How do you afford your games, Yea Forums? What kind of job do you have?

How do you afford your games, Yea Forums? What kind of job do you have?

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I pirate everything. I've never worked a single day in my whole life.

I fell for the college meme
I'm an engineer working in tech and I get paid pretty well
I don't regret falling for the meme

i wish i fell for it.

My PS4 collection will always be bigger than Switchs. Switch games are over Nintendotaxed.

b-based neet wow

i make parts of house frames, i don't buy games

It's more than possible to amass a library like that if you make even a few hundred above expenses and buy a game or 2 a month.

I did and I just became a NEET in the end. Lost six years of my life to a double major. Nothing but regret.

A shitty job, but I live with my parents so I don't have to pay much rent and get to save my money unlike the retards who moved out at 18

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Systems engineer, have console and pc but dont have time to play much anymore

I fell for the college meme, but I worked several shitty retail jobs for a few years after that. I also got a fat inheritance plus I live with my parents. Moving out at 18 is a waste of money. My parents never moved out and just inherited the house, and I will probably do the same.

Ebay. Can luckily and consistently find month-old games for under 20 bills.
Also, hold off on getting new gen consoles as they come out. Wait about a year and most games, single player mostly, are super cheap.

I quit my job because I could not handle the stress of being outside. Maybe if I'm really fucked in the head, I can be a neet forever then kill myself before I'm 30. At least I'm being helpful by helping my sick mother

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CNC machinist. Pays pretty good, just don't have much drive to play any new games. Will be playing ff12 on switch when it comes out however.

Are you a beaner like me desu?

I wish I weren't a wageslave, but my parents are anti-white cuckolds, so I have a shitty $12.59/hr job doing technical support for other anti-white, technology-illiterate boomers.

Salaried for £131,000.
4 day work week, 2 days in the office.

Beaner here. Mom and dad moved back to a mexican country 2 years ago. Left me the house and 2 cars.

>$12.59/hr job doing technical support

jesus christ, my job can be done by monkey and I make at least a bit more .

I work in a warehouse for bestbuy and make pretty good money.

Are they safe? Be sure to bring them back when they get older if they have treated you well.

Nice, I'm the youngest so I'm doomed to stay by them forever while my siblings are free to do what they want

Why don't you get a better paying job? Amazon pays 16 for mindless work. Can't blame your parents for everything.

Nice. My folks are pretty much doing the same, and having me manage some properties and sending them the rent. I have a job as well, so it's a pretty sweet deal

Impossible to move out here anyway unless you have a job that pays $20/hr

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i became a millionaire because of Bitcoin posts on Yea Forums ages ago.
became an even bigger millionaire because of ETH posts on /g/ ages ago.
soon to become a mega millionaire because of Chainlink posts on /biz/ from mid 2017.

cashing out majorly again in early to late 2021 when prices are at all time highs again.

>my job is investing wisely
former factory worker and college dropout

Fuck off Larper

Congratulations if you're not bullshitting user.

I work a night shift at a gas station, when I work the 10 PM to 4 AM shift it is extremely comfy and I basically just get paid to do nothing, but when I work the midnight to 8 AM shift it is not comfy at all and I want to kill myself.

I'm working on a web design certificate so hopefully in a couple months I'll be done with that and I can make a living doing freelance work from home.

Oh also, I don't buy games. I spend most of my time modding New Vegas into new experiences and when I do rarely have interest in playing a new game I just pirate it.

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I let an old fag do me lewd stuff for money. It's fucking disgusting but it's a one or twice a week thing and I get $150-250 every time + some gifts. The only downside is when he wants to do kinky stuff

blue collar job

I’m not a completionist collect fag. I just buy games I actually play.

General contracting.

I have a special teaching position where I get 90k a year.
Currently have all the old consoles I used to have + PS4 Pro, Xbone X, Switch, and Razer Blade 2018.

I get paid to sit in a guard office alone for 8 hours at night and shitpost/play vidya. The only downside is that I had to pay for my own gun and carry permit.

I hate collection threads because they all make my collection look like a haphazard piece of shit
Doesn't help my house got burgled as a kid and all of my PS1 games were stolen

Man that fucking sucks. Sorry to hear that.

