Why is the SRPG genre dead?

Why is the SRPG genre dead?

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Because you only play Japanese trash.

that game is shit

Draw your sword, user.

it was too hard for babbys

It isn't, you got Original Sin 2 last year

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It was never popular to begin with.
There are still games made for the genre though so I don't know what you're complaining about.

Too much autism for not enough payoff.

play XCOM and Div OS

Largely due to the SE monopoly and consolidation of IPs.

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Not quite dead mario rabbids is fairly new

Disgaea has the anime tata portion of the market cornered, so anything else will just feel like "Disgaea but without anime tatas."

And who wants to play that?

Not grid based. No ineterest

I think you mean actual deep and rewarding game play.

I was a monk ninja when i first played this and steam rolled him so i never understood this line or the hate of this level

What did user mean by this

Because people think SRPGs= Fire emblem and fire emblem fucking sucks.

Because I had to cheese this fight as a chemist with Yell when I was 8.

Only later did I realize that the 6 Monk Chad Party is the way to go (or a calculator and 5 mimes in a corner)


None of these other games play as well as Fire Emblem though.

Neck your self my man

so you cant explain why you think fire emblem sucks? im not disagreeing, just wondering why you think so.

>deep and rewarding game play.
pick one

Because Square stopped making good games when they got into the movie business, and thus they abandoned FFT, Tactics Ogre, and Front Mission. They brought Front Mission back with Evolved in the sense that they put in a bullet in it's head the moment it left the grave. They then repeated that recently with Left Alive for god knows what reason.

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>Matsuno has been demoted to working on phone games

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>hey user this game is legit the best final fantasy game
>actually play it
>not sure why people consider this to be the case
>final fantasy isn't even good and there isn't a high bar to take
I certainly hope people aren't trying to tell me the story is the highlight of the game.


Feels bad man.
The story is good (though the PS1 translation is really dodgy) but the gameplay is quite solid too.

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wrong user?

Story may be trash, but gameplay is fucking awesome, way better than any FE.

Nothing to explain here. People think of FE as the biggest example of an SRPG. FE has seriously repetitive and boring battle mechanics, and that's why they distract you with all the bonding/date sim and other out-of-battle bullshit they've been adding recently.

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yeah oopsie

fair enough

Tactics Ogre isn't even a Square Enix IP initially, their consolidation of companies and IPs is disgusting considering that they can't even support their own IPs with the development teams they have currently. Asano team is apparently their 11th internal studio, but you couldn't guess it considering how few games that company releases these days.

The class system was an absolute blast. People always talk about the Agrias but for me, it was the one knight girl that I made into a gun-wielding white mage.
Why are there so few games (if any at all) that allow the same kind of autism these days?

Sakura Wars is a SRPG, right? I'm 2 hours into the first game and it's only been a VN so far but I think it was supposed to be SRPG

I played the PSP version, and it sucked ass, I just don't see it, the combat phase takes too long and it has too many text prompts, the camera is shit too, having to wrestle with it to get a view of things when they could have just collapsed things in front of, or highlighted tiles and characters behind. it felt half baked as all fuck, very disappointing for a game everyone built up as the best. but may be it is the best, it's not like there's anything standout in that entire IP anyway.

Sakura wars was always waifus first then srpg second

>XCOM literally has a grid
Just admit you're asking why "Japanese strategy RPGs" are dead then.

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Because zoomers can't handle serious stories with consequences anymore and gameplay that requires more than rubbing 2 brain cells together

Siding with the elves is the correct choice here btw

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>Xcom - 99% hit chance still miss at point blank range
Divinity OS is more CRPG then SRPG


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>talks about bandits and elves
>choices are undead

zoomers have ADD

you're so fucking dumb

it's a "it was good for its time" thing. It came out in 1997 and the West had never experienced a good Japanese SRPG before. And like most of Matsuno's stuff, there was no focus on ease of use or player quality of life, so like you said it might feel dated if you're familiar with the genre. But the gameplay was just lightyears ahead of similar stuff.

>Siding with the elves is the correct choice here btw
Siding with the elves was never a choice

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fuck off you're not even from a tactics game

I wish this game was more popular. I freaking loved it

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>you're not even from a tactics game

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I weirdly couldn't get into the original FFT, I was able to get into the two portable games they made after, but the original has been on my backburner forever because once the game opens up, I just get bored immediately.

She was raped

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it takes patience, the battles take like half an hour

This is your normal fantasy setting where Elves are ok.

With that said...

Fuck Rocks, Fuck Mountains, Fuck Caves with one-hex openings, and Fuck Trolls

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SRPGs either die at the right point int time or become an abomination like fire emblem

This game was fucking awful.

Because the SRPG fanbase fucking hates new SRPGs. You all keep replaying FFT, FE6-8 and call ANY new SRPG trash before trying it. If i was a dev i would also not touch the genre with a 10 foot pole considering how the fanbase basically just wants "FFT but new but imma call it a ripoff if its anything like FFT"

It's called a TRPG, user. Strategy is when you need to manage resources, tactic is when you need to manage armies. Total War is a combination of the two.

What was his tax policy?

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S stands for simulation.

If you're wondering why the only SRPGs we get nowadays are half-assed copycats it's because the SRPG fanbase is a giant horde of elitist ego-cunts as proven by 90% of the posts in this thread

go back to your babby tactics games like Disgaea, noob

Indie dev here who once worked on a Tactics Ogre esque game. The reason our studio cancelled the project is that the simple truth is: TRPG fans dont buy TRPGs. Thats all it boils down to. A new TRPG will most likely get sell less copies than a new FFT hack will get downloads

Most of the chicks are flatter than Florida.

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Nice same fag. If a srpg is good then people will like it. Great example is Stella Glow. came out a few years ago way after FFT and people loved it.

Proving my point right there. Just brainless elitism and a false sense of superiority. No wonder devs abandoned the genre like an autistic newborn

>posts a TRPG

that's bullshit but I believe it. Do you think wargroove is this case in point?

you just couldn't make your game good, you untalented hack

go away already, retard

>Great example is Stella Glow. came out a few years ago way after FFT and people loved it.
It really is a great example considering it sold like shit and they havent made anything similar since. Further proving that none of you SRPG-heads actually care about new SRPGs

When I think SRPG I think Shining Force
Town Exploration > no Town Exploration

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>it sold like shit
Maybe because the game had no marketing. Most people never even heard of it but those who have played the game praise it.

Wargroove is in the unique spot that the game is basically a one-to-one copy of Advance Wars just with more functionality. The TRPGs that i personally think were always more interesting were the once with great stories like FFT and Tactics Ogre and even some of the early FEs.

I wish. We didnt even get to start on the game, it was all cancelled in pre-production due to "the current gaming environment not being interested" It was a shame since the early concept sprite-work and the early storyboards were pretty great.

Most people on this board don't represent the mainstream 'gamers'.

>boring battle mechanics
Not including the original, this applies to every FFT title.

