Here are your four guest characters for Mortal Kombat 11. Say something nice about them

Here are your four guest characters for Mortal Kombat 11. Say something nice about them.

Attached: mkguests.png (700x700, 867K)

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Kino choices.

>Arnold/Ash fit the old/young mechanic
>Joker with variations for each major iteration
>I don't know anything about Spawn but people like him so whatever

They better have Bruce Campbell and Arnie voicing Ash and Terminator respectively, otherwise it's shit

>Gang Weed.

Attached: OOH MY.webm (1280x720, 761K)

Ash is kino and should be in any crossover they put his goofy ass in.

When the fuck did NRS get good taste?

>finish him

You should watch the animated Spawn, it was made by Madhouse so it has top-tier animation and the VA is great.

oker: "I bet you're a goodie-goodie like your mother."

Cassie: "Once I didn't make my bed at basic training."


Attached: download.jpg (275x183, 11K)

Can’t wait to be the first guy to upload a compilation of Joker doing a fatality on every woman and minority.

Attached: C0B3968F-9889-4E5D-B210-00D2435520C8.jpg (750x493, 62K)

Ash is literally perfect for MK, as long as Bruce is voicing it'll be kino

Attached: 1522701565038.webm (854x480, 2.97M)

I assume it's just the joker from injustice

Attached: rare sheev.png (359x291, 8K)

I hope this isn't the Evil Dead videogame Bruce mentioned after AvED was cancelled. To him he may think it was an ED game since he'd be voicing Ash. I just want a fun actual video game where the main focus is Ash and the Evil Dead.

Did he say that even though he retired from the live action Ash, he was still providing his voice to for Ash in one last game?

I doubt Arnold would do it but Bruce will likely do it

They better get Spawns VA from the animated series to voice him.

I don't see why Arnold wouldn't do it, he'd probably want the free publicity ahead of his new movie

I'm pretty sure Bruce has voiced all his characters in video game adaptations with the exception of Poker Night 2, he just voiced Ash in Dead by Daylight a couple years ago so it's pretty likely WB games can get him to do it

Bruce said he was done playing Ash when AvED got canceled.

After the abomination that was MKX's guests, this is a pretty solid lineup. Ash and Spawn are cool, Joker is okay and Terminator is questionable, considering the x rays and certain fatalities

Kek. Have a you user

the horror icons were cool outside of Leatherface, Alien vs Predator was awesome too

Even after that, he said he still had one last Ash role in a game.

>a couple years ago
bro it was like 2 weeks ago almost

He also said he'll be finishing projects involving Ash that were already in motion, one being a videogame. Not sure if there were more than one or not.

He was most likely referring to playing him in a live-action role, reading some lines in a booth for a small non-canon crossover dlc isn't comparable

Holy shit, the ASS TO ASS guy from Requiem is Keith David.

Oh, I was going off of the wikipedia page and it said 2016
So yeah he's 100% in

based pop culture character pack DLC saving me money on shit i will never ever want to buy

a couple of weeks ago*

i think its cause DBD came out in 2016 from early access.
heres the trailer from march.

was spawn in a soul calibur game or did i dream that up?

Soul Calibur 2 yeah

he was in the Xbox version of SC2

Injustice 2 had 2 MK characters so many one more from injustice

>can see takis poky nipples through her tight outfit
>cant see spawns

this game is sexist. im telling anita.

such an odd choice for a guest character, even Star Wars shilling made more sense

>no doomguy
now im REALLY not picking up this game

why is joker just actually pagliacci now

what about superman instead of joker

>Shao Kahn is pre-order
oh come the fuck on Ed Boon

hell burnt his nipples off

yeah. spawns popularity had already died down a fair bit by the time sc2 came out. maybe they made a deal to try to get interest in the character back.

spawns had a hard life.

Todd McFarlane said hes design pic related if they added Spawn

Attached: Necrid-sc2fix.jpg (800x1200, 358K)

>nu joker
just no

His alt was superior in every way.

Attached: 257d7c1510409b4ab5ae4ac4532fe516.jpg (468x619, 42K)

please don't be true so Ash is spared from MK

That's really doing the character a disservice, only being able to run from killers and all. It doesn't fit old man Ash well at all

Didn't Todd's company also make soul calibur figurines

I’m still mad sindel and sheeva are the dlc like we had far better options


is this fucking 2012?

Wasn't he in a WWE game?