How will nintendo compete? :'(

When next gen consoles come the difference will be too big and all 3rd party will leave nindie for good.

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Well its portable! I look foward to taking this to work. All the girls at my job want my dick!

Its not even funny, Nintendo better off sold to sony

Attached: https___blogs-images.forbes.com_kevinmurnane_files_2018_07_Texture-comparison-2_DF.jpg (960x537, 75K)

Nintendo hardly has 3rd party support as it is. They're just getting last gen slop.

They already did, and console power was never an issue, Nintendo treated the 3rd parties like shit in the 80's and they've forgiven the big N for it.

WB and Bethesda are new kids on the block so they're the outliers

Is this the designated Nintendo hate thread? Fuck Nintendo

That is the PC version on Low graphics settings

Unfortunately they chose to go for 60fps instead of having good graphics. It has to be one or the other when it comes to Switch ports of modern games.

>unfortunately they choose 60fps over good graphics
Fuck you idiot

Nice try, nintincel.

who buys a fucking nintendo console for third parties in the first place, the systems are usually zelda/mario/pokemon/smash machines
the switch at the very least has the portability but most people who want that just take the downgrade for the convenience anyways

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This. I only buy Nintendo shit for first party stuff

I only play Japanese anime style games, and those are all on switch now and going forward will be exclusively on switch because Sony and Steam are banning them. So this won’t effect me.

tl;dr idgaf

I got a switch for SMTV.

Attached: STEVEN.png (1764x1836, 1.92M)

I know, I've been having fun with it too, best SMT game in a while h-haha

Hasn't stopped Nintendo so far.

>Nintendo treated the 3rd parties like shit in the 80's and they've forgiven the big N for it.
Holy shit you're actually retarded

No, they don't care because the audience they want isn't there, they can't sell 15 million copies of every AAA game and make $1 billion in loot crates with Nintendo. Even when the Wii and DS crushed everything AAA third-parties still didn't care.

Hardware has nothing to do with it, the audience they want to sell games to simply isn't there. People playing on a Nintendo platform aren't typically interested in playing movie-games that care more about looking nice and telling a story than about actually being a game, microtransactions and DLC sell far, FAR better on other platforms.

>nobody in this thread remembers the Vita version of MK9
It ran perfectly and that's all that count

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>implying next gen will be any better than current gen.
Brah the PS3 and Xbox 360 barely got their shit together, the xbone and 4 are shit consoles with about 3 to 4 memorable games between them, it's not getting any better, the bar is lower than your mama's titties.

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They won't.
After pokemon, switch switches into the nintendo portable mode and start to receive low budget japanese games such as experimental JRPGs, investigation games, rune factory and so forth.
It will be come a much better system that way.

Japan games all come on ps4 and interset in them is getting bigger, sony wont leave them for Nintendo to hold back them like they did with monster hunter.

>who buys a fucking nintendo console for third parties in the first place
THIS. The only games worth buying on Nintendo system always have been and always will be the exclusives.

Next gen sony promised they will more diverse games, cinamtic adventures with unique stories will be the backbone ofcourse! :)

They are dead this time for sure...

Bottom is more lewd due to seeing her tongue.

Therefore Nintendo wins this bout.

Is MK11 gonna get a midnight release tonight? Still mulling over this or DOAX3S on eshop.

I don't think they'll all leave. The platform's consumers do turn out if the game is good enough of a sell.

See SNK Heroines making 300k units (with most of them likely being on Switch due to marketing on official Nintendo channels).

None of them aside from AAA western publishers who only want to make $80 million blockbuster crap will leave. Everything else is thriving on the platform, its opened up a new avenue for AA and lower-budget games that get overshadowed by FIFA and AAA blockbuster shit on the other consoles.

Yeah, that's why I'm looking forward to more releases like Octopath, Astral Chain and other new IPs to get a great start on the platform since some of those classic and underappreciated genres are finally getting recognition again.

300k for SNK Heroines is alot for a lower budget fighting game like that (since general sales for fighting games are always so low too if you don't include SF, Tekken and MK).

Those aa games sell better on ps4, and they will move to ps5 becuase they want to succeed. Ps5 will sell more units than switch and will completely destroy them everywhere and switch will never recover.

No they don't.
There's several smaller titles dev selling 4 times more on the switch.

If you are talking indie westren games? Or japanese AA?

That's a good point.
But i seen several cases of developers saying that the switch was the one where shit sells better.

>Those aa games sell better on ps4
Yeah, but they really don't, and when they do its not by much. Even games like Dark Souls sold surprisingly well on Switch, almost as much as the PS4 version despite the install base being a third of the PS4's. The Switch passed the PS4 in Japan and the gap is only getting bigger.

Indies mostly sell better on switch, but AA games dont and if you want proof look at game called sakura wars coming on ps4 and not switch or world war z not coming to switch.