>we will never get a rerelease of 2 with extra content like 1
Real fucking shame. It was the game that got me into the genre in the first place

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The sad truth is that in order to make a great game like FFT you need a budget that is higher than most indies can afford. Couple that with the fact that publishers dont care about the genre anymore (the ONLY exception being specifically FE) i wouldnt hold any hopes for anything as great as FFT to ever happen again

nah, your design was probably not interesting at all
tell your game designer he's shit

Just make an SRPG that's appealing both to old and new players instead of being a bitch

Theres a patch for the psp version that fixes a bug where framerates drop when spells are casted. That should speed up fights significantly

The combat was basically 90% Tactics Ogre but with a little more compley and modern magic/skill system

>Grind the good classes, good ol' Samurai Ninja Ramza
>Previous knowledge of the game
>Still somehow get checkmate'd with a Summoner and a Confused Agrias left at second phase

Man, this game is the shit.

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If I wanted to think I would play chess. JRPGs are for hard working asian man who gets home tired and stressed and just want to chill by pressing some buttons and watch cute anime girls being silly.

Is there a patch for the phone version where soundeffects aren't playing too fast?

>Just make an SRPG that's appealing both to old and new players

"New players" are literally just dating sim fans. Old players hate everything that new players like about their games

you don't know how to pitch an interesting idea
what you just wrote tells me fuck all about the game on whether it'll be entertaining or not

Who do I pick?
Are there any good guides to this game?

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Sure if you can give me the 500k+ it takes to develop an (indie) TRPG.

>you don't know how to pitch an interesting idea
well it's also not my job. I'm just a code-monkey who loves TRPGs

Can you believe some people don't like RotDD? The cards are great, Narsha is great, bringing extra costumes is great, less RNG on level ups is great, the dialogue in the headquarters gives so much development to the characters.

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High taxes on rich. Tax the church. Low taxes on the poor. 200% tax on Beoulves

careful, the truth will hurt you: FFT:A was better than FFT and it also had much more soul

>the hate of this level
if you came unprepared he'll kill you
especially if you saved just before this battle and never train Ramza enough

yes, but you're the guy telling us here that it was pretty great

If Square Enix can dust off FF VII's corpse I see no reason why they can't bring this franchise back to life. Even so, they'd probably just fuck it up.

i was a kid when i played both FFT:A and FFT and i found the Advance story much more immersive. Especially all the dark undertones about escapism and parent-child relationships


TA had bangaa cool moogles and viera. FFT just had good gameplay, sprites, and an actual story.

No idea honestly, you can try looking around the forums.

Well the story writeup was interesting, the gameplay was 90% Tactics Ogre and the spritework was amazing. Ofcourse i would think it was great considering how much i love tactics ogre

Well to be fair the sprite work and music is worse(not bad but not as good) in rotdd but all the extra characters, expanded character back story(tao a good example), max having a personality and new game plus were great additions that made me forgive them. A real shame we will never get a proper shining game ever again. Last one that was a tactics game was what Feather right?

>"man i wanna play a new TRPG"
>*spend 2 hours searching the internet for new TRPGs*
>there is nothing
>literally not a single interesting one
anyone else repeat this cycle every other year?

I liked Wargroove.
GBA-era FE clone when?

>repetitive and boring battle mechanics
Like 99% of other SRPGs then?

Do you guys prefer the 3D view of Tactics or the static map view of T. Advance?

I like static a lot better.

Try God Wars

Well too bad you guys pussied out
It'll forever be just a "Could have been" now

Because nobody cares about your pretentious, boring story.

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never ever. Doing god-tier spritework crit-animations is too expensive nowadays

you deserve to be red carded for that illegal opinion, furfag

I like them both

XCOM2 was terrible and maximum cringe, I'll stick to XCOM1

>FFTs story is literally just "dude generic fantasy politics lmao" like literally every early FE game
>FFT:A has literal children as protagonists and still manages to have a much better and more mature story
lmao'ing at FFT-fags rn

I actually agree. the GBA game was basically the exact same game as FFT but with a better story. That being said FFT also has a great story even if what it tries to do was done MUCH better by Tactics Ogre years before

Can't keep up with dem timers eh?

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>I'm mature because I like childish things
uh huh
And it's funny because I didn't even bring up childishness. But I guess deep down you realize what a tasteless contrarian faggot manchild you are.

FFT Advance is just the weebier version of FFT and FFT is just the dumbed down version of TO: Let Us Cling Together

You can have a more mature story and still be a kiddy game

No, that shit is fine, whatever. In fact I like hearing people cry about it.
But the plot, characters and especially alien design were an absolute downgrade in every way and you're a homosexual who should be defenestrated.

luct ruined the other trpgs for me desu. Playing FFT after it just made me want to play luct again

Takes too long to make progress vs most fast paced games these days which give you payoff more quickly.

>plot, characters
nobody cares
>alien design were an absolute downgrade in every way

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>FFT is just the dumbed down version of TO

I think you mean a more refined version of TO.

I hope a rattlesnake chemically castrates you by biting your testicles IRL you disgusting scalie vermin

The reason why """SRPGs"""" (the word you're looking for is trpgs) is dead is that what made them great was excellent writing (even if none of you fags noticed it, your brain did) and the sad truth is there are no good writers in the 2019 gaming industry.

>worse plot
>less replay value
>less endings
>exact same gameplay otherwise

If you want to know why the genre is dead OP just look at the poster number in this thread. The genre is way too niché to fund itself

name 1 good western game released in the last decade

>rain world
>baba is you
>hollow knight
>shovel knigh
>risk of rain
>risk of rain 2

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a fan of weeb trash calling other people bitchmade is propably the most ironic shit ever

>5/6 have the word risk or knight in their name
What if we made a game called Rain Knight?

Only Risk of Rain 1 is good

seething this hard.

I like how everyone is throwing shit at each other and not answering OP's stupid bait.

incredible samefagging


>people putting this much weight on the fucking story of all things
Good story is always a plus, but not needed. I'm more concerned if the game has depth in the units and replay value.

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rain world is 10/10 and so is baba. You have 100% not played either of them

None of these are SRPGs

name me 1(ONE) trpg that was good while having a bad story. You cant. Just because you're too dumb to notice a good story doenst mean it wont passively boost your enjoyment.

nice goalpost moving

Don't know about "bad" story, but I played a shitload of FFTA2 and I honestly can't tell you a memorable moment to come out of that one. The XCOM games have bare bone stories that I enjoy quite a bit. I'm even fond of the newer FE games because I borderline ignore the story in favor of playing the game.

unironically kys zoomer

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>I played a shitload of FFTA2
opinion discarded

I like FFT but it's just too damn slow and clunky, and very "bloated" mechanically, as in there's a lot of unnecessary shit, like zodiac affinities and Brave/Faith.

I would kill for a game that has the job system of FFT and the quick snappiness of Fire Emblem or Advance Wars, as well as the tension and difficulty of X-COM. I also want some kind of base of operations to build up like in X-COM. Shining Force's light exploration and character interactions were cool too, it made me care more about the world I was in.

