollo's backstories just appear out of nowhere and are always absurd dumb shit

SoJ disagrees

I don't care about defending Apollo. But your statement contradicted the truth, so I just had to object.
Never played the 3DS games.

Attached: 1314808157482.jpg (640x580, 86K)

Can't wait for more Athena backstory in AA7.

The thing is that after first game we know why Phoenix wanted to be a lawyer and why he believes that you should listen to the accused instead of blindly going on with blame, which are his key character traits.
We also know why Edgeworth became the kind of person that he is. Hell, same could be said of all the prospecutors of the first three games.

Then with Apollo we learn nothing meaningful about his backstory in his debut game, and neither do we learn anything about Klavier, except that he's a totally cool dude who loves rock and roll. What a shitshow that game was.

She's not for lewd.

Yes. He's undefeated because he's never lost. A perfect win record. It's a joke. Also don't think too hard on these particular things when you also have 13 year old girls becoming prosecutors and literal ghosts and stuff.

That's not Athena's fault. The writers just suck and don't know what to do with Apollo. Now they've stuck him in a foreign country. But he'll probably come back for a fourth game, with some new amazing event that happened when he was young and he "forgot" about.

In comparison, they know what to do with Athena. She's cute comic relief and a good supporting cast member and she has a gimmick so she can do cases.

>DLC case goes out if its way to prevent Athena from getting involved

Genuinely pissed me off, desu.

I love how at the end of AA4, they reveal that Trucy, who at that point seemed closer to a romantic interest, is actually Apollo's sister, and then it's never mentioned again

I'd rather have a blackquill spinoff

>black locks appear in AA4
>resolved in AA5 ONCE
>fucks off forever

What the FUCK man. I actually hope it would be plot related especially since AA6 had us exploring the origins of Kurain. But no, it was completely gone and forgotten in AA6.

Attached: 313697679b0ea3803b07e96481773d0946075421_00.jpg (256x192, 19K)

I think the bigger point of contention is that you effectively get to live out Phoenix's backstory as it gets made. Outside of his childhood and Pheenie's college years, you literally control Nick through his day-to-day life including a lot of the incidents that end up being important to a trial. You play as Phoenix as he deals with the loss of his mentor and becoming the caretaker of her younger sister, you play as Phoenix when he gets sudden amnesia, becomes the caretaker to yet another Fey family member, and saves Maya from the grips of death. Then you play as him throughout the entirety of the most important case in T&T where Nick is on the scene of the crime as it unfolds.

Compared to Apollo's single game, Apollo doesn't get that treatment. He sends his mentor to prison with forged evidence from Phoenix and he only ends up as Trucy's caretaker because Phoenix gets hospitalized. Beyond that, the single most important case in that game that revolves around Apollo and Trucy never gets resolved because they never find out they're siblings. They never even find out who their mother is.

That was Luke Atmey, trying to scare Phoenix before the trial.

Isn't Phoenix nearly in his late 30's by now? How come he still acts the same as he did in his 20's?

For all the shitshow that AA4's writing was, at least they made sure to make Wright seem much older, grizzled and wiser.

>The writers just suck and don't know what to do with Apollo.
What he got in SoJ was perfect for him since the game actually focused on him and ignored Athena.
>She's cute comic relief and a good supporting cast member and she has a gimmick so she can do cases.
That's exactly why I don't like her. She's a b tier character at best with no room for development because of 'le quirky behavior', like Maya without the charm of her dynamic with Phoenix.

Zvarri! I see! It is all clear now!!

>trucy now only appears whenever they need to "clean the inventory" for the player
shit sucks tbqh

Attached: trucy.png (256x192, 3K)

Even in AA4, you get to literally play the case that makes Phoenix lose his badge. How he's alone, out of his element and ends up getting tangled in something he doesn't really understand.

Luke Atmey calls him a legend, but it's Luke Atmey so you're not actually supposed to take him seriously.

They did whatever they could to scrub away any sense of continuity between games so they could keep shitting them out forever. Unfortunately, Wright got the worst of it by far losing his gf and legacy with the jurist system.

And that's what I get for not updating the thread before responding.

At this point I want her to fuck off to Kurain so Apollo and her can have their AA spin offs there. Make it similar to Investigations or something.

Another reason why AA5 is the worst one. it regressed the characters, plots, and themes when they were just starting to get to an interesting point.

Japs hate any kind of change with their characters. Just look at how many stories feature characters getting killed only for them to be brought back 20 seconds later. Fans got mad that Phoenix got sidelined, writers pussied out once again and brought him back like hobo Phoenix almost never happened. Yakuza has the same problem with writers not letting Kiryu go for 10+ games. Thank fuck they finally got the balls to make a new MC but I wouldn't be surprised if they still bring him back in the future.