Unemployment benefits user. All I need do is fake a few "Job searches" every couple months. Been going strong 6 years.

Used to work in information services before everyone under 30 got booted because of boomers. Now I just bartend. It’s cozy and pays for vidya but unhappy about the market in where I’m from

Based and vancouverpilled

I'm an incredibly frugal NEET. If I can get something for free or at least on sale, then I will. My older systems and handhelds are homebrewed, most are pre-owned as well. The only time I'll buy something full price is if I've been hyping it up greatly.

disability check

Aint even worth it user, thats like one days pay

user you're better than this.

I hate collection threads too man. Mainly because I grew up poor (primarily because my parents divorced and I ended up living with my mom who made shit, and my much-better-off Dad remarried). Any of the few games I had growing up ended up getting sold off to pay for newer stuff.

I'm still rebuying what I had but I'll probably never have a game room or anything close to what some of the rich fuckers on here have.

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There aren't that many modern AAA games I give a shit about plus I pirate a lot

So far this year the only games I've bought are Risk of Rain 2 and the Switch port of FF7, and neither were over 20 bucks

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I'm getting paid $24/hr and I can't move out. Unless you don't already own a place (5 years ago the house prices were better), you're fucked. Lucky for me I already own a Condo and I'm paying it off half/half with my Dad since about 6 years ago.

Lead 3d artist at a VR games company

I'm a manager at Walgreens making almost $14/hr with benefits. It's not really as bad as it sounds. My coworkers and my boss are great for the most part but corporate slaps you around like a little bitch and pretty much all the pressure of the store falls on my shoulders. I'm an easy going guy though so I let it all roll off my back as soon as I clock out. I have enough money for vidya and enough time to enjoy them. The worst part is that standing for 8 hours on concrete is hell on your body.

Working a decent paying job while living with my parents

Since 2016 I've been gathering all games given away for free and I already have at least 20

I can smell the eurofag

you guys should not feel bad about living with mommy and daddy, as long as you are bringing money to the household.

Full time labouring job,
i start early, work my 9 hours, come home in the afternoon looking forward to playing video games
I prefer investing my time into challenging games with high skill ceilings, rather than long and tedious dialogue centered story games
so really i only buy a couple of new games every year, and rarely at full price.
it's good to be cynical about games, you can save a lot of money

Former walgreens guy here too. I hated the store I worked in (was an ugly guy with a team full of women/younger girls who all gossiped amongst themselves). I kept to myself most of it. Shifts were long and boring.

This. But it's part-time and still pays in peanuts. I'll soon be doing 12 hour shifts, though, which should allow for days to binge on whatever medium I desire.

Manager at Walgreens is only 14 an hour? wtf I guess it's a small store but still

Was going to have this until medical bills and insurance shenanigans fucked us and we had to sell the house. Nice little place, too.

well depends
minimum wage with mom/dad is not acceptable
career with them, that's just being smart. you don't need a house until you NEED one. though it can make relationships awkward.

I don't know, I feel fucking worthless and not qualified for any job. I just want to play vidya

I work part time for a paint company and I also have rental properties. But I won't talk about the properties much because apparently the mods don't like that and will delete a whole thread if I speak about it.

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why dont you just over power him and take his shit?

I get paid for erp, and it's literally all about what I want to do, no disgusting fetishes forced onto me. $100 here, another $100 there. I've really hit the jackpot

You don't need a house unless you're raising a family. Buying a house as a single guy, even with a career, is a dumb investment.

Cryptologist in the Navy
I make very little money but have almost zero expenses since I don't pay for rent or food

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are you happy?

National Guard + Federal job

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It's a shift lead. They changed how they do things a few years back. They used to get paid more but I've only been in this position for 2 years. A typical store has 3 shift leads, an assistant store manager and a store manager. The last of which is salary. But when I work the closing shift (most of the time) I'm the only member of management here so I gotta deal with all the bs.
Every single retail store I've worked at has had people like that. It really sucks and no matter how hard you work someone is going to talk shit. Luckily for me there's just this crazy old lady that does it and everyone ignores her.

I really need the money and if I haven't another source of income I can't do that. I'd fucking love to beat the shit out of that pedo. Pretty sure he only likes me because I still look like a fucking kid.

