What the fuck happened to Ed Boon? He used to love big tits and ass in Mortal Kombat

What the fuck happened to Ed Boon? He used to love big tits and ass in Mortal Kombat.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Twitter says he can't now.

He has to play by the rules

He took a knee because he's a scared, middle-aged man who knows his career could be ended by a flash mob of resetera twitter trannies. Sad.

Is the gameplay good? I cant decide to get it or not.

Did you miss the kombat kast where he looked like he wanted to kill himself? He's powerless.

he looks like a cardboard cut out

>He used to love big tits and ass in Mortal Kombat.
of course he still loves tits and ass, but the thing is he's an older guy now and when a bunch of kids on the internet say the old designs are bad, and the publisher suits tell him its bad for sales he says "well that's what the fans want!"
He's not trying to censor anything, this is a case of a guy who's a bit outta touch genuinely thinking this is what the fans want because everyone outside of Yea Forums is desperately hungry for good boy points



Or he is just trying to play it safe and avoid backlash/outrage from SJWs. He wouldn't make such a switch in character designs if not for the current political climate in the US and Europe. It saddens me we have fallen this far, but I understand why the changes were made.

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When you get older, you'll understand

Everytime I see that faggot in the pink hoodie I just want to punch his disgusting face. Not that he's gay or whatever he just seems like an awful person to be around.

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His art employers bring him tumbler tier designs and he can't say no to them anymore

Its what happens when trannies invade your company

you retarded or something

>If only you knew how bad things really are

He caught the gay

>Is the gameplay good?
It's locked behind always online and pay walls.

Gays are in fact, awful people.

Is he married? Does he have kids?

You might be on to something here.

Would YOU wear a bikini in a fight to the death?

I was going to say he a character after his daughter or vice versa, but turned out to be Tanya and Sonya which are his sisters?

Ed probably just organizes staff meetings and talks about fatalities and profit projections for each quarter. I doubt he even knows how to code anymore at this point and he damn sure doesn't do the character designs or story writing. He probably has little to no influence on the design of MK games nowadays.

I met Ed at a burger joint that had an MK2 cabinet in there for some reason. There was a mom who told her kid to look away because Mileena was on screen and Ed lost his shit. I'm almost 100% certain that he wants MK to have tits back but WB is telling him to get with the program or he's getting fired. Just look at how dead he is in all the promotional material for this game.

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How ONE miserable fucking forum with a minority of mentally ill people with nothing but hatred can mean so much in the whole goddamn industry?
I still can't comprehend that. Why, of the entire internet -not even Yea Forums-, that one shithole is the one that everyone fears.
If every publisher and developer ignored it just like when they ignore the people -with brain and love for vidya and that DO buy their games- when they oppose the negative shit surrounding videogames, then resetera would be seen as just another shithole, maybe even worse that Yea Forums.
(((WHO))) convinced all the big companies that that fucking forum site is important?


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You're retarded ass "point" is invalidated by all the half naked males. Fuck off, shill.

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If it’s a hand to hand then yes because the less clothes you have restricting you the better. If there’s magic involved then maybe there would be anti-magic clothing invented but if not, less clothing would still be better. Weapons being used would probably be the only point where armor might become a necessity

I always play with Shulk in underwear and always go around in stupid feminine clothes in Dead Rising and often choose female outfits in Akiba's Trip, because that's exactly how I feel I would around fighting shit in those situations, feeling unstoppable.
Also kindly kys, you ain't fooling anyone.

No, I'd go topless.

lotta energy coming from this pic

It's like I said I don't care that he's gay, but if that's his only personality then yes in this instance this gay dude is awful. But every time this fuck opens his mouth I get this rage and need to just want to break his neck. Why they added him is beyond me.

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user, he is your average gay. They are 99% vain shallow assholes. Comes with the territory of having the mindset of a woman.

