RIP flash
RIP flash
Other urls found in this thread:
why are her fucking arms so short
Everything is archived and SWF players exist.
They didnt kill flash at all. They just rebranded it as adobe AIR.
>all those free flash games on armorgames
That is some fucking abysmal art
Please don't post it again
Madness Combat is even better now tho
should we post our favorite flash videos/games in this thread? I was rewatching one of my favorites just yesterday. Of course you might find it course by now, but when I was a kid this one was one of my favorites
I would love if even one person experienced this when they were young like I did.
>that one porn guy
>happy tree friends
>salad fingers
>alien hominid
>flash logo
>angry marines?
did i win
This. Imagine signing your name to this shit.
>Single piano note plays
>Full sad piano song starts
more like t-rex chan, the fuck is wrong with your arms?
I'll miss you Flash-chan.
Forgot Madness Combat
What's the most technically impressive flash game ever made? Graphically or in features, either or.
This could've been good if she wasn't a landwhale.
Post the rest
Eternal reminder that Adobe could have just open sourced SWF and made everything okay.
Literally been a thing for millenniums.
Kys contrarian.
Please don't go Flash
you all know how this ends
A why is /vr/ Larry Butz again?
/vr/ seem like a cool guy
How have I never noticed teh rei before?
>The guy trying to archive flash is missing obscure shit, porn, and Japanese doujins
>There will never be a board as creative as /f/ ever again
Well, broforce was a flash game I think, and alien hominid.
Does this mean Homestarrunner won't work anymore?
>>The guy trying to archive flash is missing obscure shit, porn, and Japanese doujins
is he accepting them? I've seen a few general porn/hentai flashes on it
just submit
>The guy trying to archive flash
Sounds like a fool's errand.
Thankfully they're already on uploading everything to youtube, complete with post-toon easter eggs. It's not the same, it's not even close to the same, but it's something.
He's accepting them, yeah. Some of Zone's old flash porn is on there.
Kinda of a pain of a process, join a discord and try and get in contact with someone there.
There's a discord link on that page.
>tfw used the internet browser on my wii once in a while to browse newgrounds
The absolute end of an era...
So lads how do we stop this?
but i don't want flash to go.
What game is this
ganguro girl
fuck's she doing with a titanfall hairpin
I'll miss you, flash
All those games and videos people made, all those gems that so many people never got to see
I'll never forget the magic you made happen
God bless
zeeky boogy doog
Why does it always have to be death? Why can't it just be retired? And people are already finding ways to keep and save flash. But yes an era is gone and now replaced wit shitty phone gacha games and creepy elsa videos.
>there will be nothing quite SMBZ ever again
>He thinks sprite animation is dead
>Implying I don't watch that shit every now and then
it scratches the itch, but it always returns
>SMBZ itself will never be finished
Thread theme:
Dont know how old that comic is but you can clearly see the results of not pushing out weebshit and Yea Forums still turned into Yea Forums2.0 + a bunch of weeb board's dumping grounds for shitposting
It's getting worse.
I like infected mushroom
i posted the right version the first time
also: 404
It was more of a vain attempt to prevent more nostalgia, but then I searched it on Spotify.
what.... thread do you think this is?
sit harder
What happens to all the old newgrounds games?
That is some fucking Abysmal art.
I love it. Post more.
Fear of god
Modern Newgrounds games use HTML5
Old games will produce error messages
I chose to be here, I know god damn well... I hate it but I can't.
>row: 9
>seat: 11
i want to go back Yea Forums
>here! lemme help you!
lost my shit hard, we had some great times Yea Forums
because angry children might actually turn out alright when they get to be a bit older(manchildren)
Play it loud newfags, i love you.
Yea Forums was so much better when it was isolationists.
Yea Forums and /jp/ kept that stance and you can't deny they're better than Yea Forums in terms of shitposting.
Hell, they actually delete pepe and wojacks. Imagine how much board quality would rise if Yea Forums did that.
We need filters for based, have sex, cringe, cope, and seethe and board culture would improve 600%. Plus with your suggestions.
Dailydose rave
>This game is still being updated
proper link this time
I'm still nostalgic for loading bars
Same with Sim Girl, though it's fan updated.
