What is the Shazam of video games?
What is the Shazam of video games?
This guy doesn't even play video games anymore why do you guys circle jerk off to him he doesn't even work on Metal Gear games at this point
Freedom Force
Super Mario Odyssey, had been a while since I played a game so light hearted and fun.
>You can give party members a permanent buff
See, these guys work great in the comics, but how the fuck are they going to work in the movies when each of them is basically Superman? I mean, whats the point of the Justice League when you have all these super OP guys running around?
The same way the Justice League works even when Superman can take all of them at once: Superman can't be everywhere all the time.
They are inexperienced, they can write around that.
in the comics each of them have a fraction of Billy's power so their no where near as strong as him or superman, think of it like splitting up a cake into multiple pieces, each of the gets a piece but billy is the entire cake
>7 Seats
>Only 6 Shazam's
>first promoting Alita
>now promoting Chadzam
>hates on Captain Foot Fungus
He really is /our guy/.
...What DID Kojima mean by this? Why would he have nothing to say about Captain Marvel, but LOVE Shazam?
It's the same in the movie, each only gets one of his powers. They're all still peak human but there's a lot of room to write around their personal specialties.
>What is the Shazam of
poop he is poop :D seriously a poopu head made to say to the diarrhea fans that "yes , we listen, we read the occasional reddit threads", absolute scat. bRAAAP, that's the sound he lets out every time he speaks, BROOAAAPP *splurt*, that's the sound the audience lets out everythime they laugh at his sassy attituttde, absolute drivel. he is drivel, fuck. this "super hero kid” fuck shit little cunt is so exhausting, like all i want to seeis toby maguir again, but nohoh we have to endure this little pissbrains quips "you hear that viewers? that's right, i'm a bold kid telling the old farts to go fuck themselves;)" no, no. sosajj f a ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooso tired im so tired of capeshit is boo
This is the only movie Kojima posted on his twitter with absolutely nothing to say about it. You fucking hated that movie.
Kojima hates women.
Why doesn't the Marvel cast seem to be warming up to Brie Larson? They all seem very tense and uncomfortable near her?
Also, compare Jeremy Renner's interview with Brie Larson to him and Paul Rudd. Something doesn't seem right here!
>Shazam is more popular than superman in movies
what a time
Will they take cues from the Injustice games and make Harley and Billy an item?
Why are Japanese men so obsessed with children anyway? JRPGs and anime are 8/10 times full of kid/teen protagonists even though the creators are middle aged Japanese men. And don't even get me started on the "Oh I look like I'm 10 but I'm actually a 2000 year old demi-goddess teehee" bullshit.
Shazam was based since the family was Christian.
I thought Harley was a lesbian with Poison Ivy now?
He used to be more popular back in the day, why do you think DC sued them and pretty much killed the comic for decades
Black Adam already has a seat reserved since the beginning, bro.
kids have cool adventures, and they probably wanted to pander to younger audience
Entire film was pretty much good family conservative values, surprised it wasn't attacked to be honest
he said it IN The shazam review
>i was getting tired of super hero movies
She plays for both teams, has pretty much done so since she was created back in the 90s, but now its just more mainstream.
Then why didn't CM change that for him? It broke new ground by having a strong, female lead and being a girl power movie. What isn't to love about that? Shazam is male power fantasy and old news.
She has a bad attitude and is being shoehorned into something they've spent years building. How would you feel?
Capitan marvel is the Other M of marvel movies
Because being an adult, especially in Japan, is fucking lame.
Lmao anyone have his tweet after he saw captain marvel?
I feel legitimately crazy when I was the only one at my job that genuinely didn't like Captain Marvel. People thought it was amazing, but I couldn't enjoy a second of it. It's not because it's a female led movie either, it's just BAD.
Shazam was pretty wholesome
No one, or at least no one but the most batshit of crazy loonies, is offended by conservative family values as long as it isn't overtly stated. You can show a traditional Christian family and no one will care until the moment someone suggests that it is the "correct" or "moral" way to do things.
We already got that with Wonder Woman, and Wondies movie is easily more enjoyable
Captain Marvel wasn't anything special, it was one of the weaker Marvel films even though I still thought it was entertaining.
Captain Marvel is a legitimately mediocre borderline shit movie, while Chadzam was actually original and fun to watch.
