NRS is now censoring and banning people for talking back against them going woke

>NRS is now censoring and banning people for talking back against them going woke
They're going broke, aren't they?

Attached: Untitled.jpg (617x508, 80K)

Other urls found in this thread: suicide rates 1999-2015&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart#d=gs_qabs&u=#p=C0_JF6-sNBsJ

Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)

Attached: 1528659561606.jpg (480x360, 18K)

Bless you.


>waahh why cant i epicly troll like i do on Yea Forums everywhere?? they have to listen to me it's legit criticism im a gamer rights advocate and that's not embarrassing at all!

based sex haver

>Create a shitty bait thread without any value or insight
>"Heheheheh imma do it again mom, i'm such a rebel!"
This thread is a cry for help. OP's life is so meaningless he needs our help.

Racist 14 year olds please go home, we dont need you in this thread

Anyone else thinking Yea Forums went to shit after the 2016 elections? nothing but wojak and frog garbage these days.


Attached: 1554310582835.jpg (2036x1440, 2M)

Does your ass still hurt from the last thread?


Attached: 1545697623684.png (291x344, 85K)

we don't need you here either retardera.

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.

Utterly based. Imagine seriously choosing to be on the wrong side of history like these apes.

>racist kids

Attached: 1554425008028s.jpg (125x93, 2K)


I wonder what reduced Ed Boons testosterone so much though. Was it pressure from outside sources or was he always a low test beta and it was really Tobias who was the talent behind Mortal Kombat??

For me, it’s D.Va. The best Overwatch girl.

Attached: 1554336992755.jpg (855x1200, 125K)

Yea Forums is entirely filled with newfags like you, so is /pol/

Die post 2011 filth. Liking niggers and jews isnt "based" or anti /pol/ its just being a fucking retard.

>*dabs on you*
Lmao fgt

>get utterly BTFO
>nonono quick we need a makeover thread
Imagine being a resetera tran*Oid.

Attached: 1518317114963.jpg (534x534, 110K)

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.

>Racist kids think they are funny

Attached: the-post-below-is-mega-gay-nothing-wrong-with-that-37258433.png (500x520, 90K)

Based beta orbiter incels, keep white knighting that pussy. with mercy following closely behind

Very based. Thank you for driving the wheel of history, friend

Attached: 1547152078416.png (850x425, 332K)


Attached: 1538159707947.jpg (949x321, 82K)

>LITERALLY banned for no reason
Defend this. You can’t.

Attached: 3C95E5E3-FBDD-45B9-A951-8440229FF646.png (269x329, 39K)



Getting a reason is a privilege not a right. As is using any private forum.

Racist kid below

Attached: _20170629_125031.jpg (480x549, 32K)

Nice corporate bootlicking there, faggot.

>electing someone just to trigger someone else
Defend this.

Imagine being this mad.

Attached: 1498875682016.png (505x538, 505K)

Nothing to do with corporate you parroting little shit. Same goes for your local book club. Follow the rules or you don't get to share your hot take on Gatsby.

they've blatantly overasaturated the board and their spamming content has become so fucking stale with the influx of normies who only recycle the same shit over and over that it really just doesn't have impact anymore

it's fucking 2 years later and they still post SHE FUCKING WON fucks sake. they have no influence because everyone has already exhausted every reply they can manage to their shit

>Racist kids

Attached: 1555889117162.png (600x315, 343K)


Attached: 1498183232916.jpg (600x496, 46K)

How quickly would it take for these fine looking ladies to do a speedrun of MK11?

Attached: trannies autism and speed running powers combined.jpg (2048x1536, 397K)

Electing someone as a fuck you to one or more other people is a time-honored tradition.
The only thing more based is electing someone because they're buying your vote with some proposal or another.

Attached: 1555857139212.png (2000x2829, 2.24M)

>i cant defend this so im going to inappropriately reply

It's kind of funny how badly they were destroyed in the thread before. No amount of epic false flags could save it.

What rule did the guy break? I thought he was banned without reason.

Who are these women?

Its apart of their belief system now user. It makes up almost their entire personality and they can't think of anything else to do but come to a site they hate, to a board they hate, just to be laughed at and called faggots.

fuck niggers fuck spics fuck gooks fuck kikes fuck chinks fuck japs fuck pajeets fuck pakis fuck abbos fuck crackers fuck mudslimes fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

>Racist kid

Attached: Martyrs_Image_2.jpg (600x316, 18K)


You unironically talk like a faggot.

Attached: 1526016728556.jpg (553x413, 96K)

The weak fear the strong
/pol/ fears ResetEra
The Discord Trannies Send Their Regards

How many of them are in this thread right now?

Attached: 1555727991579.jpg (724x1024, 508K)

pathetic samefagging

I don’t understand the logic in feeling superior to someone that’s mad. It only proves you have no passion or fight in an argument. It isn’t trolling. It’s just raising your hand saying “I’m here too! Look I’m participating!” Well here’s your (you)

Most forums have it in their rules that you don't get to complain about the rules. How very dystopic, am I right? Well, not really since the forrum is provided as is for the purposes decided by the owner, and if you don't like it go cry somewhere else or make your own website.

I know OP already got BTFO by the first post ITT but I'm just leaving this without further comment anyways

Attached: An incovenient truth.png (1436x1108, 760K)

fuck you NRS for taking away our midriffs

Attached: 1555877692221.jpg (3000x2469, 2.89M)

Attached: 1540002280345.jpg (2782x3600, 3.48M)

Yeah, keep sucking WB's shareholders dicks, faggotron. They appreciate it, don't forget to give them a reach around.

Every liberal in this thread is one guy.

Where are the rules of this "private subforum"?

What thread was it?

Just by looking at this thread you can see what too much internet does to people


Attached: 1538797962860.jpg (587x780, 89K)


Lmao, ur mega gay

Oh no no no no
How can /pol/tards hope to cope with reality not bending to their meme magic?

>The Discord Trannies Send Their Regards

>going to bitch on Steam where devs have the upper hand in moderation as they exploit Valve's laissez faire approach of service.
You walked right into that one mate.

Attached: Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator-_20161001154659.png (1920x1080, 1.1M)

Probably on that very website. Like I said, I don't work there. Plus, having rules you get to read is also a privilege given and not a right you have. Not saying that they did, I'm sure this is very much against their expressed rules as it's way standard, but they can also ban you for any or no reason at all and still be in the right.

Go ahead, throw me a (You) telling me just how mad it makes you that I'm right, you know it and you can't do shit about it.

>japanese shadman


Attached: anthem-art.jpg (1920x1080, 368K)

Absolutely fucking based. Incels deserve the fucking guillotine

"Get Woke, Go Broke" is just wishful thinking.


Attached: 1555711704871s.jpg (125x118, 3K)

You defend this ban with no reason given as if you knew the detailed rules. Why are you doing that if you are actually clueless?

This, we love trump because he actually CARES about the greatest victims in history, the Jews, and we got to troll anti semite libshits to boot! Doesn't get any better than this.