>imagine needing a whole 8(EIGHT) minutes to shoop a single image. Did your gimp had to update or some shit? Lmao

Literally if you're playing games for story, I can't imagine how much of a pathetic, joyless cunt you are.

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This thread is proof why the genre is dead. There isnt even remotely a concensus on what makes a trpg good and all the fans hate eachother.

Why would your opinion matter to me if you've never actually played a TRPG with a good story mr. dating-sim fag?



It isn't dead, it's just niche and always has been. Also, they're all different as fuck. FFT, FE, Shining Force, X-COM are all entirely different beasts.

Shit, they're making a Divinity X-COM inspired SRPG right now.

I miss FE 7 bros. This 2.5D dating garbage nu-FE is so fucking terrible in comparison. It hurts my heart

And an optional Super Robot Wars cinematic mode, where your unit takes a straight minute of beautiful animation to use their special moves on the enemy.

When has the genre EVER been popular? I would say maybe 20% of Final Fantasy fans give a single shit about FFT, even during its heyday.

I hope now that we have a new popular handheld with the switch more devs will try to make more oldschool GBA-era rpgs

I can only replay Tactics Ogre, and FFT so many times. I need something new. I'll play anything, even an indie game with the budget of a bodypillow.


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FE 7-8 were popular enough to be ported to literally every language on the planet. Same with FFT and TO and that was back in the times where Square didnt translate anything unless it was selling like hotcakes

Both Xcom and Mario Rabbids are grid based


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>mech shit

I was 12 when I beat this how would the one character you have to use for the entirety of the game be underleveled? Do non boomers not grind

Im pretty sure it boils down to the fact that TRPG fans are VERY picky. I for example will only play class-based fantasy TRPGs with character art that is high quality but also not weeby. Those conditions alone filter out 90% of trpgs that released in the last 30 years

>X- Potion only on inventory
>Dual swords from Nin
>Kill this fagget in less than ten turns at full hp


>NOT be in north america

everything about this game looks great.... except for the character sprites which looks terrible and goofy and make me immediately not touch the game

same for me. It looks like deviantart shit. Too bad the lead dev didnt have the balls to tell the artist that his character sprites weren't good enough and now we have this literal "waste of potential" of a vidya

>even if none of you fags noticed it, your brain did

My brain's not small enough to be one of a storyfag, sorry.

Shining Force? FE? Valkyria Chronicles? Jagged Alliance? Super Robot Wars? Shit, even fucking R-Type Tactics? Yes, there's a tactics game based on the sidescrolling shooter R-Type. There's tons of tactics games out there.

Unless you just want a straight up Tactics Ogre clone like FFT. I guess Disgaea? La Pucelle?

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Get a PSP, it has loads of tactics games.

And yet the only SRPGs that people actually played are the exact once with good stories. Almost like heavily character driven games with hours of tedious pixel dialogue need good writing to not make you instantly quit them. It doesnt matter how good your gameplay is; when 50% of your game is dialogues and your writing is ass, people are going to bounce

but x-com tho

X-com has barely any dialogue, instead half the game is inventory/base management.

I want a TRPG that lets me field like 30 dudes. A mercenary band isn't just 6 fucking guys. Battles would take forever but that's what I fucking want goddamn it!

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Thoughts? I don't think it's going to be very good.

>banner saga
>age of decadence

>anime-dub tier voiceacting 2 seconds into the trailer

That's kinda my point. You don't really need to be so story focused.

I think what you're talking about is a TRPG having an immersive atmosphere, which X-COM definitely has. Dialogue is only one way to go about this. In X-COM, the story is about humanity's general struggle against the xeno threat, not about any specific characters.

I would agree with you if i didnt find xcom to be extremely boring. It's like the gear of war of TRPGs to me

Alright guys, let's get to the bottom of this. What do you actually like about FFT, or your favorite of choice?

So if I wanted to make a SRPG today, what kind of things should I know beforehand? What games should I play and research, what elements of game design really make SRPGs? I personally grew up on Shining Force and FFT, and I loved the new XCOM, but I am quite interested in hearing the opinions of people as passionate about this stuff as I am (or much more so).

Well, that sounds like a personal issue. You would at least admit that X-COM is a fantastic TRPG, or at the very least that it is a beloved entry in the genre?

so you overleveled intentionally with the most broken job skill combos and didn't have a problem

huh, veryyyyyyyyy interestinggggggggggg user

Standard rpg complexity, CLASS SYSTEM (the class system made me like FE8 over FE 7 even tho FE7 is objectively better in every other aspect), fantasy setting, non-weeby character portraits, mature story not the "funny sjw"-garbage themes that western indies go with 99% of the time (wargroove for example)

it's definitely beloved, anything beyond that i cant speak on since i literally nope'd out of the second or third mission out of boredom

>I played the PSP version
there's your problem
psp translation is fucking cringey YE OLDE ENGLISH shit and sounds fucking stupid

Kinda hurts, Disgaea dragged me in by the balls but the genre feels dead.
They're god tier for handheld commuting games too.

hire a good artist and dont make it 3d and you immediately get 9 million bonus points from me

Bahamut lagoon is kind of like that you don't have 30 units to move around but each non dragon unit you move around has multiple people in it

If only SE didn't half ass War of the Lions, and got Alexander O Smith to do for WotL what he did for Vagrant Story.

The problem is that even tho we call them all TRPGs they all are extremely different. There are tons of sub-genres in the TRPG section. Advance Wars vs XCOM vs FE vs FFT vs Disgaea are basically completely different games that people play/like for completely different reasons

Make the player care about the characters. Make investments costly and add the possibility of losing them in battle, at least temporarily like an injury or something.

Also, make it impossible or at least very difficult or time-consuming to make any single character broken. Your characters should have to rely on each other and make up for each others' weaknesses. This is one of FFT's flaws, it is way to easy to make a godlike character. Hell, they even GIVE you one in Thunder God Cid! Not to say that an OP character couldn't be a fun feature, maybe for a mission or two.

Terrain should be extremely important, so design those levels right. Present different objectives and locations to hold, like a cliff that provides high ground but is open to attack from ranged fire from a tower or something. Let your characters climb trees, hide behind structures, even ride mounts.

how else are they supposed to look then?

Translation patch when?

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how about this

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Didn't the original creator of Fire Emblem have a hand in this?

not like they were made by my 16 year old nephew. They look like were made by an artist who hasn't found his own style yet

It's a dating sim, the srpg part might as well not exist

Just compare them to the art that lol. The actual ingame sprites look like some club penguin shit

no thanks. Also i have nothing against anime but weeb shit should stay away from TRPGs unless its executed well like disgaea

How are those Mercenaries games btw?

