How the fuck did dudebro Halo produce such fucking KINO...

How the fuck did dudebro Halo produce such fucking KINO? I just finished it for the first time today and I'm blown away and craving a similar experience to New Mombasa Streets.

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because the bungie games had soul

>Rookie dies in a novel in the most retarded way possible
It's not right bro... it's not fair...

Fuck really? I don't read the books. How did they fuck it up?

When the fuck is MCC flighting for PC

ODST and Reach are the best Halo games. It’s not even close.

had little to do with this game's atmosphere.

>Buck's team had to eliminate some insurrectionists
>He sent Rookie alone to flank them on one side while the rest of the team flanks the other
>The tactic fails, and Rookie is captured by the innies and beaten
>Rookie is held as a hostage
>Mickey has a shot at the innie leader, but he hesitates because "I signed up to fight aliens, not humans!" and "muh parents were innies"
>Rookie is shot in the back of the head by a strong independent innie woman who don't need no UNSC
>Rookie is buried at sea
>the remainder of the ODST Squad is given the opportunity to become SPARTAN IVs
>Buck and Mickey accept while Romeo retires; don't remember what Dutch did
>Mickey becomes innie scum and is eventually arrested by Buck
Retarded book desu

Halo is a weird mix.

You get the dudebro people in MP but the franchise in its setting hardly has the kind of reactionary impulses of more traditional FPS settings. It's more centrist in ideology if anything. Like Halo CE had mixed gender soldiers and the enemy was a force of religious extremism. A far cry from the space commies of Starship Troopers.

Than again dudebro people tend not to care about ideology much. Sadly gamer culture seems to not have learned from halo and insists on mostly male environments. Suffocating in all that sausage must be terrible. I'm happy I got out when I had the chance.

I ain't even liberal, I just hate overly male or overly female places because it gets too gay.

Between June and the end of the year for the majority of the games. Reach PC insider flights begin soon.

The Man, the Myth, the Marty. Marty had his hands on the music and story of both ODST and Reach.

You sound like a fucking faggot

it was the music

halo always oozed style. the funniest part about it getting popular is that tricked a bunch of dudebros into loving a series about the politics of a military alliance of religious zealot aliens that featured a soundtrack full of new age music

Halo's excellence can really be explained by two things: 30 seconds of fun, and Marty O'Donnell's soundtrack. Take either (or both) of those away, and you're left with a hollow experience (see: 343).

>the politics of a military alliance of religious zealot aliens
One of my favorite things about Halo is that Bungie never relied on a deus ex machina to explain how humans end up "winning," against such dire odds. They easily could have taken the lazy option, by giving humanity some kind of Forerunner superweapon to defeat the Covenant with. The Covenant being the source of their own undoing was much more clever and made for a more interesting story and universe.


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because marty and the boys watched a bunch of nior films and said fuck it

Halo in general had pretty good lore and story established behind it. Probably one of the better written gaming franchises out there actually.

You're one step away from realizing the truth. Dudebro players and creators are the only actual artisans and connoisseurs. With rare exceptions, chads create and enjoy the best things while the masses use derogatory language to bring them down to their level. Anyways, Ori has a similar vibe and soundtrack in places and it's a great game.

>space commies of Starship Troopers
uh what, retard?

>it’s another shitty thread made by reddit and resetera

Halo was always that good, mostly because of Marty and Staten working together.
Marty would make sure the music was timed right in the scenes, helping with pacing such as the introduction of the Flood.
Staten gave us iambic pentameter Gravemind and blocked retarded shit like Miranda working with the Prophets to betray Chief.

It sounds like a game made right after 9/11!?!? How could this be?