Is this game any good, Yea Forums?

Is this game any good, Yea Forums?

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I haven't played it, why are you asking me ???

Its one of those love it or hate it games. I suggest pirating it first if you really arent sure.


I think this game still needs time, i dropped it pretty early, it is a comfy game though.

>tfw for once you withstood the period of viral marketing attempts for a game
only because i'm low on money

Unappealing in every aspect.

Wait for patches and a sale. The content is lacking and the balancing is ass. This game got released a year or two too early and then presented as an overpriced final product.

y u mad tho

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you don't like comfy?

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Combat is terrible, game looks ugly. Can't be bothered to play it for more than an hour.

It feels like its 3/4 of the way there. Combat isn't terrible, just takes some getting used to, still some bugs and crashes, but nothing too unacceptable. Balancing is a bit fucked, as stats like defense are additive, not multiplicative. The one gripe I have though is the fact that everything is a timed quest, so without jerking off to the wiki, you will spend the first 20 hours of this game replaying the intro over and over until you figure shit out. It's the least attractive aspect of the whole experience.

holy shit

>you will spend the first 20 hours of this game replaying the intro over and over until you figure shit out. It's the least attractive aspect of the whole experience.
are you retarded? I had it nailed on the second character. they make such a big deal of the blood debt it's misleading, it's actually easy even if you don't just cheese it and run down the beach.

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I really like it, but a lot of people here hate it. The combat isn't amazing, but it's decent. Being able to lay down traps and lure enemies into them is pretty neat, and throwing a lit lantern into a group of enemies for it to explode and apply a DOT to all of them is pretty satisfying. I went in wanting something where I could just roam around finding/clearing dungeons and lootwhoring and have so far been pretty happy with it.

The hobo phase can be a little rough, but once you realize you need to try to always be fighting 1v1, using traps and stuff to even the odds, it'll get easier. Watch some gameplay and decide for yourself or Yarrrrrrrrrrrrr it.

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you're no loot whore

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Okay, gimme a minute. I'll prove you wrong, though you may have me beat on cash since I just bought a set of Palladium armor.

I've got so much fucking Palladium because I never use it. I've only got 3 tsar stones though.

>just realized I still haven't gone to collect the Palladium boots that I commissioned ages ago

Yeah I've started just making/buying armor sets that I think look cool and wearing stuff for aesthetics. Used 2 of my Tsar Stones making the spear and then putting it in my bag because it's too strong for the areas I've been going to. You know you can get more from the gravestone in NE Cheronese? Kind of spoiler if you haven't done the Gaberry Wine gravestone, choose to coat your blade in it and you can get a Tsar Stone every week.

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Congrats on having the patience to roam in an empty world? Exploring every dungeon didn't take me THAT long and there's really nothing that makes me want to go back in them. The story and characters were completely forgettable too.

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not bad. that's how I got my 2nd, going back. then I was like wtf do I want with tsar stones? I got the 3rd accidentally doing the lab.

I only just joined my first faction yesterday because just looking around was getting boring.

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Pro tip for you hoarders. Make a mule and transfer all the shit you don't plan on using immediately or enjoy loading items for several minutes. You can also just dump them in another city.

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Yeah I was always planning on grabbing the Tsar Spear 'cause I've been exclusively running spears (and bows) on this character. Not sure what I'd get next though besides the armor set, which would be a pain to farm enough stones for.

I haven't even started on Abrasar dungeons yet besides Stone Titan Caves, which I needed for the main story. My autism demands I finish up with Enmerkar before actually getting started on the desert. I've just been working my way through the zones doing all the dungeons/caves that I can find.

Yeah that shit has been getting annoying. I'd been resisting out of laziness, but of course as the stash grows, so does the load time.
>265 gold bars
wew lad

If you want to be a rune mage, yes
if you want any other playstyle, no

>but of course as the stash grows, so does the load time.
my game crashes about every third load. I wonder if it's the stuff.

jesus dude I thought 31 was excessive


I think I remember reading that it's like a 2% drop chance. You can try dropping a luxury tent outside Cierzo and just spamming ambushes if you haven't done that yet. You'll either get a bird or bandits.