Fell Seal releases soon.

too bad it looks infinitely worse than FE 6-8

r-type = turn based tactics, not a srpg

Senran Kagura TRPG when?

learn how to run D&D if you want to make a cohesive fantasy story, otherwise you're just making a soulless derivative work, much like all the artists who learned how to draw by tracing anime instead of actual models or anatomy study

It's not quite a trpg but look into battle for wesnoth (this game , ignore the retard posting it though). On some of the harder campaigns (and in pvp) you will be fielding massive armies.

if I had to make a guess thats on purpose so the characters dont blend into the realistic looking background


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I really dont like boosting the egos of 4channel posters but i honestly believe it has to do with intelligence. To even be interested in the genre you have to have a certain level of base-intelligence and that makes it hard for devs to just shit out a product and not have us notice its shit. People who actually like this genre will also have an eye for game-mechanics and specifics and if your game isn't well thought out its gonna stick out like a sore thumb to us

downloading the demo right now as we speak

You can upgrade your units, though. Advance Wars would be a TBT, where your units come as is and are built during battle.

>let's not have any artistic consistency and GOD FORBID our characters looks remotely as good as our backgrounds
i dont understand these indie devs thought processes sometimes

In Advance Wars DoR your units level up 1/2/3/ace, jsut like in r-type tactics

It's a genre that requires too much time for the average person with little payoff.

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Remember Onimusha Tactics? I member.

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The art looks like its from a free browser game

you're not wrong

ugh the psp translation is so stupid

All i want is a fantasy TRPG made in UE or some shit with ridiculous graphics. If you're gonna kill 2D atleast give me GOOD 3D and not this ps2-level shit. I want a TRPG with the visuals of Lost Ark.

The art and aesthetic of the game is incredibly charming and has a certain whimsy to it. Despite this, the story and setting are really...heavy. Somewhat grim, tense, worrying, even when I was a kid I knew bad things were waiting in the rafters.
The use of Final Fantasy bits and pieces framed in both a classic manner and in new ways is really enthralling as well, giving the game a familiar connection but using all these tropes and creatures as a means to paint a new kind of Final Fantasy.
The fluidity and customization of the job system and the gameplay itself in battle is immensely satisfying. Picking your starting position, ordering around your little units, moving them around the battlefield, even choosing their facing; it's a depth of detail that scratches a particular itch. The depth of exploration in discovering the different class abilities, unlocking new classes, then discovering the equipment and weapons for them is also a hell of a lot of fun (at least the first time you play through).
All the unique characters, places, items, the special quests and cutscenes are all such a thrill as well. As a kid playing for the first time, I loved reviewing enemy units in battle like Zalbag and wondering at all these unplayable classes. And the playable characters like Orlandu and Meliadoul and Agrias all filled my head with ideas for these knightly orders and what their abilities meant to them. And then the monsters! The pseudo Monster Rancher breeding was fun for what it was. Then Worker 8, Beowulf and Reis, Cloud!
And of course, the music is beautiful and really sticks - I'll never forget Trisection or Apoplexy from the soundtrack.

Beating the game gave me a sense of accomplishment back then, too. Ivalice is so promising and chock full of potential, I wish we had gotten more of it as we see in FFT.

Exactly, tactics games are experimental as fuck, making them unsafe investments from the pov of devs, AND they're niche. Fighting games are niche too, but at least they have a consistent mechanical theme based on Street Fighter.

That game had a crafting system right? Why do devs keep putting that shit in games outside of the survival genre. I loved that game and the PSP tactics ogre game but fuck crafting.

Any hope for that Kickstarter game that was apparently helmed by Matsuno? Unsung Story, or whatever? Also, any hope for that new Sakura Wars (hopefully it gets a PC port eventually)? Also, did anyone here play Valkyria Chronicles 4?

case in point: banner saga. The base combat mechanic is shit and ultimately just makes you drag out fights forever because it makes more sense to leave enemies alive at 1 HP rather than kill them

Xcom2 just came a few years back

Tasteless braindead drones. Go back to twitch.

VC4 was pretty gud

To give you something to do with items. It's supposed to make inventory management more interesting.

Also, because Onimusha had crafting.

I dont remember the details but what exactly was the problem with Banner saga? I remember having the same issue as you, was it because the turn order wasnt determined by stats?

funny you mention that, I had in mind adapting a campaign I've built up and played through with players a few times

Yes. Killing a weak enemy only means that one of the stronger enemies gets to take their turn more often so just leave all the weak enemies alive and since your strength is bound to your HP they cant do shit. Its a dumb system and the entire game feels like a giant gimmick fight

>the artists who learned how to draw by tracing anime instead of actual models or anatomy study
its been a while since a single sentence infuriated me this much. Anime was a mistake.

Here's a question: where the fuck is Dragon Quest Tactics? This shit would code itself, just lift DQIII's class system and DQMonsters' breeding system and you're fucking golden. Imagine fielding a squad of adventurers and monsters against a big bad's demon army. The hero of the game could be a descendant of a legendary mercenary captain that won a war against a demon commander or something.


I think the most important thing is having quick attack animations. I don't like how FE cuts to a different screen by default for each attack. The camera angle should never change unless I change it myself.

About the same time as this

Attached: 2149121-black_matrix_cross.jpg (627x640, 58K)

what on earth is this

Monk Ramza is the kino choice
>Rejects own nobility
>Drop from Knight school
>Drops his sword
>Learn the way of the fist

unsung story will never come out, vaporware

No one plays FE with the cutscene animations on. No one.

Yeah that would be really easy to adapt to a srpg, but dragon quest is supposed to be as basic and simple as possible because the target audience is children and old people who don't really play games. So a good srpg would not be a good dragon quest game and vice versa.

The easiest trpg ever made

>And of course, the music is beautiful and really sticks
The opening theme is one of the few things that actually invokes some nostalgia in me

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They had that Dragon Quest Wars on DSiWare, but it was more of a tech demo than an actual game.

Attached: dragon-quest-wars.jpg (816x408, 190K)

Buying skills with JP >>>>>>>>>>>>> learning skills from weapons


That's not Rhapsody: A musical Adventure.

>No one plays FE with the cutscene animations on. No one.
That's only true for NU-FE. If you want to get me to disable GBA-era FE animations i would have to replay the game atleast another 20 times


Playing this shit as a kid during winter was fucking insane. My little mind was fucking blown.

Posting the chad SRPG series

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I always like the idea of Thief Ramza. Such an embarassment to the Beoulve family


It's sad, because the Saturn has tons of hidden gems, and it's been proven to get translation patches already, so it's definitely possible. Dragon Force 2 has a translation patch that just came out a couple of years ago.

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I used to watch it every time I booted up the game. Damn. The storybook feel they went for gives me chills.

I just want more Knight of Lodis. Emblems were great, could just focus on getting YOUR DUDES illustrious careers.