Did the iPhone kill Newgrounds, or was it the original jannyfag Wade?
>let's delete all these old movies that passed judgment. NO FUN ALLOWED on my portal!
>the Star Syndicate is getting too woke on the Jewish question. Better get the banhammer.
Youtube killed Newgrounds.
Newgrounds is nothing but dead after what happen to tumblr after last year.
Most of the content creators went on to either make their own games or make games for phones sense its easier to monetize. As for animation there is better options now. For flash itself it had security issues it could never iron out.
The problem is that telling people to fuck off will do nothing because those people crave the attention. The only real way is to ban them consistently, and the mods don't care enough to do that. Filters like would be a good, low effort solution though.
If Adobe actually kept it up to date it probably could have survived.
Other ways to improve Yea Forums is Ban filter reddit and discord.
And to appeal gook moot's Jewish tendencies. Expand on his plan to force all phone posters to buy Yea Forums passes by blocking all blocking all mobile IPs as opposed to deploying it randomly as it's done now.
Also to keep the cancerous containment boards under control. re-initiate /pol/earl Harbor when the next American election season comes around so /pol/ can't use be used a political activist center again and ban pepe and wojack from /r9k/ since they are chief source of cancer on Yea Forums.
You can't say anything stated here wouldn't improve the quality of Yea Forums either on a board by board or global basis.
You literally made me who I am today and I’ll always be grateful for that. Thank you for everything.
Actually, telling people to fuck off worked because newfags actually lurked and then mimiced that. The problem is people like you stopped telling redditors to fuck off, so newfags started to mimic redditors and we're in the shit show we're in now.
Banning basically the only remedy now, but no way in hell the mods will do something like that.
I disagree on the reddit/discord filter, specially since they directly affect the quality of this site and should be called out as such.
stop talking to ironic weebs
>lol anime anything
>flash lived a full fucking life
>lol bags under eyes
>at at school
>Hell, they actually delete pepe and wojacks.
I've been saying this since like 2014 or some shit.
I thought the whole 'rustled jimmies' was bad back in the day for ruining a perfectly fine reactionimage, if only i knew how cancerous the foreveralone/feelsguy/pepe shit was gonna get. Telling people to lurk moar doesn't help. Publicly ban retards like the good old days. Delete /pol/ or at the the fucking least ground all /pol/ tourism to its containmentboard in some draconian way, idgaf. If we return to identify as our inner hopelessly degenerate fucking nerds we might salveage this board and actually have some fun times again.
This image used to be a fun fucking image that doubled to keep out christian soccermom tier newfags, now politicized alt-rightfeminists come here to btfo trannies in their echochamber in literally every discussion to flaunt their based moral and ethnic superiority.
I just want to talk about survivalhorrorgames and arenashooters while occasionally having a chuckle at some guy shoving a glass jar up his asshole like a well adjusted anonymous faggot.
Mario is a nigger
>Actually, telling people to fuck off worked because newfags actually lurked and then mimiced that
The people that shitpost here don't care, you're mistaken my friend. When they post garbage to get replies telling them to fuck off gives them exactly what they want. We would have never reached this point if public bans were still a thing but it's too late now.
>meet and fuck
>shit art and design
That's not MY flash childhood friend, maybe yours, newfag.
>hating modern board culture
Seething discord tranny, have sex
Don't know why they got to humanize everything from video game consoles so vague concepts to the earth. Maybe thats why they are always sensitive.
I knew I was missing one. Tranny, too.
guys wtf no im so sad this medium I haven't opened in the last 5 years will be gone forever (will literally be saved as soon as it goes down)
He gropes his sister and goes to jail right
Public executions need to be the norm. Only for the most low effort of bullshit, though.
>Flash is dying
Don't worry, with how DC Comics works, he'll be back a few months later anyway
This was top tier shitposting
You sound like a redditor making excuses for shitposters. Yea Forums used to get by fine with self policing. Yes, shitposters always existed, but in the old days people could nuke their threads.
Too bad moot neutered that by removing visible sage and dubs, while making it a global rule you couldn't announce reports.
>You sound like a redditor making excuses for shitposters.