Atleast she had a bigger role in 6
As a suspect
I wish she'd go back to her assistant role that he had in 4

Apollo, make yourself useful and go clean the toilet.

Attached: phoenix wright aa6.png (400x600, 208K)

why won't they fuck why won't they fuck why won't they fuck why won't they fuck why won't they fuck why won't they fuck why won't they fuck why won't they fuck why won't they fuck why won't they fuck why won't they fuck why won't they fuck why won't they fuck why won't they fuck why won't they fuck why won't they fuck why won't they fuck

Attached: 387dd67e72eb2dc720254a7207c07a5d.png (674x700, 416K)

sounds good to me

What Yakuza did to Kiryu pissed me off so much.
His arc was complete. He had a beggining a middle and an end, and finally got a family and a woman at the end of Y2, and is free from his Yakuza life.

And then Y3 throws it all away because he must get dragged into more bullshit forever

But I've already cleaned it 3 times just this morning.

Attached: 345345435345.gif (327x305, 623K)

What was his problem with toilets?

Didn't AA6 imply that they are a thing?
Like, Trucy calls her his girlfriend or something? Or did I dream that up?

It wasn't. The DLC case of AA6 was shit. They couldn't even get Edgeworth right.

>"My view of events is objectively correct. Judge, end the trial now before Wright can say something to poke holes in my theory."

Imagine fucking your mentors sister then she comes channeling in. That would be awkward as fuck

Mia can't just pop into Maya's body whenever she wants.

That was the Dual Destinies livestream poll. The Spirit of Justice livestream poll had Fullbright in #1, Apollo was #2.

The Famitsu polls always have Apollo a fair bit lower weirdly, not sure exactly what the difference in demographics are here.

Sort of worried to be honest, I'm pretty sure they left the details of Phoenix & Athena's first meeting unknown aside from "Phoenix helping her out in some way" specifically to leave room for something dumb.

Nothing more wholesome than shoving your balls into the ass of your mentors sister.

*flushes* Oh hi, Polly!

Attached: trucy aa6.png (400x600, 259K)

Nah. Phoenix has the "everyone's dad" characterisation now, he treated Maya like a kid in that case. He had a one-off line about Trucy needing to approve any potential partner for him first and that's about it.

I'd gadly take more Athena than more Apollo at this point. They fucked up his character too much.


I think he means the great ace attorney.

Imagine continuing

But Gant is a killer.

Attached: 20190413153012_1.jpg (2560x1440, 408K)

So what happened to Gumshoe and that cute chick with glasses he had a crush on?

Weren't they married?

Probably got married by now.

Knowing this series, I'm assuming nothing's happened between them.

Yeah, last case plus the DLC were so good that it kind of elevated Dual Destinies to awesomeness after a somewhat lackluster midgame.

seems that settles it, then.
If i may..

Phoenix meeting Athena must mean something taking place in Europe, which opens up for the possibility of running into the "international" cast of characters. Like Franziska, maybe? Isn't she like Interpol or something?

Edgeworth mentions Gumshoe got married to Maggey, they had "at least" twelve kids, he was promoted to chief of all police and they have a very happy life. Sometimes he visits Edgeworth's office and for a quick chess match.

Apollo is actually the most convuluted character now
>Dad is a traveling minstrel who fucks Gramarye, has a son
>She's presumed dead because her family accidentally shot her
>Dad Dies in foreign country
>Get adopted dad who is a lawyer
>want to be a lawyer
>Grow up their until you're like, 12
>Get into space for some reason
>Somehow able to volunteer at a national fucking space center despite being really young and having no qualifications
>Couple years later pass the bar exam

And that's not even getting into the stuff that happens in the games

You can't stop me

Attached: Capture.png (470x571, 79K)

He lost his badge adopted a kid and she left to marry some hunk in europe

Yeah, even if we're comparing just the first games, Phoenix gets a lot more done than Apollo.

>Case 1: Nick saves his best friend from being framed for murder
>Case 2: Nick then nails the guy who killed his mentor
>After this, he becomes the caretaker of Maya Fey
>Case 3: Steel Samurai. Doesn't involve Nick. Freebie slot.
>Case 4: Saves Edgeworth from being framed for murder
>Cast 5: Resolves Edgeworth's PTSD while simultaneously exposing corruption between the Prosecution Offices and the Chief of Police

>Case 1: Apollo prosecutes his mentor and almost fails until Phoenix shows up with forged evidence
>Case 2: Doesn't involve Apollo personally. Only becomes Trucy's caretaker because Phoenix gets hospitalized.
>Case 3: Exposes corrupt Interpol agent. His mother is never accused of being a suspect (and wouldn't be because she's blind.) So he never technically "saves" her.
>Case 4: Further incriminates his imprisoned mentor based on circumstantial evidence (the most important being Nick's beanie video recording.) Despite tying seven years worth of shit together that involves both Apollo and Trucy's real family members, neither of the siblings get the reward of finding out they're related or anything involving their parents.