Because Captain Marvel was a pretty underwhelming comic book movie. It's only exciting feature is that it's a female hero but Wonder Woman did that first and did it better
>Running around watching movies, listening to music, eating fancy food, visiting other devs and taking pictures with Hollywood actors instead of working on his game.
If this were a western dev or literally almost any other dev the internet would be getting up his ass. Thank god that Death Stranding isn't a kickstarter game and only Sony is suffering.
Sounds more like he fucking hated that movie
I haven't seen Shazam but at least it looks like something different and not just another capeshit movie.
But I have seen Captain Marvel and it really felt like a by the numbers soulless cash grab. "Here's another MCU flick, starring a STRONK WOMYN! Now be sure to watch it before Endgame, you don't want to be out of the loop!" It just didn't have anything that all the other MCU films already had aside of the lead hero being female.
wtf I hate Shazam now?
No joke, nobody laughed at anything in the movie except for when the cat ate things. And after the 2nd time, people stopped laughing.
Tbh even Alita: Battle Angel did it better.
God that must be awfully stressful
Harley has a thing for billy?
do I have to started reading this tripe for some sweet VillainxHero action?
Closest thing I could compare it to is the old spiderman movies fuck you rlm
Oh shit i still need to see that, I keep forgetting it exsists
Black Adam gets his powers from the Egyptian gods actually. Shu, Heru, Amon, Zehuti, Aton, and Mehen.
>muh console war
Neck yourself
I don't get the first women role thing they tried pushing with this. Wonder woman had a movie that came out over a year before this and she had a t.v show in the 70s
Shazam was pretty good. A little reminiscent of the Raimi Spider-Man films. Kind of a breath of fresh air compared to most Marvel movies too, but that says more about Marvel's formula than Shazam really.
I wouldn't really mind a newbie, but she seems to be awful at interpersonal relationships.
>Neck yourself
She is incredibly annoying, easily triggered to the point that she gets triggered just by the rest of the cast joking with her.
Not to mention she is basically hijacking their entire big moment, she is being set up as the savior of the Marvel universe, just when they are about to have their biggest movie.
She also has no charisma whatsoever, and the character she is playing is incredibly divisive among the fans.
Not sure what Marvel is doing here.
Wonder Woman/Gal Gadot she is not.
Because he's Asian, specifically Japanese and there's plenty of weeaboos left despite the increasing popularity of Koreans
Didn't a few of them fly though?
Harley is a free spirit with a very active sex life. She used to fuck the Joker. And has slept with Poison Ivy, Nightwing and Deadshot
And those are just the ones I know about
the asian kid namedropped uplink
Because Wonder Woman is D.C. Captain Marvel is the first Marvel film centered around a female superhero.
In short, it was just a marketing tool by Marvel/Disney to get people interested.
>Wonder Woman/Gal Gadot she is not.
REMINDER : Before Wonder Woman, Gal was best known as the girlfriend of an Asian dude
Shazam was literally a Christmas kids movie about a kid who gets to transform into an adult Superman having to fight a bald villain who threw his brother off a building and had demons gruesomely eat his dad
which is probably why Kojima liked it
A big plot point in the comics is that they have to seek out the seventh, recently some guy calling himself "King Kid" was trying to get in on it but I'm guessing he turns out to be evil or at the very least unworthy
she's a bitch and she plays a mary sue
what is there not to like?
Harley is the comicbook character for casul normie girls now
So she's a bisexual antihero marysue now
Being an adult is overrated. Everything fucking sucks but you have to suck up and do it.
>Captain Foot Fungus
>the asian kid namedropped uplink
The younger Asian kid or the older one? This is the older guy.
How did you find a way to make this about console wars? Go play in traffic
young one
said he "hacked" into federal database because he played uplink, obviously a joke
They're super self aware adults that have deep responsibilities are pretty boring, and kids are way easier and susceptible as both audience and character to change and evolution.
>food analogy
The girl in this scene is going to playing Tony Stark's daughter in Avengers Endgame.
Pretty sure they can all fly
>you can get drugs, alcohol, weapons
>no one questions your decisions
>no need to ask for permission for anything
You just suck at being an adult, it's fucking great
>How did you find a way to make this about console wars? Go play in traffic
That looks dangerous
Isn't Gal a family woman with kids and pretty much the same age as Bree Larson, how come Bree looks so much older and bitter?
