>no city of heroes thread
get in here lads
Other urls found in this thread:
>destroy a tight knit community of friends just so you can play an ancient game
Yall got room for a space cowboy?
kill yourself leo
The servers just shut down on me in a fun sewer rush damn
howdy partner
Post the ERP discord!
We were in the same one?
How do we get on the server?
i remember playing this game WAY back, give me the TL:DR of this situation
is it up again? how many hoops do i have to jump through to actually play it?
>Starting Frostfire for the first time in almost a decade
>Kill first pack of enemies
>Lost connection to Map Server
im confused, are there servers separate from the SCORE test server now? or no?
How's the ERP community in this game?
Were we i was the flying wolfman
mcFUCKING kill yourself
This public server has no ties to the gay sekrit club server that's been running for 6+ years.
Download Tequilla, when you finish the download, choose the SCORE server
Make a forum account here
Then make a game account on the forum
Its still the SCORE test server. Its running pretty well now and has over 2000 players online
post your characters
This game is mad boring, I can see why most of the players already left.
It was running super well today until it died
Is there a way to change your character's height after it's already been created? I know you can tweak the scales for everything else in a costume change, but not height.
this, this game is boring as fuck.
cope harder
Stay mad :)
>A tight knit community
>Rule of terror preventing outside knowledge of the circumstances
>Enforced by draconian punishment policy that would make a vampire blush
>Just so you can play an ancient game.
>admits to being an incel
have sex
>tightknit community
>implying everyone wasnt just doing their own thing since the autist in charge was disliked by literally everyone
Is there anyway to regain a character from back when the game was running? I remember someone saying the guy had a server that had all character info saved on it
Which direction should I take this character?
No. Last night it was decided that the old character data would have to be excluded due to legal issues
Or brain in a jar?
So it was like North Korea?
I vote robot. No brain.
So I guess it's confirmed Critikal betrayed us all because he hasn't said a thing about all the CoH drama even though he always said he loved CoH and always wanted to play it again? Only reason I can see him not talk about all this is because he was part of that private server.
Costume change emotes. You can make macros for them or just select them in the costume screen
The data is all gone, just remake them
Posting my character in every thread until you fucking like him.
Purple Spiky Mysterio?
Cel Shading is awesome
What are you going to do about it, faggot?
also, anyone know how to improve the framerate? im pretty sure my graphics card shouldn't be struggling to maintain more than 10 FPS on the lowest settings of a fucking ten year old game.
Is there a way to change bodytype? I've got an Escanor sort of thing going and it would be sick if you could
tried to make bandit from Risk of Rain
I can't remember to be honest
So do we have actual servers, or are we just still on Paragon chat?
Sipping on some Dr. Pepper, waiting to get home so I can play.
>can't use broad sword + dual pistols
It's like a dictator that thinks everyone loves him and the population is happy when it's just a monoplization of power that's responsible for him remaining in charge and free of internatal criticism.
Theres an actual server now
Mod classes very soon pal
>he doesn't know
Have to wait for the mods to start rolling in
Its somewhat fun so far but Im sure it will be better once I join a supergroup or something. For now though what are some decent builds? Is there a place to see what each power is really centered around? I like the naming but it makes it hard to really see what roll they actually serve. Seems like Fire is a dot based power while Ice is just a dps/debuff thing.
See you guys in like 6 hours after I make 4 waifus and an actual character.
I'm surprised I haven't seen the halloween pumpkin head on any costumes yet.
Is electric melee a good start for a speedster whose gimmick would be "stealing" people's speed and stunning them with manipulation of kinetic energy?
i have it on my headless horseman costume
I bet it would go great with spines haha
What setting activates the cell shading?
The brain in a jar is just a diversion, you see. Not even hooked up to anything.
Ele Melee is pretty good, but Kin Melee exists and is also good.
I wanted to make a cute demon girl, how's she look?
Why does it look like there are big black outlines on your character? CoX didn't have those.
Because there are, friendo. You can enable cel shading in the graphics options.
Hey leo
Since when? Was that an original feature I just didn't notice or is that a mod?
Nah, they're under "experimental" settings; they were working on it when the servers shut down
Best mastermind class combo?
Imagine those glowing eyes staring at you from the bed when you open the door during a freak power out
Dude, that's awesome. I love cel shading. That's one thing I preferred about Champions.
I don't honestly see the point in making the threads all the time until the servers actually gonna let people play. Like, let everyone sign up and play all at once that wants to. No point even trying to sign up or play just now with the state its in
what the fuck is going on
is it really back?
someone please explain
See, if you were posting this two days ago I'd agree. It's pretty good now though.
>No point even trying to sign up or play just now with the state its in
Its working pretty well now though
Yeah you should give it a shot. It really looks slick. The lighting changes look awesome too with it. Keep in mind some effects do look strange since it was never finished though.
It literally wasn't yesterday when I tried again, threads were full of people unable to sign up cause over capacity, constant disconnects, server being down etc
theres a near constant 2k-3k people on, and unless you are in atlas park 1, there is relatively no/little lag
>when game shut down an employee stole the code and gave it to some guy named Leo
>Leo kept it a secret and ran a server for him and his friends that was invite only and if anyone talked publicly about it he'd have his friends gang up and claim it was fake, and whoever squealed got them and everyone they invited/who they were invited by banned
>someone just leaks all this info
>people put pressure on Leo
>he gives the code to someone else to look over
>that guy just dumps it all online
>public servers are being made, and are in a playable state already
i would be eternally grateful if someone could make an archive of the game install and post it on mega or torrent or something, the download server is taking a shit
you HAVE to go through tequila if you wanna play
Reminder to use fake email/login, can't trust these guys with the game, so you shouldn't trust them with personal things.
