How would you react if
>persona 1 hd remake
>make the art style and gameplay like p5
>gives you the option to use the ps1 or psp soundtrack
How would you react if
I'd buy it
i'd buy it and pray it sells well enough for atlus to follow it up with a p2 remake.
Nah , meguro has the talent to actually "modernize" the OG ost into something better , and considering the amount of criticism he got from the psp ost , I doubt he would fuck it up mgain
Sounds good, so long as there's no shit character additions like Marie.
I wanna embrace the engrish again
>make the artstyle like p5
Persona 1 is trash. Not even a remake could save it.
Remake the 2 Duology
Remake the Persona 1 manga
What’s wrong with that?
I'd rather they find a way to mix the 2 soundtracks together. There are some really good tracks in the psp version and I'd really like to listen to them without losing the atmosphere of the ps1 soundtrack.
swap out the p5 cast for the p1 cast, change the theme of the ui to something hazy and purple/blue like the psp version's cover, and that's what it should look like.
I actually like P1 but it’s extremely outdated and it’s more of a SMT game than a modern persona game, so a remake is welcomed.
Ayy that’s pretty good. P3 is blue, p4 is yellow, and p5 is red. Purple would be pretty good for p1.
Hi everyone! Don't forget that in order to say P1 is good you need to pass the test. No cheating
>Name all party members
>List 10 things that happened in the story
Its the only way you can confirm you aren't just being a contrarian.
I would be incredibly suspicious since Atlus loves to add unnecessary characters to their remakes lately and I'd hate to see that. But if they didn't do that, then I'd be beyond stoked.
Persona 1 PSP soundtrack was kino tho
Is black mark an option?
thanks doc..?
It's much, much smaller than OG OST, resulting in hearing the same shit over and over again.
1 > EP > 3 > IS > 5 > 4
Daily reminder
>le meaningless style over substance aesthetic
>le hit weaknesses and baton pass to win gameplay
no thanks
Please see
1 > IS > EP > 3 > 4 > 5
I'd be shoveling my money at the screen
>list 10 things
hard mode:
>list 1
game was a fucking snoozefest,
only memorable moment was mc seeing mc playing an arcade? gambling machine? in the middle of a fucking dungeon. wow so cuhrayzee
Which is the point. There is not a soul on this planet who can tell you what happened in P1 other than that you went to a forest
1. The hospital gets fucked by zombies
2. Nanjo's butler dies
3. You bust Mark and Brown out of prison and kill cops
4. That one scientist gets tossed into the deva system and you gotta save him to get the good ending
5. That one chick who's jealous of Maki gets a magic mirror that gives her moles
6. You fight a giant robot rat
7. SUPER GUIDO ft. nyarlathotep
8. You go through a hedge maze to meet Mai and talk about the compact and shit
9. Maki gets super sad when she realizes she doesn't exist and traps herself in the hedge maze with a mask on
10. You talk to yourself who's sitting around playing video games
Get fucked loser
>listing Mark twice
>replying to brainlets
He'll now claim that you looked it up on the wiki.
>>List 10 things that happened in the story
>brown recounted the time he shat himself to make Mary smile
>the butler died for nanjo's sins
>mark danced crazy
>the MC spent 10 years in the casino at the start of the ice queen quest to get fusion materials for strong enough demons to do the thanatos tower run so everyone could get their max personas
>megido lilim carried the party
is that enough
to be fair I don't think I could list 10 things that happened in P3.
This. P1 is horrible. The combats abysmally bad. Its so mind numbingly boring. The idea of positioning characters is cool, but you set it up once and never need to change it. Also nuclear damage trivialized everything.
All the characters are shit. No, Mark and Brown being "soh randum XDDD" doesn't make them good characters.
The storys shit. The only thing P1 has going for it is that its kind of cool how you can do two different routes in one game, but its done better in games that even came out at the same time like Front Mission 3, and FM3 doesn't suck ass.
No one would even give P1 a second look now if the rest of the games didn't exist.
I might be recalling wrong and this might apply to the PS1 version, but doesn't it make all skills on any single persona cost the same SP?
Where is it, retard?
>All the characters are shit.
Best characters in the entire series.
>Mark and Brown being "soh randum XDDD"
Oh, so you didn't play the game. Get fucked.
Yes. I like it honestly. It's weird but it makes the persona and the skill tied in a way that makes each one unique.
but I'm an If... fag
Best answer I've seen so far. You may keep your opinion
I'm fair user. If a P1fag had to cheat they would have to subconsciously accept the game is unmemorable shit
>it was a full moon so you fought an actual boss
>nothing happened for a whole month until the next full moon
rinse and repeat
Shut the fuck up retard and let devs do new games
nobody would care about persona 1 if it wasn't a persona game
meanwhile the persona 2 games would still be cult classics even if they were called something else because of how unique they are without being totally butt and instead only mostly butt
>literally best selling game in the Persona series until Persona 5
really makes you think
Persona 1 is literally the only game in the series that actually explores Jungian stuff.