This is why Apollo is weaker.

Holy shit I legit forgot that motherfucker worked in a space center.
Jesus what were they thinking pilling up so much bullshit into his backstory.

Sad is how I was at the end of Spirit of Justice alright. Very strong early game, nice cases, nice relationship they were building between Nick and spirit medium chick, having motherfucking Blackquill as your assistant was the shit. Then they throw the Nick/Spirit chick relationship into the fucking trash and give you the longest, most drawn out case in series history and WE ALL APOLLO now nigger.

Attached: 1525139521345.gif (500x281, 974K)

Lmao Phoenix is like a Bond villain in AA4. I forgot how much stuff he pulls behind the scenes

I didn't like it either but I get why people would like it, basically what happened in AJ with a role reversal this time. Personally I'd rather just not have an AJ-type structure again period but Apollo does "deserve" it.

>becomes Trucy's caretaker
That's kind of bullshit. Trucy is depicted as a lot more capable than Apollo is and it's probably more accurate to say she becomes his caretaker.

>Jesus what were they thinking pilling up so much bullshit into his backstory.
>How about now? Is he cool now?

>finally got to 2-3 and really have absolutely no desire to do that case at all
"Is it the circus case I wonder"
"Yep it is"
It's always interesting when a game makes you have an awful time and you hop online to see that the awfulness hit everyone.

>Fans asking for years to see Maya again so they can see how her relationship with Phoenix has changed
>He treats her the exact same way he did 10 years ago

I know japanese fans are averse to change but stuff like this just pisses me off. So lazy

So we all agree that based Megundal did nothing wrong, right bros?

I didn't mind it for the most part
I'd rather Nick be the one who sets up shop in Khurain with Apollo taking over the Japanifornia office though

damn 3d women are fucking disgusting

Nah man Maya is totally different let's flashback to that one scene again so that you don't forget bro
I actually liked Pearl in DD's DLC case, even she felt weird in SoJ though, what gives?

This is the sloppiest edit I've ever made, but here you go user.

Attached: wojak wright.png (308x310, 93K)

I think you mean the actual master mind did nothing wrong.

Because they look computer generated or made by someone who just discovered photoshop for digital painting.
>simple 2-tone shading yet aggressive gradients
>one thickness for the outlines making it look even flatter
Though honestly the font choice is more annoying to me.

Why was he such an underwhelming final villain? His backstory really feels like a retreading of AAI2's final villain's.

Attached: RobertCrogley.png (808x2608, 2.92M)

Holy fuck

I recently got done with AJ and man it's so fucking weird.

>Unknowingly present forged evidence
>Get disbarred. Also end up taking care of a stranger's child for seven years.
>First case I'm allowed to help with in seven goddamn years, and I decide to use the tactic that led to my demise to implicate Evil Gavin
>"Doesn't matter to me! I'm not an attorney anymore, remember????"
>Somehow end up in the position to help with a trial demonstration of a new legal system
>Decide to make one of the jurors the Defending Attorney's mother
>"It's not unethical because you have amneeessiiiaa, remember, Ms. Justic- I mean, Borginian Enchantress? *hint hint nudge nudge*


The lineart was probably done that way so it would look better when shrunk and digitized. They probably shouldn't have used artwork that was designed to be turned into sprites if they wanted high res assets though.

Can you add eye sink to make it like nick’s eyes in the sprie?
You’re doing god’s work btw

He was meant to tie in the game's theme of how money and wealth corrupt people. In almost every trial, it's kind of in the background with witnesses complaining about not getting paid.

Were you expecting the whole plot to change just because the English version tacked Apollo's name to the title?


For what it's worth these games aren't called "Phoenix Wright" or "Apollo Justice" in Japan

Quiet Zoomer
Old Good
New Bad

I dropped out of the series after shitfest that was both Investigations.
Should I replay the trilogy on Switch and then continue from DD onwards?

Rate my Yaoi Pairing

-Apollo x Phoenix
-Phoenix x Edgeworth
-Phoenix x Larry
-Phoenix x Kristoph Gavin
-Krisoph Gavin x apollo
-Apollo x Klavier
-Gumshoe x Edgeworth
-Franziska x Andrew Adrian
-Engarde x Juan

Old bad
New bad

It's what I'm doing. Literally powered through the Trilogy and skipped over Investigations. Now I'm most of the way Through DD. Nothing seems to be out of place at the moment.

