How would you have improved yume nikki?

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Nothing, it's perfectly fine as it is. It even put the bike less than 2 minutes away from the start if you know what you're doing.

By making a more interesting game to begin with

nothing could have improved it other than maybe if the lamp world from v.06 and the song that played there had been added in somewhere

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>if you know what you're doing.
you mean if you read a walkthrough? You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.

Or maybe, just maybe, you play the game more than once.

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I would've liked it more if some of the main nexus worlds weren't mostly empty space. It's weird cause most of the other dream worlds are really nice and atmospheric, but the main ones feel like a slog after a while, especially without the bike to help explore
and dont even get me started with madotsuki's walking noise, that shit is burned deep into my mind

So is it actually moving along or is it just concept art?

added more exhibitionism scenes obviously.

its moving along, we are putting out very minor updates and fixes each build but we at least have something. compared to the other collaboration fangame im working on, the Yea Forums one has made more progress in a weekend than that one did over a month and a half

nice it's looking good i need to join the chat group set up in the google drive so i can contribute art, but i'm proud of us Yea Forums

Kill yourself

Does it really need improvement? It was (and I guess still kinda is) very popular despite being a walking sim made in rpg maker.
But if I had to answer I guess add more puzzles?

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There's probably some kind of change that could be made that would improve the game for me to some extent, but I can't think of one at the moment.

A less obnoxious teleport maze? I mean, the sound effects are needlessly grating there. Overall a petty complaint, though.

give her some big titties

I think I would have changed the default footstep. Maybe I'm just a pleb but I never felt like the cartoony squeaks her shoes made were fitting

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Have more ways the effects can interact with the environments

She's a kid you sick fuck.

This desu.
too many effects that have absolutely no application.

Is this yume 2kki but Yea Forums? im interested

wrong quote

Mado is fine as is, she don't need any big tits

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yeah there was a thread about it a few days ago setting everything up but we are making our own 2kki type game, the working title is yume 4kki.

the main character is going to be yotsuba or a yotsuba inspired character

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yeah, essentially, we just started on friday night so we are still in need of ideas and people who can contribute music,sprites,sfx, or even just idea guys. the more the better really
if you search the archive or fireden for '2chan' you can find the thread and the google drive link for the project

but what about 3kki

4 is for Yea Forums i guess
also yume sankki sounds dumber than yume shikki

Sounds good. Is it a "serious" game like 2kki or will it be full of ironic humor like modern Yea Forums. I might contribute if I got some spare time.

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it's just a working title it might not even be the final title being yume 4kki.

and i think .flow is considered yume 3kki in spirit

we are trying to stay fairly serious. theres talk of having only 1 single meme world thats obscure and hard to access since people will want dumb memes anyways but whether that gets added or not is up in the air

from what i can tell people are taking it very seriously which is a good sign. i don't think it's going to be full of meme humour it's going to have a few references to memes maybe board culture but they will be subtle

the game is mainly about the dreams of anons

What are the obligatory vehicle/speed boost and weapon effects going to be?

speed effect has already been added, its yotsubas scooter

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Weapon better be a squirt gun then.

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She looks like she would be a sick fuck.

Shit needs to have an Azumanga world, just saiyan.

haha this is actually not a bad idea for her weapon to be just a water gun

Wow a Yume Nikki thread with more than 5 replies. Don't we have something more important to do? Like talking about censorship in anime videogames for human scum

Remove 90% of the empty space
Literally all the best and more interesting locations are smaller maps

Big ass and big ass tiddies

And I'd give her a good fuck

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So was Mado raped or what?

that's boring stuff, plus there is already a bunch of people talking about it.

no she was lightly groped

Have you guys tried browsing uboachan lately? This place is dead as fuck

I don't want to improve it.

It exists in this microcosm of games so sincere in it's delivery that I fear tainting it with my opinions would heavily blemish it. Even if what I suggest is simple QoL improvements or shit like that.

what do you mean this place is dead?
it looks alive to me

A sort of indicator like in Fatal Frame 3, which would become brighter when you approach something important.