Warner Bros is a weird publisher
its very clear they don't really know what they're doing and will back peddle on greedy mistakes but really want to be like the big boys

like Shadow of War had microtransactions like Ubisoft games but then they decided "actually wait we didn't mean it!"
i can see them adding sexy outfits later for MK11

I feel bad for Ed Boon. Look how happy he is in the cosplayer pic.

he actually looks really sad in this :(

warner bros owns MK, it doesn't matter what ed boon likes

That's generally what happens when degenerates ruin something you helped create.

The truth is, MK was obscure before mk10 succeeded, and has reached to the normiee. Well, that doesn't mean the series was not popular but at least it was to the degree where they had to try to experiment some new approaches, such as 3D fighting games mechanics like tekken, or just blatantly action games. In general, fighting games were dead genre, and there is no exception. But it has changed after the success of SF4 and thanks to recently mega-hits of blockbuster movies featuring "all stars" heroes in interconnected universes, just like MvC games did first it in gaming. As Smash has already proved, this kind of character games and SNS are going well together in the age of meme and micro user-based media. Now, MK has managed to become a one of icons of "pop-culture" so you cannot allow there is a thing that is against political correctness.

Whats the ending this time? Is there two endings like injustice 2?

He finally made a good game and didn't have to rely on TnA

Because when they were all still in neogaf, a lot of devs and journos hanged there, mind you this was before the whole twitter and woke sjw shit, either way, when that shit started happening, a good number of devs fucked off, but journos stayed, and they started infecting shit all around, when they broke off to resetshit it only got worse

Shut the fuck up zoomer.

>MK was obscure before mk10 succeeded

you're either retarded or a zoomer, most likely both

That’s just a natural feeling your having user

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What did Ed do?

plus the frustration of not being one.

Nah, normies did not give a fuck about MK. It was stupidly too goreish, and cheap crafted to be mainstream. It's like Marvel's case that it has manged to became pop-culture icon after 00s where the hollywood started putting ridiculous money into them to make big movies, even though in 90s no one give a fuck about marvel except for a few comic nerds.

Sjw culture killing Ed inside. Just look how happy he is with those two babes cosplaying the sluttier costume designs from mk9. I don't think cosplayer thots will flock to the new redesigns of mk11.

Kill yourself, ironic shitposter.

How old are you?

MK machines were in literally every arcade I ever went to growing up. MK was on the cover of gaming magazines, and received full page spreads for basically every release in the 90s.

Mk was bigger than street fights in the west and is one of if not the most popular fighting game series of all time.

MK had two cinema released MOVIES AND they did well in the box office.

You're an actual dumb idiot.

Some mean people on Twitter told him he can't do that anymore

Men are where the REAL CONTENT shines.
I want to fuck Shao Kahn!

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A gay guy I work with is less gay than this guy.

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>talking about gaming magazines and arcade machines when it comes to the discussion of "normies"
>ironically thinking mk movie relatively "did well" even though its stupid, temporal, one of B-class "well, something is popular now so lets make a low budget movie out of it to exploit dumbass fanbase" movies
>ironically thinking mk was popular than streetfighter


Not to mention MK was one of the sole reasons for the ESRB even existing. Hell it can be argued that MK was the fighting game series keeping the genre alive in the west.

Are you sad faggots still going on about this?!

If the natural feeling is burning rage at this boys very existence then yes. It's probably that awful hoodie and the way he sits. Like dude sit normally, we get it you want to be the pretty princess but wear some decent clothes my dude.

>probably one of the biggest game in the 90's
>was even referenced in movies and shit
>obscure before MK10

KYS. Or atleast learn shit before you open your mouth.


So people who like to watch heads being ripped off are offended by tits and ass?

to be fair guys kissing is repulsive
i'd rather watch dudes fuck than kiss

Mortal Kombat was literally the main reason why the ESRB was founded. It was that popular.

I feel so offended though user, I came for the blood and want to respect wahmen at teh same tyme.

