Old school fps thread

Old school fps thread

Which build engine game from the holy trinity of duke nukem, shadow warrior, and blood did you like the most? I know Blood is regarded as the best but personally I like Shadow Warrior more, but Blood is a close second, though it did have the most satisfying shotgun ever.

Also what do y'all think of dusk, ion maiden, amid evil? (And Wrath: aeon of ruin?)

Attached: shadow-warrior-hd-wallpapers-33610-7281580.jpg (1920x1080, 170K)

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I liked Shadow Warrior the most, enjoyed Blood's weapons the best, and was given the most laughs from Duke. Haven't touched Dusk, Amid Evil, or Wrath but I get the impression they're trying more to recapture the essence of the first Quake which I was never really big on. Great games I'm sure but I dunno, something about them puts me off visually.

Now Ion Maiden, that I can't fucking wait for. I haven't tried the latest build of it so I only played the first level or two in the version I have but I've enjoyed the hell out of so far.

Dook was a good start for the build engine, but man some of the levels really suck. Namely all of episode 2 and the barge level later on.

only played blood, was an absolute master piece hampered by bullshit build engine hitscanners
dusk was amazing and had the great idea of all enemy attacks being projectiles, really good game the atmosphere was good, didnt expect the final final boss at all, the soundtrack was fantastic, just a great game that
amid evil was ok but it honestly felt really boring, maybe i just did get far enough in it but i wasnt really wowed by anything that i saw

The levels in Episode 3 of Duke where you really get to use the jetpack are some of the most fun ever in an FPS.

I'm a fan of quake as well, especially the gothic atmosphere, so dusk lookd real interesting to me. So does wrath but it's not out. Haven't tried Ion Maiden though because it's still early access

dumb civvie11 poster
anyway blood >>> duke > shadow warrior


some fat youtuber who sucks at blood

Hey fuck you, when I was like 7 years old I fucking loved those Space levels in Duke. The only ones that I thought were REALLY bad were Tiberius Station and Fusion Station.

okay, so what?

so bloodGDX is better than nBlood and if you disagree you're literally Kaiser

Attached: 1553457442222.png (500x398, 54K)

based serious sam poster

Blood is the best, the gameplay is the most satisfying. It fuckin lives up to its name, the gore is great.

Gameplay/level design is fine, sound design and models are ass. The models have less poly's than Quake, and many are animated jankily. And a lot of the sound effects are really metallic, painful to hear.
>amid evil
Very satisfying combat, the weapons all feel good and serve a unique purpose. The level design is very solid, with some very pretty & colorful visuals.

Attached: 1547711947087.jpg (564x325, 17K)

Do you have alzheimer's?

They're giving Blood an updated rerlease iirc.

Just beat Doom 1. Boy, the shotgun gets old and so do the enemies, but it was fun. Going to hold off on Doom 2.

So the recommended build engine order is Duke, SW, Blood, right? I played the fuck out of Duke when I was a kid looking forward to going back.

Duke is shit, skip it.

play scythe.wad with SMOOTH DOOM

Duke -> Blood -> Shadow Warrior is the order of both of difficulty and of lasting legacy/impact


Attached: file.png (102x119, 25K)

>Build engine trilogy
You mean the misogyny, racism and edginess trilogy?

Attached: build.png (1600x1035, 2.22M)

based tranny janitor

shadow warrior only has one or two dickhead enemies
duke's hitscanning and grenade spamming assholes are balanced by being shrinkable
blood is out for blood, turn a wrong corner and you're eating a bundle of TNT, 2 double barrel shotgun blasts and a tommy gun burst right in the face

WADs are the best part of Doom, there's a lot of good maps in the original games but the quality is all over the place.
Going in the release order for build games is good but Duke episode 2 is skippable. Quake 1 is also worth playing but just forget episode 4 and play arcane dimensions instead. The first expansion is also decent.

Or as it's known among people with non-prolapsed anuses; the fun action, fun horror, and fun kung fu trilogy.

Based baitposter trying to get the thread going.