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It feels like there is like 1 post a week in any thread

So you want an easy mode, huh?

Will she an hero in the end? Please no I mean, Yotsuba did live in a warzone and had a pretty hard life before coming to Japan.

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Delet this user I beg of you

that's already an effect in the game

Favorited the google doc page. I know how to do sprite work and some low tier graphics but I'll come on the project when I actually know how to use rpgmaker

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you don't need to know how to use rpg maker we got programmers on the team you just need to know how to make sprites and format them to fit into rpg maker

I want in, i'm a musicfag

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Put me in the game and fuck the girl and cum inside that’s it that’s the only change good game

I don't see it that way. It could also have different colors when you are near a "new being". In fact the light would never stop to glow as there is always something to discover, a new feeling, sound or interaction. Except maybe in the hellish level, lights could go crazy and in the underworld it would stay off.
You can, I think, make the player feel something great through a light.

Also, Yume Nikki is not hard but it can be frustrating at some point

Are you going to use yume nikki styled music (short loops/ambient stuff) or something else?

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Full 3d with fuckhuge maps and effects that can be used for mobility/shortcuts but only if you know how.

It'll fall apart like all "Western 2kkis" do

i'm not to sure i'm not one of the musicfags working on it but the stuff sounds pretty ambient and nice so far

says ye of little faith

Hey how do I time Nikki fan game. I wanna do one that’s more exploitable but brain don’t work to well

I wanna colaborate, wat do?

You disgust me.

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i'm not really in charge so i don't know the recruitment rules or if there even is any.

but we are after professionalism, zero name fagging, and zero drama, also examples of what you are capable of providing to the project.


I'd make the maps more condensed. The best part of the game is finding new areas and effects, but in yume nikki it the areas felt too large to the point that scouring each area fully became a chore, especially when you're stuck at some point and try to backtrack to find something you missed.
.flow addressed this issue really well, focusing on the exploration aspect more since all the areas are relatively more compact but there are way more of them and much more branching paths. I eventually succumbed to using a guide for yume nikki but for .flow I could find all the effects myself and only needed a guide for 2 of the 3 special objects

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>Yume 4kiki is actually going to bething
Well how is the development working out? Also don't forget to make thread on friday weekly user

we have a few builds so far, very basic stuff but it's a foundation in which we can continue building on.


It will. Give or take a few months.

Just put her into HuniePop 2.

Remove Dream Diary from existence. The game itself can't really be improved outside of maybe a "the same but more" approach.

2kki is only called that because 2 is "Ni" in Japanese.


A special drug that makes you forget your everything about Yume Nikki.

So that you could experience for the first time all over again.

Wow, a drug I'd actually take.

more interactivity and i'm sure other mechanics could have been added to make it feel more like a game and less like a walking sim

Well Lisa The First is Yume Nikki but has a actual to reason to play the game, so take notes.

>has an actual reason

I don't think YN would benefit from a stronger driving force than what it already has. I usually prefer structure in my games but there's something very free and calming about how hands off YN is that I don't think other open exploration games get right.

it's what also makes games like harvest moon appealing

Yeah, this. I heard about it for years and years and finally played it last year. I like the weird designs of the areas, they're great. I like the weird, otherworldly and creepy feeling, but it felt really overrated. Kinda want to take LSD and play it though, that ought to be quite a trip.

if you do it will make everything 10x more creepy

What's your opinion about Yume Nikki 3D (fan game, not the DREAM DIARY)?

Interestingly it seems to be made with EDuke32, not Unity like you'd expect.

it's what everything dream diary should have been just a 3d exploration game.

I want to cum inside Monoe



Include puzzle-platforming gameplay but keep it obscure like the original

why not

I think that's the "joke" here.

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Fuck you.

I wish I could help, but the most I could do is probably some shitty abstract backgrounds wich I'm sure is already being handled.
It's interesting seeing a game being made from the start and the discussion around it, i'll keep an eye out on the project.

It already exist