Implying you cant game on linux

>implying you cant game on linux

Attached: 2019-04-21-192926_4480x1440_scrot.jpg (4480x1440, 1.02M)

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Now play a game that doesn't support the steam Proton API.

already on it faggot

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cool, now find a way to get anticheat shit like battleye to work with proton

>game from 2014
You didn't listen.

Fuck yes my brother. The greatest game of all time on one screen, the greatest entertainer of all time on the other. It's good to be a gamer 3

and cause i know your going to ask how many terminal lines i have tp type to run the witcher the answer is 0 i hold alt middle click and click the icon
its the GOG version no steam involved or did you w want to see an older game?

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How do I get linux to not be ugly but also play games. I tried some Ubuntu DE but it doesn't work with proton.

>buying CD project red games from steam

nothing you just said made any sense but if you are saying ubuntu looks good you need your eyes checked

Extrapolating that idea from a DB site for proton support is quite retarded user, its an open source project that can be fully used without steam

and yet im not using it im using DXVK for the witcher 3

Cool you do you

you got a problem with wobbly windows?

In a general practice, whatever works, use it.

>he doesnt like compiz standalone

i use i3 btw

no wonder you cant run games i3 sucks unless all you ever do is text edit tiling WMs are trash and they are made worse by faggots like luke smith

Nah it was an offshoot of ubuntu that came with a specific DE that wasn't ugly.

not him, but what? the window manager has fuck all to do with how games run.

and what specific DE was it?

tiling windows managers and games dont typically mix unless you run everything windowed

Nah i just use it for my laptops, desktop runs KDE Neon atm and W10 for vidya

Im curious about trying out DWM because my friend has been using it for couple months now and it runs great with everything, and he runs a 3 monitor setup

>run it windowed
You can do that in i3 though.

You can easily configure i3 to lets say, run it in workspace 9 fullscreen with any number of applications, you can do this with pretty much every tiling wm

but what kind of a loser runs a game windowed?

that's just goalpost moving.

And even if its windowed, you can fullscreen it with a keybind or configure it to happen automatically

I'm more concerned about optimization issues, older games, modding, more obscure games, and my love of janky games. Then again, I'm already concerned with W10 being able to pull that off, as well.

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or just use a floating window manager

TWMs are great for development work though

but i dont develop anything

i3 can be floating if you want it to, but its main intent is to have them tiled.

If you want the windows desktop experience, go for a full desktop environment like plasma

I also find them useful for running D&D games. By all means, use floating, i don't think anyone really cares. But don't say TWMs are not worth it.

nah ill stick with compiz standalone

You do you user

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thats some heavy mipmapping

Sure beats looking at some TempleOS lookalike

>FPS with mouse feels playable
>60 fps
pick one.

>more importantly implying anyone sane would want to game on linux
>yeah bro, I use an obscure OS for purely theoretical / philosophical reasons. what about all the practical problems I constantly waste my time fixing, if they can be fixed at all? well, uh, I just pretend having to spend one hour fixing a pirated copy of windows 10 after first installing it is just as bad as nothing ever fucking working on the first try and many things no working period. and since I'm too smart to actually believe this bullshit I then try to support it by switching the subject to how shit MS is as a company, as if evil MS is somehow losing out when I waste MY time and sanity on linux.

I have to vent because I have friends like this irl and won't tell them this for diplomatic reasons. using linux as an end user / internet surfer / gamer or even programmer is a complete meme and those who do it are the high IQ version of apple sheep. pragmatists use windows not because it's great (it's shit) but because the alternatives are worse in practice and that's all that matters. fuck off with your rationalizations for being software hipsters.

p.s. that google search made me chuckle, I hope that was your intention.

>things that never happened, the post.

Games have less bugs and compatibility issues on Windows therefore Windows is still the best OS for gaming.

of course

Dude you really overestimate how hard it is to use Linux, especially if you use a distro specifically designed to be user-friendly.

You overhype the problems and circlejerk over a shortterm solution (use windows) while ignoring that the ideological types plan longterm. The core issue is that support is shit cause of lack of users. The only way to break the circle is bite the bullet and take a shortterm hit for longterm better conditions. Your case is essentially that of a instant gratification victim.

One of the reasons for using Linux is that I have the ability to make it better and easier for you faggots.
Even by just a small bit, even if it's just abeta testing and bug reporting.
Or writing Lutris installers.
And I would be happy if someone else would also do the same thing for me.

I would like to point out that what is saying is already noticable in practice.
It's not like you are one of 100 nerds who embraced Linux in early 90s when whole industry was reacting with never-ever.png
You are not even one of the people who embraced Linux in 2000s, when gaming was limited to few native games and whatever WINE was able to run.
You are currently looking at Linux that has a big and still growing community, Linux that has shitload of native games and compatibility tools.
Fuckton of work was already done so that you can run a massive list of games, you don't have to do shit.
But if you decide to support and contribute to the community, than both you and future newfags will have even more games and even less problems on Linux.

>steam Proton API
>Proton API
Stop embarassing yourself and go read a book on computers, Proton isn't an API.