I feel like there is a speed cap, at a certain point it just stops actually getting faster, but I'm not sure. I still want a bird head just because. shit luck I guess, I must have killed 50 of them by now.

If there is I haven't noticed, but I've also not been trying to get much faster. I haven't made/used the +speed food or worn MT chest with the bird mask. But it seems to me that even well before you're reaching your backpack's limit, carry weight is slowing you down gradually anyway.

master trader armor with master trader boots
using the black wizard hat or the smaller version seems no different than no hat or no speed boost on the hat.

Haven't done any actual time trials (run from point A to B) I just took the extra damage from the wolf head when it seemed like there was no difference. I used the adventurer's pack for the longest time, even after I had the roll with bag skill.

I want to rock a full plate dude but I'm afraid map travel will be too utterly painful.

>I want to rock a full plate dude but I'm afraid map travel will be too utterly painful.
Just carry a bird mask and the master trader's boots and swap to them when you're just traveling. The AI aggro range isn't that big so you can easily swap back to your plate armor.

Yeah I honestly haven't been paying that close attention. The one thing I noticed was that it didn't feel terribly different going from MT garb+hat to bird mask and chest armor with no negative movement modifier (net +10% movespeed w/ bird mask), but who knows?
>I want to rock a full plate dude but I'm afraid map travel will be too utterly painful.
I'm stuck between doing that or a swashbuckling 1h+gun/dagger build for my next character. If I do end up going plate I plan on doing what said. I can't not go fast across the map at this point.

i love games like these but im also not stupid into buying and playing them on release, like with kenshi i will wait till the content makes them "full", dont even need a sale

patient gamers unite, still waiting on no mans sky to finish development

I tried the dagger 1h brutal axe for a bit. It was underwhelming. I messed with guns but far prefer the bow, even for just a single bleed shot then hotswapping to melee.

The game is balanced for two people and honestly is better for two people. It's old school kinda so be prepped to write things down. But if you like hard core rpg gamin and got a friend, I say its worf.

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>swashbuckling 1h+gun/dagger
It works but it does need a lot of set up compared to just smashing through things with a 2-hander.

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Melee combat resembles discount dark souls complete with retarded hitboxes, tying character progression to money is probably the dumbest system in an rpg I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing, voice acting is distractingly bad, almost no worthwhile/interesting lore/stories. Visuals are largely unimportant in my opinion as long as you can understand what the devs were trying to portray, but the npc's are all melted potatoes that remind me if ARK characters populated the world. Memes about the world being empty don't describe it, with an uninsteresting story, the massive areas that are populated by the occasional bandit or wildlife are all that interact with you in this desolate game. Avoid avoid avoid.
With all that said, you can still probably have fun but it's not worth 40 USD in my opinion, maybe when it's on sale.

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very quick chicken man with daggers and the backpack dodge skill

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That's disappointing to hear. I'll end up trying it out one way or another just to see for myself, but maybe I will start with heavy armor and 2H, if for no other reason than I've been using a spear with counters so doing another counter build right after could be a bit boring.

Well my current build uses traps, so I'm no stranger to set up time. I just like stuff that takes a bit of thought and/or effort to play which is why I'll forever miss WoW Warrior stance dancing and having basically all your skills/abilities instead of 1/2 of them locked behind specializations. I went third breakthrough into Rogue for the pressure plate bonus, and those things can really trivialize most of the game if you let them.

no, it pukes cum

Aren't you worried about durability damage to items left in your pack when you're wearing it in combat? Or do you not keep anything with durability in there?

>those things can really trivialize most of the game if you let them.
That's why I went with stealth training instead. I try to avoid things that can break the balance of a game, especially a game this poorly balanced.

Can somebody please tell me there's more to this game? I finished the blue line quest and it's literally nothing. Just as a big war starts revving up it's time for peace and there's no choice but to give our enemy a god? No choices or objectives matter from what I can tell and the main quest is only 4 missions long.

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The focus was never on the quests. If you don't feel like checking out all the caves, forts, dungeons, etc. in the various zones then you're basically done.

That's such a shame. I was really enjoying the faction stuff.

Yeah I was even kind of disappointed with the abruptness of how the faction questline ended, and I was only ever playing for dungeons and cozy adventures.