I played for three hours today.
I hope modders add more control over character creation. Like I want more color options, and the ability to make individual limbs different sizes.
Does power origin affect anything?
oh, so this is still on a pretty high risk of being struck down
also, fuck that faggot, I loved this game more than anything and he kept it all for himself for this long
hope he gets his shit kicked in
message global handle Scrotebustin or the Heroes SSStylish or Agent Gamma for invite to Vidya, the supergroup
Also name my hero before i put in something dumb like D3WB0T
A traitor among the legion seeking oblivion of both heroes and villains tried to toss a fragment of hope and light into the dark, to attempt to save one shard of the world from nothingness. To this, he entrusted a single man to hold the world upon his shoulders to create a sanctuary against the tide of oblivion.
A man to become a godhead the world would be rebuilt around. However, the traitor made a poor choice, he chose a villain most foul who hid his true nature behind a mask of kindness and smiles.
This man froze all his rivals and foes in a limbo, neither dead or alive, only allowing those supers who would bow before him as servants in his lessened world to exist. For years this man ruled as god tyrant, the citizens unaware of the change and heroes and villains alike tricking themselves into agreeing that this hollowed existence was better than dying with dignity. A world with only a handful of supers compared to the masses before. they all knew if they stepped out of line, they and their loved ones would be deleted from existence.
then one day, a man who remembered the world before and saw how sick this tyranny was rose up and smashed the wall surrounding the rebuilt reality. perhaps it was an attempt at a mercy kill for the entire world, perhaps he tried to complete the legions attempt to end everything.
But I know why he did, he did it to let the heroes back in. He did it to save the world. This destroyer was a hero above all.
AND so, with a yell from both sides, heroes and villains awoken from the abyss rose back up from the shackles of nonexistence. Forces eldritch threatened the tyrant who still clutched his godhood, the destroyed utterly banished into nothingness with his comrades in arms.
Facing a horde of furious capes of all creeds, he struggled to retain godhood, but seeing his own end, bowed his head like a coward.
But reality was ill, damaged, weak. The power of the awoken supers would attract the ire of the legion once again.
It affects some of your earlier missions, at least, and I think certain Enhancements are origin-specific
It affects the enhancements you can get at various points in the story, but it's all just different paths to get the same stuff. It does affect which badguys you fight as a hero earlygame if you take a certain contact path (villains don't get origin specific contact paths at start), but by level 10 you'll be fighting any you missed so it's not a big deal.
The Slime against Crime
Does anyone have that anime warrior character screenshot?
Fuck yeah
So, Not matter their creed. Be they stalwart defenders of truth, justice and the american way or champions of sin, corruption and selfishness, hero, villain, fetish bait erp avatars, shitposts incarnates all stood side by side and with a final message to the masses flung a light into the future.
They unamde themselves with the relinquished power of god hood, sacrificing themselves to rebuild reality properly.
Now, a new generation takes their place, to live on the legacy of the fallen heroes or to fill the power gaps of the villainous ladder.
Aka, some asshole had the data leaked to him by an employee when the game was shut down. instead of releasing it TO EVERYONE he kept it to himself, ruled the server like a tyrant and forced people to pay to get in after being vetted. Also lead a bunch of bullshit "Attempts" to bring the game back to line the wallet.
Then a bro and legend leaked the servers existence after 6 years of remaining hidden. Yea Forums raged. Some mad Argentinian treated the admin asshole, admin pussied out and gave the source code and is working to get all the other data transfered
BUT all the old character data he had, EVERY character in the game when it went offline that could have been hopped back into the game without issue....had to be deleted as it would raise legal issues and get the new servers shut down before they were born.
If that's the case I'll give it another try then. Here's hoping it's actually fun and that putting together a completely random set of powers works
>people put pressure on Leo
That's putting it mildly, considering people found out where he lived, were taking pictures of themselves outside his house with guns, and were threatening to skin his dog if he didn't give up the source code.
Not that I can say much though, since it worked.
i already took the name jarhead two days ago, desu sandpies
good read worthy of its own comic , best of all it's all true
Maybe it's the low poly models, but some of the unnatural faces creep me out.
It determines your villain faction for your story missions.
You'll get magic based enemies from the Circle of Thorns if you have a magic origin. Just as an example.
So is this an actual game yet or is it just dressup in an unpopulated world?
There's a full private server for the actual game available, where have you been?
your origin gives you a very low level attack power that is pretty useful for the first 6 or so levels.
my personal favorite might be magic because it applies a defense debuff but technology is nice because it has a pretty high chance to disorient.
does anyone know what the others do?
bless your soul
I hope someone makes this an in game storyline and we can act it out with our new heroes
I didn't know it was the actual game.
user, where have you been, we got the source code itself
I'm baffled by people trying to farm already, game is dead and revived essentially for fun and nostalgia and they're rushing to endgame content that may or may not exists. why do they do it? why not just play for fun. instead of rushing towards basically nothing. The game died years ago why skip the experience of playing it.
those people are why mmos suck now
>Only do kill 5 longbows
No point in levelling up on a test server, just want to make characters
>keep seeing other people with similar characters
Guess I'll have to re roll and pick the most autistic parts possible this time.
So, how did your main hero/ villain greet their oblivion to save the world one last time/ for the first time.
Natural origin gives a throwing knife that does good damage and causes bleed. You can also just switch to whichever origin power you want at the pw2 vendor.
you can literally spend your time doing anything infinitely more productive. If there's no point to leveling by playing then there's likely no point in leveling period. play another game, fap, learn skill like wood whittling. not grinding for a dead game that might not be here tomorrow.