Holy fuck, Hemsworth isn't having any of her shit.
Why would you use that kind of shoes if your feet are hideous?
>Gotta blur it out to not get banned
Look at the tough big boy here.
yeah he did the same with BvS.
Chadzam was an enjoyable movie. Will get zero awards though because of DC bias
10 years of their life
dedicated to this single moment
and then an sjw shoehorn ruins it
imagine how mad he is
What analogy would you have made Instead?
Women are retarded when it comes to footwear. They will buy shoes because they like the way the shoe itself looks, even if it looks like shit on them or doesn't fit them comfortably.
Being mad all the time does horror to your face
>bisexual antihero marysue now
Dude, that has been her thing since day one, back in early 90s
Based Strayan man.
>you can get drugs, alcohol, weapons
>no one questions your decisions
Depends, sometimes its because no one questions you that you act foolishly
>no need to ask for permission for anything
You forgot the following though: Shitty economy, have to have ends meet, bills, long term goals all the while having some time for yourself to grow as a person. You can have all the freedom in the world sure, but playing it right is difficult especially if you're born with varioua circumstances. Lucky for you you're doing well, not everyone is the same.
but he's a total westaboo, shouldn't weebs hate him
But this is another level of lack of self awareness, not only the shoes are ugly, her feet look even worse than mine and I always forget to take care of them. Don't they have someone that dresses them? Or at least gives them an advice on that?
>Layers of loneliness
Sounds like something a kid would say about rushing to adulthood tbqh
More blacks blow money on superhero movies, what a big surprise
He doesn’t get his powers from the same source
Whats with Grayson a d sticking his dick in crazy? He's worse than fucking Bruce.
>A little reminiscent of the Raimi Spider-Man films.
As someone that doesn't give a fuck about MCU but grew up on those fuckers this makes me wanna watch it more than anything else I've heard
>both my sons have Wonder Woman costumes
I fucking hate the current year.
Target audience of JRPG is teenagers.
Teenagers identify better with teenagers.
Expected to sell a ton, ends up bombing?
There are too many examples to mention.
Here's your adult darla, bro.
check it out then
not like you have anything better to do since you're posting on Yea Forums
I'm a mega DC fan and even I wouldnt know how to defend BvS.
>the first time Batman and Superman appear in the same movie and its fucking lame
>a fight between two of the biggest characters in all of fiction and it's terrible
>completely waste the Doomsday/Death of Superman story
>Doomsday looks awful
>That fucking Lex Luthor
the writers earned a lot of extra respect from me after hearing that. uplink is easily the best and most underrated hacking game
>It broke new ground
I love how they basically made Harley canon into /ss/ in the comics for a while.
I wish movie Captain Marvel is like in the animation :
Not all about STRONK WOMAN, but she is full of smiles and seems the type who can have fun with anyone, unlike that eternal bitch face Brie Larson
the writers browse Yea Forums
I'm convinced they do after the azn kid dropped the "he's like a ghost" line
Any Western thing touched by a Japanese person becomes Japanese
If that's what you're into then it's probably going to be the closest to scratching that itch. It's technically in DC's shared setting but it feels very standalone other than a few references, which I appreciated.
>Lucky for you you're doing well,
My life is the opposite of being lucky, I was born in a poor neighborhood on a huge family, I wasn't poor but I never had many things or someone to latch onto, I had to work my ass off and learn how to fix electronics to get through school, when I entered college everything turned against me, I don't have a stable job. But that's the price of being able to do whatever the fuck I want.
dick is the manwhore of the DC universe
why hasn't there been a kotaku article calling kojima sexist because of this yet?
bruce tried marrying catwoman and that ended terribly
and his other fling is a leader of an international group of assassins and crimelords
Who's the Mr. Mind of video games?
You can fool around and fuck up more as a kid than an adult. That's why "He/She's just a kid!" often works
Shazam was pretty good, i enjoyed it
Because adult in Japan equals being in suicide tier wage slavery.
They miss their childhood and teenage years.
..........Christ are you retarded?
Oh sweetie
Megabitch Captain Marvel is really faithful to her current incarnation in the comics though.
>captain marvel and kamala khan
Same deal with me, had to live in a shitty neighborhood and trudge my way out. It sucks but I had to gitgud. I have fonder memories as a teen though
What the fuck? This is fixed by now, right? Or I guess that's why she just wears superhero boots now?