Making gun has 1000s reload animation is a bad move. And no, quickslotting 100 guns is not a solution

They should make the reload time equal to the enemy's knockdown recovery time so you have a window to reload. Probably need to adjust all the guns' impact stat too if they do that.

didn't even know that was a thing
I'm super careful in combat when it comes to melee, usually only attacking RIGHT after their attack ends

if not I just peg them with the bow

I think it is, but I'm not certain. The way I think it's supposed to work is, if you get hit on the backpack while wearing it in combat, things in your pack will take durability damage. Whether or not that's true is another thing because I always left my pack on the ground for combat ever since, and at this point I don't remember where I even read/heard that.

I think a higher tier skill should chop the reload animation in half

must be how you get damaged gold ingots

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What would anons like most to see added to the game? Besides balancing and touchups (especially some combat touchups to smooth out the wonkiness)
>New zone(s) with more and better dungeons
>New game mode of some sort, like a semi-randomized, endless dungeon where you try to see how deep you can get before death, with trainers and vendors every 5 levels and a boss every 10 or something
>More quests

way overpriced for its content, get it in a sale or something

more enemy spawnpoints, randomized spawnpoints, more common 'elite' enemies (archer captain, bandit defender, same with monsters), more enemy types

more spells (rune combinatons too) and more combat skills, hopefully they lower the cooldowns for some of these combat skills

Knew this guy existed but not exactly where he was. The time has come.

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good luck user

He's not in that cave

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its fun at first but becomes a walking simulator really fast

Are they planning on an expansion or dlc anytime soon?

Thanks m8

But he was. How could you lie to me like that?
>tried to set a couple traps on the ramp that I could lure him into to weaken him without cheesing the fight
>despite sneaking, he starts walking up to me
>aggros and runs into traps before I have time to buff
>decide to run out, buff, and reenter
>by the time I come back in he's healed to full

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Considering they haven't released a patch for almost a month now. Probably not.

>But he was. How could you lie to me like that?
Are you sure it was the "Royal" Manticore that you killed?

I get serious Dragon's Dogma vibes from this game. It's a fun game, but it could be truly great if it was finished and didn't have to cut things out of the final release. That being said, I love both games. I fumbled my first character so I made a second and I completed the Heroic Kingdom quest line. Very short and underwhelming, but the focus of the game was really on exploring the world. I have so much more stuff to explore. I already made a third character that I'm planning to make into a rogue like play style with no mana. I'm kinda cheesing it hard though since I started them off with a manticore dagger and a gold lich sword. I'm looking forward to exploring every dungeon this game has.

The royal manticore is actually roaming around in the western section of the forest.

All of those would be more than welcome. You can find some CD reduction mods on the nexus if you weren't aware.

I just came through that section of forest and there was nothing there. Is it like the Alpha Tuanosaur where he can either be in the lair or outside it at the giant tree?

thats neat ill check it out

Welp. You're right, actually. It wasn't him 'cause I went to check to see if there was anything special that was supposed to drop, and I didn't get the claymore. Guess I'll have to keep looking or come back at night. Guess I'll just dump this now instead of trying to get it optimized since it wasn't him, and I was already making it before checking the drop.

Attached: Manticores are scary.webm (853x480, 2.27M)

no mana is fun and challenging

I have a build that is stupid overpowered. It doesn't use any magic because my dumbshit retarded friend calls using magic "easy mode" and keeps trying to compare the game to dark souls for some reason, and says that if you use magic here it's like using pyromancy in dark souls. He's a retarded faggot, so to prove him wrong that there are PLENTY of builds that blow the fuck out of the game, I made one without magic. Anyway here it is:

Opportunist Stab, Feather Dodge, Serpent's Parry
Wild Hunter:
Enrage, Hunter's Eye, Piercing Shot

These are the only skills that are necessary. Everything else is a bonus.

Sunfall Axe from Giant Statue dungeon near Levant
Manticore dagger (craft from tail + knife + palladium I think)
Literally any bow you want.
Open with Piercing Shot, switch to sunfall/manticore, then run forward and whack em with Sunfall Axe, then either parry their attack with Serpent's Parry or Opportunist Stab.
Inflicts extreme bleed, extreme poison, cripple, and burning.