What are you able to do? Is the whole game playable?
I wanna see your take on the pun then
For a lot of MMO players, the game actually starts when you hit the level cap. These people ARE having fun, they just aren't the ones who enjoy the levelling process. Also, said people might have already been on the private version of SCORE.
>invincibility power
>doesn't make you invincible
that's what I'm confused about they're going to hit level cap and then what? sit around and chat? they can do that already. The server doesn't work nearly well enough to run any of the end game content. I haven't heard word one of pvp going. I say these things as a person who had several max level characters frequently farmed hardcore and frequently speed ran endgame content for fun. I'm legit trying to understand why they do it.
What's so good about city of heroes? It looks like wow but with custom characters, tell me what's so special about it.
for some reason i keep freezing when i go to select a character after login, but he had the same head except with green liquid inside.
a robot/time mm
Is the server down right now or what
You can actually Mentor to downlevel a bit and you can team up with lower players and get extra dosh for it.
They may be rushing to max to unlock kheldians or the spider crabsters.
At either rate rushing to max level is silly I agree.
The main appeal of City of Heroes is that it's different. Most MMOs of the time were set in a fantasy medieval world. City of Heroes was set in a modern world with superheroes. It was also rare in that every single class was viable. It didn't matter what you played, you'd never get rejected from groups for being dead weight like you would in say World of Warcraft for being a Druid that doesn't heal.
is half the discord larping as veterans? it really feels like it
theyve played paragon chat at most
Idk about the discord, but in-game almost everyone I've talked to has seemed very familiar with everything.
Im online right now
all that stuff is already unlocked on the server. there's literally nothing to rush for.
>Not giving a shit about any game other than Streamer Bait game of the month
user I'm shocked
From decent to garbage where does it stand?
When you declare a game as your favourite of all time, you should make an effort to talk about it when shit like this happens.
>I can make my warshade right fucking now.
WELL FUUUUUCK I was trying to hold off for a few days while they fix some BS.
He's a streamer, dude. Don't listen to his lies.
Best I can remember, you cannot normally change gender, body type, and height.
After I left the game, I heard there were Super Tailors added to the game that could modify those aspects of your character, but that was a premium (paid) feature, and I'm not sure if it's even in this test server or not.
Is this shit like fully functional? Like 1:1 before the game got shut down?
It was garbage yesterday but I played 2.5 hours today and it was fine (and supposedly over 2k people on during that time). I have no idea what socerery is at work here.
Other than the occasional crash the gameplay itself is functioning pretty well.
Bump to ask for user.
Sell me on this game.
What is your goal?
Servers are fucked, but even the little I played made me nostalgic as fuck, never thought I'd return to Atlas Park
>All Might
I'm surprised you can get his hair so accurate
Looks great. I tried making a monster arm, but could only find the robot arms options.
>sell me on this game
it's free
I mean what's so great about it and what is my endgame goal in this game?
Spend 5 hours making your ideal costume and then choose to stop bank robberys or to commit bank robberies while blowing up cars
it's fun and to have fun
Critikal has been a fenceriding faggot for a while now. He's going to swoop in once the servers are up and running and act like he's breaking the news to everyone and lap up those YouTube views. We won't hear anything concrete until the game is stable. If he made a video going "look guys, it's just like I remember" while the game crashes for leaving the starting area, it'll just make him look bad.
that's because that hairstyle was used in comic books long before boku no pico academia. shit taste in anime btw
That arm is from the Bio armor power set. it's a toggle. It seems you just get more mutant parts with each toggle for it.
fucking OP faggot
Get ready for the server to shit the bed Cr1tikal is streaming it and all of his fans are gonna want to get in
>Destroyer's last moments after leaking the server
How's this looking both in terms of design and mechanics?
A link to what?
By now everyone should already know how to get the game and access the server. Fuck off.
Can someone make like a pastebin of the story of what the fuck happened with the whole server and code shit? I would like to share the REAL story of what the fuck happened and not the bullshit the "games journalists" are making articles about. They don't even cover the bullshit that Leo did and make him seem like a sympathetic creature.
should i going rogue or do the regular one
Be thankful for the long download that'll hold them off.
>hit random once
>get this
I'm keeping it with some minor edits.
>Experimental Graphic Settings -> Cel Shader
i'd lose the wings but otherwise yeah that's a good one
based EDF soldier design
Do your own research, bitch.
yeah I'm just changing the wings, fire tail and some of the colours
>lying nigger obtained source code through questionable means
>conspires for years to keep it under wraps (understandable)
>gaslights and spreads dis-info to other revival attempts essentially sabotaging them(this is the nigger part)
>Terrorism occurs
>Argentinian shitter gives up source code
>now you too can play the game while it's sorted
ok boys hes done
his staff is a broom
remember their sacrifice and the destroyer
is this true? source?
First Major attempt, probably won't play her, but I thought I would try my hat at the character customization.
>Mysterio but somehow even gayer
The man lives in Brazil, what else would you expect.
Do you trust Leo yet? I sure as hell don't.
Fuck, let's try this one.
Servers won't be restarted for the next week unless they crash. Plans to move to non-test server next saturday.
It was always silly to PL in CoX. The fun of the game was just playing it, not sitting in a PI farm until 50 and then you only started playing? There was no "endgame" at the time you weren't racing up to anything (okay, maybe Hamidon)
It was slightly less silly after IOs were introduced and some people wanted to cap out first and then when they exemplar'd down to do TFs they skipped they'd be scaled down but with the best IO boosts available to that level range.
Oh, and the Incarnate System finally added in endgame. I suspect the game could've kept running for a solid time since Posi WAS adding endgame after Jack basically digging his heels down and refusing to ever implement any level cap content.