>choosing the lesser of two evils is bad

Attached: D816BC21-61AC-4260-AB80-9305AFAE3B3F.jpg (2048x2048, 240K)


Attached: lion.png (572x503, 301K)

>Street Fighter V steps up the sex appeal of every female that is in it
>older best girl no shows

Attached: 1554144404930.png (1224x1616, 2.32M)

The point is that
1) I'm sure it's against the rules
2) If it's not you would have told me to make your gamer case but you have none
3) That's all there is to it

Attached: Mei before termites got butthurt that it wasnt a fat asian.jpg (850x1133, 122K)

And all of this is a direct result of gamergate. The entire world saw what screeching loonies gaymurs were and have completely rejected them, taking away their own source of escape. Good job incels, you did this to yourselves lmao

1) You don't even know the rules
2) I don't know the rules but I asked you for a link
3) Yes, apparently you are finished.


Attached: AE7098BB-095C-4297-98EA-A10BD547F84C.jpg (1122x1177, 124K)

Samefagging is pathetic.

>Blizzard BTFO after hiring diversity instead of skill
>EA's stock value is deep in the shit after "muh strong womyn in ww2" fiasco
>Bethesda sowing what they deserves after focusing too much in propaganda and too less in games
>Ubisoft forced heterosexual DLC showed how small is the number of faggots who played what was praised as one of the most inclusive games (Steam rate absolutely unaffected)
>Telltales Games LITERALLY died after bankrupt caused by forcing incompetent niggers and women in the staff
>RDR2 (Toxic masculinity and animal abuse) sells 17 million copies from based white males
>Even in games that try to push a female protagonists, these are played by a minority
>Companies cant go PC without unsleashing a huge backlash
>All Netflix series forcing minorities are bound to fail
>Noone will stop me from saying FUCK NIGGERS
>woke activist "journalism" - the catalyst behind all this bullshit - is slowly dying, with tons of layoffs at VICE, HuffPost, and Buzzfeed. Cracked fired everybody last year, old Gawker sites are struggling after being bought by Univision and shut down. The Escapist is already collapsing after being bought by Russ Pitts who quit a few days ago.
Yea Forums, BAY BAY!

Attached: 1541650722054.png (334x346, 120K)


Attached: 71.gif (554x400, 120K)

looks like shit

i fucking love ramlethal

If you want to make a case that Steam is being unjust, as you are since you or someone embarrassingly like yourself is here making a thread to prove it, I feel it's your obligation to provide proof of this imaginary injustice. Since you haven't I understand that you know you can't defend your position when pressed and only hope to rile raging retards marginally dumber than yourself.

>racist kids

Attached: P005.jpg (1280x1869, 466K)


Attached: 1555727148960.jpg (419x610, 49K)

If RDR2 is so toxic in its masculinity, why do you support a 1 hour video crying about its SJW agenda, sweetie? :^)

Attached: 1555890838930.png (1436x1108, 789K)

I asked you what rule the guy broke since you are convinced he got banned because he broke a rule. Are you following?

discuss what? what a shitshow it was? how the bioware was overworked to shit out a destiny clone because EA wanted that moneypot? the fact that this game will be the final nail to kill Bioware?

Please, stop. The /pol/tard is already dead. Let him cope in peace. Have mercy. This board is all he has left.

No, he got banned because the mods don't want his gay shit on their website, as is their right. I suspect it's also against a written rule but that's really irrelevant.

I love how fast stormfags turned on trump the second he appealed to the chosen people


Is there anyone on this website that posts their honest opinions anymore? Or is it just “ironic” Nazis having an “ironic” war with “ironic” SJWs? The reason I left Reddit is because I was sick of having to wear a mask every time I spoke, and now I have to do that here, too?

Attached: 15EB874F-7EE8-450E-BAE2-0EAFC054FF88.jpg (251x393, 13K)

> I'm sure it's against the rules
No backpedalling now, tranny.


All part of the plan so we can keep being oppressed by kikes and win everyone's sympathies.

>caring about AAA games, especially western ones
These threads should be given half the reply limit.

based /pol/tards and resetera trannies getting the redditor to go back

based but bluepilled

All gamergate was, was people saying something about some 4/10 chick rooting video game 'journalists' so their shitty games get plugged.
Then the screeching began when women were caught out for using the only thing they are needed for to their advantage.
Suddenly they were at the UN giving testimonies to misogyny and feminists invaded HR departments to makeway for the termite horde to come into the gaming industry. Who promptly tear'd everything down to their level which is 3 levels below the fucking gutter because beta orbiting incels in gaming studios let them.

This post brought to you by /qa/. Beautiful.


>Racist kids

Keep seething, sweetie. You lost and we won. This industry is ours now.

Do you think I like Trump?
The entire system is unreformable. It's better to elect a total retard and complete Zionist dicksucker than it is to elect someone competent who'll only moderately suck Jew dick.

Based spengler poster

Just goes to show that the more you struggle the harder Anita wins. And never forget that she did win.

These threads are literally the same 5-10 resetera trannies reposting the same lines and images and (you)'ing each other repeatedly.

Attached: 1434474582507.jpg (349x356, 76K)


false flagging for fun is the go to Yea Forums has done for years.

I wouldn't be surprised if this thread was started by the same tranny too. Its all too conveniently organized and sjw.


Based and trannypilled

What are you even smoking. Is this your first day here? Of course thats how it is you fucking faggot. No one cares if you leave either, no one will even know you are gone

She certainly did win. She became a successful professional troll and made millions a long with the other cunt that was fucking the journalists to get her games plugged. Is it the fault of the betas in gaming that listened to her as they do now? Or more the fault of big gaming like EA seeing potential to increase the market demographic and hence market revenue of the gaming industry by going all in with it?

>muh betas
Keep coping, sweetie, your cries only make my erection harder

yeah she won so hard she fell into practical irrelevance outside of colleges. even the vidya industry won't touch her. also she got REAL fat.

She won because she was right. Gamers are fucking idiots and when pressed they eagerly exposed themselves and proved her case.

Wow its almost like people are the same no matter where you go. Yea Forums is not some intellectual hotbed. I have a 210 IQ but everyone else on here is fucking retarded just like anywhere else on the internet. Quit living in the "my website is better than your website" meme

Denial: Acceptance: Enlightenment:

>She won because she was right.

her argument was that women in vidya didn't exist or if they did they were purely sex object. when the internet collectively called her out on her shit she went NO U and got sympathy from people that didn't give a shit about video games to begin with.

she was a snake oil saleswoman from the very beginning.

She won so why stick around? She's not primarily a gamer but a feminist. Gaming is firmly in the grasp of the good guys (SJWs) now, thanks to Anita, so she moved onto something else. I hope your bodyshaming at least makes you feel better because it doesn't change anything.


Denial: Taking hormone medication
Acceptance: Getting the penis cut off
Enlightenment: joining the 40%

>I have a 210 IQ
does your father also work at nintendo?

based and burqapilled

Attached: 1550262090066.jpg (2500x3000, 3.49M)



I can't wait for this site to become 100% image posts with "reply to this with a "reply to this" image or your mother will die in her sleep"

>feeling passion or fight in an argument
>on the internet
Ganna keep loling @ angry fags, thanks.

lets just say that he doesn't work at burger king like your dad does.