I slaved as a dishwasher for awhile. Never ever again.

jesus, be wise and save all that money.

I work a minimum wage retail job and I fucking hate it
>Job used to be really relaxed, plenty of staff and I was working part time, 3-4 days a week so I had enough to eat out and buy whatever vidya I wanted
>As time goes by we slowly lose employees, for both personal reasons or them simply finding better jobs
>Minimum waged increased and the manager wanted a raise, since we all made the same as her
>Boss offered her a whopping .25 cent raise and she naturally quit
>Boss didn't replace her
>None of the employees who left were replaced
>Despite me constantly talking to the boss and telling him that he needs to fucking hire people he puts in no effort
>Went from part time to working 6 days a week because we're so understaffed, and even then some days we're short so the work is harder with us stretched thin
>Boss puts his responsibilities onto me because he's so impressed with me taking charge (because I know for a fucking fact shit that annoys me will not get done unless I do it myself)
>Pleaded with him to fucking put a job listing online, because just putting up help wanted signs isn't cutting it
>He says he'll "think about it" and meanwhile wants to pay me for me to go to a fucking veteran organization to try hiring veterans to work for minimum wage
>Another girl just quit a day ago so we're even further understaffed
I'm looking for a new job and quitting the moment I find it. The only thing holding me back is that I have tickets for a convention in a couple months, and I know a new job probably wouldn't give a new hire 4 days off in a row

My grandfather is Scrooge Mcduck jumping into a swimming pool of gold coins rich.

I have a really good connection with him and visit him every weekend just to talk or hangout with him because wealth aside he's really nice and soft-hearted and I enjoy spending time with him. Every month he sends me a check in the mail to help me with college life expenses like books and classes and eating and transportation, rent for living on campus etc.

Even with all the costs of living paid for, i'm usually left with about 600$ of do whatever I want money for the month.

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Same and I also turn 35 in a few months. It's been a good ride so far.

I work for NASA and build flight hardware when I'm not showing PhDs how to use their computers

With life? No. I have very little free time for my hobbies because I'm working so much at my shitty dead end job, and I have retarded dreams that will probably never come true. I'm terrified of the aspect of settling into a job I hate and it slowly consuming my life.
With the erp? Yeah I'm happy that I get more than a full shifts pay just for cumming.

good luck user, you'll do fine

I pirate everything on Linux and nobody can touch me since viruses don't exist. Eat shit PCtards.

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I live alone. My parents were my only irl friends, they died and left me everything. That's enough to live like I have been for about 10-15 years. I'm in school, and my plan is to be self sufficient before it all runs out.

If i get down to the thousands, and I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, I plan on killing myself and giving back to my online buddies.

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Electrical apprentice. Getting paid $15/hour to go to school and will eventually be making six figures

what did your grandpa do?

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Military Grunt.
I pick this up and put them down.
Pays the bills and keeps my hobbies and habits fed.

>Be linuxfag on windows
>Look up free games
>Click on first link
>Download Game.exe
>Chrome tells you it can harm your machine
>Ignore it
>Antivirus puts it in quarantine
>Remove it from quarantine
>Run the file
>Windows Defender blocks it
>Click Allow anyway
>Allow it to make changes to your computer
>Machine bricks

He owns casinos

I just can't understand how a man running a business is this fucking lazy and retarded. I made the mistake of taking the initiative on some issues, and now he thinks I'm some kind of fucking genius and has "rewarded" me with a shitload more shifts when I was enjoying the easy life with 3-4 days a week before.
>Something leaked oil on our carpet
>Call the boss and let him know it left a pretty big oil stain
>"Oh I'll have to take care of that"
>Weeks go by, nothing gets done about it and it's a huge stain right by where we constantly walk
>Call the boss and remind him, he brushes it aside saying he has to take care of it, but probably later. Tell him I can just look around for him
>Spend next half hour in the back doing some research online and get quotes from several carpet cleaners
>Call the boss back
>He's fucking blown away by the fact that I know how to use google and operate a phone and praises me for "stepping up"
I should have just left that carpet stain. That was the end of my easy life

What about it?

meant for

An all to familiar situation. My store has a very tight budget that they have to stick to (strict enough that if you're an hour or two under or over you get in trouble) and the amount of hours we get each month is different. It just keeps going down and down because the company is "cutting costs!" to make more money.