Finally someone who likes Amid Evil, I'm not alone anymore

Shadow Warrior had by far the most enjoyable level design for me and all those weird abilities and things to discover, which makes it the better game than Blood for me but the latter has the better combat in certain areas. Duke was alright for its time but compared to all three is just the inferior game.

Shadow Warrior is easily the best out of the Build Engine trilogy of games. The engine advancements alone CANNOT be ignored.
Duke is second.
Blood is third.

Is the Classic Redux any good? I remember playing it years ago and it had some glitches involving mouse sensitivity, settings not saving or something along those lines.

>Duke Nukem 3D
The most accesible of the Build games, I like it. Duke's pretty cool

>Shadow Warrior
A bit more bullshit than Duke, but still fun. Lo Wang is funny

Best gunplay of the bunch, shotgun and dynamite are amazing, great monster design and sounds, but the game goes way overboard on cultist and the minibosses are way too spongey. Caleb is the coolest with a great voice

It's ok. Gameplay is solid and powerups are fun, but the game looks ugly as sin, even compared to Quake 1.

>Ion Maiden
I'd put it between Duke and Blood. It's very solid all around, but lacks the OOMPH of Blood's shotgun and dynamite. Enemies so far are a bit lacking, hoping that improves in the full release. Shelly is a bit on the bland side

>Amid Evil
I love it. Beautiful locations, creative and fun weapons and lots of enemies. Could use a bit more enemies maybe but not a deal breaker for me

>final level of Shadow Warrior
>boss music bugs out on the first boss and plays throughout the entire level
>makes you want to kill shit and go through the volcano as fast as possible to match the rhythm
pure kino

I feel like blood has too many annoying enemies that you can just slowly cheese with the pitchfork as well as

>2-5+ zombies block your path
what's even the point when they can never hit you unless some other enemies

Throwing a bundle of dynamite at a group of zombies and seeing them all fly away is great fun

yeah but I did that a dozen times already
also those fucking ghosts

I've done it so many dozen times and it's still fun
Ghosts are a bit finnicky, but not as bad as gargoyles. Fucking gargoyles can stay up the air forever, the flying shits

>that one level in Deathwish that spawns like 50 zombies in one room

>bullshit build engine hitscanners

crouching fucks those hitscanners up.

Deathwish is really fun, but what the fuck is up with that red ghost that shoots fireballs? Feels like a giant middle finger to the player

blood's always been THE BEST
but until a few years ago your options for playing it were: 1) DOSbox with horrible mouse aim, frame rates and nauseating FOV 2) go fuck yourself
the random russian code monkey who reverse engineered it from alpha source code is a fucking legend, and now Blood easily blows both duke and shadow warrior (who both had source ports for ages) the fuck out

Attached: blood.webm (960x540, 2.85M)

get back to work civvie

I'm really excited for NightDive's re-release.

it's Kaiser's turn to reverse engineer the fucker
he will never live down he was beaten to the punch by a russian java coder who probably makes trojans for a living
Blood EX/whatever they're calling it looks pretty stupid right now with an xbox hueg weapon wheel thing for game pads
actual source code is presumed to be in Jace Hall's dirty socks drawer, enjoying disc rot

Shadow Warrior suffers from a lack of actually usable weapons. In Doom you can effectively kill with everything past the starter pistol. Here, you have:
shurikens - useless
pee shooter riot gun that does no damage
UZIs with 45 degree spread that go through ammo in 2 seconds of sustained fire
RPG - overkill for regular enemies and constantly runs out of ammo
grenade launcher whose projectiles fly slower than enemies run and take 10 seconds to explode
sticky bombs - gimmick
railgun with a second of input delay, in an engine where mlook was an afterthought
some flame thrower head that is situational at best and runs out of charges instantly

The challenge in that game is not killing enemies, it's trying to do so with weak and inaccurate weapons, while the enemies move fast and have unlimited and accurate hitscan attacks.

Douk isn't much fun at higher difficulties and the encounters aren't particularly well designed.
>oh hey, you picked up [item], let's teleport more enemies into the room you cleared TWICE

I think it was one of the first FPSes that tried to portray real places instead of abstract maze levels and had a memorable main character, but as far as pure gameplay goes, it wasn't that great.