How come? Please give me a real reason. And they're not excuses at all, you can't fix a problem without understanding the source.
>Yea Forums used to get by fine with self policing
The internet has changed a lot since then.
You do realize site population increased 10000% since then?
>give a real reason
I just gave a reason, your negligence and flippant attitude of 'shitposters will just keep shitposting, so why bother?' It's basically say 'There's a fire burning, and it will keep burning even if we get it under control, s why bother trying'? And it then burns down the whole complex as a result.
You're either lazy or retarded to not understand you need to be proactive in keeping the standards up. Look at Yea Forums, they're militantly against spoonfeeding and actually tell people to lurk moar, and they have a better community as a result (relative since you can bitch about the content, but in terms of what Yea Forums was, it's still better than boards like Yea Forums.)
And? Just requires more people to step up, the reason things are shitty is because people like the poster above gave up saying we should just ban them, and that became a self filling prophecy where now we do have to ban them to dig them out of Yea Forums. But we know that'll never happen.
I don't even remember what flash this was used in, but it's always the song I think of from back then.
Yea Forums city, no?
>shitposters will just keep shitposting, so why bother?
But I didn't say that, I just told you that your approach is wrong. It's more like "There's a fire burning, so we shouldn't throw gas at it hoping to put it down". Yea Forums has better quality because mods actually pay attention to it, and even that comes with downsides since you could end up with someone like Abib. Tell someone posting obvious bait to lurk more and see how well it goes.
Shit seriously?
just to put a foot in the door of just yelling reddit at eachother
i completely agree with your stance of people having to step up and selfmoderate. Ironic shitposting in the current climate has shown to be cancerous ESPECIALLY surrounding certain topics.
Dont shit where you eat.
not him but whatever "6.6" is on newgrounds took some creative liberties over time mixing old and new
I'd prefer crudely drawn flash objects
Flash was great because it allowed braindead development of games, is there a game engine that allows browser game dev easily? Or mobile just took over the market
> Yea Forums has better quality because mods actually pay attention to it,
You're completely glossing over the fact that Yea Forums's community actively polices too, such as the unwritten rule of no spoonfeeding. Also Yea Forums can actually work together to get change they want. Like when they joined forces with one of their worst spammers to get a mod who was trying to ban loli disbarred. Or the nipplegate revolt when a mod tried to ban nipples after Hiro took over. If something like that in Yea Forums happened, fanboy tribalism would see one group trying to fuck over the others first instead of working for the good of the community because they'd rather cut off their nose to spite their face than keep things decent or improve them.
Don't say anything to make me suspect your an apologist for them then. The only way Yea Forums becomes better is if the community raises its standards, we can't expect the current moderation crew or Hiro to do that. We lost any chance of that after Modcat got fired.
See you in three days guys
I'm not glossing over it, it's just that they're entirely different issues. Feeding trolls is just not a good way to go about it man, even more so considering you end up derailing the thread since they'll keep replying everytime you tell them to fuck off. I agree with what you say about Yea Forums, and it's even worse because on top of the tribalism you have the faggots that will defend absolutely anything in the hopes of getting other people mad.
You madman
see you oldbro, at least you can remain in spirit and nostalgia with us
As long as you got other people to understand, the behavior is not tolerated and should be emulated it worked. And you can't deny it worked between 2003 to around 2012 when we started to see the real decline.
Although it was 2015 when things really went to shit because the floodgates to reddit were flung open thanks to /r9k/'s dumb asses.
You can actually say all those words and still have fun board culture. Yea Forums is one of the most lighthearted and silly boards to go on, but even when every second post is one of those words and every other post has ding-dong diddly in it they still pull through. Yea Forums's problems run deep though and on this board removing them would help for starters.
>and dubs
Fuck off. For every bad thread dubs killed it derailed 20 good ones.
t. guy who had his shitty threads destroyed by dubs.
I've made less than 10 threads in the past 10 years. Dubs ruined more than they saved.
Still worth it, Chemo kills healthy cells to destroy the cancer.
You let the cancer spread and now it destroyed every good thread.
Was there any context for this back when it was made?