You'd make more money if you fucking fully staff your stores.

It stands for erotic roleplay. Learn to Google shit before posting.

I buy and sell CS:GO items I also used to gamble with them until Valve killed that.

damn sounds fun. ever considered in working in one? I feel like the jobs in there are all handed down to people you know.
t. lives near Indian owned casinos

Lucky for me I know people who give me temp jobs when I need it. Anywhere from $100 - $200 a day. So sometimes Ill work for a week, then go on a gaming binge for months.

Sorry for your loss user, you should live your life to the fullest and put some of your money in savings.
Don't kill yourself my dude, you've got your whole life ahead of you. I'm sure your parents would want you to be happy and talk to people.

What pisses me off the most is that my boss is just waiting for the golden applicants to land in his lap. He's refusing to put in any fucking effort despite several employees complaining that we're so fucking understaffed.
And he's doing his best to scare off people right away. His newest 'now hiring sign' is advertising that weekend shifts are required, which is guaranteed to scare off some lazy fucks who just want to work part time

I always wondered; what if you meet a girl/boy that you're romantically interested in? You can't exactly take them home.

I spent a lot of time on Mturk and now I can make enough money for vidya easily enough with it. I'm an unapologetic NEET now. I feel for the wagecuck meme when I was 15 and ruined my high school and college years being so busy working.

Why? Why are you not quitting already?


You should convince him to install some arcades in them with obscure japanese and american titles.

Army I get to live my weeb dream since I’m in Korea I get to visit Japan for $50 a plane ticket, also I don’t have to worry about food or where to sleep


go read the line about how im getting money in the mail again, also I want to work in the medical field

>small law
I get to vidya on Sundays and maybe Saturdays.

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Who are you quoting?

Unless he/she contributes to his own and the common expense it's not an equal relationship

Relationships are garbage, just make friends with them
Any females I do bring home also live with their parents

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I know who you are.

I mean my ex-gf didn't give a shit that I live back home (she did too with her folks), but it also helps that my parents are out of town for half the year.

ILWU longshoreman

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I won the fucking lottery. No shit before that i was working a shitty supermarket retail job and with a half hassed over sized backlog. Now i got myself a comfy place to live and i was real smart and took my time to get it the way i wanted and started a proper collection and stick to decent schedule to play games.

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what is it. what is erp? never heard the term before

Because I don't think a new work place would give me the 4 days off I need for the upcoming convention, and I want to keep a steady flow of money coming since soon I'll have to be paying for my own health insurance

Electrician at a mine.

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>tfw working for my best friend
Anyone else know this feel? It's a little weird in some ways but it's fun getting to talk with him every day and there's only 5 of us altogether in our shop.

Erotic role play. Basically cyber sex or type fucking

go google erp and post results asshat

Publishing eroticalit. The most perverse, bizzare fetishes known to humanity. Centaur, dragons, dinosaurs you name it.

Enterprise Resource Planning is a hell of a way to die ano

How much did you win?
>tfw most I ever won was $25 off a scratch off ticket

You sound like a complete push over lmfao. I wouldn't be surprised if you're an actual female.

Have you ever heard of Urban Dictionary? If there's a term on the internet you're unfamiliar with just Google it plus "urban dictionary" use the context as your clues if you need to. Use your resources user.

PROTIP: every manager at every job always wants a patsy to do their work for them despite being paid less. They'll always find either someone that's deathly afraid of authority (so they'll do anything they ask without question), someone who's a perfectionist (so their OCD will force them to want to get something done right) or a brown noser looking to move up the management chain. Option 1 is alright for the first few weeks/months but as they gain seniority and experience they become less afraid and someone else needs to be found as a replacement. Option 3 is usually easy to find, but unless your company is absolute shit in terms of advancement they either find their upper position or leave with the experience to another company. Option 2 is the best option. My condolences on being an Option 2.

>35/hr consultant/manager
>average 4 hours of actual work per day
>home before 3 most days
>paid gas
>paid travel
still never make time for vidya

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I've been working in civil service since I entered the workforce. It's been a series of desk jobs that managed to be both stressful and boring and I'll fucking kill myself if I have to step into the office for one more day. I haven't been to work in almost 3 months and probably going to formally quit in the next 2 weeks.

