> Universally considered the best RPG of the decade
> Journalists don't even cry about the "Blanatant Sexualization"
> Recieved a 99/100 score for it's story on RPGFan
> Now considered one of the best storylines in gaming history
> Japan listed it as the 2nd best game ever
Is NieR really deserving of all this praise?
its deserves praise just not more praise than other taro games which are better
automata is just the most mass appeal normalfag of his games so thats why everyone is all over it
id much rather replay nier gestalt over it anyday
Let's be honest here, Route C/D/E carried this game and that's the only thing everybody remembers
The first half of the game is 8/10 at best, more like a decent 7/10
> Journalists don't even cry about the "Blanatant Sexualization"
Where have you been when the game was launched?
Nier had a better story and characters I actually cared about
Yes, but Route C/D alone make it a masterpiece. The first half of the game was average at best
Pretty sure nobody believes any of that desu.
>sold 200,000,000 copies
>positioned Yoko Taro to lead the G7 summit
>crippled the western gaming industry
>catapulted gynoid technology 150 years forward
>revolutionized storytelling in all mediums
>lead the way for worldwide nuclear disarmament
>was the basis for peaceful alien contact
Clearly they don’t care about it if they are sucking Taro’s dick 24/7. Polygon gave it a perfect score & Kotaku loves it as well
T. Brainlet who couldn’t understand it
I didn't care much about the game desu, I did however wank it to that 2B girl many times
When is he going to make a new game? It's been 2 years
>>Universally considered the best RPG of the decade
it wasn't even considered the best RPG of the year
Sure but Dark Souls has a 5/10 second half and is seen as the greatest game of last generation.
No it’s correct that DS has a 5/10 second half
>> Universally considered the best RPG of the decade
Nier Automata had better gameplay. They're about even.
Because everyone thought it was a Bayonetta/DMC clone.
i love both nier games, so yes
It is a game made by Yoko Taro that isn't painful to play, because he had an actual budget and actual developers with him for this one.
So of course it will be highly retarded and of course it will be really good.
Because Yoko Taro knows how to tell interesting stories you can only tell in video games.
Of course.
The first half of the game is just a prologue.
I want a Nier Gestalt remake with Automata's combat and graphics. And more bosses.
>> Universally considered the best RPG of the decade
uh no those went to god of war and nioh nier games are for story
I only played A, and got to some large arena towers with 9S. Is C/D/E really that much better? The combat got so bland I had to put it down for a while
> Universally considered the best RPG of the decade
I couldn't make it past the desert because the gameplay was so fucking boring.
Routes A and B are just a prologue.
Hell, 2B fucking dies
Yeah don't know how people can stand games like Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden the gameplay in them sucks.
I kept up with the sidequests and I'm starting to see some pay off. The world is slowly becoming more interesting, though still not all that interesting. I do get stuck sometimes and can't seem to figure out what to do at some points. Sometimes I figure it out before I want to give up. Sometimes I give up. Still on my first playthrough and I've already passed 10 hours.
not even the best in its own series
I'm tempted to say yes, because I know I enjoyed it a lot on release, but when I think on it now remember almost nothing except the basics of the routes.
I still remember NeiR's routes like the back of my hand despite only playing it once tho