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He literally pooped his pants.

Yes, and we have trannies from nrs shilling this game in Yea Forums telling you that you are a degenerate for wanting Cassie to show some arms. MEanwhile they are fapping with gay stuff in /mkg/

Plus parents, mostly mothers needed something to be outraged at the time. Because pixel blood is gonna make little Timmy scarred for life.


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I want to smash this fuckers face in.

I think what he meant to say, if he weren't retarded, was that while MK was very popular when it was fresh, over the years it kind of fell behind. That is always a danger when series pump out too many games. MK9 breathed new life into the franchise and returned it to mainstream attention. But unfortunately the times have changed now, which is why MK11 is shaping up to be what it is; by pandering to what is 'popular' today.

Yes, because "think of the children" has mostly been replaced by "respect womyn" and "muh wokeness" shit.


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same thing that happened to every other western dev

>26 million as of 2007
that's pretty good

This is true, this shit disgusts me.

He's a grown man now. He left chiraq and instead of loving tig ol' bitties, he loves his family and the lord jesus.

Is the sjw shit ending next year?

you mean allah

Like if you're trying to go for the girly look at least go all out and don't half ass it. This fuck boy sportign a five o clock shadow like he's ready to do some manual labor mixed with that AWFUL AS FUCK pink hoodie.

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Jesus hated violence and loved tiggle bitties though

I thought he loved helping people and wine.

I thought you said MK11 was going to bomb, bros?
Why is the $300 edition sold out?

maybe he grew up?
maybe he had some meaningful, influential relationships with some women, and became more sympathetic to them?
maybe he got married and had a daughter?
maybe he got tired of being associated with shit titty games, and wanted some respect?

or, maybe a million other things. You telling me you still do the same dumb shit you did, when your were a little kid? you never grew, learned, or just got bored of the same old crap?

Holy cringe.

wow, ninja storm really sold that much?

what an awful post

what is this from?

>muh realism in fantasy game

do you faggots have a smile on your face 24/7? stop projecting your feelings onto other people you losers

other people kissing is fucking nasty no matter who it is

Mate, both Marvel comics and Mortal Kombat were fucking huge in the 90s

Boon confirmed theres only 3 Midway employees still working at NRS, so I like to feel like they're forced to change and bastardized their series, however I recognize the lead art director Steve Beran from Midway, and iirc he's made some comments that are for the new covering up of females so idk. Maybe Boon is embarrassed of his baby now, who knows. Sad to see it happen either way.

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They got to him

>uhh sweetie you can't criticize our predatory microtransaction driven gameplay we're woke now and we believe in empowerment of women and black people :)

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Just dont buy a different colored burka

Zommer, it is only spider-man you can call popular at that time. Anything else was super obscure, that's why the reason why when marvel was about to be bankrupted, Sony did not need to buy anything other than the right of spider-man even though marvel wanted to sell all of their IPs at a bargain price. Marvel was obscure as fuck, as a matter of fact.

Do you care care about the customization at all? If not, then it's like mkx with a few improvements. If you wanted customization though, it's a huge time sink with 6 different in game currencies to consider and mobile tier grinding.

I've never know hatred of someone on looks alone until this thing surfaced.

If you don't toe the line, you get a visit from the harbinger

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I thought they would go the Injustice 2 route and eventually let you customize your character however you want as long as you get the pieces from the lootboxes, are they not getting "klassic" parts?

klassic outfits are skins locked behind 1 - 12 hours of grinding depending on your luck.

i miss when nobody knew what mk was and you just threw your ninja star slammers at the wall exploding the tower of pogs

He grew up, just like video games are

Fuck. Is toasty dude out? Can't believe most of the old staff is gone

Had a weird conversation with my sister where she talked about how she found two women kissing to be pretty hot but found two men kissing to be disgusting to watch. She spent like 30 mins trying to comprehend her feelings about that.