On the plus side, I have a lot of saved up money from years of droning away at that job and from my parents and grandparents, and I'm also siphoning some of my dad's pension money. He's very ill and I'm helping take care of him and handle all of his affairs, I also spend time with him just about every day. All of his money will be mine eventually and he has so much that he doesn't notice a little less coming in.
Oh, I also own the family home.

I'm thinking of doing something with all that money by investing into a retirement fund, but I'll also have to look for another job and start over on the career front. I'm strongly gravitating to a trade, maybe electrician. Or I'll try to land a job at a small family-business hotel that my best friend is running.
If I'm feeling extra spicy I might take a serious look at entering real estate investment.

In short it's an exciting crossroads in my life right now. Also I have no problem buying videogames.

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Invest that money in something user, even if it's only a plain old retirement fund.

God you sound like a huge piece of shit.

What's stopping you? If you don't feel like it after getting home from work, then wake up a few hours earlier before work to schedule some vidya.

How do you not make time for vidya getting home before 3?
I don't get home until 5:30 and I still manage to get at least an hour or two in all the time.

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I hope you took taxes into account as well as investing it.

option 2 here speaking for us all, any of you motherfuckers who say "someone elsell just do it" are absolutely right and fucking cocksuckers

Converting to dollars it was around the $7 million mark. I'm not particularly crazy about spending it and used most of it to help family and set up my current home, i rely on interest earned through a savings account just to kinda keep it easy. I don't drive or indulge in the kinda stuff most people do because i like staying at home.

I'm a housewife. My husband buys everything for me.

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I work (maintenance and installation support) on an air traffic control system's backend for a section of Europe in a facility, somewhere.

Plenty of money for the vidya.

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I want to fuck a spoiled housewife

I have a shitty job and just finished a degree in sociology. I earn enought to pay rent and play vydia, but used vydia and steam sales are my main source.

I moved out at 18 and I'm ok and """free""".

North Mexico Best Mexico

I'm really not, I love my dad a lot and I only started the pension money thing after weeks of consideration. Again, his pension keeps stockpiling anyway since he's too sick to do much with his money. He bought a massive fucking 4K TV just the other day so it's not like I'm draining his money.

Based, enjoy your life user

Smart man, hope you enjoy the cash and continue spending it wisely into the future.
I wish I could win some day, I just want to live in a cabin and go out fishing and playing vidya every day.

why is the 12 - 8 not comfy user?

Made a lot off of bitcoin

I work as a repair technician at one of the largest tech companies in the world. Most of you hate them
I don't make a huge amount of money but I live comfortable, especially since right now I live with a friend and pay $350 total a month. I don't buy as many games as I used to either.

Problem is that with my depression and anxiety (which got to the point I tried killing myself) I chase the old good feeling of vidya and end up buying games and not playing them but recently found that old joy playing through Doom 2016 and Metro Exodus. It could always be worse though!

I imagine it's the double whammie of nightshift fags popping in on their way home in the morning plus the morning normie rushhour.
Also crimes.

Used to be a retailcuck, but I now just do deliveries with DoorDash and Lyft respectively.
I make more money for less time and don't have to deal with nearly as many retards as I used to when doing retail. Unfortunately, shit is like rolling dice when it comes to getting orders or people to pick up in general.

door dash baby

make 400 bucks a week

I'm curious, did you have to go through any special procedures with getting that deposited in your bank account?
Did anyone figure out you were a lottery winner?

What do you plan on doing once video games stop being fun?

I work 9-1 Monday through Thursdays, and 11-3 Fridays. I'm not making a whole lot but my parents are letting me live with them until I can make enough to support myself and I really don't have any less free time than when I was a NEET who woke up at noon

used to be an entry-level machinist, but I couldn't stand that shit. it's the most mundane, repetitive, soul-sucking shit I've ever done. doing a multi-thousand part order with short cycle times feels like actual slavery. never going back to that. also impossible to make friends with co-workers when they're all 50+ boomers and I'm a 20-something autist.