>Same exact posting time
Double based

Attached: 6dBt2Oj.jpg (251x242, 15K)

I didn't think anything could give you faggots a hard on with the amount of HRT pills you lot chug down.
While you are talking to me let me ask a serious question. When you lot share pics of your transition with hrt, are you serious when you say 'lookin hot' or is it just to keep the delusion going?

Attached: trannies at twitch.webm (404x454, 1.5M)

you won't pass freak. you'll never ever pass

Attached: 1555737621756.jpg (850x758, 127K)

fuck now I need to reply to this post

but I did

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Do you even have testosterone? Whats it like being such a weak willed bitch?

Lmao MK11 went to being really hyped up after the last trailer and now that the game is out, their just crumbling.

V is quite pozzed it seems.

based and RHOWA pilled

Well played

>go onto forum and shitpost about bullshit
WOW I can't believe I was literally banned for NO REASON

>When a /pol/tard rages at how unwelcome he feels

Attached: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSDu3WhDy3Q2UZ0gDBudg2zDwPF1a1Gf721tlCF07SGJtSIZl9h.jpg (208x242, 8K)

>They're going broke, aren't they?
Yea Forums seems incapable of understanding the concept of too big to fail. Endless threads about BF5's sjw bullshit and how DICE would never, ever recover from that failure. Yet here they are, still alive, with Bad Company 3 about to release next fall.

But please, keep hoping. Hope is all you have left.

Attached: the_oracle.png (1400x696, 1.88M)

Predictable but funny regardless

Why do these faggots always pull this shit. If they just let people bitch they’d of gotten over the ending albeit make fun of it. This just emboldens people to keep fucking with them

I just read this whole thread and have no idea what anyone's talking about.

It's just /vpol/ hoping that if they repeat it enough, it becomes true. A new level of coping.

Back to r*ddit, nigger.

Attached: 1547794659628.jpg (1024x576, 173K)

>Yet here they are, still alive,
yet most of the people who were responsible for this shit are now fired

My father hasn't worked an honest day in his life.

>Apex Legends

>Pirate game. SJW devs don't get shekels, you get their shit
>Mod it to change everything SJW about it
How are they winning again?

Here's the quick rundown

Attached: pbq84t2utvh21.png (749x1070, 553K)

>too big to fail
It's actually false. Weapons will always advance faster than defensive systems.

You're fucking retarded for even taking that bait. I bet you did it ironically, right? Or your response "w- was the bait all along!"

>the /pol/tard seethes

Keep denying reality while we own everything, it has worked well so great for you so far

The only winning move is not to play.



Attached: asura.gif (220x104, 2.77M)

what's with the line of blank space?

enjoy your gotcha shit idiot

Attached: file (1).png (1824x889, 1.18M)

Is a mod organizing this shit? These kind of threads seem to stay up forever despite breaking a million rules.

I'm a dirty phoneposter

Attached: 1525891494112.png (711x614, 230K)

No one cares

>Implying I give a shit about Mortal Kombat 11
It's merely another game under my tranny domain. One of my million of victims. Many more to come. While you rage at each of my conquests, I look at the bigger picture. This industry is mine.

No one ever believed DICE would get shitcanned for BF5 but we were hoping for it. Besides, EA/DICE backtracked on their bullshit now didn't they?
I have no hopes for it.

>racist kids

Which rules, tranny?

based and estrogenpilled


Holy fucking basedola

No way. You know why? Reality. White people opening their eyes one by one to what is happening to their countries and western civilisation. Even minorities are getting sick of pc culture and realize they're only accepted by leftists if they embrace victimhood. Have your fun while it lasts.

>Not "we wuz" chaining for bans
Don't be a PUSSY.

Delusional cope

I have a more fun time reading /pol/ seething about how the lost than actually playing vidya

Attached: 2gk2dihvbax11.jpg (821x533, 61K)

>They're going broke, aren't they?
Considering you have never once been right about this, I'm gonna say no.

>No one ever believed DICE would get shitcanned for BF5 but we were hoping for it.
Lies. I've read so many of those threads pre-launch. Tons of people claimed that DICE would shut down cause the game wouldn't sell.
>Besides, EA/DICE backtracked on their bullshit now didn't they?
Hardly. They didn't ship the prosthetic customization crap. The women and poc, which was what most people were bitching about, are still in the game.

Please, shut up. I want to believe we're making a difference. I want to believe we're rising up against this SJW oppression. You're hurting my soul right now.

Attached: 1478626267635.png (582x491, 260K)

Are you the same libtard posting pepes on those other threads?


Attached: 3087cd3c4161fc1bca82a97a9ca3ec023be3e0a7_hq.gif (500x259, 853K)

>always online
>MMO tier grind for gear
>pre-order only charterers
>have to grind out two profiles just top play local 2 player

Attached: MK11 Towers.png (1374x1916, 324K)

>Tons of people claimed that DICE would shut down cause the game wouldn't sell.
They're dumb, BFV didn't sell very well though.

you cared enough to reply

Wow, coming up with actually good reasons to not want to support something as opposed to incel seething because titties aren't big enough or too covered? You're evolving, my man. Good job, I'm proud of ya.

Problem is, is that whites have almost zero racial identity. That alone allows easy subversion of everything our race is.
You look at every single other race and their racial unity is so strong, especially blacks.
But for us whites, we are primed to be subverted and brainwashed to give up our countries out of white guilt and the false need of turning our white countries into multicultural overpopulated 3rd worlds for the elite to profit from.

Attached: whites are doomed guilted into losing our identity.jpg (2047x2048, 280K)


Based to the tenth degree

BFV didn't bankrupt EA, but it did do much lower than expected. Not to mention the guy who made the infamous 'don't like it don't buy it' comment lost his position.

>When you've been so demoralized by Yea Forums trolling that you become full blackpilled
Laughing my ass off at your pathetic state.

Well that’s one more game I’m not buying

Attached: 83102E7C-8DEE-4F20-BB04-8BEB6E090653.png (1200x813, 366K)

You can stop replying to your own post now.


Kek serves you right you loony faggot. So glad i get to witness all these incel meltdowns over the last few months. The entire world hates you people lmao

>Y-y-y-you're just 1 person
You're being btfo so bad itt

>IP counter didn’t go up
Almonds activated

>Apex Legends
Are people still playing it?
I haven't heard about it since near launch.


Your doddering president with some form of degenerative brain disease hasn't done anything to stop the flow of immigrants, so you'll just end up swept away by the demographic shift, not sure why you're getting so uppity. Should have embraced national socialism instead of letting yourself get raped by capitalism goy, good job getting replaced by cheaper labor for your corporate overlords.

Attached: 732367.png (1024x1024, 676K)


Attached: 2703255-dan+evil+laugh.gif (360x202, 1.38M)

go to bed

When you guys share your pictures of transitioning, is it being serious when you say 'lookin hot' to each other or is it just to keep the delusion going?
Is pic related something that happens often in your discord and subs?

Attached: 1543638031311.png (1234x552, 911K)

go dilate yourself faggot

ahuhuhuh a huhuh gid woke go broke trany ahuhuh huh

Attached: 1526949005910.jpg (866x900, 124K)

this is what you're saying you won a shitty corrupt industry SJW's are just another disease infecting a body that's already sick

You will never be a woman.

