Why should I have to use a character that is difficult to play but good once mastered when I can just play a braindead...

Why should I have to use a character that is difficult to play but good once mastered when I can just play a braindead piece of shit like pic related and still get results?

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Git gud

another day another sore loser complaining about the smash character they lost to on Yea Forums.

>Oh, you made one mistake


Come on man.


Again, gut gud

>anyone being difficult to play

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If you're playing casually play whoever you want and have fun. If you're playing competitive either use your favorite character or tier whore and counter pick if you want to increase your odds. The weird unwritten rules of character loyalty in fighting games or intentionally making the matchup harder for yourself when easier options are available has never made sense to me.

what does he say again

He is very slow. I main him and get stomped when I play against anyone who has even the slightest sembalnce of an idea of what to do. I only destroy scrubs like yourself who don't know how to play the game


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1. No one in Smash is difficult to play. Play a real fighting game where there's an actual movelist and more complex input motions.
2. Ganondorf dies in 2 hits. Throw or him knock him offstage and gimp him. He's one of the easiest characters to gimp.
3. All his moves have more endlag and startup than most of the movies in the game.

tl;dr Git gud instead of crying

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>nairo beats fucking SAMSORA with ganon
Think again, sweetie.

>shit Wolf loses
>it was just one mistake, bro

Attached: Ganondorf.png (325x305, 49K)

He's not that slow, when you compare his performance to the last 2 games, he's definitely performing better. maybe as competent as he was in Melee.

Why does Ganon produce so much salt? I've seen this thread since the game launched.

Yeah I'm sure one mistake caused Ganon to still have all his stocks at the end of the match you fucking giga-bad

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Shitters run into all his attacks. Ganon is slow and you can ginp the fuck out of him easily.

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>Attempt to edgeguard his up B
>Don't tech it
>Get sent directly downward and die
>Tech it
>Set yourself up for a down aerial
He literally made one mistake and was forced into a situation where every single option he had meant death.

Attached: ULTIMATE UNGA BUNGA FIGHT.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

I will give you that I think this is ganon's best iteration since at least Melee. However, you suck and need to get good if you actually think Ganon is OP. The anecdote of a top player winning with him means nothing cause top players play good neutral regardless of the character they are using, they can make any character viable.

>Kirby can be viable

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>reading comprehension

ganon is the penultimate pubstomper
a good ganon player loses to people who know what they're doing but will wreck house if they're not on point or just against unoptimized scrubs when every attack does >20%

also consider nintendo's online basically magnifies mistakes, and in most cases makes characters with more complicated inputs borderline unplayable

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He tried to nair a Ganon that was using Wizard's Foot and them got caught with an Up B like a retard.

Kek. Ganon's a tactician user.If you can't understand why you lose to him then just ride the current bandwagon and main Joker.


Cry harder.

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That ganon is a fucking legend holy shit

>Why should I have to
You don't you silly nigger
Who's making you do anything?

>missed the easiest tech of all time
deserved it

he didnt miss the tech he did a jumping tech

>in post melee smash
there's your problem

>a jumping tech
I didnt know this was a thing, why would anyone do this?

I love when threads like these pop up because it shows how bad Yea Forums is at videogames. I will continue to main Ganondorf and delete players like OP.

Why are you playing smash seriously


Little mac???


He punishes unoptimized play and his damage output allows him to play catch up, especially with rage. People also probably see his Smash attack coming a mile away but end up getting hit because they tried to do something braindead or they were on auto-pilot.




nobody plays anything but smash where I live so its my only choice

Get shit on, kid.

>tfw shitters complain about the literal worst character in the game so often that he's going to get nerfed even though he's already unplayable trash
why is life so hard bros...

How did Wolf get all that percentage with only one mistake?

It's inevitable. Shitters got projectiles nerfed too.

I was a long mistake.

you know you probably lost to a 8 year old and you're complaining about it on this board. The state of you.

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>90% against ganondorf
My mistake. He made TWO mistakes that stock.

>Yea Forums always complains about characters like Chrom, Wolf, and Pichu when they say unga
>Ganondorf is the king of all bunga
>"Based heavychads"

Smash is actually the most complex one out there. Whether smash is a fighting game or not is debatable though.

ganondorf is the fucking opposite of bunga retard, if you throw out one careless attack you're going to eat a combo and die instantly

>ganon is the king of all bunga
yea maybe in elo hell, where you were born and are from

elo hell isnt a concept in a game where 1v1 is the meta