>No one plays FE with the cutscene animations on. No one.
I did for all of them

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Might be worth mentioning that a Chinese company is trying to revive Langrisser/Warsong, and the mobile game is actually quite good and has made some decent money for such an obscure series. They have also remade I and II again, but the spritework is fairly bad and the artist, who did some great stuff with Ar Tonelico, did a terrible job adapting Satoshi Urushihara's designs. Dunno if it can revive the series or not, but it seems to have done well enough in Japan in the short time it's been out there.

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I actually bought the official japanese soundtrack CD back when it was first released. Might be sort of rare now.

Decades later and this shit is still a jam. Legit makes me tear up when i think about the context of what happens in the game

You can make a basic and simple tactics game. I mean, just look at Fire Emblem. or even Advance Wars. One of their strengths is how simple the mechanics are because it allows for quick pacing, perfect for handhelds.

The Langrisser 1 remake is out? I'm looking forward to the branching routes.

Attached: langrisser123.png (1428x864, 3.06M)

That actually looks really fun.


FFTA > FFT >>>>>>>> A pile of shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>> FFTA2

I think it is out, but since it's Japan-only at this point no one has said anything about it.


The story and characters are nice and all but the real thing that makes FFT great is the job system. The game's biggest flaws are
>shit translations
>story characters drop almost all of their dialog once they permanently join up, thanks to permadeath
>game balance
I like generics but the game would have been better if story characters like best girl Agrias couldn't be permanently killed and instead just got "wounded" and unusable in battle. That way they could actually have some place cutscenes and significance to the plot once they stopped being guest characters.
Both of the official translations for the game are kinda shit. The newer one has the stink of Koji-Fox all over it, and he's fucked up XIV quite a bit.
I think the game would be less fun if it were perfectly balanced but some of the more useless classes could stand to be brought up a bit and some of the more broken classes could be toned down. FFT 1.3 did a good job with making Archer and Knight more interesting and requiring MP for holy swordskills was good too.

I wish they had actually tried with the plot of FFTA2 like they did with the first two games

Is there any games with at least medium difficulty that feel like FFT besides possibly TO? Its like every other game always neglects one major aspect and you can tell. Timing, height, direction... Its like you get 1 or 2 in other games but not all three. Any FFT type SRPGs someone might suggest that isn't FE, TO, or Jeanne D'arc? Those might not be the only ones I've played but they are the ones that I remember off the top of my head.

I got FFTA as a Christmas gift. We celebrated at a mountain resort and I spent the last two days playing the shit out of this in the lodge next to the fireplace.

Comfy as fuck.

What are the chances the new sakura wars game is more game than vn?

>Dragon Force 2 has a translation patch that just came out a couple of years ago.

How do I play this on my S8? I haven't emulated in, like...twelve years.

Off the top of my head, I guess one that I played that reminded me of it was Luminous Arc? It was vastly inferior though, and I'm not sure trying to compare it to FFT helps it. Also, it always seems like more people played Jeanne D'Arc than I expected. I kind of thought it was more obscure.


TO has the same problems FFT does; unnecessary bloated mechanics and HORRIBLE pacing. FFTA is paced fairly badly as well, but holy fucking shit is TO and FFT a fucking SLOG to play through. I have to smoke a fat blunt just to have the fucking stoned out patience to play through FFT after my first time as a kid.

I am playing through Journey of the Five at the moment and enjoying it, though. The pacing isn't too bad because the enemies aren't retarded and waste their turns on stupid shit.

Mewt reminded me way too much of a friend of mine who lost his parents. The game was fucking great and also a gut-punch everytime mewt was involved. Its fucking hilarious to me how a GBA game from years ago tackled problems in (japanese) society better than most people nowadays are willing to

>download emulator
>download rom
>play game

Is that an Android? Just get HappyChick, best emulator ever.

There's literally no story. And multiplayer is dead. The only thing to do is just pick whatever map you want to play on (the maps are all pretty much the same, because terrain doesn't matter, and they all have the same design), and go against the AI. There's no leveling, and you can only choose a team of four units (out of six to choose from)

Just the way the story splits up in TO makes it leagues better than FFTA and FFT.

Yeah, thanks user. I'll take a look.

>unnecessary bloated mechanics and HORRIBLE pacing
Shit, never had ANY trouble playing FFT as a kid in middle school. How many ADHD people have played this game? This isn't the first time I've heard this and it definitely shouldn't be a problem unless you are a modern child with no attention span.

Enjoy. Hopefully a fully completed Shining Force 3 scenarios translation comes soon. That project has been going on for over a decade.

i wish wargroove had some more depth to it or atleast launched with mod-support. Having a campaign/map creator is great but it wont help when your base gameplay is literally just watered down Advance wars. They fixed a few things and broke alot of other things in return


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Are you trying to chink me, yang?

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Strange, I thought FFT and TO had a good mix of maps that kept them interesting all the way through but FFTA was painful to play through because it just felt so repetitive.

You're just more patient than I am I guess. I grew up with X-COM, those fights were quick, even quicker if you fucked up.

But as far as bloated mechanics, like what the fuck is even the point of Brave and Faith? Or Zodiac affinities? I feel like they were halfbaked mechanics that they decided to leave in because they thought it was a good idea.

>download FE 7 or 8 with a randomizer
>play great TRPGs for the rest of your life
Problem solved

>shining force 3
I remember playing that ages ago? It sucked unfortunately.

>it always seems like more people played Jeanne D'Arc than I expected
It was an SRPG on the PSP earlier in its life. That was probably prime time for it to draw attention since there was still a crowd looking for SRPGs while the pickings were becoming slim.

call me when Advanced Wars gets randomizers

China can do whatever they want with my info. What are they gonna do, try to market things to me? I'D LIKE TO SEE THEM TRY.

I'm just talking about the pacing, how long it takes for things to happen. FFT's maps are fine.

Full randomizers for GBA era FE are fucking great. I had an entire playthrough where my ephraim was a fucking floating eyeball

What is there to randomize? The units are literally all the same and there are no stat systems whatssoever. The most you could do is randomize commanders

It wasn't that good, but leaving it incomplete did kind of suck. I can't imagine wanting to play through the first 2 scenarios again, if only to remember what was happening. Plus, I think there was some character crossover with Shining The Holy Ark which was kind of strange. Also, if ever a game needed an undub, it was SF3.


Why didn't you fags get Tiny Metal?

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played tons of em on the gba, onimusha tactics, yu yu hakusho, shining force, ffta, tactics ogre

good times, good times. the genre just peaked way too early i think, like what are the dudes behind ffta and shining force doing? give them some budget and they will create masterpieces again

Just posting to remind you guys not to forget Devil Survivor

DS 1 > DS2

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jesus fuck this is what happens when the only people who apply to be anime VAs are disgusting talentless weebs

>Brave and Faith
Triggering reaction commands and affecting Treasure Hunter for Brave, and effecting the power and chance of hitting magic for Faith, as well as being immune to all magic with a Faith of 0
The Zodiac signs are pretty shit, especially with the RNG you can get in-game

why does the back of MC's head look like Marche's?
I only played advance not the original

Well yeah, I figured for a DSiware game.

