Dunkey was right, the game is dull.
Dunkey was right, the game is dull
I want to impregnate Tressa
keep saying it
fuck off I just played it recently and its been refreshingly good with how they deal with the story and cutscenes that doesn't take forever because its not using shitty 3D models like all other modern jrpg do
Keep saying it
Imagine being so impressionable that you would unironically take a dunkey review as gospel
keep saying it
It's not like he was the only one who didn't like it.
>fat manchild who has the attention span of a four year old doesn't like RPGs
Wow, who would have thought?
But the OP implied that they tried the game out themselves??
>Guy doesn't like RPGs
>"That means if I say an RPG is good then you know it's really good!"
Just stick to funny videos you fucking retard.
Literally soulless
But in this case, he was right. The writing in Octopath is abysmal and bland. Everything about the game is generic except for the le indie artstyle.
It really is summer.
I want to cum in Ophilia's gloves and boots and make her put them back on
I want to impregnate Tressa
Dunkey's opinions on JRPGs are to be disregarded. He's biased against them and admits it himself.
Dunky is a literal, confirmed cuck though, so why would I listen to him?
I want to impregnate Tressa!
Post the webms
Reminder dunkey has his gf fuck black guys and its on pornhub
>he fell for the meme video
I’ve got a bridge to sell you
gonna need a little on that
It's so fucking boring and unlike that dildo dunkey I actually like JRPGs
This is just a shitty one
keep sayin it