>someone saved my OC
Fuck yes. Have a pasta.
'Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Destroyer Stroyer the Unstoppable? I thought not. It's not a story the Normies would tell you. It's a Yea Forums legend. Destroyer Stroyer was a Beard Lord of the Neck, so powerful and so wise he could use Wizardry to influence the memes to create potential new communities... He had such a knowledge of Wizadry that he could even keep the franchises he cared about from dying. The Neck side of the Beard is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his community, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he blew the whistle on everything he knew, then his admin banned him in his sleep. It's ironic he could save others from destruction, but not himself.' - Sheev Pepetine
given the recent bruhaha over politics, how likely is this to get generic'd?
Is the game online?
Dude posted pictures of himself online and attached his real life name to the private server and the funds directed towards it. He was a fucking idiot and people were going to find out where he lived eventually as soon as the server's existence was leaked.
He's streaming CoH right now
god i loved the backstories you'd get in CoX.
It's a private server, you retard. Anything goes.
so is the game functional or is it doll house dress up until they have a stable server
>air raider
my nigga
Hi @everyone
This weekend has been insane for us server admins.
First, I want to start with a couple numbers:
1. Nearly 14,000 Registered Forum Users
2. Over 2800 Online players at once
We never anticipated the number of people who wanted to get in and play City of Heroes.
Along the way you have broken our first cluster -- then, even after we migrated to a new cluster, that broke too. Around 20 Server upgrades occurred during these last couple of days. It has all been worth it after seeing how excited everyone is to play the game.
Over this week we will let the server run uninterrupted, unless it crashes.
We are planning to switch to a non-test server on Saturday 4/27.
During the coming week we will see if we need to add additional shards to combat load.
Right now, we don’t believe we will, but we'll see.
Also, we are talking about characters, and whether or not to wipe them after the test.
We will involve the community and listen closely to find the best solution.
Thank you all for sticking around,
- Server Admins
What's that mean?
How do I pull up my info like that once I've already finished and started playing?
What if they have no tomorrow, user?
What if all they have ever known is this grind, and can only wrest comfort from the grip of uncertainty by repeating it until their final moments?
You would deny them this pleasure, however transient though it may be?
so are they opening current server to anybody?
are they releasing the code so others can host their own shit?
what now, when can I play
Is that a yugioh reference?
When the game was live, if you made a character that was determined to infringe on a copyright (like say, purposefully designing Wolverine), Paragon would reset your characters appearance and name to a generic look and name.
But since this is a private server, the likelyhood of that happening is next to nothing.
you can play right now. but everything will be wiped next weekend for the relaunch
You can play now. SCORE is open to all and the code is also available.
Oh, that's not as cool as what I was imagining.
I was picturing them making your design into a generic NPC because they liked it so much.
yes, I'm comfortable enough to say yes. they aren't living right.
Yeah, being Generic'd was a bad thing, not a good thing.
There Lord Cogitare is finished, look upon his majesty.
reminder to save your costumes in case they do wipe.
My second try: I wanted to try something like a soldier working for a government, cheap but effective.
>They violated the NAP, so I violated them.
Fuck me again
Anyone trying out the Sentinel AT? Is it as garbage as it sounds?
>there were people who post on CoH threads that got to play on the private server while all the others suffered and mourned
It brings me great joy that more people will get to enjoy the game. Your butthurt is a nice bonus.
9/10 bait
what the fuck is going on in that webum
post mahou shoujos
>create test server before starting a proper server
>give people some free shit to better test things, including boosting some people, but not everyone, to max level
>"ok guys live soon"
>"oh some of you want your characters to be saved? ok lets hold a poll, test db or fresh"
>massive influx of reddit from day 1
>e-celeb streamers already starting to latch on
Hopefully it won't be as bad as SsethTzeetach and Space Station 13 right? Right?
What happened with SS13?
The reason we are wiping the server is that we feel that between the rogue admin that took players to Khalista Warf and gave them a free boost to level 50, and the constant problems of server stability we were experiencing while getting this all set up has created an unfair advantage for some players. Because of this we feel that the only way we can survive as a community is with a fresh start, this is final. We know this may be upsetting for some but if we were to leave the characters as it is we feel this may alienate some players who did not receive such fortune as as others.
Pertaining to liver server info, the only thing we can give you at this time is that the live server will 100% be coming on the 27th. We do not have an exact time as of yet but we will be keeping you posted with updates as we proceed.
Going forward I will be attempting to lessen the strain of communication between the admin team and the community as a whole, this entire misunderstanding over the past 1-2 hours has been my fault and I ask that you forgive me for that. I had passed out after a 40+ hour session of getting the test server up and running while testing server actions for any critical bugs/ "undocumented features". This was unacceptable to me and I will strive to correct this by being more transparent with the other administrators in the future. So please don't blame the other administrators for any supposed 'favoritism' it was solely a lack of communication on my part and it will be rectified in the future.
If you have any questions going forward please feel free to DM me and I will answer them to the best of my ability, I hope you all understand and I can't wait to see you all live on the 27th.
How good are guns, generally speaking?
I never played a blaster, but I do remember that you could craft a Pistol as a temporary power and it did enough damage to get added to my Tank rotation.
>have to do the shitty missions again when the wipe happens
The guy mad a video, and his fans flooded the servers causing an already unstable game to become borderline unplayable. Made even worse as most of those people only wanted to troll.
>tfw all that work i did in the sewers for nothing
Is this CoH or CoX? I didn't really get interested til Villains hit but Mastermind was bomb
CoX the full shabang
Frickin' A time to relive some old memories
That's why I'm just creating characters.