Girls are cute, men are gross. What deliberation is needed?

The fate of all who help the progressive left right here.
You will be in parentheses.
Not equal, a sidenote.

Why does anyone support this lunacy

I just rewatched the interview I got that info from, and the actual question was how many people from specifically the MK1 team are still working at NRS, which are only 3. John Vogel, who either is cinematics or environmental artist, or both, Dan Forden the music composer, and Boon himself. Steve Beran definitely worked on the 3D era of MK games though.

So in actuality, the number of ex midway guys is probably larger than 3, but I would bet not that much larger considering how much weve seen of the new blood at cons or holding higher positions.

Also to answer your question Dan Forden is the toasty guy and yes hes apparently still working at NRS likely as lead sound and music designer.

Based sister.

he fucked both, right ? mileena even twice, right ?

>company has hundreds of employees
>some feminist propaganda artist comes in to talk specifically with the women
>you scrounge up the 20 women who work in your company for a publicity shot with her
>male virgins on the internet freak out and claim to be the real victims and demand attention for themselves

>autist doesnt understand empathy

NR first MK11 stream

Holy fook, I didn't even notice that, honestly fuck "progressive" women
He was just talking about the mindset these cunts have, it's literal supremacy over men

Boy do you faggots in this thread come off as some angry losers.

That's a yikes for me

Have sex

>You telling me you still do the same dumb shit you did, when you were a little kid
>Yea Forums

We still are little kids.

Ironically I’m probably one of the one guys in this thread who has.

I dont like kissing in general so yeah.

fat chicks don't count
have sex

I guess things didn't go well for you then, kys is unironically your only option

This is the studio that got shut down, isnt it?

Not anyone that you've replied to, but I'm honestly a little upset a game series I've played since I was a kid get roped into bullshit virtue signaling, it's just not funny anymore. The jax thing would be hilarious though if they kept attractive female characters. It's kind of a key part of MK's culture to have big titty waifus

>a little upset

Why? It’s a video game...

Is is me or feminists just allow ugly white women to be hired and not cute women/other races women? kinda looks like a mafia to help ugly women

It's the perception of you as a white man in the eyes of the progressive left. You are secondary. Outdated. Unwanted

If someone spit in your coffee, would you be upset? Of course not, because it's just a coffee, right?

Boom leaving Netherrealm to find Tobias for a redemption arc when?

B-but traps! Arent I cute with my tube socks! Im totally not attention whoring like a roastie! Its Yea Forums culture!!!

He became old and jaded

The only way this analogy would be comparable is if someone spit in the coffee before I bought it and no I wouldn’t be mad then, I would just not buy the coffee.

>made a good game
>Pacing of the game is worse than a mobile tier timegated cashcow.

You're a sociopath

Aw jeez dude, I don't know. Its not like we got something to compare it to, do we?

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Why do all female athletes have no tits?

I feel this 100%. shits fucking depressing. MK is dead and Boon knows it. Fuck this gay earth

Ed's getting a lot of flak by people too retarded to redirect it to WB suits. This man has been having skimpy dressed girls disembowel each other longer than most of you fags been alive, why would he suddenly have a change of heart?

WB is just enforcing the same PC safe strategy EA and Disney. Ya'll forget they're a major player in hollywood so they gotta look the part.

Its the same for Todd Howard. I'm sure he's mostly forced to lie.

But the biggest thing is you just have more and more liberal kids graduating from liberal colleges being in the industry.

Idk about you, but every sheltered smart kid who isnt smart or ambitious enough to get into STEM and their mother is trying to be a codemonkey or 3d modeler.

Probably from all the steroids and testosterone supplements.

Breasts are adipose tissue, the fitter they are the less fat they have.

Tits are fat and strength training burns fat.

Why is his hair so thin? Why does it look like a 60 year old mans? How old is this guy???