Attached: 354646434645.png (489x616, 283K)

>after shitfest that was both Investigations.
But I2 was the best in the series?

Oh, that's kinda cool. Do the other games also have themes? I think AA6 was about family legacies and AAI2 was about fathers.

New Good
Old Good :)



AA2 pretty clearly had some sort of theme of identity through all of it's cases

spotted the contrarian.

she make my pp hard

I'm way too lazy to properly make the original meme.

Based desu

>finally on-model AA porn
What a time to be alive.

I1 does suck though, thankfully I2 is good

There is even the facial expression in blendshapes in those models, just imagine the possibilities...

Attached: Capture.png (827x537, 208K)

Well, what are you waiting for? Get to it!

What program are you using and how did you get the models? How difficult is it to animate them?

>There is not gonna be a Ace Attorney game near as great as this one

Investigations 3 starring Sebastian Debeste, when

Attached: Box_Art_Gyakuten_Kenji_2.jpg (730x659, 122K)

>SoJ was released 2 years ago
wtf bros I feel old

Actually, a third investigation game would be nuts. The second one have some of the best gameplay-esque ever done in the franchise. Also, having Key Faraday as a prosecutor for the protagonist or follow Sebastian Debeste storyline post Investigation 2 would be interesting.

I also want to see the cast, man. They introduced a lot of nice OC additions to the series in those 2 games. Raymond Shields, Detective Badd, Key, Sebastian and Courtney should return

Attached: 6933e54f34db81d960777387f50c9e8e.jpg (472x551, 49K)

>ruining Phoenix with wojak shit

I found those models on some forum where poeple ripped them directly from the 3DS ROMS, can't remember which exaclty.(They're originally 3ds files exported to fbx and then imported in blender.

As for animating them the facial expressions are separated in differents faces after extractions, you're limited to the one made by the developper(but you could make your own with a bit of work.)

You'll still need to model some part of the body if you want to do porn though.

I don't feel like Sebastian would make for a good MC, he still needs other characters to point shit out for him all the time which seems to be what triggers players the most with this series.

This game happens right before Nick gets disbarred too so I guess a hypothetical AAI3 would follow the not gay adventures of Edgeworth & Nick in Europe? Personally I've always wanted a Lang spin-off though, he was the best thing to come out of those games in my opinion

Attached: 4601978_p0.jpg (750x710, 148K)


Attached: Pearl_Fey_Portrait.png (680x945, 530K)

that comment did not age well

It's kinda sad that there are no new projects announced. I wonder what are they doing now.

Silly user, Pearl doesn't talk like this anymore
since she's Phoenix's wife now and all

Feenie is cute

Attached: 8385f608-4eb1-4787-a621-2ba44afa5056.gif (268x280, 38K)

A new AA game was announced to be in development ages ago, we know nothing about it though.

Phoenix Drive

Edgeworth is an old man

Attached: 1d37dd9f-9b89-4bc5-be62-d4a3efb266e9.png (567x667, 245K)

Just found SOJ models again here's the link:!ph4H3TrK!aoJNGQHPhZ9o1_-XdalAh0Db3lZd1gG6MSDWcwoq0DY

Original context:

Apollo is cooking for Phoenix

Attached: 5631cddd-6326-4d65-9134-abeee600dcf8.jpg (766x500, 177K)

The fujo got in guys. Time to pack it up.

Alright, thanks.

Cool, good to know, found that article.

Phoenix is more handsome as Edgeworth.
He has gray hair
Oldbag has bad taste

Attached: f32105ab-a304-4846-b50a-5fcebcc2ecbd.jpg (500x700, 105K)

Go back to the village, Pearls

Attached: Maya_with_pipe.png (888x529, 589K)

>yfw Wright is at last disbarred

Attached: Massive dumo.jpg (891x717, 77K)

>gets put in charge of reforming the law despite this

Attached: 1543539121137.jpg (1440x810, 86K)

Attached: filters.jpg (229x220, 13K)

I think it's more that the current writers don't have a good handle on writing her. Some other old characters are handled fine, but her & Nick in particular just feel really off compared to, say, PLvsPW which was the last time they both appeared together.

>Check Phoenix Wright chronology
>After the 3 first main games, Apollo Justice and Miles Edgeworth investigations, there´s 35 other games, some are crossovers with Professor Laiton
>Only the first trilogy came out to steam

Attached: 20190420173434_1.jpg (1920x1080, 312K)

You really don't. The original trilogy is the franchise's peak. It's all downhill from there.

I do not like Pearl (18 year) design ..
She looks like a kid
It's lazy

Here´s your high resolution bro

Attached: 20190420071252_1.jpg (1920x1080, 318K)

delete this

I miss her, bros

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 87K)

Moments when you cried like a bitch

>Acro confessing his crime
>Simon Keyes having flashbacks to his abuse at the orphanage
>Athena trying to fix her mom and having a breakdown in court
>Apollo learns Dhurke is dead

Attached: 1555255139467.png (400x240, 107K)

This dude right here.