>tfw too much of a brainlet to get MTG:Arena working
I've tried Lutris but I can't manage to get it to install. I think I may be too stupid for Wine.

>used linux for nearly 20 years
>recent development and ideas have been going to complete shit lately with shit like systemd and trying to force goddamn broken wayland garbage on everyone
Went back to Windows. It's fine.

Lemme guess. You didn't install the nvidia drivers.

>broken wayland
go back to X and dont use systemD?

As a web developer, I can tell you 100% that working within a company sucks hard if you're on Windows. The Windows alternatives to the terminal just does not cut it when you're working with Ruby and React.

Have you tried looking up a guide for how to install that shit on the distro that you are using?
There should be at leat 5+ guides that hold your hand

wher did you get an idea like that?

Fuc I forgot to quote this

I really want to use GNU/Linux but it's too inconvenient and I don't feel like messing around for an hour every time I play a game.

You base that on assumptions or actual experience?

why would you need to mess around fro an hour to play a game?

>Dude you really overestimate how hard it is to use Linux
no, you are downplaying the fact that linux doesn't add anything positive. any extra effort is already too much because there is no payoff. using an OS is never going to be fun, not something people will go out of their way to do. and we know that an OS can cost money and get away with it so free is also not an argument.

>ignoring that the ideological types plan longterm
>The only way to break the circle is bite the bullet and take a shortterm hit for longterm better conditions.
I see your point but I simply don't acknowledge this portrayal of what you do. there has never been a realistic plan to make linux a mainstream OS. calling it long-term planning is just an avoidance tactic to not have to confront this fact. there is no strategy, it's a total pipedream. linux is already free and for many use-cases it works just fine, yet companies are BUYING WINDOWS DOT JPEG for an absurd price. do you truly believe this is some tragic misunderstanding that a few more years of hacktivism will resolve?

the reality is now and was a decade ago that all linux desktop users are fringe power users. in 2029 the average linux-as-a-windows-replacement user will be the same type as today - programmers, engineers, tech hipsters and people who have to use linux because of their job. I would sooner bet on Windows being challenged by an "Android desktop", a big corporate desktop OS competitor, than I would bet on a free OS. try to argue why linux stands a chance to gain with any demographic.

I respect you guys. like I said I'm friends with some of you irl. but you're wasting your talent on squeezing water from a stone and it's a pity to watch. I have an uncle who is around 60 now and still preaching the linux meme since the 90s. he doesn't even play video games, yet he once praised wine. that's going to be you in a few decades if you don't snap out of it.

Where the fuck do you faggots get these 2002-level arguments?
Steam+Lutris can already automatically install and configure most games that can be played on Linux. After that all you have to do is select a game and click "Play" every time you want to play it.

>yet companies are BUYING WINDOWS DOT JPEG for an absurd price. do you truly believe this is some tragic misunderstanding that a few more years of hacktivism will resolve?
Actually yes
Companies that are buying windows are doing so because they are in most cases some enterprise that relies on years of legacy software that can not be updated.
Companies that are doing anything even remotely related to modern technology go for Linux

>tfw EAC will soon™ be WINE compatible and i can finally get rid of my widows partition

use a vm until it works

who gives a shit its video games
if you care about the ethics of whether or not your software is free as in freedom you need to get laid

I would if i had the convenient hardware to passthough. But it's easier to just use a partition.

Is a cd drive passthrough problematic? Didn't expect that. But anyway, can't hurt to have a small win partition.

Nah, should probably work fine.

Does it play W10 games yet?

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What W10 games?
The UWP?
It will play them as soon as Windows 10 starts supporting native Linux games :^)

>implying Valve won't abandon Proton
>actually looks like they already have since the latest release was over 5 months ago

The fuck are you talking about? Latest proton version came a week ago
Nah, Valve seem pretty fucking serious about getting off the Windows menace.

>Valve open-sourcing their code
are they not afraid everyone's just gonna steal it and implement it in rival platforms? they did the same with their most recent Steam networking shit that lets any dev use it.

Caring about Proton being used by other clients is a far cry from the worry they have about Windows taking more control over the average users desktop experience

And, having it open source is a great way develop this sort of thing, there are alot of games that require special tweaks and since everyone can contribute the product is more solid overall rather than hiring a team of 100-200 and having it closed

What the fuck are you talking about?
Do you even understand what Proton and Wine are?
Also free software only has benefits, as Valve and the Proton team have thousands of people doing the menial (And unpaid) work of testing every game they can't get to and finding obscure bugs.
The point of Proton is to get all windows games just werking on linux, so Valve can abandon Windows or atleast finally make Linux their primary platform. The only company this hurts in the long-term is M$.

free =/= open source
get back to me once you understand the difference, dipshit.

How are Wine and Proton not free software?
Unless you're going to get pedantic about the license(s) not being explicitly copyleft, then sure you're right, but you're also a faggot.

Can't you do that VM shit with a "graphics pipeline" to your GPU and it runs at like 90% the speed it would if you ran it on native Windows?