If your old and gay at least go for the mcjagger look

Remember Mileena’s Flesh Pit Costume in Mortal Kombat 9 and Ed Boon hyped it up like crazy before release saying it was what the fans wanted?
Warner Bros knows damn well they can’t let Ed have free reign again especially in the current year.

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>be a game about blood and gore
>release a new game about blood and gore
>Yea Forums screams “where are the titties!!!!”

You are like a bunch of preteens

>mortal kombat
>good after 3
i literally dont even know how MK still lives

shits just as bad as a typical zombie game these days

>pre mk9

I think Im gonna buy MK11 out of spite

anyone have the unedited version of this? without all the garnage text its fucking perfect at illustrating the current state of Mortal Kombat, as fucked and depressing as it is

I know you're baiting, but if you aren't, it's comparable to your gay ass dildoo company making smaller dildoos that just don't satisfy your gay asshole and you just wish they'd go back to keep making their original dildos and making them better

So did this Steve Beran guy just gone senile or what? Cause compared to Deception or Deadly alliances costumes to this. Is pretty dishesrtening

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how are Kitana's kustomization options?
Can I dress her up like her sister?

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I just hope this shit stops happening to classic franchises. This is the first one I've actually felt cuz I fucking love MK and got to play this shit in arcades against random niggas growing up, it's sad man

Something seems off about his outstretched hand...

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Its a mobile posting Twitter addicted reddit fucktard normalfag. Ofc hes a sociopath

Mortal Kombat used to make its money based on outrage. Why do they care so much about appeasing the dumb feminists that don't even play games because they're too busy shitposting on Twitter?

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You're retarded?

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There are rumours that Sony forced his hand, if his game had big tiddies he wouldn't have been able to put his game on playstation.

NEVER EVER mileenafags

S-She’s DLC

Mortal kombat has sucked for 15 years

the best thing about this tweet is the fact that she used "allies" instead of "men", because "men" is a taboo word.

Tobias left and he immediately started cucking himself after the real alpha that kept him in place was gone

>only 3 Midway employees still working at NRS
Boon, Vogel, and Pesina? Isn't Forden still with them or does it not count cause he's soundtrack?

Now that they've made this decision they can't go back. He's been selling sexy since before this onions wave hit, giving him a valid excuse to continue. And if they try switching back it'll bring massive attention and discussion.



Justt like the MK9 girls

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Because some men are weak and after getting screamed at by women minorities they just buckle and bend the knee to them. Then they're just on their side. Don't question the narrative or the religion or you're killing women etc.
Most weak men are won over by the video games cause men to be rapists trope.

Is Ed Boon gay?

He's regretting that WB purchase.

Why do we always win, Kitanabro's?

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He gets tits and ass outside of the game

>is boon the poonslayer gay

I'd honestly go naked if I had the superhuman body for it.

I'm a sucker for those ancient greek type epics where like a naked man wrestles a monster animal to the death.

>op talks about tits and ass
>mk9 and cosplayer has no ass to speak of
gets the ol noggin joggin

She's the Chun-Li of MK.

He's the average gay that shows that he's gay. Then there's the average gay that you don't know he's gay and those people are like hetero, they can be assholes, retards or cool dudes.

Those two are surprisingly attractive looking for female ufc fighters.

Those tits in OP aren't big. They're like half an orange.
You need to experience actual big tits.

He only fucked mileena players for MK11.

Mrs games all play like shit and have retarded animations, user.

I very much enjoy watching women kissing.

I always felt guilty about not liking faggotry in general. Not that I hate gay people but I never liked this shit no matter what.


Nothing, it's another case of virtue signalling tm.

You are so fucking stupid and deluded that it physically hurts me

>we're not gonna take your videogames from you! stupid men!
just fuck my shit up



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>I always felt guilty about not liking faggotry in general
But why? Feeling disgusted by that shit is literally a NATURAL reaction.