Fuck off tranny attention whore.
Dick sleeps around more than anyone
And that's a problem.
What current trends in this year? Oh right, stronk woman megabitch.
>Almost word for word quoted the "guy's a ghost" shitpost
>being conservative makes you a fedora tipper now
I think you might be clinically retarded. Seek help.
What the fuck are you talking about retard? You are so obsessed with that shit I bet you feel uncomfortable when looking at women clothes you faggot.
Stop pretending to be a woman, nobody buys it
Fake news.
I remember when it was just Freddy and Mary.
t. 17 year old
Nah it's just Brie. She picked that up and suggested it during filming.
Shazam Darla was hot, shame Shazam Mary was a 40yo meh. Especially next to Grace Fulton's perfect Mary.
Will it be kino?
not a a chance
will still be better than captain marvel though.
>but it's FUN
Any Nintendo game
Oh God it's even worse in that picture. Look at the layer of brown shit under her nails holy fuck.
Better than their comics incarnation
I just want to cheetah to look good. She doesnt need to be hot she just has to look cool
>Or I guess that's why she just wears superhero boots now?
Yeah pretty much. It was funny watching her movie though and they kept blatantly having these close ups of someone's feet, like Disney is aware of Brie's fungal cultivation efforts and was going "haha jk her feet is fine no fungus here!" Also they hired a butt double for her. So not only did they go through the effort of hiring a butt double, but a foot double as well. I really want to know just how much effort Disney went through overall to try and sell Brie to the masses.
Pretty sure they are going to replace her with the younger version, just have her be Mary Marvel too
The 80s ascetics might help
Anyone else here still so mad 8 years later that they refuse to call Captain Marvel by any other name? Oh and as an aside fuck Big Bang Theory, whenever I see middle-aged women walking around in t-shirts with the Captain Marvel logo I'm confused for a minute until it hits me
damn adult darla looks like THAT?
>Pretty sure they are going to replace her with the younger version, just have her be Mary Marvel too
Def be the best idea. Suit her up in angelic white and then gets corrupted to be Black Mary. Finally have Black Adam since they basically used his New52 story and then cut him out of it.
>a foot double
So fucking pathetic.
This is the "Best" picture I can find of her, and it's still there, just covered up with red polish. What in the actual fuck.
Right here. Hate what the release of these two movies has done to my boy in the eyes of normalfags, the name Captain Marvel belongs to him.
>disgusting pig
Tbh Alita did female hero better than most movies. The movie didn’t focus on her being female it focused on being a hero. If only the ending wasn’t as rushed.
I find your postulations upon the nature of inter personal relationships intriguing. Please elaborate upon your statements.
Then you forgot about Uncle Dudley and the other 3 Billies
No, it only happened in Injustice
>marvels film future looking dim
>DC's film future looking brighter than ever
I remembered them, but I just meant in reference to who was there. I was really just complaining about the new characters.
this any good? I immediattly dismissed it over having a 3 random unknown kids as main characters (why does every jap adaptation of a western property adds some random fucking kid as the MC?)
they could've left their legacy untainted
but they decided to add in the sjw character right before a 10 year plan payoff
>>Gotta blur it out to not get banned
>Look at the tough big boy here.
The never ending battle continues
It's gonna be uncertain or even wrecked after the endgame movie.
I wish, but with that Birds of Pray teaser I fully expect WB to bet it all in fucking Harley Quinn
>tfw Black Manta is a better character than the entirety of Black Phanter cast combined
There's also ww and batman on the horizon. Harley quinn can suck as much shit as it wants. No one's expecting that to be good.
I don't get it. Is he literally looking into a blank box and pretending he's a freaking bird?
I hate that the whole "WISDOM OF SOLOMON" thing kinda got forgotten.
Horny and lonely
So is Shazam actually a good movie?
I don't know much about the character other than seeing him on a few episodes of JLU years ago
just go fucking watch it if you care so much nigger
have sex.
black manta is probably one of the best examples of an absolute madlad.
