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>Yea Forums - twitter speculations for shitposting

Don't forget One-not Interviews about Nintendo talking to developers or Sakurai mentioning a random game

if MS can get steve in... then when do we get the chief?

I'd honestly rather the ol chief beef than steve peeve

As long Banjo doesn't get in, I'm fine


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link to discord?

Will hyrule castle be available on PC? It isn't worth showing off your minecraft structures without raytracing anymore.


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>Yea Forums raid discord server
seems like peak autism

>raiding a imaginary smash character prediction
How autistic do you need to be to do this

Based Stevechads protecting kayfabe and working Banjo simps into a ding-dong diddly shoot

>trying to shit on notre dame this soon
wtf is wrong with nintendo?

Liking Smash games so much that you join a community about possible added characters for DLC and make it your entire identity is the opposite of autism, actually.

>Correlating Hyrule Castle to Notre Dame
Wtf is wrong with you?

I'm not going to talk to someone of your ilk.

why do people even argue about who they want
its not going to change the outcome or anything

because muh btfo culture. Circle jerkers from Twitter and other shit holes saw how much fun the Ashley bullying was and have been trying to replicate it ever since

>Steve gets meme'd into smash
>he's shit
>Yea Forums will complain on how disappointing he is for days
then what?

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banjo is overrated
it is just a boring collectathon game with a furry mascot that might as well be bubsy and a new friend of his
only that bubsy couldn't make friends
or conker
or dk
or crash
or zero the kamikaze squirrel
hell, just use mickey mouse
banjoverrated imho m9

All Smash fans past the age of 12 are autistic so your point is invalid

It'd be way better if he was 4 bayo-tier broken so he'd constantly show up in tournies.

You know who else Microsoft owns?

Guh Huh

Sorry buddy, but Scorpion is the next DLC character

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I don't even give a shit about any of this smash shit here or whatever. 9 years ago, Minecraft was just a cool indie game I played with my friends and used neat world gen mods with and now Nintendo's showing off their Hyrule Castle creation in the world's second best-selling game, that being Minecraft.

It will always blow my mind MC got this far, and I'll be here 10 years later saying the same thing.