I still think a DQ tactics game would be fucking great. Imagine commanding groups of 4 man parties and whenever you meet an enemy squad it goes into classic RPG combat mode for like a round.

>69 - 79

Attached: Kek me right in the Butt.jpg (453x500, 54K)

thats some Chaos Wars tier shit right there

>yu yu hakusho


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>Not fantasy
nah famalam im good

Would be cool if these games had hardmode patches, there's a bunch of routes but I don't feel like replaying them. Better to make a save file before the route split.

Not OP, but it was shit.

>like what the fuck is even the point of Brave and Faith
They are pretty in-depth... Their uses just aren't explained in game. They make sense and aren't really bloat either. For example, I think more faith means your magic is more effective, both on your enemies and on yourself. Its like how peter pan flies. Gotta have faith to fly. Also find it interesting that if you lower someone's bravery too much they will actually leave your team. I mean, absolute pansies turn out to be deserters in real life right?

>Why is the SRPG genre dead?
Because literal retards and neckbearded waifufags aren't smart enough to do strategy anymore. Why do you think FE Fates had that stupid very easy mode?

>now bare my arctic blast
wasn't this in a different game?


it was a neat little game imo.. probs the nostalgie talking

holy fuck how do these people get hired

No you're shit.

I don't think so? The only thing it reminds me of is this. But at least this one was funny, and you only had to hear it once.


I'm the type of person who enjoys dubs over subs (even shitty dubs). Best case scenario: the dub is actually well made. Worst case scenario: the dub is so bad, it's just funny to laugh at how bad it is.

>The Zodiac signs are pretty shit, especially with the RNG you can get in-game
Having certain zodiac signs is pretty useful for certain fights. Why is additional strategy in a strategy game a bad thing? Yes there is RNG, that means you need to put effort into building a well rounded team instead of just ignoring all these additional features.

About to play tactics ogre for the first time, any tips?

flying archers

>any tips?
Play blind and enjoy

You don't really need to replay them
I think part of the charm in multi-route games is that your choices create YOUR story for the game. The option to replay the game to see the other routes is just there if you get bored someday.

Yeah, I'm with you 100%. A full-fledged Dragon Quest SRPG is the dream. But, DQ Wars itself is literally worthless.

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Hey guys don't forget about Brigandine too

Attached: brigandine[1].jpg (1024x576, 126K)


Never leave home without an archer or two.

It's literally an Advance Wars clone. Perhaps even moreso than Wargroove

>make it impossible or at least very difficult or time-consuming to make any single character broken

I like having the ability to make a broken character, but I agree that it should be difficult. I like how Disgaea handles it, where you can make a reincarnated beast of a character...after hours of grinding.

Battle brothers and Into the breach are two great and recent tactical RPGs.

ive always liked the squire into knight into dark knight corruption arc against church

You're playing the PSP version, right?

Yeah, I can respect that people want dubs for stuff. But there's a point to where including a dub like that is just insulting, especially in the days when dual audio was pretty rare. I mean, these people were presumably paid to do that. At the time localized games had an extremely poor track record for getting decent voice acting. Hopefully you could just mute the sound, but it was suffering if you couldn't.

and i wouldnt have liked AW if it didnt have its memorable artwork

What is the best advanced wars game? Might need to try one out to satisfy my friend.

ffta2 is best game by far, but his story is strash

Yeah man, it’s the only version I could get my hands on with out emulation.

Thanks bro’s, haven’t been this excited about a game in a while.

just start with the first
that's what got me hooked on the series
if that doesn't grab you, nothing else will change your mind

Days of Ruin

And I'm being serious.

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I have fond memories of Advance Wars 2. Dual Strike was also pretty good, from what i remember. I don't remember ever playing Days of Ruin, but I hear it was pretty good as well. Also look into the Battalion Wars series. More of an RTS than a TBS, but still worthwhile.

>Samurai Ninja
Well there's your problem, you're fucking retarded.

What was the last good SRPG? Disgaea 5?

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Which of these should I play, which should I not play, and which should I play NOW:
arc the lad
vanguard bandits
dragon force (not sure which saturn emulators work)
rondo of swords
soul nomad (not a fan of disgaea)
vantage master
vixen 357
dark wizard
eternal poison
stella deus
project x zone
god wars
super robot wars (only seen a few mecha series)
natural doctrine

Soul Nomad is the best one on there

soul nomad (not a fan of disgaea)
-This is the closest to a now as your list gets. It's pretty tolerable for someone who doesn't like Disgaea's silly comedic plots, but the gameplay isn't too different although it has definite divergences.
project x zone - do not play this
natural doctrine - play this only if you love to suffer

Play NOW:

- Vantage Master
- Brigandine


- Vanguard Bandits

Do not play

- Rondo of Swords (It is hard)

The Rest I don't know much about, except SRW, those are really shallow games

>Rondo of Swords (It is hard)

Let him figure that shit out, Rondo of Swords is fucking awesome. Sliding through the whole enemy team with one dude is the most legit shit.

Do you want pain? Hoshigami.
Well, Rondo of Swords is interesting, by the fact that the MC goes full genocidal on the emipire on one route. Also, loli pope as a love interest.

also play the original Vantage Master before going for Vantage Master Japan

Disgaea is too weeby for my tastes, but I do appreciate the ridiculously high stat growth ceiling. That's exactly how you handle post game content, let the player go nuts.

Just gonna say Soul Nomad has very little in common with Disgaea besides number caps going so high, but it doesn't even get as much use out of that as Disgaea regularly does, as there's not much to its postgame at all.

Project X Zone is one to approach cautiously. Only 2 is particularly decent, and that's only if you can stomach repetitive gameplay for the sake of crossover shenanigans.

Attached: 1528433313968.png (1920x1080, 3.48M)

Project X Zone is outright not worth playing, and Project X Zone 2 is more like "I will tolerate this mediocre SRPG so I can read more conversations between Ryo Hazuki and Phoenix Wright or whatever"

Personally I'd say just play them in release order but if you just want to try one I'd suggest:

AW1 for difficulty (Sometimes bullshit like AC Rivals)
AW2 for best campaign
AWDS for completely unbalanced but fun as fuck
AWDoR for the most balanced but it retconned the series and went for a grimdark realistic approach.

Attached: 1535889876597.png (557x823, 662K)

Hey, someone like it. Its like Fire Emblem but on a different scale on how easy you can fuck up enemies, and at the same time, how the enemies can fuck you up. The first play is the best, because you don't have NG+ carryover yet.

Go play jagged alliance.
Go play Shining Force
Disgusting filter

What is this, Stella Glow?
Damn, battle for wesnoth looks like THIS now?

My girlfriend played this shit, holy fuck was it insipid. Every song is awful. All the waifu shit is awful, every girl is awful, and it's worse than fire memeblem in every department.

>- Rondo of Swords (It is hard)
Why would I not play a game because it's hard?

Guess I'll play Soul Nomad first. Any general tips to get the most out of the experience?