Attached: terry.png (190x160, 11K)

You pretty much nailed what the only real issue is and it's the coloring is super bad and flat. Maya's hair looks like a Photoshop gradient.

>Can you add eye sink to make it like nick’s eyes in the sprie?
I tried, eh. Also fixed some minor details
>You’re doing god’s work btw

Attached: eh.png (308x310, 93K)

Just got into this series. Should I play all of the main series first, and then play the spin-offs after?

There's quite a few characters in these games you think will be a witness in court but never really are.

I mean there are plenty of grown Asian women that look like 12 year olds to me so I think it works.

Trilogy > AAI > AJ > 3DS games. Pretty much in release order.

Follow the guide

Attached: 1555191129582.png (3000x2434, 2.05M)

I2-4 as a whole

Attached: GK2_Episode_4_ending.png (520x192, 99K)

Every time Godot would uncontrollably shatter one of his mugs.

Attached: IMG_20170811_054948.jpg (322x300, 40K)

this is pretty outdated, DGS's translation is available now, AA4 has been ported, and it's much easier to work everything on a hacked 3DS
also, it's fine to play the mainline first and then go for spinoffs, or whatever

I2 > Trilogy > First Investigation > SoJ > DD > AJ

At least DD and SoJ have more highligths than AJ. The first case is the only fucking one that is worth a thing

Attached: edgeworth you.png (256x192, 52K)

>Apollo learns Dhurke is dead

I forgot about that part, that moment is kino, even if the game is mediocre until that episode

are the investigations games important to the main series plot at all?

No, but they're good fun

Would you rather

>Set after 6-DLC
>Gumshoe is back, is chief of police
>Fran is back, Interpol prosecutor
>Kay is back, maybe detective or something
>Lang is back
>Blackquill is a subordinate of Edgeworth
>Logic Chess is back, Little Thief back


>Athena and Wright game
>Gumshoe and Frank back and are same as above
>Prosecutor is Lana Skye
>Don't do any asspull for Athena or Wright's backstory, actually flesh out their characters like Wright now having a college-aged kid and Athena learning what it means to be a lawyer etc., etc.
>Iris returns
>Bring back multi-witnesses and improvements from DGS


>Phoenix Wright in Smash

There's barely a main plot to speak of.

I would rather have them take the gameplay and come up with new characters and story. Or remake the entire trilogy in VR. Or Ghost Trick 2 : Electric Ghostaloo

No, but you're missing out if you don't play AAI2

I'd love to see the interactions between Lana and Blackquill. Both prosecutors, but one remained free while living a lie for years and the other was innocent but condemned to imprisonment/execution. Could be fun as a backdrop to trying to rehabilitate them both back into normal, daily-life as prosecutors.

Attached: 825717-lana_skye.jpg (411x640, 16K)

It's ironic how the investigations games are not related to the numbered storyline, but the investigations games have a lot of references and cameos from cases and characters of past games.

Anyway, Edgeworth doesn't remember a shit about any character or case of his own games so they doesn't even matter anymore. But holy shit, they are pretty great

Investigations 3, absolutely.

Attached: Ace-attorney-investigations-miles-edgeworth-2-arte-002.jpg (180x248, 20K)

>he wants yet another fucking remake
I'm gonna murder you

Reminder that Blackquill is coward who refused to take Turnabout Time Traveller case

You're gonna sit there and pretend it wouldn't be dope to point your fingers at Edgeworth in VR?
To hang out at Wright Law Office in VR, trying to look up skirts and eating burgers?
To investigate crime scenes in VR and questioning wacky characters, smashing their locks in VR?
Standing in court with cute Maya at your side at all times except when she's kidnapped?

I think it would be rad as fuck.

Attached: pd254.jpg (646x510, 61K)

I don't like either Kay or Iris and I don't care about Smash so I'm at a quandary here.The AA7 scenario sounds more appealing to me though.

3-5 was dogshit built on everyone being an utter idiot

>"I don't like Kay"

Now that im at it. Why generally is the reason of the people that dislike Kay to despite her?. Honestly, is my favorite assistant and one of the favorites part of the cast in the Investigations games

Attached: a4036a54ea0d9f806474f5d9b557736d.jpg (580x650, 57K)

It literally wouldn't be an improvement in any way except for investigating. It's a fucking visual novel, the vast majority of the game is reading and not interacting. Especially since most of the time in court you are not actually controlling what Phoenix says, you are just selecting to present certain evidence or choose from multiple choice questions. So VR would not be as immersive as you think, aside from investigations which admittedly would be cool, but you spend barely any time in the game actually physically looking for evidence. It's mostly just talking.