RIP, so many nuts busted.
lurk moar
there's an open source port but I forgot what it was called
in any case it's not gonna be like the real thing unless you're playing it from your browser
My bad, I was being a retard and didn't see the other panels. It's pretty sad to see the end result, but I'm glad for threads like this.
It's regretful but it's going to be oldfags pining for the golden age of Yea Forums that will never return and trying to figure out just what exactly went wrong.
pretty fucked up
Still better than anything you'll produce in your entire existence, just saying.
The only hope I can think of is for some rich user to buy the site off Hiro and fix it from there. It's a nice thought at least.
lmao cope
explaination is fake, the arms were just drawn too short
>Yea Forums
silly summer user
the metric for a board being good isn't measured by a cartoon frog and a meme face. post 2014 /jp/ is incredibly mentally ill (look into their spinoffs) and is populated by ERPing teenagers and groomers
>midna flash is already archived
I have over 50k followers for my art twitter. My word is law.
Redditor detected.
old remembered
new uncertain
my thoughts exactly
forgot to mention, blaming reddit for newfaggotry is almost newfaggotry in itself. reddit has been in this site for years, and the internet is not mutually exclusive. it's like blaming gaia in 2013. both sites fucking suck ass, but they've already metastasized
self moderation will always, always be a meme, especially in small and large communities. 99% of self moderation is spamming threads off because someone disagreed with you or it doesn't match with a fictional perception of what a board composed by anonymous people should be. unironically thank god for invisible sage
Yea Forums sucks mod cock and relishes in faux elitism despite 90% (source: ass) of the current userbase being born after NGE
/jp/ and its spinoffs (think "moot banned jailbait time to make my own board" shit) is a seemingly benign shitposting hub on the surface, but with enough context clues its almost a mental hospital, with teenage trips bragging about browsing warosu, constant IRC dramas and spam, discord trannies, and more fun stuff. they constantly raid other boards too, both in Yea Forums(nel) (bant, s4s, qa, etc) and out
I know what went wrong, normalfags ruined the site. they have been ruining it since day 1
>I have over 50k followers for my art twitter
nice try, CK
Buthurt redditor detected
So when Flash eventually kicks the bucket, none of these games are gonna work on their respective websites, right? Will you still be able to download them? What's gonna happen to the websites that host them? Hell, what'll happen to sites like Homestar Runner?
He's not wrong. Yea Forums has their heads so far up their own arses they think that because they didn't die the same death and Yea Forums that they didn't die at all.
At least we're not /k/
>apple creates "flash is insecure!" meme
>everyone starts pushing hard for HTML5
>flash gets abandoned, HTML5 becomes standard
>HTML5 brings endless redirects on pages, endless dialogue boxes, being unable to go back, security flaws up the ass to the table
>literally just as bad and in some cases worse than flash
thanks, steve jobs, you fucking retard.
I have 51k. My first decree is that all shall know you as a faggot. You fucking thought nigga
I've been meaning to play it for a while, anyone got a link?
what makes you think there wont be some kind of flash emulator?
There'll never be anything like it again
blue maxima flash point google it and read
Fuck off redditor
>Remembering the part of the comic where /vr/-tan mentioned Puyo-Puyo Tetris
Do we even really do board-tan stuff anymore? I don't remember any mention of the Winter Ball, and this is the first I've seen of the tans in any board in months.
>adobe flash will be dead
no it won't. They said the same shit in 2010.
Flixel and unity were supposed to kill it, but flixel is being re-done for the 80th time, and unity got pushed as a "real" game engine. There's still a market for flash games, believe me.
Nah we don't do that anymore
a time machine would be more lucrative at this point
Is there anything going to replace flash?
Yea Forums cup still happens, ironically Yea Forums cares about it the least despite being a video game.
Well expecting Yea Forums to care about a sports vidya is a very hard sell, so that's not surprising
>no more
ok where's your porn flash-chan?
No more Nitrome
Good times, man. Good times.
Well, I'm sure flash support will be a legacy thing that won't go away any time soon. Thanks normies and smartphones for destroying the internet and its uniqueness. I truly miss the days when it took a modicum of brains to get into the internet.
