Every black kid from my school likes and is obsessed with dragon ball z. I just cant understand why?

every black kid from my school likes and is obsessed with dragon ball z. I just cant understand why?

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they relate with the goku figure that is never with his family

It's an anime about a retarded monkey man that's a deadbeat dad who's only pleasure in life is beating people up

>watched it as a kid and grew up with it
>gateway to shounen shit and pretty entry level
It's not fucking rocket science. Do you question why the entirety of Latin America has a hard on for DB too?

black people can relate to a show about monkeys fighting

>show about people being very loud and beating the fuck out of each other
I just can't understand it either OP

White millennials were too busy watching Sailor Moon

Really simple plot lines
Also, kids who grow up in houses where corporal (read: physical) punishment for transgressions was normal or common will typically find a might-makes-right shonen series entertaining. Most of their interactions in life are built around some form or pride and potentially fighting.
It's not just DBZ (though that one is the most popular) but also shit like Naruto or Bleach or even One Piece.

But everyone likes the slugman

>The highest form of monkeys shouting loudly and beating the shit out of each for no reason
Niggers and spics relate heavily to it, and normal humans grew up with it. Plus it's the grandaddy of shounen and the basic guideline of shounen today.

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>Whitoids can't understand fun
Sounds about right.

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Because it's entry level anime from childhood. Like Pokemon.

I'm a black guy that used to like Z but then I watch the original Dragon Ball, god damn I love Dragon Ball Bulma.

Obviously pafu pafu

Do they like this version too?

i preferred voltron and thundercats myself. not that i didn't watch dbz or sailor moon.

>incredibly successful and popular anime
>some of them are black
Well I thought it was just because it was popular worldwide but if we're going by this thread nobody else liked it.

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>my white friends are listening to nigger rap

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>Watching 2 year old nephew with mom
>Nephew is part black
>Doesn't like most little kids shows
>Turn on dragonball z kai since he's not even looking at the tv
>He starts laughing and jumping up and down while goku and vegeta are fighting
Who knows user, who knows...

Shounen anime is popular with the African American community as the often feature underdog protagonists and they are cultured to feel as underdogs.

Dragon Ball and Dragon ball Z are magical shows. They have a certain charm to them that's not in other animes. I don't know what that charm is but it always keeps me coming back for re-reads.

whats the best dragon ball game and why is it Budokai Tenkaichi 3

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That's great buddy but Dragon Ball Z is an anime. Make a thread on Yea Forums.
Also Krillin x 18 is the best couple.

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>present tense

Who cares nigga anime fandom keeps us out the streets. Tired of these damn threads. We like our shit fuck off cumskin

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