I want Zoey and Sarkeesian to abuse, whip and peg me while they call me a misoginist, racist, etc

who the fuck edited it, why does a party game like smash count and not DBZ games? lmao put budokai in there nigga

Looks quite different compared to his competitive MK days

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Of course you want retardera

See he looks normal here. Like someone you would have a couple of beers with.

WB owns MK and they're even worse than Disney about their game devs, just look at how the Shadow of Mordor games were handled. The games end up being okay, but the writing is atrocious and WB tends to force devs in directions they might not want to go.

I hate them for multiple reasons, it's just a sexual thing (which is actually made hotter by the hate).

Just like Dobson himself. A self-hating "ally" against men.

Requesting fatalities on Feminist Frequency, replacing blood and guts with money.

Zoomer lmao

>spite anonymous people
Might as well join radical islam too


He was totally a bro with an over the top fun personality. I remember when he qualified for top 8 in MK9 he got so pumped he headbutted a wall pretty hard. Hes like a totally different dude now, like demon possession or some shit.

violence no longer is a taboo, so they create controversy instead to get people talking about their game.

>I'm a sucker for those ancient greek type epics where like a naked man wrestles a monster animal to the death.

You man fucks it to death

Warner Brothers

Also the fact that ed has like zero input anymore on MK and he hired a competent team

None of us is allowed anymore , respect women .

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>Mk was bigger than street fights in the west
It wasn't

The only female character that should have an overly sexual design is Mileena

*Shao Kahn voice* its official MK sucks

Ed Boon is a race traitor and should be lynched

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reminder that you, Yea Forums, made Zoe big enough to get to the parliament and complain about being abused by wanted attention

Libeache's hairdresser would call this guy a faggot.

literally the gay homo fag with a wig

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She went to the UN with a research book in hand which said Nintendo breeds serial killers and UN should censor comments on Youtube.

Real men fight naked. I'll intimidate the FUCK out of my opponent with my swinging foot long cock. It's psychological.

I heard the gameplay is like MKX, but slightly better.
Thats really all I needed.

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>How ONE miserable fucking forum with a minority of mentally ill people with nothing but hatred can mean so much in the whole goddamn industry?
Game journos are part of their mentally ill brood. And they give publishers the wrong idea that mentally ill trannies are the most important part of their audience.

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>Anita Sarkeesian
The whore who told Moot to get a job, and he did?
So she still fucks your videogames, anons?
Videogames she herself doesn´t play?

and this is all your fault

>professional victim embarrassing herself in front of UN and gaming industry so hard she tries to pretend it never happened, also the "nintendo-killers" dossier got removed.
I did all that? Wow, Yea Forums must be the most powerful entity on the entire community.

Just another extra free grab for your opponent, hope you'll enjoy him ripping it out and shoving it down your throat

>Game journos are part of their mentally ill brood
When are you guys going to realise that most of these people only became gaming "journalists" simply because they couldn't get a job anywhere else, they're just parasites sucking the blood of this industry

>When you get older, you stop liking boobs
I doubt it.

Have sex

thats pretty much it.

Is this a new meme or what?

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Johnny Cage has literally always fought topless and only covered up in his old age
Same goes to Jax and Liu Kang

they're big guys

It's an NRS game so no


>Would YOU wear a bikini in a fight to the death?
You anglos are retarded

>used to make money from outrage
>literally outrage in this thread and many more in the past, so job is done
>implying MK11 will not make money based on this

Olympians fought to the death in less

One guy one a wrestling match by sharpening his nails to such a sharp point that he could just rip a dude’s intestines out, which is more or less a fatality

omg so fucking WOKE yaaaaaassss

He didn't say otherwise.

It's probably because the people that side with them can actually affect profits. Game journos, reviewers, even devs are so faggoty and liberal. They pull more strings

He has two left hands?


>violence is no longer taboo
This is bullshit. There’s tons of ways they could’ve went about violence in order to trigger Twitter into an autistic rage but they took the safe way out.