>borrow games from your buyfag friends
I’ve probably only bought 2 games this year. One on eBay without case super cheap and another at GameStop with a gift card I got. Proud of myself, a few years ago I had a bad problem with buying shit I didn’t need.

I miss being in college and being able to blow off hours just playing vidya and shitposting


Yeah i did. To cut a long story short i actually got a cheque and worked with my bank to open a new bank account to accept it all and the arranged to spread it out between savings and daily use. The organization that runs the put ALOT of pressure on me in order to accept there help in setting up accounts and receiving it in parts in exchange for being all public about it. I turnt them down because i like my privacy and don't want people asking for handouts and stuff.

Can money buy happiness, user?
I actually want to know, I'm not trying to be a boomer.

How do you get over phone addiction?
I swear this shit is the worst on my adhd and keeps me from playing all the vidya I want to try out.

No, but it buys you the time, leisure. power and circumstances to acquire happiness much more easily.

being neet fucking sucks my debt deadline is next week and my house is collateral.

has anyone on Yea Forums ever tried to ask their girlfriend for monetary assistance? were they willing to help you?

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I don't make much money, but I have an immense amount of free time. I work for a family business, the work is stuff I do from home the majority of the week. My parents make plenty of money, they take me on vacation all the time, act as a safety net and frequently help me with random big expenses like furniture or something. But I make around 30k a year. I probably work for 3-4 hours a day tops from my apartment. Some days I barely work at all. I'm trying to do better though, I've honestly taken advantage of my situation for other personal reasons but I think I'm in a better position now to actually give more effort. I don't spend any of my free time during work hours playing video games.

Have you tried not being a toddler?

I buy and sell games on craigslist and make my money that way. I earned about $14k last year for my collection.

>being this new

They've kind of already stopped being fun. The past few years I've only been playing Splatoon and Monster Hunter but the online Jewing from Nintendo put a stop to my salmon runs in spl2n and World has no content until Iceborne. I have already played the other Monster Hunter games to death so I'm not going back to them. Right now all I do is look after my dog, check boards every few hours and try to find new locks to pick.

What said. If i did suddenly have to go back to working my job i'd easily be able to pay the bills i gotta pay now and have money left over cause i own the property.

I fuck my neighbor. It works out.

I live with parents, work part-time in the kitchen at a nursing home (25-30 hours a week) and I'm a full-time electrical engineering student. About halfway done with the degree in 3 years, so I think I need to work less and pick up more college classes if I can afford it (I'm relying on financial aid to go to school). I definitely make enough for the vidya, but I don't buy too many games. Maybe just a few a year. Most of my spare cash is spent on anime figures/nendoroids and that kind of dumb shit. also the occasional /jp/ toy

This summer while I'm out of school I'm going to go for an A+ certification so I have IT as a backup option. I have no hope of actually finishing my degree, AND finding a job, AND being good enough at the job, AND liking the job. It's a huge time-wasting money-wasting dice roll. So hopefully the A+ cert will be somewhat of a safety net so I can do IT if my degree doesn't pan out

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I work from home and make about $50/hr salaried

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>Yea Forums

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I working shipping at a small division of one of the larger gun company in the US. I don't make a whole lot, typically almost 3k a month, almost 5k if I get some good over time hours. I only have time to play vidya during the weekend, so I hardly have to spend money on it since I just play the same shit over and over or just rent whatever modern single player game I want to play.

If you are up front about the commitment after you are offered a position, most half decent business will be cool with it. Had a guy who got hired a week in call off for a week because of a family emergency. Now, the dude did eventually get fired (mainly lying on his resume and being shit at his job), but calling off a week into the new job wasn't a factor at all.

>the A+ cert will be somewhat of a safety net so I can do IT if my degree doesn't pan out
so you think an A+ certification carries more weight than a degree?

>I turnt them down
fugg yea. ya dun gudd

I do seasonal work as a dishwasher and waiter for a catering company. The set up and clean up for the next day is the worst. Never again.
This summer I plan working at a gardening store if I can. I’m flat footed and so standing on hard flooring/concrete for 8-10 hours is hell on my feet. I always take some mild pain medication before work now.

haha good meme no "bankers" work that little.