>kill aquaman's kid
>cause his marriage to have difficulties
>constantly taunts aquaman about it
>gets beat up by aquaman
>"its because im black isnt it? I just wanted to live in the sea with my people, free of persecution"
>aquaman feels bad, but manta was just fucking lying cause hes a nutcase
>manta keeps being a dick
>aquaman beats him up again
>manta claims to literally be autistic to make aquaman feel bad
>this is also a lie
>just to fuck with aquaman
>because he hates his guts
>without any real clear reason
then stop asking
>thicc harley on the left
Happiest ive been coming out of a capeshit movie in a long ass time. felt sorta like watching the raimi spiderman movies again, just the right amount of camp and seriousness to make a fun superhero movie
It’s the sort of things that could get in the way of the plot so it gets ignored from time to time, like the spider sense
i fucking hate the new harley design, she just looks like some rave chick rather than a jester. how the fuck is it that her original design still hasnt been topped?
you mean right, right?
cause the one of the left is just fat
this but unironically. I dont know even know why, the quips in shazam are funny to me, and some jokes really hit hard like the beer spit take and the teleporting to the strip club. Its the must enjoyable hero movie I saw since raimi's spiderman. I think the plot with his mother could have been handled better though and the final fight dragged on for a bit.
Viewtiful Joe.
Although honestly, inasmuch as Superman wrote the book on superheroes, Captain Marvel created a lot of motifs you'd see in superhero anime/manga.
>considerably different alter egos(child Billy becomes adult hero Captain Marvel)
>transforms by speaking a phrase out loud(compare "Shazam!" to a toku hero shouting henshin or a magical girl giving her transformation phrase(in the name of the moon, etc.)
Viewtiful Joe becomes the successor to a champion of justice, and takes down a corrupted hero whose abilities mirror his. This is pretty common in superhero media(Marvel Studios has outright stated their boilerplate is to have the villain be a mirror of the hero in the movies) though.
>marvels film future looking dim
I dont follow capeshit that much but aren't normalfags crazy about the MCU? I heard even though captain marvel was a crappy movie people saw it just to get ready for avengers endgame
> go on wikifeet
> she's rated 3 starts
Are people insane?
Manta is just discord gay ops: the character and i love it
im honestly suprised how much of a cunt they made the mother. not something you would really expect out of a movie aimed towards a younger audience but then again, they hired a dude mostly known for horror movies to direct it
>using thicc when it's clearly a fatso
I don't get why whale-chasers don't just admit that they like fat chicks.
The main character's personally totally changes when he is in hero form, that really pulled me out of the movie. It was decent otherwise though.
>I heard even though captain marvel was a crappy movie people saw it just to get ready for avengers endgame
You heard wrong. No one saw captain marvel.
>but I heard it hit one billion
Disney bought up a ton of their own tickets to keep the film from appearing as a flop.
>can you prove that?
They gave tickets to fandango to just give away, and several theater workers and goers made noted of how empty showing were. Showing during the week of release.
>Harley's in prison
>not wearing a prison uniform
I thought Bruce and Selina's thing is that they were basically made for each other but they never got together because Selina can't give up the thief life?
How often do comics reference late 70's films like this? Does she get him to squeal like a pig later?
>in the name of the moon
based sailor moon poster
I wonder how much worse the 137 removed were.
It surprised me too. liked the idea of how his mother abandoned him, but it happened so quickly I didn't really feel anything for it.
> they hired a dude mostly known for horror movies to direct it
oh so like Raimi. and the dude who did aquaman. And yeah I could tell he used to do horror movies from the opening in the snow and staffroom scene. It was alot darker then I thought it would be.
What a wonderful timeline
>felt sorta like watching the raimi spiderman movies again
That part where Billy called Darla a filthy fucking nigger felt a bit out of place tho
Billy is only for Courtney!
The most likely scenario is that Harley gets her own string of movies independent of the rest of the DC verse. So every 4-5 DC movies they'll have another Harley one
He was just keeping the spirit of the old comics.
So long as Geoff Johns works at DC Courtney is for nobody.
Black Manta has got to be the most comic accurate villain we've gotten yet, so long as you dont mind them using his modern origin of blaming his dads death on Aquaman. They got the Helmut, the giant red eyes. They nailed the hatred and venom in his lines. 10 out of fucking 10
lmao he literally wrote that ship himself
Because he knows nothing will ever come of it. No one is allowed to fuck his dead sister.
What are you 12? Get some taste
It's not going to be a quick death but interest is waning. It's a big part of why Ragnarok took such a huge shift in style and comedic sense from previous Thor's
It's so weird how chubby-chasers can't accept they like fatties.