I'm a bit confused, there's only one Vantage Master that's playable in English right?

I guess I'll pass on X zone

I'm playing SRW T right now actually.

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It's a user generated content reliant game. You've been able to import and even create your own assets and add them to the game since its inception.

My problem with Brave and Faith is that high Faith is a double edged sword, whereas high Brave works well all the time (except in one or two specific instances). Given how physicals beat magic hard as it is, it was too easy to make high Brave low Faith monsters that tanked everything.
Is there a way to play WotL's multiplayer stages in single player? Like a rom hack or something.

Based garithos
Real time Strategy also includes Real time tactics in WC3's case, because there are less units than most RTS games, and a food cap of 100 when most units use at least 2 food (heroes use 5)

Relatively recently I've enjoyed Alvora Tactics, Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark, and Regalia: Men and Monarchs.

Battle Brothers, Bastard Bonds, and Banner Saga also stand out.

>Mistaking FFTA2 for Stella Glow

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You make me wanna play other grid based games like Mission Force Cyberstorm / Cyberstorm 2: Corporate Wars


Is this series actually good? All I ever see about it are the flashy cutscenes and Evangelion characters next to Getter Robo characters, which is just hilarious on its own.

>pic related will never be released


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>Damn, battle for wesnoth looks like THIS now?
Eh? What did it look like before?

The character portraits were dogshit.

>Stardew Vally
>Cross Code

Archers are good all the time.
Rune Fencers/Valkyries are decent early game (especially if you use unique characters like Denam), and git rly gud late game.
Guns are a trap. There's a special skill that lets them do bullshit like shoot through mountains, but bows and crossbows are better in almost every situation.
Don't bother with Knights, they're too slow, and tanking is ineffective by the time you reach the final boss.
All dialogue choices matter.
Catiua is a bitch sometimes, but you're better off with her than without her.

>I'm a bit confused, there's only one Vantage Master that's playable in English right?
yes, but the other one has more of everything and is playable just fine if you learn how to play the first one, just need to try and see what the new Natials and spells do and they're all totally new

You're both quite faggots, only the original XCOM and maybe terror from the deep are even remotely acceptable storyline wise. Any gay canon where we lose to some fucking alien scum is unacceptable bullshit imho. X-Com Apocalypse is actually a great game but sullied with faggotry about the earth biosphere being fucked up aside from a few cities and the game taking place in one domed city or some gay shit.

I see
Well, they must've commissioned an artist to go through everything
These portraits aren't all aesthetically pleasing, even if they are more realistic compared to the old ones you mention

>4 agents
>1 skylander
>1 base

This but unironically. Some come out but the characters are bad, the stories are bad, the writing is bad, the world is bad, the classes are bad, etc...
Most mechanics can't be outdone by dogshit.

based Rtype tactics poster

Super Robot Wars isn't just good, its fucking GREAT. Massive amount of characters and mechs to use, huge battles and it actually gets pretty difficult. The crossover shenanigans are just trappings for a well designed tactics game.


>Falling for the chink jew
kek get fucked
It's really fucking bad. Go play wargroove. It's also terrible but slightly less terrible.
Neither of these are advance wars and will never be half as good as advance wars.

Hard West, anyone?

Attached: ss_2a2d3199f9214933fcb43df675bc04d9419c2800.1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 1.92M)

this is pretty fucking neat.

Holu shit in currently playing this and stuck at this battle. How do I win?

>All I ever see about it are the flashy cutscenes

those are the attack animations. Which you can choose to skip or fast forward

What does that mean? Has he been spamming this game or something?

Battlion Wars 2 on Nintendo Wii

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This doesn't count. Turn based tactics games like this are just a "Jagged Alliance" - like. Would you consider "Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun" to be an sRPG? No, it's a turn based tactics game like commandos or whatever.

>some kind of base of operations to build up like in X-COM

Fucking this, base building in X-COM was fucking great. I love coming back home after a mission and planning out more facilities that let me do more cool shit.

Imagine a new Ivalice FFT game with an airship to upgrade. I want a goddamn gym in there with bangaa curling dumbbells to boost their strength between missions and an alchemist's laboratory for crafting potions.

Why'd you post this?

airship is lame
I'd rather have a city grid map to upgrade deciding what buildings or districts to put where and giving passive bonuses to adjacent buildings or other benefits

It would have been cringy either way, these people can't write stories, there are almost no good stories in JRPGs, and most of them are written by a handful of people not at SE.

>Well designed tactics game.
>When it's just spam suspended save to deal with evasion checks once the SPs run out.
Don't lie. SRW are there for the mechawankery and we love that.
>You can save Musashi.
>Dump every credit in Boss Borot to make it a murder machine.
>Double Breast Fire.
>Master Asia and Domon combination attacks.

>spam suspended save

I'm not gonna have some goddamn casual call me a liar.

Or a castle with a big ass crystal in the middle.

Whatever, just get that shit done. Seriously, tactics games without basebuilding just seems...wrong.

A Dual Wielding Squire just breaks the game man

So, FFT or the PSP remake?

What is SRPG? Super RPG?

PSP remake gets a ye old english script that is a love it or hate it thing

No, Slut RPG

Attached: Ashop 2.jpg (1288x729, 300K)

The outfit design and the school motif for this game looks excellent.

Attached: fe3h.png (1132x653, 1.33M)

>lol what are they going to do to me xD

in china they target loners and antisocial people for official government kidnaping and forcible organ harvesting ie they murder you for being a shut in and sell your body parts because they know nobody will miss you you incorrigible faggot. Or maybe they will just sit on you jerking off to anime tiddies for 10 years and then blackmail you when you try to get a real job or be political later on in life, the possibilities are endless.

Honestly feel like barring a mainline Final Fantasy return to the genre, it will never come back

Yeah, because XCom and Disgaea don't exist. Your honest feelings are honestly stupid.

i feel sorry for you guys who play perverted and deviant stuff like this all the time, you'll become so used to it when you actually have sex you'll feel so little.

it isn't, it's just a way for them to save on having to model numerous individual bodies and outfit designs in 3D

but I already had sex, you retarded nigger

Dont lie, it looks like total trash.

for some reason i find that quite hard to believe

also just to add, sex is still better than this, but you can't have sex all the time, so I don't know what the fuck you're talking whining about

>it isn't, it's just a way for them to save on having to model numerous individual bodies and outfit designs in 3D
Not only is that not a point against it but the game not only has a large selection of outfits for the main characters it sill has a large amount of generic unit outfits on top of that.

It looks great though, graphically it looks like trash, I have no idea how they managed to still delay it and the environments and things like resolution/framerate look like shit.

believe what you want
I have nothing to prove

Nah, I agree with him. The game looks fine. Stay mad.

>Not only is that not a point against it
opinion discarded

I've been a massive pervert for years jerking it to Dragon Ball and Pokemon hentai like there was no tomorrow. When I had sex it was fucking amazing.

