Sega Heroes Character Requests

Sega Heroes is running an online pool to determine who gets in the game next

Their options range from their mainstream stuff like Sonic and Bayonetta, to their most absolute obscure and irrelevant shit like Bug! and Clockwork Knight

Let's get to work Yea Forums, who can we get in?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Shit, forgot the link

voted for Ulala, Amigo, and Velvet

Can we talk about this game? I’ve been playing for a good two weeks and I seriously hit a wall in zone 10
Why does the difficulty spike so much?

Because Gacha games have to make you pay up somehow

only answer

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Whats Sega Heroes?



Hes on it, twice actually

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But I was doing so well before, is the wall really that steep?

>Persona 3
>Persona 4

Fuck off Sega, you had NOTHING to do with those

Sega fill my form out for me. I want big the cat.

I voted for Ecco, Tikal and morgana

>Segata sanshiro so badass he gets his own section

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Billy Hatcher
Chuck D. Head
Sam Gideon

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My fucking dude, also where are my Bonanza Bros fans at?

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Tell me why you're not voting for Bug, user

Attached: Bug.jpg (768x576, 34K)

> Sonic (Classic)
> Honey The Cat

Attached: Honey.png (225x355, 28K)

>No option for my waifu
That being said I'm shocked and happy how many series are on this list. I mean, fucking Fatal Labyrinth is on here.

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>Sega doesnt know what fucking silver sonic is

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>Void and Lumina are an option

Voted for Dynamite Headdy, Sketch Turner and Gunstar Red.

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>Resonance of Fate isn't an option but Project Diva is

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I voted for Nights, Ulala, Upa Upa

Go home guys we have a winner

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He is in modern sonic

>Snowboard Kids randomly on the list as well

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If Seaman somehow gets in they better add a Christmas variant.

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R8 my tastes

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No hes not? Silver sonic. Not silver. There is no Mecha sonic in Sonic 2. Metal wasn't even concieved until CD.

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Now hold up a minute

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>no Feel the Magic/Project Rub
Guess I'll go fuck myself.

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Silver Sonic is just what American manuals called him. Was "Robotnik" on the list?

They changed it because P5 has a makoto

They all have the same name in Japanese

Voted for Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts
How'd I do lads

And? This is very obviously not a japanese poll since all the games have the english names of characters.

Yea Forums, if we don't all collectively vote for Seaman I'll be EXTREMELY disappointed

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Whoa, what the fuck? The were on the list? I want a do-over!

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I think you're due for a prrrrromotion

Yeah, under mean bean machine

>Raidou kuzonoah

Thats it? I mean yay raidou, but seriously? Where the fuck is demifiend? or jack frost? or fucking mara? OR ANYONE?

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>VectorMan (VectorMan)
>F-14 Tomcat (After Burner)
>Hornet (Daytona USA)
How'd I do?
Sorry, man, honorable mention for me

is this a gacha """game"""

Silence. You are a seaman. why would I vote for you when Clearly I could vote for me, a human being with rational thought?

The game has absolute shit balancing, it's not just you.

No user, Makoto is still Makoto. That's FeMC.

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They have an option to say your favorite character isn't listed. I would guess it's because they decided they didn't have enough of a character which is odd still since most SMT/Persona protagonists have a similar low level of personality. Though not including Flynn is pretty odd, he's current and makes an appearance in apocalypse where he has a "canon" personality

>Jack frost in P3 but not SMT

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First thing I did was go to modern sonic to vote for tails and he was on that list

I want the game to not blow first. It's not very good which is shocking for a puzzle game. It should be hard to fuck those up.

Fuck me I need to do mine over now

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Yes he is here’s proof

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Sort of. It's a very basic match 3 game with very little agency in its gameplay. There are lootboxes with hero "shards" that you need to collect to unlock and upgrade characters, but most, I think, can be obtained by grinding.

Someone post some shit about the game already. Does it have cool art is just the awful SD-ized shit like the banner on the site?

Who else?

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Sketch Turner
Sam Gideon

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Yes, there's only that. There's a reason why it's not making any money.

Voted for Ristar, Pepperouchau, Grounder, and Sally Acorn

You could just look it up

>Silver the hedgehog is silver sonic
Um, can you read? Evidently not.

Segata Sanshiro

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>Hatsune Miku
How did I do?

If you don't for Prince Ali you suck.

Phantom R

They mention Legend of Oasis and Princess Crown!
Holy shit fucking based!

>not a single motherfucker in this thread has voted for Black Baron

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>Voting the same character 3 times

Segata Sanshiro, Ecco the Dolphin, Ulala

Attached: 935.jpg (680x453, 47K)

You underestimate my love for phantoms and spies user.

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You've got ten seconds to explain to me why none of you reprobates voted for the Daytona USA Hornet

Attached: 41-Hornet-Fighters-Megamix.png (704x512, 84K)

>madworld and anarchy reigns
oh FUCK yeah, voted for jack and blacker baron
also voted for seaman
he's already in the game you shit memer

Arle & Carbuncle
Epsilon Eagle
>seven force wasn't an option

>ctrl + f kid chameleon
>0 results
I'm disappointed in you Yea Forums. At least someone voted for Hornet. Anyways I voted for Hornet, Kid Chameleon, and Honey (Classic Sonic)

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But I did

Know what fuck u faggot I was just trying to help
Literally never heard of silver sonic in my life

>Blacker Baron
How did I do, Yea Forums?

Literally posted a picture and explained it in that same post. Your fault for being unable to read basic english my dude.

Alright Yea Forums, what was your 4th character pick?

There's only one correct answer.
also raidou kuzunoha

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The Ooze


Sam Gideon
Ecco the Dolphin
Metal Sonic (CD)

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Yu & Rei

We need a pic of Boomer Sketch Turner and Boomer Vectorman

Shove your reddit meme up your ass.

JSR Cube
Vanessa Lewis

How much of a fag am I?

Leon -Legend of Oasis
Gradriel -Princess Crown
Julian -Shining Force 3 Scenerio 3
Edge and Azel -Panzer Dragoon Saga

I seriously hope you guys are voting fir classic phantasy star.

Based user
I voted for them as soon as I knew they were available

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I know some of my niche literally who choices will probably be overlooked in the end.
However, I really appreciate Sega and Atlus having this as well as their surveys from a couple of months ago.
Some of the things ask really show me that they haven't forgotten their past IPs.

You would never see Nintendo (outside of literal shit like Smash) or Sony or devs like Square Enix or Konami acknowledging all the games they gave up on or let go to shit.
Literally Sega does what Nintendon't

Anybody know where the Landstalker series lands in terms of ownership?
Also Dark Savior and Alundra? I always closely associated those games with Sega and would love to see both Landstalker and the Oasis series get another chance.

shame the gacha game feels like a knock off

Ditto for me.

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This is now a Grounder and Scratch thread

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I'm down.

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It's Scratch & Grounder, you mechanical miscreant.

If you want to show love to Treasure, I'd say Dynamite Headdy, and either Gunstar Red or Blue. Or Green.