I'm an Old Grandpa persona fag so I'd take it no questions asked.
The characters have zero personilization, never interact and just move from location to location. The character fleshed out the most is fucking Brown just because he gives the backstory to his nickname meaning he got caught shitting himself.
Go ahead and give some wikipedias cliff notes definition of the stereotype trope "personality" they have when you first meet them which never comes up again when they're absorbed into the group, but we both know you're just baiting.
>I never talked to any of my party members except when required: the post
People hate P1 this much?
>this retard literally never talked to his party members
Remakes are fucking worthless, just port the game for those who actually want to play it and make a fucking new game instead of rehashing the past with a "fresh" coat of paint that won't be fresh anymore in five years anyway
It has no good qualities to it.
God I hope so. It's an objectively better design than White Mark.
That hat is so fucking stupid.
Persona 1's gameplay is absolute garbage, though. It's one of those games that desperately needs a remake, much like SMT1/2 and Persona 2.
This was the best original P1 music:
Persona 1's combat was boring, and I don't feel much about the characters that weren't in my party, but fuck the music is so good. I played through the PSP version with the PS1 soundtrack and when shit like this plays, it's hard not to love Persona 1
Which is better, this or SAVE ME FROM MY BLOOOODY DESTINY
would you keep the grid and the missing types of attacks though?
Everyone in this thread acts like the game murdered their family, set their town on fire, pissed in their cereal and its the worst thing that ever happened. Its not the best thing but I didn't find it to be the worst thing ever.
Dear god, no. Persona 5 gameplay, four active characters with a spare party member that you can swap in.
He also never played the game, because their personality is fleshed out in the plot itself. Nanjo's character development is easily the best in the series. Scene where he says that responsible adult would not risk it and then calls himself a kid was fucking amazing.
It makes waifufags screech since there aren't any social links.
No its not the worst thing ever and it even has better game-play than P2. The only issue is when contrarians start trying to say that its better than the other games in the series, which is why its important they properly validate and verify their opinions
Calendar system games are fucking trash and Persona 2's gameplay is shit, it's actually contrarian to suggest that Persona 1 is worse than others.
>and I don't feel much about the characters that weren't in my party
No shit, you never meet them. I hope you picked up Reiji for your SEBEC playthrough, because you can get Ayase, Elly, and Brown on SQQ playthrough.
>Calendar system games are fucking trash
Wow very interesting opinion user. Would you mind explaining why?
Atrocious pacing, social links don't matter, incredibly formulaic, most of the game is a meaningless padding. Plot is always a sloppy rehash of older games' themes.
>social links don't matter
What does this mean?
They're never integrated with the plot and they're all stupidly linear. You must tell them what they want to hear, otherwise the progress just gets halted and you waste more time on this.
This is more of a opinion that slinks are bad rather than they don't matter.
Would you suggest that all Social Links be made mandatory and unfailable for future games so that they can be integrated into the plot more?
At the very least add optional plot scenes that only trigger if your social link with a certain character is high enough.
Remove party members slinks or integrate them with the plot better, because it's retarded how they act completely differently during the plot and during slinks.
But social links are the least of Persona's problems. This "you get one party member per dungeon" has to stop.
See, this is a much better critisim of social links than just 'social links don't matter'. I think those would be good changes.
P1 would be better off remade as a Q-style game, probably on Switch using whatever new Etrian Odyssey engine they cook up. 2 would work fine if it was P5 style though, the only major difference would be the calendar system.
Social links should be more akin to P3's. Party members can have social links, but their character development and obtaining their ultimate Personae should be connected to the main story instead.
>Name all Party Members
Nate Trinity
>List 10 things that happened in the story
1. Brown's nickname comes from the fact he shit his pants (not sure if this counts as happening in the story, but I do remember that he tells you this when you reach Mary's hospital room)
2. Alfred gets killed in the hospital trying to protect Nate and later becomes his ultimate persona
3. A fake Mary was travelling with the group, which is why she doesn't remember being hospitalized and shit
4. Guido controls half of the city and becomes a god thing with Nyarlathotep
5. A version of yourself is playing Fight on Groove, proving that you have good taste
6. Guido used some machine to talk to loli Mary
7. Someone's jealous of Mary in the Mall dungeon
8. The two loli Marys are a part of Mary or some shit
9. You go to a forest and talk to a girl or some shit which determines which ending you get, and if you get the bad ending, you fight a bear
10. Mary leaves your part when you go into the mansion
11. Most monsters love talking to Nate
12. The 3D map was cool at first
That being said, while I like both PS1 and PSP versions of the games, the combat does leave a lot to be desired. Positioning is dumb, and I hate it when you can't attack a monster because they're outside your range. Also, skill cost being determined by the Persona is also dumb. I played most of the game with the starting Personas so I didn't drain the SP when healing and attacking.
But I still like it more than P5. :^)
>White Mark
his name is Masao Inaba