Because it isn't a point against it, you failed to make a point, there is a significant diversity of outfits just for the school alone, and the school uniform motif is well done within the game itself.

Because turn-based combat is shit.

I meant into the mainstream. Did Xcom 2 even sell well? Who cares its shit anyway

>conveniently ignoring part of what I said to delude himself further

>I meant
When will you dipshits learn to use your words? Sorry, I mean "When you to ds?"

>tactics games without basebuilding just seems...wrong

That's because X-COM did it, and X-COM is fucking awesome.

>Sorry, I mean "When you to ds?"

Because XCOM and CRPGs are too good.

You're point was a non point because it was irrelevant, you want to claim it's done to lighten the workload while ignoring that not only is there a significant amount of outfits already present, but characters can wear different outfits. You had no point in the first place, largely because uninformed, but also because mentally retarded.

x com is shit

>Xcom 2 is shit anyway who cares that it sold well enough to get console ports and DLC
Your taste is as shitty as your opinion, XCOM is as mainstream as a niche genre gets.

Attached: moving-goalposts.jpg (599x398, 55K)

>shit game sells well
>see the genre is alive and well!!!!

Meanwhile, Valkyria Chronicles 4 sells like shit despite being what everyone asked for.

Consumers don't know what they want. Valkyria chronicles 4 retreads too much of the same territory 1 does and doesn't improve the battle system by much

>Meanwhile, Valkyria Chronicles 4 sells like shit despite being what everyone asked for.
the key thing people don't mention is that everyone loves valkyria when it's $20 or less

>People calling X-COM shit and FE a good game in a thread about SRPG.
I hope all of you die slowly. I bet none of you zoomers even played pic related, shit's too good for the likes of you.

Attached: bestsrpg.jpg (616x353, 39K)

Too many bits that force you to dick around in large hub areas, I liked it most when it's levels were condenced

Didn't like the characters

This. i would never pay full price for a VC game. The movement system feels too clunky

Hong Kong was better.

What people wanted was VC1 but without all the huge problems it had.
VC4 was just VC1, complete with all the huge problems like fucking scoutrushing breaking everything.

PSP remake is much less questionably translated, as long as you don't mind flowery english. It also has some extra content and bugfixes.

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Yeah but it's garbage so it doesn't really help the point does it?

Wesnoth Elves are still sorta dicks. But that's mostly because I'm a filthy undead sympathizer. At least they aren't the goddamn drakes. I fucking hate fighting drakes.

It's not even leveling, if you have Ramza set up as a pure mage you're probably going to get fucked in the ass.

>Why is the SRPG genre dead?
Jap srpgs seem to be frozen in time. Some of the more popular ones like aw, fe, fft, disguia, ogre kinda play the same. It just really lacks complexity that makes games like xcom so much fun.
It just feela like youre playing a turn base with extra steps.

It would be alive if somebody just copy+pastes the great parts of XCOM:EU with cute characters and multiplayer.

Yeah, the real thumbscrews for Wiegraf is zero warning for a fight that you can't back out and reprepare for. At least they learnt from this; FF12 and Tactics Ogre PSP both give you explicit warnings if you're about to save in a location that you can get stuck in, and warn you to use another save slot.

Static didn't actively piss me off.

This. It's just a blatant copypaste.

This is the real problem by the way. There's no innovation in the genre. Fire Emblem plays nearly the same in every iteration. Once you've played the best games in the genre, there's nothing else to excite you

I have AP, V, and X on my vita. Which one should I play? Does it matter if I've only seen 20 mecha shows at most?

>Any hope for that Kickstarter game that was apparently helmed by Matsuno? Unsung Story, or whatever?
It wasn't helmed by Matsuno, that's just deceptive Kickstarter advertising by the company actually running the thing.

Long story short - the name's sold off to another company and if they ever finish it, the end product is going to look like nothing people actually wanted from the project anyway because of the 1st company's mishandling

>look like nothing people actually wanted
Crowdfunding is a decent idea on paper, but nowadays its just outsourcing the financial risks to an even dumber than usual group of investors.

You're both retarded.

NIS is fucking dead after their phone game shitstorm.

It's not bad but it's not worth a price greater than 10 bucks

Who cares about a couple dollars when you're putting 50 hours of your life into a game? Whether it's free or $50 that's just a drop in the bucket compared to the opportunity cost.

>400 replies
>no mention of yggdra union
One fucking Jon Yea Forums, one fucking job

i'd be more surprised if anyone here also played blaze union and gloria union

>so mad he can't proofread
Phoneposters shouldn't talk down to anyone.

I'd play them in a heartbeat if there was a translation patch, but I can't deal with moonrunes.

Fuck, why can't Yoshida have a decent art style anymore? He's been recycling the same fucking character designs ever since 4 Heroes of Light

>Chinese game

Looks like a grrrl power game, no thanks.

99% isn't 100% you shithead, you're just unlucky

That sentence is meant to be taken a lot more literally - the original company Playdek completely fucked up and ended up not paying Yoshida Akihiko, the artist of FFT, for the work he did on the project

By the time the second company Little Orbit came around, he's taken a stance of asking foreigners to fuck off, so they ended up having to create their own lovely art style

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Why am I so shit at these tactical games, Yea Forums? I just reach a certain point in them and get steamrolled. I could only get so far in all three FFT games, I can't even beat the third mission in Valkyria Chronicles. Every time I try it ends up the same, what am I doing wrong?

>Why am I so shit at these tactical games, Yea Forums?
You're probably stupid. You'd have to be to think we know what you're doing wrong.

A lot of the difficulty in these sorts of games is front ended when you're using shitters and your options are limited. Hard to get more specific since they're all pretty different games but if you try to experiment some and figure out what works you'll hit your groove pretty quickly.

don't forget the horrible lag with most moves

>it's a "it was good for its time" thing. It came out in 1997 and the West had never experienced a good Japanese SRPG before.


It's not a strategy RPG. There are no overarching strategy elements like base building, research or resource gathering. An example of an actual SRPG would be something like X-COM, which came out in 1994.

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what happened with NIS phonegame shitstorm?

AFAIK, they had server issues and then started blaming gaijins for it and IP banning (while not actually fixing the server issues, thus pissing off their JP customers as well)

>I think you mean actual deep and rewarding game play.
Shame about the interface though, it makes the game damn near unplayable.

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Wow user , this is the first time to hear people say that.

>baby's first crpg
Game's the definition of forgettable mediocrity..

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to conclude this thread: there haven't been a single(1) good western game in the last decade. Please disregard all those onions gurgling idiots.

Imagine releasing a game looking like that in 2019

It came out three years ago in Japan. It's just now getting localized

>Imagine releasing a game looking like that in 2019
It wasn't even originally a commercial release - the Japanese version was a literal freeware fangame and the English version only has a cost to cover translation costs.

this right here, FFT was popular because of the Final Fantasy brand name
It was still good, but it never would've become popular without the name

literal retard opinion

literal butthurt post