Claim your weapon-fu

Claim your weapon-fu

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the one and only

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Took me 2 hours to get this beauty.

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*sip* yep

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Mace in DS1
Zweihander or grand lance in DS2
Partizan in DS3

Butcher Knife for its fast swing for a heavy weapon, and scrub-friendly super wide attack arc

MG36 absolutely rapes in BF2

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the classic
the best

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"His final sensation was of the executioner's blade.
It was not cold, instead warm and reassuring,
murmuring a promise of better times ahead.
Smiling, he returned death's embrace."
RIP Gene Wolfe

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So you're a homosexual I take it

A mech counts as a weapon.

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No one can top this
Don't even try

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Plebs, the lot of ya.

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>tried est ficker a couple leagues ago
>encounter a map boss
ultimate zzz
clearing was dope though
wtb fated version with more damage

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if a game has a rapier, i use the rapier

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Always overpowered as fuck in every game it’s in. Down all opponents in 1-2 hits.

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doom shotgun
best weapon all years

my knigga

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vertical cuts are for pussies

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absolute trash

I take your doom shotgun and raise you blood's shotgun.

lol no

I call your bluff, the sound and versatility of dooms shotgun is still far superior.
I will recognize the dynamite though as being the same tier.

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m1919 is pure sex. m2 is a close second

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ah you were at my side all along

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the blade with the big tities on it

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I don't have a picture, but Yamato

Here you go, buddy.

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whats stopping me from taking a saw to that thing

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The one and only, shame ds2 and 3 had the fucked up version instead of this beauty

>katana causes bleed
>like anything sharp wouldn’t literally cause something to bleed
Shit weapon. They should give it a cool move set because bleed is a shit mechanic

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the only one for me

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The patrician's starter weapon & your best friend in early arcane builds

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have sex

what is that brass rod for? does it interrupt the hammer mechanism so the gun wont' fire? or is it just trying to make aiming awkward?

Not a scythe? It is shite.

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based and dare i say macepilled

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Obsolete (see pic related)

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But that's a STR weapon.

Yes, STR makes SKL obsolete just by existing.

The Beast Cutter is slow as hell. I wanted to like it so much.

>not using a lothric greatsword like a dexfag
Just commit girthy soul spear casul

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who needs speed when you have R A N G E

More games need weapons that pin things to walls, than electrify or explode on the secondary fire.

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Church pick > whatever you use

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It's cool but you'll have to trade a lot because it has a slow stratup.

Greataxes are my favorite weapon type, but Partizan's my weaponfu

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I believe it's to modify the form of the gun enough to make it a legal firearm.

>Die 15 times to Abyss Watchers trying to time attacks and dodge their bullshit
>Finally realize that all I need to do is stagger the shit out of him
>Spam heavy attack with the astoria greatsword to knock him on his ass, and keep doing it as he's getting back up

Friendship ended with Uchigatana, Astoria Greatsword is my new friend

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>People just spin to win
>No L2
>No staggered R1
It's such an incredible weapon.

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I fucking LOVE the Beast Cutter. That thing is badass.

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How and why did they go from this absolute unit right back to making scythes garbage again?

my nigger

It's to make the gun difficult to conceal and conform to minimum length requirements for the UK.

Ok bros I'm playing Dark Souls 1 for the first time after playing all of the other Souls games.
I'm currently at 24 STR and 15 DEX, the rest are the starter stats of a warrior class. I just killed Taurus Demon.
The question is: What should I level up and what weapon should I get to break this game? I'm currently using the Zweihander.

If you want to break the game magic. But the Zweihander works through the entire game, it's all I used on my second playthrough

Simple and stylish. I love the broadsword.

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fucking americans in charge of having any feeling for language at all

Ya seethe?

The true weeb stick

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I find it a bit complicated with that moveset, but I can't deny I fuck everything that gets on my way

Zwei is one of the best poise breakers in the game. If you are going full STR use the snake sword, I forgot the name. Just kill the Snake bois in Sen's fortress

always loved the partizan

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Yamato included

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Rope darts are fucking awesome.

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She's smart, she's elegant, and she doesn't mind bringing her little sister along for a little threesome fun.

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I would've guessed making it easier to balance without barrel drop.

>Best moveset diversity
>You just need to hammer that R1 button with maybe a few L2s sprinkled here an there for panic hyper armor
>It has more reliable hyper armor than the Kirkhammer

it makes farming Lao Shan bearable

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*japanese drums*

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Kept me safe through several Chinatown runs

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>not blue

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but dah manahdo cant cut peopol

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Zoomers won't understand this beauty.

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