Billy is going to end up with Wonder Woman, my boy deserves the top female of the DC universe.
....what do you consider thicc?
Welcome to comic book covers
I'll always love Per Degaton's pettiness. Him just watching her cry over and over again is some funny shit.
A bit more than the one of the right. But the one on the left is clearly fat. If the legs are fat and have no shape, that's just being a whale.
You first.
>he's now writing Shazam himself
>he knows the ship is fairly popular
>they're seen together in Doomsday Clock (which he writes too)
He favors both characters user, it's only a matter of time.
Only one of them flies. another one uses super speed to run up a ferris wheel but that's it.
Footfags have literally no taste.
Personally my definition of "fat" is if there's protruding belly fat.
I feel like Brie Larson bought into her own hype
She recently stated that MCU Marvel could totally take out Supes
Also, her Netflix movie came out and it sucked fuckin balls
he means it was a shit movie.
I'm not even going to watch endgame if captain marvel is going to feature prominently.
I'm surprised alita got away with explicitly stating the anti gun law only existed to protect the government.
Shazam is a refreshing light hearted superhero comedy that doesn't take it itself too seriously and is a genuinely good film
Captain marvel is downright mediocre, has a political agenda and the main star is an insufferable cunt
Holy shit. Based.
>Political Agenda
>When Shazam is diversity central and even has a gay spic
They blackwashed the Wizard like the new 52 did.
recently, big guy bane fucked their marriage up
and lot more happened
Are you replacing Rich Evans, user?
The characters races are never mentioned, though
It's one of the few cases of diversity done right
I mean it is black washing but I kind of think the wizard works well as an abo.
Next level cope.
>you call captain fungus sjw when shazam is just as bad!
It's really not though. Shazam doesn't make a point of anyone's race.
>but shazam's family is multi racial!
It's also a foster family.
Also, people think Supes is some indestructible god. This isn't the same superman from the 50's that could just invent superpowers at will.
They're still changed their ethnicity. The Marvel family was always white. They condemned that with this movie.
They're both bad. They're both shitty SJW films.
I don't mind it myself since classic shazam was was too much archetypal wizard. magical negro works for him.
I mean, if you have another explanation as to why every showing early on had upwards of 20 no shows, I'd love to hear it.
>They're still changed their ethnicity. The Marvel family was always white
They didn't change their race, they just added more foster kids.
>They're both shitty SJW films.
Point out all the sjw-isms in shazam.
Since comic posters are posting here, I have to ask, how come Batman and Superman both have sons who are apparently very popular, but not Wonder Woman who is supposed to be one third of the big DC trio?
Wouldn't that help in terms of broadening her appeal?
I feel like she is getting left out of this interesting character development, and expanding her brand. I mean, hell, isn't the actress playing the character very much about having a family and the like? Wasted opportunity I feel.
>watch Shazam
>no politics whatsoever
>entertaining action
Made me feel like a kid again desu. I really hope we get more wholesome movies like this
You do know that's retarded, right? You can't just inflate your revenue stream just to make yourself look good? Don't you know how hard the government and the investors will try to sink Disney if they ever found proof? They also can't put in much money into it since they'll loss far more money than they'll ever make. They'll would've been far smarter to put that into End Game's marketing.
I thought he was a native Australian?
Foster family is always better. The white family is portrayed as trashy. The spic has a dedicaded line just to imply that he's gay. That's pretty SJW.
this. it all just felt natural. Changing the shazam family to be mutli cutrual was unironically one of the few good moments of "updating it for modern times", one of main themes of shazam is that he can rely on his family even if their not blood related.
N52 reboot shazam had multi-ethnic family. Just because people aren't white doesn't mean its "sjw" thats like saying rush hour or Red Sun is sjw.
Wonder woman has her own gaggle of retards. Not nearly as many as batman though.
Is that a reference to Freddie Mercury and Mary Austin?
>The spic has a dedicaded line just to imply that he's gay
I missed this one. What was it?
>Foster family is always better. The white family is portrayed as trashy.
When does the movie ever even imply this? Billy's mom abandoning him? That's a long fucking reach.
>The spic has a dedicaded line just to imply that he's gay.
It's a bit joke that fits since they just came out of a strip club. It's not worth getting triggered over.
