Update when?

Update when?

DoL thread

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fucking end yourselves pedophiles

>get chastity belt removed while doing a purity run because it makes the game 2ez
Also, can't wait for ebeggar-kun to show up.

>students recognize you and wave
>not stress +
immersion ruined

>Not being queen of the school
baka desu sempai.

My chastity belt is frayed. Does it break if it takes too much damage? I'm afrayed man

generals are prohibited on Yea Forums. kill yourself

You jinxed it, motherfucker.

Odd that he's not spamming though.

Stop advertising and spamming your patreon game here.

Maybe it was just an impersonator. Maybe he doesn't know how to change IPs

Eden is the best girl. Stole my virginity and became her house husband 10/10

I've never even seen Eden in game. How do you find her? Get sold into sexual slavery by Bailey?

>this shilling fucker again

Run as far into the forest as possible. But yeah, on a blind playthrough failing to pay Bailey twice is what gets Eden access

>IP count didn't go up

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It's already out nigger

vrelnir pls give update

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I'm assuming she's the one who hunts you when you wander around in the forest for a while?

>being this obsessed with ip counts
stop trying to force generals of your patreon game here fucktard


Go complain in risk of rain and city of heroes threads they just won't fucking leave this board even though they're clearly a general

Advertising and spamming is against the rules.

I swear to God it wasn't out when I posted this thread.

reminder to burn all ponyfags

You wot?

ror and coh are popular sfw games. this low effort fetish porn shit patreon scam garbage that nobody ever heard of doesnt belong here.

Tell me, user, what got you so upset about this game?

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So, what is everyone's first-day routine? Starting a new character for the new update, and I want some ideas that aren't my usual of
>go to lake
>get ivory necklace on first day
>sell it by 2 pm
>don't worry about money for 3 weeks

That and cut weed until night probably

Help out at the mansions before school, that should be decent supplemental income until you can start dancing.

I think its just people being pissed at shills spamming their low effort shit here for patreon money. I can understand if its done once or twice but spamming generals about them while completely ignoring /weg/ and /vg/ is going over board.

he probably made the thread

Fuck off to /weg/ with your shit game.

Back to /h/ and /d/ retards your general is over there

No, actually. I'm the OP from last night, and I waited until about the same time to make the thread again.

>cut weed
u wot?

Probably don't make one every day unless you're actually trying to get these threads banned as generals.

I won't. I wasn't planning on it before the dude chimped out. Next one I make will probably be a week or so from now.

how about taking this shit over to /vg/? they allow generals there.

There's no point. The game doesn't have enough content to discuss 24/7, so it'd just devolve into /ksg/2.0.