>i can see them adding sexy outfits later for MK11

All the sexy big tiddies for a premium dlc price

Is it true that you can change time to end slavery and make blacks Kangz again?

You either die a hero, etcera and so forth.

Do lesbians just not like tits these days or are developers secretly being super disctiminatory against them?

Oh right what am I saying, lesbians aren't real.

Do you guys honestly think a 40+ year old man that built his career on sex and violence cares about social issues?

Boon always loved poking fun at hysterical people. Jax freeing slaves, women covering up, etc. is all a ploy to make anti-sjws mad so he can have a laugh. Which is based

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You're supposed to create controversy among the people who DON'T buy your game. It's like if MK created controversy in the 90's by making sequels with no blood or fatalities. I'm sure MK11 is still selling well, but it's not getting any new fans with this.

You could just not humor her bankrolled nonsense emotional opinions and risk nothing, instead of a potential something(Be it workforce "ethics" blowout or consumer base)
Make no mistake, she tells women she has seminars for that its okay to be mediocre at EVERYTHING and be proud of your mediocrity instead of try to better yourself. Being better is sexist and no man should ever desire a want for you to be better ever.

They'll flock over the male redesigns

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She barely even got harassed by actual people. She was caught literally harassing herself. The media made her what she is.

It wont stop as long as there are cucks willing to bend the knee to lynch mobs online. Eventually the corporate will catch up and tell them all to ignore these obnoxious fucks, but with how slow they are, dont expect it for another 5 or 6 years at this rate.

Lesbians like tits, but I think they like them in different ways than we do

It’s complicated

This. MK Trilogy was the last good one. After they made the transition to 3d graphics it lost its soul.

MK has always sucked now it just sucks in a new way, prove me wrong.

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It's MK. It has always been shit.

Given that many lesbians are cartoonish stereotypes of carpet munchers from the 90's they're just bucket of crabs. They want everyone to look like them because of self-esteem issues and an innate revolution to their own image. It's a fetish for them and you can see it in the high they get when they successfully "convert" people into making fictional characters ugly at their bark and whine. Its all about control, and the ugly ones wants the most control of them all.


thanks for explaining the origin of the word faggot user.

Wait, maybe Ed never existed?

(((warner))) brothers

In any case he is coward now.

wait for the Complete Edition, retard.

>bad for sales

Reminder that the only thing wanted by trannies is to turn the female gender into something bland without any sex appeal to be included in it because they know that they will never have a beautiful female body to show and use. To back them up, they have the feminists which are also fucking ugly and angry about their bodies.

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NetherRealm is located in Chicago. The city is in freefall death spiral from nigger and socialist administration. He has to be SJW to survive.

Based and 2 gender pilled

This is also stemmed from the fact that during adolescence, many current trannies were bullied or rejected as who they were. Thus, they never found their identity and place in the world, so they change who they are on a literally molecular level, but on the inside always regret this change, so then they want the rights of who they were before, in order to be untouchable. This is a literal mental illness.

Fuck trannies. They want to make everything as ugly as them in order to feel like they "fit in" somewhere.

>makes the entire franchise full of tits and ass except for ONE game

His kind usually has fetishes stages. Now, he is in the fat stage so, appealing to twitters whales is the best way to satisfy his desires.

WB has become the wokest of the woke companies

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Faggot always took credit for character designs in reveals. Like I know hes the lead but saying everytime "I gave him this" is such an egomaniatical fag

The second I see fags sitting in front of random boxes to show off their street cred makes me nauseous.

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think like a pathetic publisher suit, they can't tell the difference between a chronic whiner on twitter and an actual consumer

holy shit tekken trully is the most sucessfull fighting game ever made

what the fuck is he trying to achieve here?

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He looks like the guy from Whose Line in pictures with his son.