What was dogshit about it?

I guess you're right... But I think it could be fun.

Maybe just a spinoff then. Gumshoe VR. You gotta find evidence and throw confetti.

Well, I did like the time where she looked and acted like a completely different character.

Can't speak for others, but she just doesn't feel like she belongs most of the time. Most of her dialogue is about her being a thief and her stealing shit which doesn't really gel well with what everyone else talks about. Just doesn't bring much to the table I guess (same issue for different reasons with Iris for me, I find her pretty dull and she doesn't bring much to conversations from what he had of her)

Three adults knew exactly what a 9 year old was going to do and could think of no way to stop her besides doing themselves what they were trying to prevent her from doing

Why did Larry have many girlfriends?
What is his secret

Adding more reddit garbage to the filter.
Imagine if these newfags used this effort to create OC instead of rehash #8219842.
Imagine how much better Yea Forums could be

this, when you face him as apollo in aa6 he seems super competent too

they're just prostitutes
he's bad at disposing the bodies after he's done with them though

His secret is having confidence and having an outgoing personality.

the end of I2-3


>10 years and i'm still mad

Attached: latest.gif (256x192, 56K)

I mean, many were clearly using him for money so if you're willing to be that guy it helps.

>feeling sad for a pedo

I didn't really feel this to be honest, people keep saying that but it felt more like Apollo was just frightened of him than him really saying anything worthwhile
I also thought Phoenix being a prosecutor at all was hard to take seriously so maybe I'm just biased or something

Ace Attorney cucks


>was totally uner her spell
>all of that heinous shit that was revealed in the trial

>P E D O

Attached: 1512708906956.png (333x413, 224K)

he wasn't a prosecutor since it was a civil case in which it's normal for there to be two lawyers, it's just that 95% of the time ace attorney does murder cases

Maybe in the first game. On the second game is more useful assistant, it actually productive about the case where she is involved, and have a great character development in the 4th case as well his relationship with Edgeworth.

I like his pro-active and sherful personality, and i think that his backstory was worth it.


Attached: 1343169919519.png (480x472, 19K)

Are there any traditional AA cases in DGS with investigation>trial>investigation etc? I just finished case 3 and so far it's been trial or investigation only. I'm really loving the characters and the music but the case quality has been generally okay.

>Do a larceny case
>It turns into a murder trial
>Do a civil case
>It turns into a murder trial
At least PLvPW did it straight an didn't do 'It's actually murder! LOL'

Is the trilogy available physically?


Larry is poorer than Phoenix
He has had many jobs.

But currently he is Picture book author

He's from reddit, he doesn't know what cuck means.

I'd play the shit out of that game, not gonna lie.

I mean yea that's the joke, he works many jobs in order to pay for things for his girlfriends who have no issue letting him pay for tons of shit despite being poor.

Still? Did the 3DS games do nothing with him? Disappointing.

Attached: 1315783287513.png (574x2021, 475K)

Spinoff when?

Attached: greg.gif (256x192, 117K)

5 is the worst, 6 is pretty good, Investigations is weak but Investigations 2 is peak

>5 is the worst
>when 4 exist

does anyone have a pic of phoenix wright with just fuck my shit up hair

Hell no


Attached: 453354345345435.png (1280x947, 880K)


Emma is so fucking hot

>only used for exactly one short cutscene
Such a waste.

Too much work

Greg's autism levels are too powerful. They had to confine him to one case.

>Ema using a red scarf like Lana
It's the little things

>Phoenix x Kristoph Gavin





Shit, he looks like a hardened detective. Von Karma really did succeed in turning his son into a flamboyant faggot.

So you're saying he looks like a hard dick?

living the dream

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That's exactly what I'm saying.

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>Reminder that Manfred Von Karma was happily married and fathered a daughter in his fifties

someone pls

Is there a more kino scene in all of video games?

>Gregory Edgeworth: Ace Attorney
>Manfred is prosecutor but is actually kind of a bro
>Raymond Shields assistant
>Kid Miles sees his Dad defend the innocent
>Marvin Grossberg makes a return for keks
>Manfreds wife got killed, he thought she was perfect, ever since then he's been obsessed with perfection and begins to grow more evil throughout the game
>Game ends on a bittersweet note though since Greg is happy his own son defended his best friend in school

I never noticed that, good catch user

>Manfred is prosecutor but is actually kind of a bro
He was always an asshole, and people like to forget he murdered Gerg over the penalty. (Which was retconned to not be his fault, because i2 sucks.)

There's EVEN MORE sexual tension between Franziska and that manager lady.