>Yea Forums
Bullshit. The big difference is Yea Forums has enough pride to burn their board to the ground rather than surrender, the people who use Yea Forums don't even deserve to be called Yea Forumsirigns these days
Well I do see Keksandra every now and again in s4s, but that's to be expected.
html5 literally enables the same exact animations you faggot.
Its like suggesting css is gone because sass is here.
Yes, I know what that is. But what about the games/animations that won't be archived by it? Will you still be able to download the swf files even after Flash goes under?
It takes a lot to work up my disgust nowadays and this certainly does it. I know it's old hat but goddamn that was not a good swerve.
that's up to the providers
the preservation effort is either helped or forever hold your peace.
mods have tried their hardest to exterminate it. I just got it by the 'our system thinks your post is spam' message typing it out.
The guy was a complete faggot so I honestly don't miss it. He left the series for shitty furry porn. Then a decade later he thought he could make money with it so he thought to make a patreon and remake the whole thing. Nintendo stomped his ass for trying to profit off their IP's and he had a meltdown. Furries not even once.
Post YFW you're up at 3am getting angry and emotional over long lost memes and the golden era that will never return
>when would you go with a time machine
>early to mid 2000s
>that was the last time it was good
flash died like in 2008. No one makes shit just for fun anymore.
minus8 does, weirdly enough. He made this thing recently, here's an mp4:
I've got 6 pronouns on my bio though
that was really good
Yeah, but that's like one. Maybe zone still does but I haven't kept up with him.
Thank you, oldfriend
Thanks for all the porn Flash-chan
The board is nothing but templates that they repost day after day ad nauseum. You wouldn't be able to tell if bots make all their threads and half the posts on Yea Forums. I'm not trying to say that everyone should change and throw away everything old and good, but they are stale and sakurafish isn't high culture.
>they actually delete pepe and wojacks
>he thinks because there isn't wojak and pepe spam in Yea Forums it's automatically good
Based retard.
Combat Tournament had fucking incredible fighting game mechanics and if they take that game away from me I'm not sure what I'll do.
>manages to be both a furry and a absolute chad
>never sold out
how does he do it?
>mfw this started playing
once flash is discontinued, cant we just use old versions of flash?
matting press: YES
The amount of pepe and wojack spam rejects the quality of the board.
You can't prove me wrong newfag.
Yeah it's not that bad right now
In the far future, sfw files will be forgotten unless they are preserved
>Nobody even remembers Brackenwood anymore.
Nibba was a bumper for MTV, for Gods sake.
>Nibba was a bumper for MTV, for Gods sake.
You're a pussy. Faggot.
I don't disagree that its fucked up, but you still have to go back.
Thank Christ flash is dead, Obsolete ass format can fuck off.
>arm isn't even long enough for a single elbow
I think even stick figures are better than this disaster.
Arfenhouse, theintriguingmovietitle and Xiao Xiao made up the backbone of my younger web years.
That and
>he doesn't want to fuck this
gtfo dante
Yea Forums is also ontopic, talks about both new and old anime, and you can most certainly find discussion even about older more niche stuff. But of course if you're a shonenshitter who lives in a general thread day after day, you'll think Yea Forums is shit.
[s4s] loves their too much and now it has more art than all the other board-tans
>and you can most certainly find discussion even about older more niche stuff.
You are greatly overstating just what goes on in the single pre-2000s thread.
didn't zone stop being relevant years ago?
It's not the real comic
wtf mods mods mods wtf
See you space cowboy.
There's like four independent projects created to save everything that is Flash and Shockwave. She will be preserved - by chopping her then cloning her four times then putting them all in cryopods.
If you actually gave a shit about flash content you would just download the .swf files and play them in a projector, but I guess it's much more fun pretending to care.
Fuck, don't do this to me.
Homestar Runner and /f/ was everything to me.
What's the issue here? Flash will just not receieve anymore updates,you can still use it.
why are so many people here retarded
you will still be able to use flash, they just arent updating it anymore
You can't even open flashes saved to your computer through firefox, only ones already one the web. They're trying to kill it off for good.
People just like to pretend or they're tech illiterate. They read "Flash won't be in browsers anymore" and think all of this shit will magically vanish.