My mother buys me everything. I really don't wanna work because nothing interests me and I love how I can practice an instrument for 3 hours, practice drawing for 3 hours, exercise and cook all of my own meals in the same day and still have time left to play video games.

no, not at all. I'm saying if I fail to get my degree or I fail to get a job in that field, the A+ cert might get me an entry-level IT job so I won't be completely destitute. I don't expect to be making anywhere close to a engineer. Just not minimum wage.

>tfw enjoy job but hate getting up at 6 every morning
If I could start at like 9 or later I would be perfectly content.

I've got background in antiques and second hand stuff so I always get some old vidya bargains each year too.
Croupier is nightshift only and works with old FPS i play on PS3. All the poorer countries with full servers are awake when i finish work and Aussie servers are always dead.

That's what cars are for. You can fuck in the back seat

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I work a part time job (2 days a week at the moment) and I also receive autismbux from my government which is generously provided to me by liberals and wagecucks

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Take $200 a month to spend on whatever I want, but only $200, and that includes movies, junk food, going out, etc. So I either buy cheaper games, go back on my backlog, make old games fresh with mods, or just be careful with new games I buy. Usually I don't hit $200 and the rest goes into savings.

I have a lot of money now, but I work a lot so I have no time to enjoy it.

I own very few games and pirate the rest, I have no friends and hate my job because I am tired of human contact, I already know that I will die alone, how do I escape this? shoul I just off myself?

What are the benefits of having a savings account vs keeping it in checking?
Is it worth it to open up a roth or an ira?

I work part time and I am also on disability, so basically now that I'm getting the full amount a normal person should get I can live comfortably.

just b urself

Checking account low interest, you will lose vs inflation
Savings account-higher interest, you will likely lose vs inflation still.

Roth good.

Nah, if you like the games you play just keep at it for them. Nothing wrong with pirating just think of your shitty job as a way to do the things you like. Nothing wrong with being alone.

are you being honest? roth is a type of ira. roth vs traditional, in a roth you contribute after tax dollers, traditional is pre-tax. roth is better if you might need access to the money since you can withdraw principal with no penalties also better if you think you'll retire in a higher tax bracket. I think taxes definitely will be higher in the future so it's a no brainer to me.

in the united states, savings vs checking is just a matter of federal limits on transactions for savings accounts. you can't do too many but if you mostly spend on a credit card or something there's not much of a difference. they both have pretty shitty interest rates. my bank gives me 2.5% on the first $2500 in my savings account right now so it isn't half bad as far as current rates go.

This is why gaming needs to go digital.

I can't tell you about Roth or IRA as I'm a canuck, but if it's similar to a TFSA then sure. I just treat my savings account as an untouchable virtual piggy bank, there's no real benefit to having both a chequing and normal savings at once beyond that if you already have a chequing acct since the interest you make is usually miniscule. Savings usually means there's no monthly fee but a very limited number of transfers/debit transactions. I just like seeing the number grow.

user, if you had to ask you already knew the answer.

Just got promoted to supervisor in a major accounting department for a chain of casinos. My days are a mix between mind numbing boredom and ball sweat stress. But it's the most money I've ever made and the insurance in the best on the coast, so I guess i'm here for awhile. I made it to middle America Yea Forums

I'll never understand why people get collections this big. The PS1 was great, but the amount of games worth playing would probably equal the PS1 games on one of those 3 shelves. The N64 is even worse, maybe 1 10th of those are good, and I see duplicates for some reason to..? Oh well, if you have the money I guess.

I also recognize those random Nintendo game pictures above the N64 sign on the floor. They're actually from a calendar, but the person from the image just cut them out and put them on the wall like I did.

I work front desk at a very shitty hotel. I dont do anything and make decent money. I basically just get paid to watch movies and play WoW on my laptop.

Currently unemployed. Don't get a marketing degree Yea Forums. I would telll you to go into IT instead or something but apparently that is shit too.

Hotels my dude. Assuming that the girl also lives with her parent's, otherwise you just hit it at her place.

Half the boards here are full of marketers shilling shit. Yea Forums is a prime example of it. How hard can it be to get a gig doing that?

I am a GIS Technician , it pays enough for a comfy condo and some nice games.

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I work in member services at Americas biggest Cash Back website. Said site was recently aquired by the Japanese equivalent to Amazon. Where do I work, anons?