I thought the manager lady only ever mentioned it and that was all we know about their 'relationship' though, how is that sexual tension? or am I forgetting something, it's been a while

Nintendo DS versions are the only western physical releases, the rest are digital only.

There's no sexual tension, it's just a meme by dumb shippers.

I want to be officially invited in her territory and enrich her with sweets and cookies and hugs

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No good user sir I think it would be interesting to see Manfred start out as a bro but gradually become evil due to hardship or whatnot. Humanize him a little.

I2-3 was the first case Ray worked on the field as an assistant for and also the first time Gregory met Manfred though.

>Doesn't matter to me, I'm not an attorney anymore, remember??

Fucking savage. This was so out of character and sad to see at first but it makes him pretty based in retrospect

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Weird how the same thing happened with AA1, Wright was barely the main focus in that game. With Edgeworth and the Fey’s taking more importance. But at least that was excused because they had more games to develop him.

You really can’t say the same for Apollo though.

I wouldn’t say AA was "grounded", but there’s a big difference in tone with the newer games.

Best I could describe it is Detective Conan plus old Simpsons.

Weird, because even during Phoenix’s last case he was incredibly more competent. Having basically gotten incredibly used to the system by now, but in AA5… It feels like his character regressed.

thanks I hate it

>in AA5… It feels like his character regressed
Edgeworth actually wonders about how much Phoenix regressed during those past 8 years.

Not really video game but Umineko and the fourth episode's tea party comes to mind

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You should be ashamed of yourself for making and/or saving this.

Hey cut that shit out, that's Nick's only daughter your talking about

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Nick & Trucy's relationship ain't that bad, Trucy pretty much acts like how you'd expect a female Nick would. They just need one focus case together (DD's dlc case would've been perfect for that)

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>Umineko/AA threads thriving with 400+ replies today
feels good

7 Y E A R S
Actually 6 years because "fixing mommy"

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7 years was way too long a time to have the gap be, what the heck were Capcom thinking?

Shu Takumi isn't capcom personified.

Kay is bae

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Fucking gold.

You don't have to be Takumi to think this was dumb though

It seemed like a soap opera or some shit.

Everything is connected to Apollo and conveniently he's the son of protesters and other shit.

It didn't make sense.

>Trump was a Wrightfag
fucking poetry.

I like her with Gumshoe but not with Edgeworth (outside of I2-4 where she basically was a different character altogether)

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Serious question: why did they advertise SoJ as "A phoenix is coming to this lands, bla bla bla, the phoenix, bla bla bla, the last lawyer in a lawless land, bla bla bla" only for the game to be an Apollo's show?

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To appeal to nostalgic Wrightfags, why else?

i want her to verbally abuse me without using her voice changer

I dunno why this isn't common knowledge on here but Capcom often misleads the fans during the pre-release period. With AAI2 for example it initially seemed like like Lotta's apprentice was going to be the new assistant for while IIRC.

This isn't why, Apollo's been more marketable since before AA6 was revealed (he's actually had a slight drop in popularity after AA6 going by poll results strangely, though he's still popular)

Hey that's a great idea from Capcom to sort of throw fake spoilers

>he's actually had a slight drop in popularity after AA6 going by poll results strangely
After a fucking whole game made for him?
hahahaha imagine being an Apollofag

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Pretty much this. The 3DS games are a slog.

Step aside, old man. Your Magatama holds no power before Apollo Uchiha's Sharingan, a special power of perception passed down from Half-Borginian and Half-Japanifornian blood.

Like I said, only a slight drop. He's still ridiculously popular.

They've been doing it for a while apparently. They don't go as far as putting out fake screenshots and shit like Danganronpa's devs do but they are careful not to spill the beans about how the game is before it's released.

Why do criminals even bother up trying to obfuscate their crimes when the cops of this world are this stupid? You could probably shoot someone in front of Gumshoe and he'd believe you were innocent if you just said "No, I didn't," about three or four times.

>3DS games. Pretty much in release order.

You know it's bad when the 4-3 criminal is actively exploiting that the police are dumbfucks, despite being one himself

How do I into AAO?

Don't. It's full of discord trannies, and a shell of its former self.

>series with lots of cute girls across many games and years in the making
>95% of fanart is just male characters


It's a visual novel where the main focus is men passionately yelling at each other, so of course it'll attract the fujo crowd.

You know why
The answer is fujos

Alongside what the other anons have said about fujos, said fujos are also the same people who actually buy the games and merchandise while normal people and waifufags just shitpost on the internet, so they get pandered to instead

I fucking wish, it's less than that.

Sounds like Fujo propaganda to me.

nobody asked you, fujoshit

I don't think so. That's why a lot of merchandise is little trinkets like keychains instead of things like figures for the female characters.