PRC is ironically less pozzed than the American left.
I would genuinely rather be a fucking commie than bend to this intersectional dildo that these cunts are trying to force on me.

I'm not a tranny. I'm sorry they're living rent free inside your head, but I'm afraid I can't cure your obsession.

You can tell an asspained European wrote this. Here have a meme you can actually use legally

Attached: F556C20E-16D8-494F-868B-B7E978CF3E3E.png (700x653, 231K)

1 way ticket to Copenhagen please

>Tons of people claimed that DICE would shut down cause the game wouldn't sell.
Well then they're retarded. Also it didn't sell that well IIRC.
>Hardly. They didn't ship the prosthetic customization crap.
Right, so then they backtracked.
>The women and poc, which was what most people were bitching about
The primary complaints were about the ridiculous customization options like the prosthetic limb, katana or all sorts of tattoos. Shit about the women or "poc" blew up after people asked why a woman with a prosthetic limb was the centerpiece of the promotional material and DICE told everyone they were uneducated and to not buy the game.

I dont even know who is baiting who at this point, my head hurts
Please never make this thread again


Attached: nuke.jpg (400x400, 25K)

just answer the question dumb tranny.

>leave Yea Forums for ages
>come back one day
>everyone is siding with the degeneracy
>not sure if meme or serious

>Participating / instigating flamewar
>trolling outside Yea Forums
>Off topic
>extremely low quality posts
>posting underage.

Go back, /pol/tard

this postis a literal dogwhistle for resetera niggers to come out of their cucksheds

I assume you all are. Mental illness goes a long way to explaining why your ilk come to a site you hate, to a board you hate, to talk to people you hate, just to be laughed at and called a faggot.


It's a samefag circling the same shit, that or a discord raid.

Back then you were a mere joke. Why were you allowed to keep getting away with it? When will you stop victimizing us gamers? Please. I beg of you. Have mercy.

Attached: 20190422.png (921x927, 240K)

>i-it's a conspiracy!!
Whatever helps you slee- I mean cope.

great episode

It's the same people posting the same shit, just like every other dedicated spammer the board has had in the past decade.

I just wish the worst we had to put up with was weedposting with Quentin like we used to.

Whatever I wasnt going to buy this shit anyways

kek you retards couldn't be more obvious

It's not much of a mystery when you recycle the exact same set of images and posts every thread.

>I assume you all are
That's because trannies are living inside your head rent free
>Mental illness goes a long way to explaining why your ilk come to a site you hate
This is my favorite website, no exaggeration
>to a board you hate
This is the board I post in the most
>to talk to people you hate
I hate smash posters that spam the catalog with Smash threads, but I don't really interact with them at all. /pol/cucks, on the other hand, I both hate and enjoy mocking. I've noticed a pattern as SJWs "win" their "culture war" and you come here crying about your wounds. And I get a perverse joy out of it every time as I poke you with the stick and get you to seethe even further.

This thread is so inconsistent with the average Yea Forums thread that I'm very certain this was artificially organized.

What kind of faggot doesn't play for both sides on an anonymous image board anyway? You can cast a way wider net of seething impotence that way, it's fucking obvious.

>I-it TOTALLY is a conspiracy!

This. People taking one side or the other only get 50% of the seethe. /pol/cucks take themselves too seriously and actually view this shit as a movement to rise up and save gaming. They deserve just as much mockery.

roke bwoke
roke bwoke! trump!

Attached: 23904870238904328907230972.jpg (469x589, 49K)

Are you unironically telling me you've never seen this
posted in every thread that's even remotely political?


Is pepe a conspiracy? It's the internet. People repost shit. Sometimes that shit upsets you.

Attached: 789.jpg (656x465, 26K)

Protip: pay attention to the post counter to detect samefagging resetfags

>Remotely political threads getting derailed and trolled
Why am I supposed to be mad about this again?

Attached: nani.jpg (362x346, 13K)

People don't tend to repost the exact same shit with the exact same images with the exact same filenames, user.

You talk about rent free yet here you are.
Anyway my 14 month old finally awake so I can get my 4 year old off my lap from having to keep him quiet, nice talking to you faggot you were a good source of amusement much like the other mk11 thread

Wow frog, when did you become so based?

Attached: sticky wojak.jpg (1024x1024, 54K)

Why, because you said so? Fuck my eyes are open now.


>What's a copypasta
Do you also cry about the "imagine" or the "No!" poster? I suspect this only bothers you because you were hoping this would be your rebel center of actions for the rise up. Google "KotakuInAction". It's more your speed.

Who do you think is making most of these threads?


Hes talking about the same pattern of images being posted in separate threads.

B-but the cucks on Yea Forums told me RDR2 was "woke".

Attached: 1502734475902.jpg (467x699, 57K)

Who, the people shitting them up? In that case, report it. Maybe it'll convince mods to finally get rid of this trash on Yea Forums. Until that happens, I'm very happy with them getting shat up like this.


Attached: reddit soy.png (594x582, 41K)

>keeping an itemized list of reasons for GAMERS to RISE UP
>posting it in 40 seconds
these false flags are fucking awful.

Attached: w0w.gif (200x200, 2.06M)

You're not fooling anybody, fellas.

So did OneAngryGamer. It's ok, just don't think too hard about it ;)

Attached: 1555891275248.png (1436x1108, 789K)

This thread was made as a response to the last gamers rising up thread against the same topic dying. People were already warmed up.

Yup, clickbait articles. That sure proves absolutely nothing.

Summary: Everyone is a retard. This weird cultural civil war is massively retarded. Just play the games you like, and hope they all run out of oxygen one day.

>Ban Reason: ___

Attached: 1439522367118.jpg (322x504, 15K)

The rise up will happen, tranny. You can't stop us, no matter how much you try. It's just a matter of time. GamerGate is gonna look like an ant in comparison.

>In that case, report it
I report all of the politics threads I see.
Doesn't stop half of them from hitting the bump limit.

>western gaming

Attached: WesternGamingLOL.png (729x743, 295K)

Fucking based

Attached: 1551262651871.png (888x894, 520K)

It's dead. Takes like 2 minutes to find a match, no one watches it on twitch, all the bought streamers moved on.

>I detest clickbait articles, except when they're used as bait to make shitty threads for me to cry about vidya politics
Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Because i don't want to be killed by the normies when they put you and your alt-right friends on the same chopper.

>No ban reason
I'd go to steam support in a flash

Now there I completely relate to you. I miss moot.

but trannies love anime girls you retard

Thats an sjw not alt right user.

And you must be alt-right since you can't read.

Like moot did any better.

>i-i have kids


>Implying we wouldn't be on GamerGate #3632 over here on Yea Forums if we had gook instead of moot back then
Just go look at /pol/ if you want proof. And while you're at it, go to /vg/. Katakawa Shoujo generals are still being made

It's someone wanting to force the normies to judge people by race and gender, and the normies don't like that at all.

8leaf still have a gamergate general, I don't know how they've kept it alive for so long.

