What the fuck is with the renewed interest in this game all of the sudden?

what the fuck is with the renewed interest in this game all of the sudden?

Attached: Alien_Isolation.jpg (219x262, 11K)

It's great and deserves a sequel.

I don't know but the game is extremely overrated and I'm a huge Alien fan. It's boring as hell and drags on forever. It's a 15 hours game of hide n seek.

Agreed, user, it wasn't as good as Colonial Marines.

It is gonna have one. On Android and iOS.

The pacing is fucking terrible, 3 hours of androids after the first alien is kill kinda ruined the game.

this but unironically
alien isolation looks pretty but its a boring piece of shit, at least ACM's gunplay is enjoyable if you completely ignore the awful plot and can deal with the dated graphics

Yeah, who's this aluen and shit. Also the hud was such shit. You had to beep it to show whos close. wtf is that. Imagoan back to MK11. WAKANDA FOREVAAAA!

>It's boring as hell and drags on forever.
Just like Alien.

try playing the game in the dark and on nightmare mode and i will guarantee you will change your mind

the writing gets retarded in the last 4 hours of the game

I honestly cannot believe i share a fucking board with these types of people

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>it's great
the xenomorph becomes so predictable it becomes hilarious
>crawl out of vent
>initiate search pattern 1-A
>crawl back in vent
>crawl out of another vent 2-4 minutes later
>initiate search pattern 3-B

I hate the "helpless protagonist/invincible enemy" cliches. Its fucking retarded that they made a 10 hour game out of hide and seek. All these "horror" games arnt even fucking scary its just annoying youre character is completely useless.

While true, it's actually a pretty nice walking simulator especially in VR
The alien itself is absolutely retarded "AI" my ass

it is on Xbox Game Pass a lot of games are finding new life on this excellent platform it is also an excellent value for consumers

Feels like u had to get lucky to enjoy the game ur first time through
ur not supposed to play it more than once, and that first time is kino. I'd like to get more games that emphasize surviving over doomguying everything

I didn't mind it because for the first half of the game you get all these guns and weapons that are almost entirely useless with the alien around because it's fucking bulletproof. The weapons in isolation were actually reasonably well designed, so it was nice to get an opportunity to cut lose and shoot up some shitty androids for a little bit. And then the alien comes back, and you're shitting yourself again.

the xenomorph is permanently tethered to the player at all times
once it drops down in the first area, that's the end of fun, because it will never leave you alone again (except in the designated "robots only" segments), the minute you start moving faster than a crouched walk it'll pop out of its vent and hunt you

>first time kino
it's a bad game and you should feel bad

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Game's dope af in VR

Hardly helpless. The alien is easy to avoid as long as you stay low and hide under or behind tables, beds and desks. If a bit is really challenging then just throw a noisemaker or give a quick blast with the flamethrower.

What do you want, a horror enemy that you can just gun down? Play zombie games.