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That'd be fun. Greg is a good attorney but fairly normal guy though, so he'd be surrounding by weird characters.

This post is rude but actually spot-on

Men don't use phones and keys? Piffpaff I say. Piff fucking paff.

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Reminder that he lost his job alongside Wright

Did he keep the megaphone?

When did it die?

Of course they do, but usually when a series has merchandise that's basically all trinkets that's a sign that either a) it's not very popular and only has enough fans to support cheap merch like that, or b) females are the ones buying, since they tend to like having lots of small cute merchandise instead of dumping big bucks into figures.

Reminder that anything after 3 is poorly written fanfiction and thus not canon.

Yeah, and the uniform as a "souvenir".

>letting a police officer uniform be kept as a souvenir
good job japanifornia

Reminder that anything after the first game is poorly written fanfiction and thus not canon. That includes 1-5.

what's the order of the other characters?

The anime's pretty cute aside from featuring some of the shoddiest animation and off-model art I've seen in ages. Nick & Maya almost have as much of a "just fuck already" vibe as Nick & Edgeworth do.

If you take it as basically an OVA to the entire trilogy it kind of works. Takumi was writing it and it shows, the added character moments are great and he even made strides to improve some of the worse cases (the circus case particularly got much better). The original episodes are also generally really well done.

they're just friends m8

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Also got stuff like this.

Am I stupid for only realizing on a second playthrough that Viola was supposed to be "Ayam"?

The problem with the new art is the use of soft shading.
They smoothed the fuck outta the old arts to get rid of the pixel look and thats how it ended.

Oh there's an improved version.

If you're stupid then I must be brain amputated because I never got that before you said it. But I also didn't got the pun with Luke Atmey until today.

>Apollo learns Dhurke is dead

The one thing I really hated about SoJ was how they would keep repeating this exact part constantly once you worked it out. IIRC there's like 5 minutes of just talking about if this is a possibility, how it is a possibility and then Apollo being like "it can't be" and when it eventually is, it feels like it's taken the whole surprise out of me, when in reality it shouldn't.

I love how rich Edgeworth's characterization is, this socially awkward guy who still has these crazy obsessions over kid's shows and cool cars.

How is S2? 3-5 is one of my favorite cases not for the mystery itself (that aspect of it is extremely weak imo) but because the investigation segments were filled with really great and memorable dialogue across the entire main cast, they didn't fuck that up did they?

Puns are a particularly embarrassing thing to have missed once you realize the joke - Luke Atmey is the best for that, but also Lotta Hart, Romein LeTouse, Cammy Meele, Jacques Portsman, Sasha Buckler

you're going to see this image in every AA thread now

Who cares, at least it isn't "delicious maya ecchi.png". Which I still have saved but I always get banned for it.

not anymore she's not

Did someone ask for an updated autopsy report?

>Corrupt lawmen
>Corrupt bussinessmen
>Black widows
>A theorcratic dictator
>A clown

What villain trope do you want to see? I haven't played DGS but I've heard there is a serial killer. Personally I'd like to see an actual terrorist mastermind who believes the legal system needs to be destroyed or something like that.

Let's watch that tape again.

A corrupt judge.

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>there's 35 other games
this just isn't true. What are you talking about?

What do you mean, is there a pun I'm missing?

I find that it's usually how you pronounce the words that make the puns go over your head. I pronounced Luke Atmey as "Luke Ata-mei" and never got it until later. Hell even Paul Atishon I pronounced "Paul At-is-son" because I was retarded.

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I wouldn't mind some Agatha Christie-esque case where the murderer is something out of left field, And Then There Were None or Orient Express-style. though the former was kind of done in Danganronpa

What animals do you think the characters like

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AA6 was originally going to be heavily mafia/underworld-orientated apparently, I'd like to see where that could go

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He just wants the other games on PC, user. It's fine.

>Every case is extremely drawn out because the judge isn't just a naive bumbling old man. The judge is actively trying to sabotage you and will only fold to undeniable evidence.

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I will beat a rod...

DGS cracked for android when

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It would be interesting dynamic to think that criminal elements where supporting the revolutionaries. Maybe if they had the law back in terms of defense attorneys, things wouldn't be so black-and-white.

>everyone in the courtroom is guilty
>including Pheonix

>The judge presents evidence that is not in your favor
>plays on his phone when you're presenting evidence

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What would a Ghost Trick x Ace Attorney crossover be like?

lookin good

The partner/assistant being the main culprit
We'll never be able to see the protagonist being one considering the nature of the AA games

Maya was kind of his ward for a while. It gets a bit awkward.

It was close with Duel Destinies, I never got spoiled so to be honest I thought Athena was the culprit.

Also the inspiration for Persona 4, iirc.