It's fucking stupid how strong it is.

there is no point in fighting, unless you want a material/weapon from specific enemy.

what a recipe

Oh damn that sounds nice. For the character I beat the HK quest line with, I had mana on him, but it was mainly for buffs. I had the assassin sword and manticore dagger on him. I used to sword to inflict slow, circle around behind the enemy, and then used back stab for massive damage. It almost always destroys the enemy's impact meter so they trip and I can follow up with some more knife strikes to inflict extreme poison. I can still make this build stronger buy using opportunist stab since I can inflict pain with my sword. Very fun and pretty easy build.

>Piercing Shot
>extreme bleeding
applies bleed 1% hp/sec for 120 seconds
if you can bleed an enemie it's "oneshot" kill
This is most broken skill/DoT in this game

I, for one, like how you can bleed enemies to death. It kind of adds a backup way to kill most things that a fang sword can do easily enough

Okay THIS time I found him for sure.

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Woo. I fucked up with my traps though. I set them in an area that'll apparently cause him to drop aggro. I had them in a narrow part of the valley between where he was and the wide open area I came from, but its eems he won't leave the circular area he's in. As such, I never got to use any traps despite having two sets placed (one was gonna be part of the pull and the other was purely as a last result in case I was getting rekt). It's weird since it seems like 99% of things will chase you forever as long as you stay within a certain range of them.

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Good job user.

haha 3 health potions later
nice going bro

It's not a bad thing to have stuff like that in PVE games. Devs that try to overbalance singleplayer/coop games end up making them less fun. Players can simply choose not to use things that they think are OP since there are no players to compete against in any metagame.

This sword is breddy cool. Dat lightning damage with my Infuse Light and Elatt buff almost makes me want to use something other than a spear, almost.


Nah I had 3 in my backpack that left my hotbar after I dropped it. The only pot I used was an antidote for his poison. Though if the fight had kept going, I'd have definitely started chugging them.

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yeah poisons a pain

it'd be nice if you could use consumables like that while moving

How do you people already have 200 hours in the game? It just came out.

Do you game for 10 hours a day?

You can find lightning spear in desert with 12 phys and 35 light damage

This fucking 3mb upload limit still

Yeah definitely. At the very least I'd like to be able to roll-cancel out of them mid swig in case something charges me.

Oh damn. I'll have to keep an eye out for it since the Gold-Lich Spear I'd been using only has 10 lightning damage.

Attached: Royal Manticore.webm (640x360, 2.9M)

>it'd be nice if you could use consumables like that while moving
Download mods
>Drink While Running

Oh nice. You happen to know off-hand whether the "running" bit means you can use it while sprinting? If so, that'd be too strong for me to want to use it.

You 'avin a giggle, m8?

>Extreme bleed
1% of hp every second
>Extreme poison
3% HP every second
2% HP every second

6 hp%/s means itll take 17 seconds to kill an enemy with dots alone, not counting raw damage from smacking with sunfall/manticore/bow shot

Yes. You can use it while sprinting.


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Shit. Alright, thanks, user.

Out of curiosity, where are you getting these numbers? The wiki shows extreme bleed being -1% HP/s for 120s, but it shows extreme poison and burning as a flat -3HP and -2HP respectively for me.

>-3HP and -2HP
should read as:
-3HP and -2HP *per second

I didn't realise that extreme poison and burning does percentage of health damage. I thought it is flat decay and fire damage.

I'm in the march, just joined the holy order and they told me they'll give me my quest in a few days, so I'm trying to use those few days to gather some cash to buy a home there, what's a good way to make money in this game?

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It is a flat number but every enemy in the game outside of some boss fights/animals have 100 HP. Same as you.

>to buy a home there
You can't buy home until you finish main quest. If you want to store loot just buy another bag and put everything in it. It's not going to disappear if you drop it in a city.

Killing enemies and looting caves/structures/dungeons is how I've gotten rich. BUT you can also get a bunch of scrap iron from nodes and dismantling basic, iron weapons/shields, take it to Vandeval Fort in Chersonese, and sell each individual iron scrap to a slave girl there for 5s a piece though that's a pretty tedious way of doing it.

That's absolutely wrong. You can buy a house in a city once you've joined the faction that owns that city.

