Why aren't you excited for this?

Why aren't you excited for this?

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>Doesn't own a PS4.

>open world
>3rd person
>action, survival zombie
Generic is an understatement.

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I don't like bad games XD

t. plays generic weeb shit

Because zombies, console and the footage I've seen looks utterly uninspired. In before accuses me of not having spent a few hundred bucks on a toy.

I have a PC and Xbox 360 (And a PS3 somewhere stashed away)

DMCV, REmake, and Sekiro shits on almost everything this year.

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Because I have no fucking clue what will come out of this, gonna have to watch some gameplay before even considering if I want to play it someday

>White protagonist
No thanks

trash just like that kojema trash hes making.

Does anyone even know what this game is about besides being a 3rd person zombie game? Sony has done litterally nothing to make this stand out.

I really hope DEE EHM CEE gets some DEE EHL CEE so I can actually buy it to support the devs, but right know I've already plated the entire game so there's no reason.

After nu-GoW I'm just skeptical of these unoriginal, third-person walking simulators. These aren't games. They're really, REALLY bad movies where you interact with shitty set-pieces between cutscenes. And they're all the same. If I see some interesting gameplay that proves to me that this isn't just another TLoU clone or a "cinematic adventure" and is actually a good GAME, I might give it a chance.

Wtf, I thought bloody palace or whatever it's called came out.

Bloody Palace is just a free boss rush type thing, isn't enough to justify spending 50-80 leaf dollars for a brand new copy.

I'm a slut for zombie games. STill love the genre. This game though? HAsn't done a god damn thing to catch my interest.

It's coming out like 6 years too late.
Also it seems clunky as fuck from the few shill webms posted every couple days in here.

i want to be excited but it just looks so fucking boring

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I agree that it looks uninteresting but why movie?

As someone who liked the new God of War, this looks incredibly boring and uninspired. Maybe it's secretly incredible and every single piece of footage they've shown is doing the game a disservice, but I doubt it.

im just going to steal it from redbox