Battlestation thread

Battlestation thread

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TV position is not practical nor comfortable. Watching something while looking up will both fuck up your eyes and make it uncomfortable for long sessions.



it's tempered and i don't have any desk-banging tendencies

>inb4 that faggot with the green and black gaymer chair

I hope you're having fun playing video games tonight, Yea Forums

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what gaming you going to play?


link desk pls

based, thank you


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>tv 7 feet above the floor
when will this meme die
OP doesn't even have a fireplace to blame on such a bad TV position

why so much toys my dude?

Gifts from friends.

They think you're 7 years old or something?

Hello friends

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Nah, they just get me things they think I'd like. Age is unrelated.

Probably gonna box up all my plastic crack when I move into the new house. Old pic but not much has changed except there are more gendumbs and tools and shit strewn about.

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how much for dog?

tree fiddy

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Do those non oscillating fans work well?

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haven't used it in a while (prefer just turning the AC down as opposed to fans) but it's good.

Hey this is the first time I’ve ever seen someone with the same tower as me

spec-02 is a good case for the money, little cramped though

That fan looks like the high end ones you'd get in a Sims game

You fap to that stuff?

This is what happens when you have low self esteem and no father figure.


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I had a very excellent father figure actually.

why you live in a basement?

anyone got any good speakers they wanna suggest?

nice pink gamer chair faggot

Thank you user.

both of these

comfy as fuck

i don't live in a basement, i just had a game room down there. gotta redo it now though.

oh look, another humble brag rich kid, furfag, weeb & le funny poor basement dweller 'battlestation' thread

Not Yea Forumsidya related, stop making these threads
I'm not one to usually give a fuck about off-topic shit, but seeing these battlestation threads piss me off for some reason.

Maybe I'm just jealous how you faggots manage to have such clean rooms

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battlestation threads will never go away, they have been around for far too long to disappear overnight.

also you don't see it as much but these threads used to be a way to get great advise to how to improve your own setup.

have the oldest picture of one of my old setups that i still have.

Attached: the room 1.jpg (1600x1200, 316K)

Based if real


Figurines are a waste of money but very nice otherwise.

I'm speechless


Too much clutter.


Incredibly based.

>Clean your fucking room

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>humblebrag rich kid
Look at my fucking setup, I enjoy these threads and I'm not a rich kid. Just have fun user jesus

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>collecting toys


have sex

nothing special

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It pains me to see how little depth some of you guys have on your desks. I like to be able to put my elbow on my desk(table) and also have my screen a decent size away; it's not a fucking vr headset.

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what's slobbish there? the bottles? I keep them nearby because I actually drink lots of water

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>putting your elbows on your desk
Are you some sort of savage?

>Vertical monitors
Tell me about these

rate hate masterb8

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in my case it was lack of space, I mainly use it for discord and browsing/reading.

Once you've shitposted using one you'll never go back

Based but you're going to get hate from those weirdos who go off about "degeneracy"

I have my pc on a solid wood table that has twice the depth some of these desks here have. When I see keyboards and mice literally next to the edge of the desk my wrist gets proxy-pain. This can't be comfortable

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hello girls

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>That little Astolfo
You thought people wouldn't notice huh

How do you not smack your hand into those figs when gaymen?
Also, what's that little box under your monitor for? I keep
seeing anons with those.

ah the monster and glasses. Nice.

you podcast or something


he’s cute

they’re just for pictures i put them back in the case and it’s an audio interface a umc202hd

Nope! I just play videogames with my friends

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i find having my arms close in more comfortable and i don't lean forward, so i just rest my arms on my armrests.

do you need to speak directly into that mic or will it get you if you're way back in your chair?

thanks mane

RX-93 and Deathscythe?
Patrician mech taste user.

It picks me up pretty good from where I sit, never had any complaints about being too quiet

comfy life.

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I have a better chair now

with just a little less clutter it'd be great
what monitor is that?

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>elbow on my desk
Enjoy fucking up your back from being hunched over.

Max Fucking comfy. PC is superior, but no where
near as comfy as a console setup.
Digging that Italian poster.
Thanks, it was an old pic, the shelf on the right is gone.

Are you using a server?

>only 11 discord servers
fuck im in too deep

I just changed it up a bit from these shots. I gotta take new pics...

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big room

What kind of roof led is that?

Why is there so much cringy children toy buyers here?

Let me guess, you think gays are the reason the West is declining

>No socks.

This thread fucking sucks.

gays and gay enablers, yes

no just more weirdos

Thought so. Fuck off back to /pol/

you cant tell me what to do, homo boy

very nice and minimal

>All these adult "men" with a bunch of toys n their desk

thanks user. not a pcfag myself so this has always felt like paradise to me.

Eh I tried really hard to get into monster boy but its just boring.

Inaccurate, as I now have TWO screens and I've cleaned up the mess, but you get the idea.

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Really? I'm actually having the opposite feeling. wonder boy was amazing; having more trouble with monster boy keeping my attention.

Both games are just boring to me, the combat is just too shallow.

my neck and eyes hurt

I understand. Both games are pretty faithful to the older games so I can see why people would have a hard time getting into them.

Go to the dr.

I need to make my desk area better eventually.

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>not collecting toys

why you delete?

The Punisher and Fallout is pretty cringe but otherwise good taste


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people visit you?

wheretobuy those shelves / display boxes?

that desk probably looked cool at the store lad but it's awful I know I had it at one point.
Too many monitors looks bad on that desk 5/10
Really good reminds me of mine a little minus the cubbys, 8/10
gay trap who won't upload shit to pornhub
another good regular. 8/10
lot of clutter, i'm not a woman idc about your dog, 3/10
Super nice, what's that fig in the middle?
Also stop looking at thots
IT's well organized but I do think there's such thing as too much shit. 6/10
average 5/10
Pretty good although if I were you I'd separate all that shit on the left and put it on its own, give you a nice spacious desk. 7/10
You again, kino. 8.5/10

Attached: 1555714720426h.jpg (4032x2268, 2.27M) Aren't they just shit like these?

thx bb

oops nvm

that's a recreation of julian assange's embassy room he spent years living in