>collapse of the system takes 200 years
No, like all things now-a-days it'll go much faster this time

>I don't know how they've kept it alive for so long.
Zero traffic to push the threads off page 10.
/ic/ had a thread that was like 5 years old on Yea Forums, didn't it?

>guy gets banned on every other forum has to go to the places that don't ban him
Gee, what a fucking surprise, right?
But it's Yea Forums that's the hugbox, definitely.

First post based post

Attached: 1552349515119.gif (1134x820, 2.31M)

Collapse is a bad word to use; dissolution is better.
Things will slowly get worse and worse while other civilizations move in.

Not to mention all the other attempted "gates". Comicgate, Magicgate, I'm sure there's more. I don't keep a catalogue of them.

>Trannies are now stealing Honkler
You seriously can't meme by yourselves

>muh trannies
rent free

I'm just here for the ride

Based and REDpilled

But I though reddit discord tranny started the clown shit with Gangweed?

So, it's a raid? What is going on? Every thread i've lurked ended up in the same tranny/anti tranny shit for the entire day.

You wish but you're not that important.


Attached: basedworld.jpg (500x500, 180K)

Yep that’s pretty based

Sorry /pol/ but not getting into the nazi shit you want.
I will just sit around the red pill level of Sargon and that's it.

So it IS a raid. This almost makes me happy, I haven't seen an actual raid for ages.

gangweeder, before their forcefull removale, managed to inflict permanent brain damages on the inhabitants of /pol/. Now peoples are being swept up in their disphoric madness, conjuring queers everywhere they look.

You will never be a woman

mega gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

Rockstar played you like the brainlet you are. apart from that, I agree with everything else. Video very related.

Seething, 120,000 a month

>I'm a dad with kids, that means I have sex, really!

Holy fuck they just embarrass themselves.

Attached: 1505341188565.jpg (640x559, 67K)

you will never be not a faggot

You'll never get me to rise up. I'm too lazy.
Ironic based but unironic bluepilled


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I don't understand this fucking thread. Is this a tranny thing or a mk thing? Wtf is going on here?

I look forward to them acting surprsied when the game gets review-bombed.

If you think it's bad now, wait until Mortal Kombat 11 ends up selling great and /pol/tardetties are faced yet again with the harsh reality that Woke doesn't necessarily mean Broke.

When this game bombs are you finally gonna kys and join the 40?

I wouldn't have a problem with chinks if they didn't eat dogs and weren't psychopaths with no compassion for their own, Talk about comradery.

>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
Trust Yea Forums to completely ignore it when nintendo starts acting like cucks, or the tranny in botw.

When you're an unoppressed majority there isn't really much need for racial cohesion. Black people feel like being black is important because they were told for hundreds of years that they were bad people for being black by a racial majority that hated them for existing.

if you give the story any critical look rdr2 is basically mien kampf. the "fuck racism" veneer is just there to dupe leftoid rubes

Careful, dude, that guy is gonna go on about how whites are oppressed because we can't say "nigger" without having our lives RUINED

Is this another game we won't be able to talk about?

Good, you /pol/ crybabies can get fucked

it's a video game, so yes.

Attached: video games....png (1215x507, 258K)

We haven't been able to talk about this game without /pol/tard seething for at least a month now

I'll play your game, Why do blacks cause so much crime? Why is it when a black person kills a white person its not a hate crime?

>I'll play your game, Why do blacks cause so much crime?
Drug war.

>Why is it when a black person kills a white person its not a hate crime?
How do you even prove a black person killed a white person for being white?

Everyone gets oppressed by the social justice.
But some lucky one gets paid to be oppressed.
When you get 7 billion people and try to fit em into 10 boxes and try to solve the problem of everyone by applying stupid solutions that you came with without even looking inside the boxes.
Shit WILL fail.


>Yea Forumsies

Attached: 1551882659754.jpg (916x540, 322K)

Peak cope

Sure, whatever, I don't even care enough about actual real meaningful politics to argue with you about that, I just hate you faggots crying about "muh SJW persecution" in fucking vidya. Bitching when you see a nigger on a video game. It's pathetic.

oof the cope

Ya boilin'?

Attached: 1554882276898.png (560x721, 447K)

And here we go again, you're separating everyone in two groups of people because it's easier for your mind.
And it's exactly what /pol/ want you to do, so they can get everyone you put in the nazi group and turn en into nazis.
Try to have at least three groups.

>it begins

If you cry because Battlefield V has niggers or women, you're a faggot and actually more obnoxious than real nazis.

T-this time bros! THIS time they'll r-really go broke!

Attached: the-truth.jpg (880x480, 61K)


Prediction: Mortal Kombat 11 sells well and /vpol/ backpedals and proceeds to say it was actually secretly redpilled all along. Screencap this.

kek what a bitch

>Drug war.
Very vague, user. It's not much of an answer.
>How do you even prove a black person killed a white person for being white?
Statistically, Blacks target whites much much more than whites target blacks, Here is an info graph. Please, Try and debunk it.

Attached: black-white-crime.jpg (616x2030, 927K)

That's way too optimistic. Instead they'll say it's all a liberal lie and everyone knows the game actually sucked and all the posting about it is shilling from"discord trannies" or whatever the boogeyman is by that point. Then they'll go back to silently fuming until the next chance to whine about anything, repeat the process until they eventually kill themselves. their mommy or shoot up a church.

Attached: 1549217599014.png (896x753, 52K)

Ah, the Black Panther cope? Nah, son, they're gonna pretend the sales numbers are fabricated. A.K.A. the Captain Marvel cope. Screencap this instead.

Attached: 1552590929404.png (1441x2401, 788K)

Attached: 1531576255965.jpg (3114x4437, 1.3M)

You know very well that it's not the inclusion of those itself but the part there it indicates that there are bunch of infiltrated hipsters in the production that will most likely ruin the game.

But that's not something that should be cried over, but celebrated as it is another nail on EA's coffin.

>>How do you even prove a black person killed a white person for being white?
>Statistically, Blacks target whites much much more than whites target blacks

Not him but that's a false dichotomy. Blacks are a minority, so it makes sense that their victims would be white.

If blacks committed crimes in Japan their victims would be Japanese. It's a matter of majority.

have sex

Right, and even when considering that. That's still less than 0.1% of the white population.


>Blacks are a minority, so it makes sense that their victims would be white.
Black on black crime is much higher, Its not even racial attacks but crime in general

So he's right, blacks target whites more than whites target blacks.

Most based post of 2019.

>Half of those videos are to do with captain marvel

Fucking christ. Everyone knows it was a mediocre as fuck movie, no need to beat a dead horse.

Blacks are 3x more likely to be killed by the police.

I'm so fucking confused. Can someone explain why the fuck this MK is 'woke'? I've missed the fucking memo here or something. Are the characters all genderfluid or some shit?

user, we all know its gonna sell, its only in following sequels we'll see what happens

>I'm boycotting Captain Marvel
Bruh... Look at this dude...
>Captain Marvel Marketing Disaster
>Captain Marvel - Worse Than The Last Jedi
>Dear Men: Captain Marvel Wasn't Made For YOU!
Ooooh ooh, wait till you see the f-
>Boycott Captain Marvel!
>Pay Attention - Captain Marvel Reviews Aren't Great!
>Captain Marvel: Officially A Disaster!
>Captain Marvel's Box Office Success Is A Big Problem


How much more likely are they to commit a crime?