Then go to
Download a flash projector for any version you wish and play the swf through that
Install an older version of a browser. Preferably on a VM without network access.
You're retarded.
xdanond better finish Starwish 2 before 2020
i was too slow someone got a link to it
can someone link the end please
>Saved a bunch of my favorite flash games directly onto my HD many years ago
>"I'll have these so that they're never gone! I'll always be able to play my favorite flash games"
>About a month ago, try to open them through various means
>"Heheh... I-It's alright. I'll just look it up online..."
>inexplicably the files became corrupt over many years of use
>Only solution seems to be to re-download them again
>Look some of them up
>The site that hosted them is long gone.
what will you do when your browsers stop supporting it?
they already make you jump through 100 hoops just to run the damn thing
>Yea Forums
/jp/ has become a den of 3d idolshit generals.
Yea Forums has been neutered, fun is no longer allowed because mods want everything to be on topic. Board is filled with shounenshitters with their naruto generals, when before even liking that shit got you banned. Whatever isolationist approach they have resulted in their creativity dying, with hardly any new content being created, while they unironically discuss facebook memes since apparently they're unable to even recognize that shit for what it is. And the fucking ecelebs.
Use a flash player then.
I use Swift
might have your games, check and CTRL + F for it
>Yea Forums
The fuck are you talking about faggot? We've got none of that shit.
I made an archive of around 1.2k flash games and movies during my graduate unemployment last year, but a lot of them are bugged or locked and I'm too much of a brainlet to work out how to sort it out.
>tfw Act Like You Know played on loop as I went through the classic flash porn stash.
>These primitive animations can still get you going when very few things can
Oh boy I wish
I'm tired of telling those fuckers that spam the "beard man" to fuck off
How about you link those posts?
Just look it up in the archive dum-dum.
It hurts, bros....
I just wanna go back....
>Filters like would be a good, low effort solution though.
Unfortunately not true anymore. The shitpost culture is too prevalent on Yea Forums now and especially with the move to outright shitting on mods/janitors itself being a meme now, all filters would do is cause more bullshit because "I'm being censored". Look at the onions shit.
Self policing only works when it's absolute and it's consistent over time. Yea Forums can't self-police anymore, it's too big and didn't respect itself enough over the years.
You know that whole "Yea Forums actually hates video games" shit? Yea Forums had that same mentality but once they got big enough they realised how self destructive it was to discussion and stopped it immediately. Yea Forums didn't, and now look at it.
I always liked that game with the X-Ray specs
>/f/ is going to die soon
I'm not ready to let go goddamn it
Why did nothing replace flash?
>why did nothing replace flash?
What the fuck are you smoking?
Doesn't take a chef to know the food tastes like shit.
what the fuck are YOU smoking?
there is no replacement.
Replacement for what? Do you even know what flash was used for primarily?
Flash is fucking obsolote. Why the fuck do you want to continue to use plugins to play videos in a browser? That shit is already in the HTML5 spec.
Abloobloobloo animations? Absolutely nothing is stopping animators to continue using flash, just export your fucking animation as a video and there you fucking go. And if you really need to add interactivity, just use the fucking HTML5 canvas and do the same exact shit. Flash CC even gives you the option to export to HTML5 directly.
Why the fuck are you whining about shit you have no clue about?
Is there a word to describe the feeling of emotion I get from opening flashes from a decade ago?
>Absolutely nothing is stopping animators to continue using flash
So like I said there isn't a replacement for it.
Hey girl, wanna get your nuts crushed?
>they unironically discuss facebook memes since apparently they're unable to even recognize that shit for what it is. And the fucking ecelebs.
The whole site does that nowbecause newfags think they're oldfags because the election was 3 years ago.
N-no, Flash-chan, don't leave us behind. Take us with you.
just save every flash game and vid you can find and use flash player
too bad there are already many things lost in time
like pic related
Yes, nostalgia, here is your (You)
I thought that page didn't exit anymore
>tfw you will never have a childhood friend.
It would feel so good
Imagine thinking this is a good design
Hi, I'm Shockwave Player, Flash Player's predecessor.
You don't remember me, but I remember you
You had your chances