To be fair, he did literally tell them not to play the game. It's not his fault youtube and reddit are full of alabaster retards and it isn't his job to wrangle them.
>test server is just for testing
How come i cant see another players I.D all i get is some small info it never shows me their backstory am i missing something or is that Description just fluff
>critical was part of the secret private server
that motherfucker
Can we please get this moved to /vg/ this reminds me of that stupid worlds.com ripoff some tards were doing a few weeks ago.
Just some retarded inbred inner circle shit that doesn’t belong here.
Just go to discord fags.
Fuck off /vg/ shill just hide the threads you trog
kill yourself
>that doesn't belong here
It's a fucking video game, you stupid nigger. Just because you dislike it doesn't mean it doesn't belong.
My first attempt with the character creator, man it's tough to get something exactly the way you want without it looking like a "My first OC"
Well here's my Crow/Brandon Lee. What archetype should I give him if I want to use violent hand-to-hand martial arts with a little bit of dark magic and the occasional firearm?
Tell me if this game is actually worth playing or if you're all just on a nostalgia trip
>242 replies
>104 posters
Fuck off to your containment board you circlejerking faggots.
That's just over 2 posts per person, you stupid nigger.
Are people suddenly not allowed to make more than one post per thread?
the actual gameplay in this game is absolutely fucking terrible
Wait, was there confirmation?
Yeah, he's basically sucking Leandro off and praising him.
Take it to the 5 smash threads up at this fucking second before you even @ me bitch. Smashfags are faggot redditors and they spam the board with their child's game at all hours of the day.
Nah, its like any other mmo but its being lagged down in Atlas City
Unless you know this and just plain dont like it
No, we should only talk about the Smash roster, and how "woke" MK11 is.
Yeah, ~10-20 minutes ago he mentioned that he was part of the secret server - and apparently one of the things he mentioned earlier in his stream was content that was only on the private server.
it doesn't play nearly as well as guild wars or WoW or even LOTRO
Can someone help? Where do you get travel powers? I joined a group for a bit, got from level 2-6 quick, and nothing came up when leveling and I can't find any info about them.
It's been like 10 years since I played this. I can't remember shit.
You talk to one of the hero guides
Ms liberty in atlas park
Blue Steel in kings row
Man, I've not been not liking his stuff for a while, this may be what makes me to unsubscribe.
Click abilities and you should have dash and run. The others you need to get.
No but you all are having a conversation that could be done literally anywhere else. It’s still some inner circle shit, go to Reddit or something if you want ongoing convos you monkeys.
That's how all threads work, just fuck off.
I'm thinking of going Merc/PD MM when the real server launches.
Any abilities in particular I should avoid from those two pools, and what epic pool I should get/avoid
Then the game's bugging because neither person will give them to me anything related to them
what abilities? You mean powers? Because there's nothing listed there and no options came up while leveling to pick a travel power.
There's an actual game now, and we are talking about it.
Not when you talk in secret club and fag out about some retards no one cares about. Again leave. This is a general gtfo. Only a matter of time.
You're telling people to leave when you're a newfag? Fuck right off.
The option is
>Train to a new level of power
>server code isn't public
>the one public server still depends entirely on this leandro cocksucker's cooperation
y'all a bunch of battered housewives.
am i slutty enough
Big reveal that surprises no one: the hero was actually a villain all along
Got 2 guys up to 15, bringing back some good memories. When could you get travel powers at 4 though
so will it still be i25 live? or 24? Does that mean stuff like bio armor and water blast are gone?
Name my gunknight for me Yea Forums.
Fuck off ESL
We got the game i dont care about him or Leo other then memes
Errantry Executioner
It doesn't matter, we have the source code, and that's all that matters.
Fuck how did I not think of that first.
can you make a mutant/monster female
Not caring about them is fine, but if anyone is still a fan of cr1tikal after this, let alone his long stream of shitty content for the past few years, they are retarded.
Sir Gunsalittle
Cold Dead Hands
The 2nd Avenger
I know. And this is all I get.
Did you already level up?
Because that only shows up when you finish leveling up
I really wish there were more options for civilian clothing. I want to have my characters slowly become a super hero, like I did with DCUO.
Yes. That's the problem. I already leveled up but was given no option for travel powers when I leveled.
I like that prestige classes are available right away. Still barely see any though
you practically typed it out
>I want the character creation locked behind several months of subscription like DCUO
Holy shit what the fuck
Tell me when City Of Villains comes back so I can one shot faggots with my martial arts beetle man stalker again.
its all in one game
you can play hero villain or gaytorian
Random heroes with some color edits are best heroes.
No, I mean start from having civilian clothes, to something basic, and get progressively more complex as I level up my character.
It's all back, dipshit
>He kept the community in the dark this whole time so he could grind AE missions in secret
Jesus. What the fuck happened to him?
Xavier’s cousin. The other renegade angel.
magnet link for the game files so you don't have to wait for the garbage install server
found it on fucking reddit of all places
what a rat
>e-celeb is secretly a bitch boy
who couldve seen it coming
Sir Smithenwessen
Full Metal Jacket
I am so happy that people are playing this now. always seen people wishing they could.
>Server Reset and Start-Up on Saturday
>Decide to stop playing so I don't get burnt out
>Still REALLY want to play
>Have to find something else to do in the meantime
What about you, Yea Forums? You gonna wait for it like me or play all the way up to the reset?
It was painfully obvious, if he wasn't on the server he would've gone fucking berserk when it finally leaked.
i thought they havent decided if they were going to wipe the characters or not
They announced they will be since there were people who got boosted to 50 yesterday by Leandro.