Because they cause more crime?

Black lives only matter when it's not gang violence.

post fat anita

These trannies are fucking disgusting

Attached: 365b0562-25cb-4f2a-abd2-673409d98bec.gif (370x250, 80K)

innocent* black men are 3x more likely to be shot.

If were only talking black males, It would be 6%

*by other blacks since darkies are their own worst enemy


He didn't say that though, he said they're killed for being white. Which is exactly why it's a false dichotomy.

First poster:
>How do you even prove a black person killed a white person for being white?

Second poster:
>Whites are statistically targeted more than blacks, look at this info-graphic.

The info-graphic doesn't say anything about why they're targeted, which is what the original poster was talking about: Hate crimes, where someone is targeted specifically for their race.

You can't say that the police discriminate against BMW drivers for being BMW drivers by pulling statistics that say BMW drivers are more frequently arrested.

Sargon has no monetary interest on stopping the social terrorists. What will he do after it?

Its because of the crappy outfits on the girls, the comments on it by developers while the men have the same barechested, designs since ever, and jaxs ending where he uses "woke" unnironically, thats its, pretty shit ending if you ask me

Lol I doubt that

Here's a quick summary of why /pol/tards think Mortal Kombat 11 is the latest game that is persecuting them

Attached: 1555217650525.png (628x7185, 3.59M)

Ok but blacks are more likely to kill whites while whites are peaceful people of kindness who just want to leave in peace with the blacks.

I don't understand the connection between being a lefty soiboi and liking pro-wrestling, seems like a recent thing

Attached: tumblr_npbsk0zChw1sfgulqo5_400.gif (320x172, 1.26M)

Yea Forums is comprised of based mad men that just want to see ya seethe. Turns out /pol/tardetties are the easiest targets on this board.

Its not looking good for Mortal Kombat 11. When it comes to fighting games I do not really care how characters look its how well it plays but MK11 plays like shit. Then there is the only online Krypt with RNG and the towers with cheap ass cheating A.I that you only have one shot at. The game is ass. My copy for the Ps4 came early and I was hype then after a couple of hours of playing it hit me its just Injustice 2 with more DRM bullshit.
Went to the steam forum to warn PC players to stick with MK9 or MKX. No mention of "woke" endings or titty ninjas none of those things bother me. Was super polite broke no rules. Still got banned.
NRS is fucking buttmad people are not singing this game's praises.

Attached: terry.....jpg (418x438, 24K)

Is this the faggot that is unironically crying about the attack on "boner culture"?

How about you actually pay attention to what's actually in the game before acting like a faggot? If it were a SJW woke shitfest then we wouldn't see classic designs in endings and Jacqui's ending would be just as bizarre as Jax's WAKANDA FOREVER ending


Attached: Dzx5pouX4AAMMwl.png (544x749, 333K)

That doesn't sound like /pol/ They are moral fags in their own twisted way, They would be for this

>Statistics are true until they go against my beliefs
Like clockwork

Women really should cover up or get stoned to death

The game's females look like men and designed like mcu characters

Attached: 1555757362711.jpg (750x838, 124K)

>the smallest board trying to take on the biggest board
Indy midgets going after the WWE

This. The progressive pandering is just the cherry on top of the shit cake. I wish it wasn't so bros...

Wait a minute

[spoiler/]There's only 5 spots in the spell and trap zone

/pol/ doesn't actually like anything, they only come out of the woodwork to complain when something goes against their political beliefs.

You only see /pol/ posts on Yea Forums when something socially left-of-centre has happened in videogaming. These people don't care about MK in the same way they didn't care about Vampire. You never see them in Yea Forums unless they're bitching about some other SJW shit or Black Panther or whatnot. They only pretend to care about anime, technology or music when something in those topics reaches their news radar, then they act like it's something they cared about for years.

They don't realise how much they stand out in these threads or threads on any board and then get mad when people call them out. They spend so long in the /pol/ and /r9k/ echo chamber that they have no idea how normal people interact or even how normal people on Yea Forums interact.

Just report them when they try to derail threads or obviously start flamewars or post racism outside of Yea Forums.

>playing western gaymes
>consuming western media
You only have yourselves to blame

You like stats?

Attached: 1548868246603.png (738x669, 186K)

Not all compensations are monetary.
But no one does it for no compensation.

Inshallah, Brother

>Ok but blacks are more likely to kill whites while whites are peaceful people of kindness who just want to leave in peace with the blacks.
I love satire too.

You're the one in the MK thread whining about another board, I don't think you care about MK either user.

dont forget
>viewership of apex streams are already dropping back below forknife while forknife stays consistent.
apex came out of nowhere with a big explosive release and got alot of attention, but its just another BR and people are already losing interest

You don't possibly think that how many people in society views trans people has anything to do with their suicide rates?

thankfully we are able to collect all the data on reseteras user base. This will help out in the future.

Have a good day era!

Attached: 1555362001904.gif (300x272, 1.37M)

Bold assumption there. Based on what exactly?

Whatever, whoever are the faggots that are crying that Masquerade 2 is too liberal and "pozzed" and that SJWs ruined Mortal Kombat because the tits are too small are obnoxious faggots and in fact more annoying than actual full-blown "Preserve the future of our white species" literal nazis. I just call them "/pol/tards" for ease of use because there's no better name to describe them (other than "retards" or "faggots", but that's too broad)


Imagine thinking any of this improves the material conditions of everyone and anyone involved with video games or the world at large for that matter

Attached: 15961475668.jpg (639x730, 88K)

>You don't possibly think
No, they don't.

Your post, I thought that was pretty obvious. You seem to just care about /pol/, you just wrote a blog post about them.


Attached: 1554544269031.jpg (960x1280, 245K)

>Giving a shit about real politics that actually matter and affect essential aspects of life
>On Yea Forums, the board where we bitch about muh titty censorship
You new around here?

Not at all

>They spend so long in the /pol/ and /r9k/ echo chamber that they have no idea how normal people interact or even how normal people on Yea Forums interact.
Fucking this. It's all BASED for them. They even use "based" IRL. They don't realize that shit hasn't been funny for years.

Attached: 1522531524327.jpg (700x674, 173K)

>Preserve the future of our white species
Why is that such a bad thing? We're only 13% of earth population, A global minority.

>You don't possibly think that how many people in society views trans people

Or it could be because they are mentally ill people who are receiving proper treatment.

This but unironically

If I can't be white then whites shouldn't exist

I'm sorry that you think 8 sentences is a 'blog post', Anonymous. Would you like an infographic with big bright colours next time or do you have an experienced reader who can help you with this website?

I wanna fuck hot neggresses and asians, my man. And I don't want kids anyways, so it's irrelevant to me. Also, no one is prohibiting you from having a white wife and having a white kid.