He looks like a literal cuckold, so none of whats happened to NRS should be too surprising really. He favors cinema over video games and it shows, just like Hackjima

The frustrating thing is that if you just do what everybody knows to do - make your game and NEVER apologize, the SJWs back down. I bet Nier Automata is rated very highly on trannyera and that has the most blatant sexualization of the gen. The point is these “people” are bullies and use their numbers and their voices to push other people around.


What is scarlets accent supposed to be?

>goes from a refreshing 60 fps to 30 fps cutscene

When will publishers realize they don’t need game journalists anymore? Send your game to streamers, put clips on YouTube, skip the review copies, don’t even give them interviews. When they start attacking your company in articles as revenge (IMO this is why all those “muh rockstar working conditions” articles came out at the same time) just say you work for gamers not the press.

You leave Colin and his estranged son outta this

Johnny Cages were based

>do you faggots have a smile on your face 24/7? stop projecting your feelings onto other people you losers
Shouldn't he be happy that he's talking about his game? Don't be silly. If I talk about something I like, I smile.

Sounds like they want to become that third gender from knights of sidonia

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to be fair the guy on the right can program a bit

low test due to aging

New meme, people type it out to angry incels.

maybe you're a faggot, just kidding, there's no "maybe" about that statement


Our World Is Ended was left untouched thanks to PQube precisely because they didn't allow the shit get to them.
If they could do it now, then everyone can. There's zero excuses.

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reminds me of this

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>you annoy the anti-sjw's by taking it up the ass
solid plan, did you try it yourself?


>>Yea Forums


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Because they train their pecs which stretch breast tissue thin as they get bigger.

Years of hard living has left him as impotent as a Nevada boxing commissioner. Tits and ass mean nothing to him now and he wants everyone to share his pain.

You're not wrong but the story mode in 9 was pretty cool.

>look away, son

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Midway went bankrupt, nobody cared about tits to increase the sales.

Mortal Kombat 9 focused on story, and everyone kept on praising the god tier story, so Ed it's focusing on the story and combat.

The shit isn't rocket science


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Nothing could be more fitting.

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i think hes just a retarded faggot

>there are unironic west cucks on Yea Forums who will shill for muslim kombat
boon looks like the amerimutt genes kicked in


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Probably has a daughter who ended up a feminazi or a son who chopped off his cock. Kinda like what happened to Linus Torvalds.
Either way, these faggot dads need to find their fucking balls.
Spare the rod, spoil the child

Didn't you learn from GG?
Video games are a form of media, and there are very, very powerful media conglomerates that see video games as a form of propaganda/culture grooming. They enforce their opinions through "grass roots" bullshit like resetera trannies, and through vidya journalism. It's an enormous, extremely-connected industry dedicated toward the grooming of society. That's why CNN would jump to defend the honor of a fucking video game journalist trading sex for a positive review.

it is very jarring

That's historically how women were clothed in fights to the death.

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But Yea Forums told me California is the only place with SJWs.

more like steve bareback

>Not knowing that Chicago is also a liberal hotbed

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Thats why u dont take info from Yea Forums
Come to pol

I thought that too. That's actually his pinky though, not his thumb. Look really carefully and you can see his real thumb on the right side of the phone.

Still though, who the fuck holds a phone that way?

This makes me feel so sad. I really feel like video games peaked during Gen 7, and sometime during Gen 7 the SJW garbage started boiling over and going mainstream. Just look at how damn happy Ed Boon is, and now he has to pretend like everything is OK when people are making him self-censor and change Mortal Kombat into something that it's not.

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I love boobs, motorboating, tit fucking, and all of that but damn I'm happy Mortal Kombat 11 has cool designs in all its characters.

Also, real sexy comes from the hips, waist and ass. Tits are for preteens and Asians

this honestly. tits are for fags

Hope you like retarded crossover shit taking up half the DLC slots because retarded normies buy them to play them once in arcade and watch fatalities. God forbid they add too many MK characters to the MK game