>leandro fucking shit up still
what a guy
Its every 2 levels you get a new power level up again flying and such are unlocked at 4
it's just fucking Mysterio, user
heres the direct quote as to why they are
e reason we are wiping the server is that we feel that between the rogue admin that took players to Khalista Warf and gave them a free boost to level 50, and the constant problems of server stability we were experiencing while getting this all set up has created an unfair advantage for some players. Because of this we feel that the only way we can survive as a community is with a fresh start, this is final. We know this may be upsetting for some but if we were to leave the characters as it is we feel this may alienate some players who did not receive such fortune as as others.
Pertaining to liver server info, the only thing we can give you at this time is that the live server will 100% be coming on the 27th. We do not have an exact time as of yet but we will be keeping you posted with updates as we proceed.
Going forward I will be attempting to lessen the strain of communication between the admin team and the community as a whole, this entire misunderstanding over the past 1-2 hours has been my fault and I ask that you forgive me for that. I had passed out after a 40+ hour session of getting the test server up and running while testing server actions for any critical bugs/ "undocumented features". This was unacceptable to me and I will strive to correct this by being more transparent with the other administrators in the future. So please don't blame the other administrators for any supposed 'favoritism' it was solely a lack of communication on my part and it will be rectified in the future.
are the people running SCORE or whatever working with leandro? why would they do that when its public how much of a manipulative shitbag he is
why aren't they just telling him to hand over literally everything or the guys with his address are heading over
Pretty much everyone was under the assumption that there'd be a wipe and that this is more or less a beta run so I honestly can't blame him for that.
he looks alright
Was it actually Leandro or are people just claiming it's him because everyone hates him
it was actually leandro, i know this because i was one of the dudes who got boosted up by him
>yesterday zombie attack in Khalsi waharf
>admin message "you might want to come to khaslisi wharf ;)"
>people boosted to 50 suddenly
Why didn"t I see it coming
thats really good
I'm only assuming that its him because it was him that was in chat telling people to go to Khallisti Wharf, which is where people were getting boosted.
You know, I thought he was a shade of black, not green.
Security Officer from Marathon
The mods are a bit power tripping, they're changing people's names if they deem it racist, bigoted, or otherwise referencing ideas they don't like.
How do you do the architect stuff to power level?
this was very pretty, user
im gonna make a couple of characters a day, and save their costumes
but as for actually playing, im just gonna wait for the reset, seeing as all the progress would be reset anyway
Why the fuck does Leo even have any power in this server
It's been proven he's a fucking scumbag
what the fuck
With Leandro being the massive autist he is, there was no guarantee that his access to the server would be safe. It took Leandro getting doxxed and threatened for everything to come out because no public yelling was going to do it.
its only for the temp server, as he was helping in the passing over of code and whatnot
Leandro just needs to be kicked off of the project. Let him have his own autistic server but leave us alone. Retard already is forcing a character wipe.
he cute
I'm digging the solidified piss gauntlets.
Leandro is a piece of shit but if you went into something being called a test server and didn't expect a wipe that's on you.
actually made me laugh/10
So how playable is this for a west coast Burgerlander? I heard the server is outta the states.
I don't wanna play if its a total laggy fuckfest (and I also don't want to make the experience worse for others if me being there would greatly effect things).
I am honestly surprised people liked that little bit of autism I wrote up as much as they did. Feels nice
I'm playing from Japan and it's fine.
my older brother is in washington, and its just as playable there as it is here on the east coast, the main server is in bongland, but overall its pretty good, just get out of the main atlas park and go to atlas park 3 and up, and youll rarely experience lag, unless theyre restarting
bros meet in boomtown
that's mustard stupid
Playing from Oregon with pretty much no problems
City of Heroes has shitty netcode, so in the long run it doesn't matter much
Alrighty, I'll give it a try.
I never got to play this back in the day. I did enjoy Champions Online (before it became a fucking chopped up freemium whatever the fuck monstrosity later), but I heard this was so much better.
it is, however you may wanna wait, they are going to be moving to a permanent server on the 27th, and with that, theyll be wiping all current characters and progress, so it may be in your best interest to just wait
>that bio
Pretty fucking great.
cher gobn
How's the ERP community on this shit? Can I make a nasty, bitch-raping goblin / monster character and not get blacklisted from actually playing the game in my spare time between fucking superheroines?
Nonexistent I imagine.
Is this acceptable, Yea Forums?
>city of heroes
none that ive ever heard of that being said get your dick in check holy shit not every mmo is for ERP
Can you go full minion-summoning in this?
It wasn't a super viable build, but in Champions Online I went full minions with one character. Ended up being able to summon 3 dogs, a spirit wolf, 5 zombies, a couple attack toys, a healing bot, 3 minigun turrets, an illusory horror and some other shit all at once.
It was pretty hilarious in PvP.
There was a sprawling ERP community on the live servers, but here? I doubt there's any at all.
>not every mmo is for ERP
If there were EVER an MMO for ERP, this would be it. I can be just about any form of ridiculous, bitch-slaying beast I want, and my prospective prey can doll themselves up to the nines in peacock wear for me to find them. There's even the hero / villain dynamic going on that I can exploit.
Seriously, compare this to another MMO that people definitely ERP a shitload on: FF14. That game is absolute garbage for it; terrible models even if they're higher res, everyone's shapeless, very limited body type adjustment, etc. THAT'S the MMO people shouldn't be doing this on, but look where this timeline ended up. Truly sad.