Cumtown was right, everyone involved in politics is a fucking gaylord for thinking the culture war produces anything decent in our shitty gay earth

Attached: 151658418541196.jpg (720x829, 49K)

>nintendo letting joker bang their waifus
>nintendo dabbing on tranny freaks
I'm starting to like them

Attached: 1555473344431.jpg (1024x662, 140K)

that's not /pol/ that's just some autist

>I'm sorry that you think 8 sentences is a 'blog post'

I was just being polite calling it a blog post, it was a homo monologue t b h

They used 'Thot' about 3 years too late too. It's embarrassing to watch.

Why do flat chested girls have the best armpits?

Attached: 1544759943505.png (1920x1080, 1.81M)

People involved in actual real politics that matter are alright. It's when they come cry on Yea Forums about "muh politics in vidya" that they're cringe. If they actually kept to themselves in their containment board, I wouldn't mind them.

just stop trying to defend MK11 its a pile of shit with a WOKE cherry on top


Attached: 1548881270008.png (2062x1224, 727K)

So why do you think gay people kill themselves more than straight people?

This. Whenever someone doesn't like something that appears to be political pandering it's always
>durr you're a /pol/tard

These faux "leftists" if they even are that get the wall too. Not for any ideological reason, just because they're insufferable shitheads

Attached: gpzy6denbht21.png (2419x1166, 1.27M)

>Also, no one is prohibiting you from having a white wife and having a white kid.
Sure, But they will prohibit a white homogeneous country, You're not allowed.

But people bitch way more about the "cherry" than the actual relevant shit that is in those two posts. There's dozens of threads made to cry about tit size and designs covering asses up. How many threads did we have pointing out MMO grinding and pre-order only characters? Maybe 3, at most.

>mentally ill
Well Freud isn't it just as mentally ill to be a virgin with no life beyond jacking off to anime and getting butthurt over other people's life decisions?

Game threads get deleted on /pol/, it's not a containment board and Yea Forums is and always will be shit so I don't even get why you are acting like they make it any worse. If anything they make b8ing easier.

>political pandering
This is exactly why you out yourself /pol/. You've been on that board for so long that you look at everything through a political lens and then wonder why people call you out.

>Well Freud isn't it just as mentally ill to be a virgin with no life beyond jacking off to anime and getting butthurt over other people's life decisions?

Yes which is why these types usually become trannys, the mental illness doesn't start at the tranny phase that's a just a step of it. Tons of incel went tranny, just look at chappo trap house or /r9k/ lol. Trans is pretty much a coping mechanism for incels.

Clarification, yeah DSA nerd ass cumstains are cooler than posters, I'd gladly be thrown into the gulags as long as all the rest of you do too

Attached: 23621671_10210497102083416_1979594179411217180_n.jpg (882x960, 95K)

>"This industry is ours now"
>gaming industry on the brink of a huge crash

Attached: 1547291263582.jpg (540x720, 33K)

>There's dozens of threads made to cry about tit size and designs covering asses up.

complaining about those things are fine just because you're fine burkas doesn't make it not important


lol yes. /pol/ is everywhere watching you and sniffing your hair

>le /pol/ doesn't even know what vidya is, you guise
Only redditors fall for this
>251 replies
>162 IPs
But we- I mean THEY totally don't even know what video games are lol :)

Attached: 1530988507892.png (1897x721, 230K)


Time to go back

Attached: 865764.png (436x555, 321K)

>Yes which is why these types usually become trannys
Nah it sounds more like I just described a /pol/fag actually.

How does this "woman" sit in a chair?


Obviously, because that would naturally have to involve you expelling the non-white people that already live in the country you want to convert. Durrrr.

Regret that they were born different? I wonder, what would suicide rates look like in more progressive countries

I don't think any of the sides are helping.
One side is just mean and keeps attacking and poking
And the other one tries to keep the trans people into a literal reality distortion bubble that crushes the rights of everyone else and don't even work because they just pretend the person is from another gender, and pretend very badly and creepily.
And they probably perceive the people getting crushed by the bubble.

What they actually need is the truth and hope.
They need to believe that there is a way to truly get there or truly stop having the horrible feel of needing to get there.
But this only applies to the dysphoria people.
The "got shamed for being a white male until i did cut my dick" ones need to learn that it's okay to be white and they're only guilty for what THEY did.

Objectively true. And i dont even think they're actually liberal

>Nah it sounds more like I just described a /pol/fag actually.

You projected because of your mental illness. I don't hold it against you, I can tell you have a lot of anger and wouldn't want to push you into hurting yourself. I honestly care about you.

What are you implying user? I hope you're not so incompetent with the opposite sex that you think every, or even most girls have a big butt.

>He still believes in le crash
Delusional cope

Exactly the same

Developers admit to this though, they think it's going to attract people to their game. It keeps game journos and twitter outrage mobs from calling their game "probelmatic". See I don't give a fuck what's on /pol/, they think everything's a jewish conspiracy. It'd be the same difference if developers were pandering to /pol/, but instead they're pandering to the left-wing equivalent of /pol/. Stop being a disingenuous faggot.

Attached: polmeetupNYC2.jpg (1374x1031, 125K)

>le /pol/ boogeyman
reminder that /pol/ was first a news board. it was average Yea Forums users that turned it into what it is now

so if fire god liukang rebuilt the world. he probably will erase the timeline UNTIL deadly aliance. meaning Deception can still happen, but with liukang alive HE could be shujinko master instead of bo rai cho

what if the next game we see a konquest mode again but good this time?

Attached: polmeetup.jpg (1200x900, 258K)

of all exonerations and innocent arrest, yeah.

>tfw I'm starting to like the far left more than I like the center left as a right winger
At least you cunts limit your dumb opinions to economics.

>even most girls have a big butt.

having a big butt=/=having no ass

I have more ass than her most humans have more ass than her and since most chairs are made for normal humans my question goes unanswered

RDR 2 sold excellently, though. If there really is supposed SJW propaganda in it, then that proves "Get Woke, Go Broke" isn't real.

And if you admit that the gaming industry is indeed mostly liberal, why are you still crying about it? Why don't you just play the games that pander to you like everyone else does? Go play gachashit.

Please help me because I'm puzzled. How is it that I'm angry when you're the one who can't stand other people's decisions and routinely shitpost about them on /pol/?
Because I quite honestly don't give two shits about minorities but I must confess I get an erection every time some /pol/nigger gets anal frustration from them.

>plummeting stocks
>mass layoffs
>AAA publishers shutting down entire studios
>lmao ur juss coping we're good for the industry

Attached: 1529014328894.jpg (2560x1707, 2.31M)

>At least you cunts limit your dumb opinions to economics.

Some of them

Then why is it there was a 14% differential in suicide attempts in gay youth in states that allowed gay marriage vs states that outlawed it? Or are you just talking out of your ass

>Crash is happening, you guise
>Aaaaany day now
You'll still be saying the exact same shit a decade from now

Attached: tAVlk8L.jpg (1600x900, 90K)

Hope she sees this man

>How is it that I'm angry when you're the one who can't stand other people's decisions

When did I say this? I said transgenderism is a mental illness that I feel is wrongly treated. I didn't say I had a personal problem with trannys.

Plenty of girls have no ass, plenty of guys have no ass. Try actually interacting with the opposite sex for once in your life.