I have been playing the release version I pirated and I think it's just fine. Bugs haven't been all that bad and I'd like to play a game I can break with builds rather than something after they've patched it later and made balance changes.

find the dudes with steel shields in the swamp

60 silver a pop, plus theres always a dude with one near the Monsoon entrance

buy oil
sell warm potions

I want more loot that's it also give us a bunch of named items with lore around them I haven't beaten the game just hope there will be more than a few.

Interesting. I joined Heroic Kingdom and NPC that sells house appeared only when I finished main quest.

You have to do the parallel quest that starts in the Berg inn to get it for free.

Protip for anons who've grown tired of eating some mellon tartine, drinking water, and sprinting at the speed of sanic to run from Monsoon to Levant or wherever:
>Create a blank text file titled, "DEBUG.txt"
>Place it into your SteamApps\common\Outward\Outward_Data folder
>Launch game, continue your character, hit F2
>You can now teleport your character, among other things
>If you don't take at least 2 gold bars and dump them in some dark corner or a loot container that will eventually overwrite said bars every time you use this and ONLY use it to travel from city to city, you're a massive homosexual

>Also, you should drag the file out of the data folder when you're done because it may or may not interfere with normal play. My normal lock-on bind also slows time when in debug mode.

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Holy shit the combat looks like ass

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can you get all houses for free? or just the one in heroic kingdoms? mainly wanna know if I can get the one in monsoon through a quest or somethig

Could be much better. Could be much worse.

Attached: Counters.webm (853x480, 2.96M)

Yeahbits good

So does this game have a main quests line or is it just bunch of factions quests and sidequests?

You choose one of 3 factions. Each faction has a mainline quest. There are also a bunch of side quests and dungeons to explore.

It's a great RPG but gets way too easy very fast. Went from getting my ass kicked by chickens to killing manticores without a lot of effort in a few hours.
It is pretty janky, but that's what I love about these games.

Typical zoomer mindset. Don't listen to it. Game is beautiful. Textures are shit, but design and lighting really make the game.

>you will spend the first 20 hours of this game replaying the intro over and over until you figure shit out.
It's an RPG with consequences. You're not supposed to finish every quest brainlessley. It's okay to fail them, it's part of the game. That's the entire appeal of the game you brainlet.

how do you parry like that?


The first skill was a combination of two Warrior Monk skills (the block one + Precise Strike to follow up). The second skills was Pommel Counter, which is exclusive to 2h swords. I think you can get it as your free skill from the gate guard in Cierzo if you have a 2h sword equipped at the time, and I'm not sure who else will teach it to you (it may actually just be the skill he trains for 50s now that I think about it). The Warrior Monk also has access to a counterstrike skill that works with all weapons, though that wasn't in that webm. The last skill in this webm is Counterstrike.

Attached: Jade-Lich Acolytes.webm (853x480, 2.93M)

Same for me except I'm low on hope.

The same guard actually sells Pommel Counter if you didn't get it for free.

Yeah that's what I was thinking but couldn't remember for sure since I'm still on my first character.

>Game gets maybe 1 thread a day
>Viral marketing
Not everytime people talk about a game they enjoy it's marketing. There's a guy with over 300 hours in this game ITT for fuck's sake

There were a lot of threads initially (disproportional to actual interest). This is a game I wish was worth $40, but I know isn't.

>content is lacking
4 huge open areas
4 large towns
dozens of dungeons (large and small)
tons of builds
heaps of items to craft or work towards crafting
decisions are meaningful (early in one game I decided to go hunt down the killer, and left a separate quest alone, thinking I'd do it later. Now that entire town is destroyed because I didn't help them defend it).
It's a good game. I'd like more content, but it already has loads. It just doesn't have loads of "get me 4 pieces of mana stone" style quests. There is one that I am aware of (the alchemist at the start) and the crafting quests (get the rare items to the blacksmiths) could count.

The codex one and the firgirl one have virus on it (not false positive, I scanned the .exe with Virustotal)

Manticore Dagger with Horror Axe is OP
Run in and do extreme poison, then just block and backstab/dagger attack to inflict bleeding. Humans go down in seconds. If you put that purple stuff on the horror axe those purple ghosts die in two hits as well.

Its shit

I have a 110kg limit backpack and am always carrying 120...