How are people still asking this question? These threads have been nonstop hyping Masterminds since they first started
There's a whole class dedicated to doing just that (Mastermind)
The mastermind class always has bare minimum 6 pets. 3 little guys, 2 better guys, 1 big boi. Then you get to pick a bunch of support skills to go along with it. If you're really wanting more pets go for Traps for a bot that hovers around and gives you a shield, a mortar trap, a shit ton of mines to place down and a tiny necron triangle that heals people.
Not only he's bringing 10.000 more people to the server, he admitted to being part of the secret server
I feel like this one is worse but also wanted to make the brain that stole somebody else's tits.
The joke is solid, user.
Honestly, no one's really be clear on what Mastermind does aside from "you get summons"
And while that is the main feature of Mastermind, it's got a few other things going for it too. They can attack themselves and have a variety of support functions, too, leading to various different playstyles.
is arachnos soldier any fun?
Damnit. Wish I had hopped into this when the threads first came around.
Do you guys think the server runners will be able to handle it?
Finally got my villain
Well that's it, servers are gonna be fried now.
I'm going to try to manage 5 masterminds at once.
>inlcudeding mutatants
>For years this man ruled as god tyrant, the citizens unaware of the change and heroes and villains alike tricking themselves into agreeing that this hollowed existence was better than dying with dignity. A world with only a handful of supers compared to the masses before. they all knew if they stepped out of line, they and their loved ones would be deleted from existence.
I fucking swear this is a video game plot, but I can't remember which game it is.
That's actually a really cool character idea.
Eh, people will try it out of novelty then quit after a day or two thinking its boring since the early levels are actually boring.
Oh whoopsie allow me to fix that mighty quick
You man multibox?
I remember a few people doing that. Shit was bonkers.
I remember this guy making a video about Paragon Chat. Talking all the shit like "Let me talk about my favorite game that I wish I could play again". Destroyer Stroyer is the only hero in man.
How do you get the cell-shading?
Also that's a kickass design, user!
I mean, all I'm doing is running multiple instances of the game. I'm sure someone can do better when I'm clicking every screen individually to attack.
Well now I fucking hate Critikal even more.
In settings try to find experimental then turn on cel shading
Its really cool gives the game a lot more personality
Thanks might change up the animal skull tatoo looks to much like a tie
>Cr1tikal admitted to being part of the secret server
Fucking nigger.
>old man Kraven
I like it my dude.
Take a look at this fucking lier
How far have I to go, lads?
>arachnos soldiers can have costumes completely separate from their forced archetype uniform
It's incredible how much he loved the game and how upset it was that it went down, yet was completely okay with it being kept secret from everybody else who might've felt the same.
Fucking selfish snake.
Files now leaked:
i24Client and Server - 8zvvd5 & b54s4g .pigg 61.5mb
i25Client and Server Binaries - stuff.zip 47.4mb
Source Code - We were there.rar 466mb
2000 Page Dev Guide - Cryptic Studios.pdf 63.1mb
Thank you Unknown Cryptic Dev for the PDF and i24 files.
If anyone wants the 2k page Cryptic Dev manual - mega.nz
behold my demons
The game client is around 4.5GB total, so you can figure it out from there.
But why would you even want to? You aren't disloyal to Lord Recluse, are you?
>i25Client and Server Binaries - stuff.zip 47.4mb
Throw it in the trash.
Doesn't matter now. The files are in the wind and everywhere. It's a losing game for NCSoft if they bother now.
He is forcing a character wipe because he handed out level 50 instant boosts to some people and people don't want that in the live server.
Anyone playing this on Linux?
Why are you guys fighting in the sewers when you can do the architect stuff.
People just assumed it’s not working I guess
Why is this fucking MMO back
>not wanting to go fight Vahzilok's zombies and enjoy the true CoH experience
Sewers was lit with like 30 people. But it's a lot easier to just do architect.
You call that slutty? Step it up
Argentina, no?
Good... Go on
Does this mean we can get our own servers running?
He meant the guy who threatened to skin Leo's dog. But yes Leo is in Argentina
They are running.
What I meant is, is it possible for me to run a server with relative ease? Not saying I will but I want to know if its easy for people to host a server. I know we have the test server running but it seems like it isn't exactly in a state of easy setup.
what does it look like from the back?
They are improving the code and it’s a lot more flexible to run the server than it was just a couple days ago, but I doubt you can run this on just any computer.
fuck this piece of shit
Pfff ya colorblind
The lighting made him look black!
And I literally just mashed random until I saw a costume I liked so I didn't pick the colors.
How many fucking .pigg files are there? I've been downloading for 6 hours now and I'm not even halfway done yet. I played this game when it came out. I was 7 years old at the time. it taught me how to type. It was the first online game I ever played. PLEASE LET ME FUCKING PLAY
what the fuck do you want us to do about YOUR shitty download rate retard?
I heard that player made missions were client side and would be stored in your hard drive. I have old working hard drives with my old missions on them, has anyone here tried bringing their shit back yet successfully?
The game's 4.5GB
My download speed is 7mbps. What the hell is going on here.
First character how did I do?
What's the most popular starting place? Paragon, Rogue Isles or Praetoria?
Can I change the battlecry after character creation?
How do I get the flamethrower ability? I'm kinda disappointed I can't start with it.
The download servers are probably getting molested by the influx of players
>Superhero MMO
>I can finally make a futa symbiote waifu
>Tfw doing a sewer run with a full squad
I can't tell what the fuck is going on 90% of the time but I'm having a blast. I've already made friends through this and I can't wait to see what the higher level areas are like. Also, fuck Leo.
Is there no.place like the sewers for villains?
Paragon City most likely. Heroes always had the population in their favor.
Praetoria was if you want a more single-player experience. the mission mechanics quite simply buttfucked the grouping expierence, there were a lot of solo instance morality choices.