>Or are you just talking out of your ass
Are you?
Show the stats

>I said transgenderism is a mental illness
Which it's not
>I didn't say I had a personal problem with trannys.
You certainly do.

>I have more ass than her
That's because you're an overweight neckbeard incel

Attached: 1486666532669.jpg (556x321, 58K)

one word: Trump.

>avatarfagging with an animegirl

Attached: 1553279761771.jpg (1000x850, 112K)

>corporate bootlicking
I've started calling them shoe shiners

>I's be wealthy like you onna dees days massa

>Heh... maybe, don't forget to double gloss nigger, i wanna see the reflection of my money in my shoes.

>Which it's not

It obviously is, like at the suicide rate.

>You certainly do.

prove it

Discussion quality has been getting better since the Mueller report drove most of the fanboys and actual boomers to suicide, but yeah it's been wretched since the primaries. I'm not looking forward to next year. It doesn't help that shitpost threads are being made by literal bots now.

>Make exactly one (1) post with an anime girl as a reaction image
>This is now avatarfagging
Are all the people using this "discord tranny" meme newfags? Election tourists?

Just so everyone knows, the guy who spams this is from /pol/. Hes just false-flagging

>/pol/kuk chimps out and gets banned
>this is somehow an injustice


Why don't they do just a flat out unironic KANGZ game instead of having it trying to subverse established series?

Make it a simulator so you can have all these options on how to raise your civilization from nothingness.

Attached: Mortal-Kombat-11-Jax.jpg (585x300, 39K)

no see that's the problem the gluteus maximus is part of the normal human anatomy not having one is a deformity so I ask again how does "she" sit in a chair

best part is when all those diversity hires are out on the street, learning to code wont even help them

Strikes me more as a /his/fag
They're the only ones who are that tsundere for /pol/

Was hoping you would ask that suicide rates 1999-2015&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart#d=gs_qabs&u=#p=C0_JF6-sNBsJ
Now you get to look like an idiot

idc, he's based regardless because most of the seething responses are from /pol/tards themselves. He's a based teamshooter.

It is being a wild ride. No regrets.

Not him but you can Google this easy enough to avoid looking like a cretin.

I can keep going if you want.

>Yea Forums, BAY BAY!

Attached: thefaceofpol.jpg (1200x800, 226K)

/pol/ has just switched over to false-flagging and pretending to be discord trannies. They still have influence, they're just exerting it in a more inderhanded way


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Yeah, I'm sure absolutely no one would spam unfunny "WE" memes at that shit and have that game be impossible to discuss. I'm sure it being a brand new game and franchise would totally protect it from endless seething and shitposting about it. You ain't fooling no one.

Ah, the tranny defense squad is strong today, how long is it gonna last, a couple of weeks? Until the bulk of the sales is made? What the next game you guys get hired to defend, Last of Us 2?

I agree, seeing the left wing boomers kill themselves has been great.

>because that would naturally have to involve you expelling the non-white people that already live in the country you want to convert
Convert? They shouldn't be here in the first place,.Europe and America were built by white people, It is their rightful land, I'm not even american, But one or more of the founding fathers claimed america to be for white Europeans. 13% of the population and they flock to us like flies on shit, Say they hate us but won't leave

Hes just trying to get people people riled up, and its working

Expecting a crash is like expecting a complete crash of the auto industry.
But categories of cars do get wiped out, like caddilacs and muscle cars.
There's always those new fancy japanese cars.

She does have one, you can clearly see it in the image.

>Why don't they do just a flat out unironic KANGZ game instead of having it trying to subverse established series?
the same reason they made soldier 76 gay (pic related)
>inb4 overwatch
no, i'd never touch that flaming turd

Attached: making characters gay.jpg (1751x189, 117K)

If they make a Kangz game they have to embrace the memes thats part of the fun.

Attached: 1524538793118.gif (775x510, 824K)

If The Last of Us 2 ends up selling great just like the first one and Horizon: Zero Dawn did, I'm certainly gonna be here to reap all the /pol/tard seething that comes out of that. Ready to poke you with a stick to make you seethe even further.

Yep, you certainly look like an overweight incel neckbeard.

I get great joy from how absolutely wrong you were, even though I have a feeling i know how you'll respond. It's an amazing sensation to absolutely, unequivocally blow a hole through your argument. Even though you're such a stubborn fool you likely won't change your mind. I won. You lost.

He'd be hot if he had Chad Teeth like Boogie

Yeah? They should have thought of that before they used them as slave laborers, now they're here and it's too late. No one is gonna expel people who have their family line living in the country for centuries because you want it to happen. Sorry, pal.


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Have hetero sex illcels

Attached: 1555895897835.jpg (778x1100, 128K)

Absolutely based

>god dammit, Bobby

>RDR 2 sold excellently, though.
I didn't say it didn't?
>If there really is supposed SJW propaganda in it, then that proves "Get Woke, Go Broke" isn't real.
Okay? Are the people that say this living rent free in your head or something? If you want my opinion, it probably sold well because it was RDR2, it was from Rockstar games. I don't think anyone thought the writing had a political slant prior to it coming out.
>And if you admit that the gaming industry is indeed mostly liberal
What exactly am I supposed to admit? The industry seems more than happy to proclaim it on high as if it makes them virtuous.
>Why don't you just play the games that pander to you like everyone else does?
While I don't consider myself right wing, I can't think of many games that pander to conservatives. I'd rather games stopped pandering in general.
>Go play gachashit.
I hate gachashit, you go play gachashit faggot.

Don't tell him that. These people are like Charles Manson back in the 60s telling people there's a race war imminent. "Any second now" they say, just like he did. "It's getting closer every day" they think, just like he did. Then he finally died in Jail in his 70s, having never seen his long awaited race war.

>i went on Yea Forums and found an incel
aren't you a smart cookie


Attached: FB_IMG_1555726317676.jpg (540x404, 17K)

>No ass
>No tits
>built like a brick
>can't take a hint

Attached: 1555549685266.jpg (1936x1936, 269K)

You had a sex change? I don't understand.


>I'd rather games stopped pandering in general
Why is it ok for games to pander to people that want to see tits but not ok for games to pander to people that want their politics reflected in them? And more importantly, why did MGS 3 and GTA: San Andreas get away with it without anyone bitching but now we cry about every single game that panders to politics? Honestly, I suspect that if those games were released today, we'd cry about them too. Only nostalgia is saving them from /pol/tard shitposting.

>Games that will be bought largely with straight white males, once again.
You are so irrelevant, tranny, consider suicide before the end of the month

Bait them, then report them. Then they get banned.

Modern vidya is shit so anything else tends to have far more fruitful discussion

Worst part is that she is on heels. Her hip should bend backwards but it is happening the opposite. This is obviously a man.

>why do mods let their girlfriends'(male) threads up?

Very reminiscent of how a second vidya crash is totally happening any day now.

Which is even more hilarious when you go research the original supposed big vidya crash that actually only affected the arcade and console market in the United States in specific, whereas gaming was still blooming in the rest of the world and even in America on the PC.

jesus fucking christ. Hello skeletor