Mary's chastising billy for thinking of a strip club. the spic shrugs and goes, not my thing.
This gets funnier every day
Wonder Woman has always gotten the short end of the stick, everyone knows about Batman and Superman, their stories, lore, enemies, etc. But Wonder Women has never quite gotten that push like them, it doesn't help that unlike them, her character isn't even that consistent and she's the most reinvented and reimagined out of the trinity.
Batman and Superman both have their Bat and Super families, Wonder Woman has other Amazons related to her in different ways but she even those feel like supporting characters of Batman and Superman's supporting characters.
Also she didn't get her own Animated Series centered around her like the other two.
I didn't think it was bad
It was just ok for me, a solid 6.5
> You can't just inflate your revenue stream just to make yourself look good?
Yes you can, it's called cooking the books. Making money look like it's moving to someone else's hands, when it's really going to back to yours or the hands of people connected to you. And it's not entirely about money, but making sure your shareholders are pleased and keeping up the appearances of having a product selling better then it is.
>Don't you know how hard the government and the investors will try to sink Disney if they ever found proof?
You act as if politicians aren't in the pockets of corporations and special interest groups. Or they don't know.
>They also can't put in much money into it since they'll loss far more money than they'll ever make
Again it's not about making money as much as giving the appearance that their product is doing better then it is, for shareholders and the public view. People are cattle and will see things if everyone else will, and vice versa, and making it appear something is more popular then it really is will draw in more people that otherwise wouldn't come.
Thicc and fat are two different fetishes. Dont beleive me? Go to a thread about chunbybporn and watch people argue
wow I unrionically cringed from this post. I'll say fuck niggers fuck kikes fuck tranny and fuck spics right now before you call me a trannysjw, but you're acting like a damn child. Your just exaggerating non-issues, you're acting like tumblrfags when they get triggered from day to day things. I wonder how much you'll seethe from actual sjw movies like ghostbusters, last jedi and dear white people.
after they teleported out of the cave.
But that's wrong.
Daria, Pedro and Eugene are completely new characters added in Flashpoint. They changed Freddie into a blonde in the New 52 but they changed him back to black-haired in the movie like his original incarnation. They didn't change race for shit you retard who clearly never read comics.
>you can still see it
Im as old as Brie Larson but I look half as young and I work in a quarry
super boy, robin and wonderwoman are the new trio
WW's history is one of rewrites and reimaginings that has left her spastic as fuck at times. honestly if it wasn't for her creator making a brilliant contract that forced her to be published as a solo series for 70 years, i wonder what would have happened to her.
>be created by 1st wave feminist, with the goal of creating a powerful woman who wasn't afraid of her femininity/sexuality and could work beside men and teach humanity the beauty of feminine ideals to create a better world
>be written by people who like the idea
>then get written by hardcore feminists who believe women are the master sex
>get taken over by someone who likes the original idea
>get written by someone whose okay with the original idea, but not the lewd
>get written by someone who thinks she's a feminist icon and thus must be the uberfeminist.
>get written by someone trying to "salvage" from that
>get taken back by uber feminists
>get taken back away from uber feminists.
>repeat at nausium.
No other character has so many differing fan bases on a single hero, constantly fighting over who she is going to be.
Shazam was OK, I enjoyed the whole concept of him not even knowing what his powers were.
That being said, the final act was literally super babies and it was very stupid.
DC Capeshit / 10
They haven't all been white in the comics for like 15 years. How are you so far behind?
Having sidekicks and having kids is not the same thing...
Magical negro is certainly more interesting than another merlin/gandalf/Dumbledore type
The medieval wizard is A BLACK MAN
>those glorious large saggy tits full of milk READY TO BE PUMPED OUT
Sorry, but if you think a chick with so much fat their legs have no definition whatsoever you're just a whale-lover bro.
>tfw Diana and Steve will never have a cute Wonder Daughter
She has not one but two Wonder Girl's
....and maybe more that I'm unaware of
Fury is their daughter
>wizard is more interesting if he's black
Holy flaming cucks batman. Go suck a black man's dick already
I like the stories in which Superman goes full dictator because Wonder Woman said to
>sidekicks =/= sons/daughters
Nice skeleton feet
The yin sid looking wizard is pretty tired bro. Changing him into a magic rafiki negro was a good idea.