>it's futa/yuri trash
Wow okay thanks for wasting my time with that.
>praetoria was the single-player experience
Probably a dumb question but can I jump between the two freely? I don't think I've ever experienced Praetoria back in the day.
What is this "voodoo girl tagged me" thing?
you end up having to join the heroes or villains at the end of the Praetoria content anyway.
I don't recall if the missions were available to do in Ouroboros, but they probably were.
thread die before bump limit?
not allow
>Yea Forums was right
The Caped OOZE-sader.
Has there been word on if chinks are banned from the upcoming server?
Those insects will disrupt the server with their selfishness.
This is Stinky Pete.
Say something nice about him.
The only ERP we do in City of Heroes is giving a righteous fisting to the foul smelling anus of Crime.
Until he transitions into Aunt Samantha and deletes her(im)self before level 40
Really having a hard time trying to decide between super strength and street justice. The stuns and knockdowns sound really good but, but do they hold up against late game enemies?
I tried to make Manly Tears.
i'm going to shit on your shiny glass head if you take a picture of your screen with your phone again
can't wait to play this character in six months
>not doing your villainous duty by shitposting
Did that user really do that?
rate my thot
Time for you cunts to piss off to /vg/
A good chunk of us already have. I think some anons are just stubborn and don't want to go to /vg/
ok, now go post this in the dmc threads
time for you to piss off to risk of rain/dmc/final fantasy threads
bang bang bang pull my devil trigger!!! xDDD
sorry if this keeps getting asked but is the game stable to play right now?
or should I just wait a bit longer for all the bugs and shit to get ironed out?
im excited to play this again but not in a hurry. I dont want to constantly run into problems.
Man that sucks, but it was so ridiculously obvious by the fact that he was dead silent about the news.
Exactly what Innoc told them not to do, we need more shitposters as mods
Server is officially live on the 27th. All characters made before that are getting wiped. Whether they will actually meet the deadline they set for themselves is another story entirely.
Hey, I also took this screenshot.
yeah bro what a shame your celeb isn't as based as you thought he was when he thanked you for your 100 bit donation
He did and he got told to fuck off
no one's going to /vg/ for discussing video games
>Has claimed he wants to stop corruption
>Is corrupted
ah ok. ill just wait then until everything settles down then.
thanks mate.
dark blast or energy blast for a corruptor?
i'm pretty sure energy hits harder but has slightly worse accuracy with a chance for knockback with most abilities.
dark is slightly less damage with all abilities reducing enemy accuracy
What powersets would be fitting for a vampire-themed tanker?
savage melee, dark melee, dark armor, regeneration and bio armor
The emo powers
Now that the servers are reasonably stable, are most of us going hero?
Hey, thanks user.
How do you take pics with the HUD on?
You could just use print screen, then paste it into paint.
Broad Sword, since you learned to use it hundreds of years ago, and regeneration. You don't need some stupid magic shit, you're a vampire. Your body is more than enough to let you fight.
you did fine
level up
I tried my best.
no really though, how'd it get free i'm amazed
We need an to get an ERP community/discord going.
Is this worth playing if you never really got into the game? I remember downloading and fucking around for awhile back in the day but my computer was too shit to ever run it properly
When I was a kid I just made dumb random shit but now I'm overwhelmed by the options, what's a good class/powerset combo so I can get the ball rolling.
There is definitely a set of ear muffs you could use. I know they would occupy the same slot as the goggles. Maybe look under hats? There's gotta be something.
dark miasma vs kinetics, which is more f u n
There's nothing fitting in hats and the ear muffs are indeed the same slot as goggles.
I spent some time looking for a solution but couldn't find anything so in the end I just did it without the headphones.
i did all i could
>had a billion things in my head I wanted to create in CoX if it ever came back
>now it's back
>I'm just staring at the character creator with terminal indecision
Why do I do this to myself?
How do you play this in 1920x1080
Setting to high resolutions tends to make the red X to close the settings window and save changes disappear. I think someone said if you grab the top of the settings window and shrink it down a very tiny X appears.
>male face 22
I've set it to 1920x1080, but it just fucks up the resolution that way. Alt+Enter just changes it back to 1600x900
Hey, you have like another week to dick around before the server wipe so go nuts.
Where the fuck is the tailor, I want some civ clothes
just talk to the person you level up with, I don't even remember redside even having costume shops
Any guide on how to get started? Do I download Paragon Chat first?
Is this shit supposed to take forever to download from Tequila?
I always wanted to try this game but it got shut down before I had the chance. can I get a quick rundown on what it's like?
Is there a Yea Forums supergroup?
Average MMO with a god tier character creator
Photos of a guy with a gun standing in front of Leo's house
Fucking asshole
they were in the third zone
>that video he made a couple years ago bemoaning the death of the game while he went on paragon chat
Was he just fucking lying when he made that or did he get invited after
CO have a better character creator.
Lf cute heroes that want to get hypnotized into ditzy cumsluts
So my only means of travel are flying, super speed, jumping, or teleporting? What if I wanted to make a biker kinda dude? There aren't any motorcycles or anything like that?
Honestly for a game everyone's praising for having some deep customization system there aren't many options.
There aren't even any motorcylce helmets let alone actual motorcycles.
rate my ranger
>CO has a better *pays to unlock costumes* character creator
what does this do better than other mmos, besides (i assume) character customization?
Like gameplay wise why play this over FFXIV, Tera, WoW, Vindictus, GW2, ESO, etc? (these are just examples i'm not saying they're necessarily the best mmo's for gameplay). Is the entire appeal dude superhero's lmao or is there more? I never played it before it got shut down.