I fell for the computer science meme. I got a bunch of offers straight out of school and make good money. The trick is doing one internship and one personal project. Nothing huge, something that takes like a month to do. If you're in computer science and worried by people telling you on here that it's a scam, don't be. Every single person I graduated with had a job set up before they even got out.

u are still useless to society, which makes u useless to all.

KYS now please

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I'm a debt collector for DOE. The job is really tough some days, just dealing with people's sob-stories can be kinda depressing. The money is great but I'm still pretty picky about my games. I usually stick to downloadable indie games that were on sale at the time, and I usually only choose titles that don't require a lot of thought. Rogue-lites are my jam, lately. Enter the Gungeon and Everspace have been really fun.

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I only buy Humble Bundles and the ocasional game. Thank God for regional pricing. I didn't used to mind global pricing, but the devaluation of the ARS really fucked me.

I'm a carpenter and make okay wages that get drained by bullshit rent costs, luckily for me I'm picky about what games I wanna buy and probably buy

I haven't had a job since 2016.

lucky user, enjoy the comfy life.

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Bone them when their parents are away.
Also this.
>female friends
Bad idea.


You need to do the minimum effort to not get fired. Nothing more, nothing less.

>With life? No. I have very little free time for my hobbies because I'm working so much at my shitty dead end job, and I have retarded dreams that will probably never come true. I'm terrified of the aspect of settling into a job I hate and it slowly consuming my life.
Welcome to reality. Glad your furry faggots take care of it

I'm not into furry stuff at all though

Security Guard for a museum. Not the best, but enough for games, dolls/onaholes and fancy food.

Can your grandpap adopt me?

You should see a therapist or pastor or something. Or maybe find a meet up group to hang with people outside of the internet. Hate to say it but we're pretty toxic. Look for resources online on how to meet people around your area.

I've play $10 scratchers once a month with only winning once with a $10 payout. Got any advice on playing? Anyone?

There's no advice to give for the lottery. It's just a gamble. If there was any way to figure it out then it would be shut down until that method could be made obsolete

i get it's a gamble but are there any factors to take in such as $2 scratcher chance vs $20 scratcher or location of scratcher bought?

I don't play scratchers very often, so I cannot promise you anything, but I HIGHLY doubt location bought at means anything. Also with the higher costing scratchers from personal experience I believe they have more 'almost' wins. Meaning you were just one number off from winning the jackpot, tempting you to go and buy another

Selling drugs. Not much but enough for living. Yeah. Police don't a shit about it in my shithole city because some families give them a cut

Thanks for the info user

Then don't say manager you big dummy

All I want is a comfy IT job where anything mentally straining I have the option to give to a higher up but also be paid well. Kind of like that "user works for his dad" story, the one that starts with a picture of a dog.

Like, what do you do? Do you strongarm people at gunpoint or do you just ask politely.

>Controls Engineer, 65hr

Do yourselves a favor anons. If you can ever avoid it, do not work retail. It will drain your soul and you'll experience almost on a daily basis that the average person doesn't view retail employees as people, but as servants you can yell at

Drive by exploits exist

Are you above the poverty line at all because VR games make shit money

Most places ask if there's any dates that you know you'll want off. They're giving you the option of telling them "Hey in two months, I'll need four days off"

I think if that's your concern, you should absolutely go for it! Fuck that shit job!

i have a fat steam wallet from selling on the market and a huge backlog and i just don't care about 99% of games so i probably don't spend more than $50 a year and it's usually on old GBA carts.

That's good to know. I've put out one application so far, but I'm putting out more. I don't want to just up and quit since I don't have a ton of savings. I'm sure I'd be able to get by if I found a job in the next few months, but I want to be 100% certain I'll have enough money

Line cook at a nice ma and pa local chain. Pays alright but my hours suck and I'm always so worn out I never feel like playing much anymore

Do you get free food?

I live with my parents so I have money to throw around for games, it's not that big of an expense.
Not like I can, or ever will be able to move out anyways, the average income in the area I live/work in is $100k.

im about to leave my part time job at ups for dhl. and i buy my vidya when i can. or go to goodwill and find some good old pc games. sometimes new shit. got eso for 3 bucks because the box was open and fucked. and yet the code worked.