It's Time™ Edition

Watch shit HERE: twitch.tv/vgbootcamp
Bracket HERE: smash.gg/tournament/pound-2019/events/melee-singles/overview

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Mango is back

I can’t believe the homeless man did it

50 fucking thousand viewers jesus christ - how much did cuckimate have?



Did Chu beat S2J?

HBox from losers.



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Hbox is the frank grimes of the smash community. He doesn't deserve this hate.

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Smoke2Joints beat chu



Ultimate's top 8 is after Melee

based mango ending the streak

Attached: mango vs hbox.png (943x836, 69K)

He brought this on himself for being a colossal piece of shit.


>melee fox is harder to edgeguard than ultimate

Nope, chu lost.

And now that Hbox is in loser's his clutch factor is going to activate tenfold

Today is the day!

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Top 8 Ultimate isn't on yet
also I had to solve 15 captchas to post this fuck hiro


Does a major win without the king and the boat in attendance even matter?

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reddit hates mango

fuck me if he wins his i will eat my own shit on stream

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>barely 50k people watching
it’s over meleebros

hbox wasnt a US citizen until recently


In case someone wonders why people hate HBox.

>melee grassroots tournament
>gimr sells it out for money and makes ultimate the prime slot
holy fuck how do people accept this? insane

>Yea Forums shits on mango for being degenerate and downplays his gameplay
>mango gives a good set
>real time posting of set praises mango
why do you guys hide the fact that mango is melee incarnate?


Was gonna kill myself if he didnt beat hcuck tbqh

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Based light skin castizo BTFOing spicbox

Hbox will still win. Cap it haters


it's not really the prime slot. ult is going to end up ending at 1-2 am

According to Leffen?

nobody cares about smellee

Based Plup vs Poo In The Loo

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Reddit legit hates every top player. There's a reason all the top players stay away from that shithole.

according to everyone

Examples please? I just hear people saying this without any examples, except for the time he didn't give away a victory for receiving coaching without permission

>S2J vs Hbox in losers
Post yfw based SoCal saves us from Hbox.

If Plup beats Zain I hope we get Fox/Sheik, I understand if Mango goes Falco vs Zain

melee is saved.

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The last game is the main event and usually considered prime slot, shut the fuck up.

Zain could actually win this Tourney...

You need to get your head checked.

based boomer

kek there's always an user asking for examples every thread when this comes up

an easter miracle.

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>Dicking Hbox out of the tournament on your birthday

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Lurk more faggot

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>And people will STILL insist that Puff is better than Fox

>perfect world is plup completely btfo'ing the reddit street shitter
Idk who I want to win more, the kid or our guy

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plup is the mordecai of smash

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What do they post here or something


when's smush

The absolute unit. He looks like one of those fat old men from NTR doujins that fucks all the hot bitches.

We're HERE

Guys, can S2J do it? Can Plup do it?
Can Mango do it... again?

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Tonight at 3 AM

I would lose my shit.


mango about to win another major on mothers day

what does that mean?

If plup sends zain to losers now zain might run into hbox. Hbox might not even make to losers finals

I too enjoyed the cringe women's triple threat main event better than the based mens title match mid event.

>Axe is out
S2J and Plup are the only worthwhile players in this tournament now

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Is AbsentPage banned from all toruneys?

His refusal to play friendlies unless its with his Ness so he can learn you while you gain nothing out of him. tries his best to prevent other puff players from playing with others, breaks other people's TVs when he wins, is constantly trying to inject himself into others victories for attention, and plays the victim when called out on his bullshit.

Truly /ourguy/

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And you didn't give any examples. Do people just hate HBox because they're bandwagoning with all the others? Nah... Can't be, people wouldn't be that childish, would they...?

I would literally shit my pants and throw the shit at the screen while jumping up and down and making ATTA noises.

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>melee is so fucking dead a guy named "cool lime" made it to top 8

Plup about to deport Zain's ass back to India.

just believe

Shut the fuck up retard. You're obviously new to melee or just baiting. Probably a mentally challenged tr4shfag.

is mango the muscle man of smash?

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Lurk more faggot

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Some examples, thank you. That thing about breaking TVs isn't really true though, lol. I know what clip you're referring too though. Poor Blur

>mfw a smash player calls recovery frames "lag"

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Doesn't Mango have like to most downvoted post there?


>we live in the timeline where mango didn't get his 3vo
Just end me lads.

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Nice to see a set between my 2 favorite players.

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grand finals here we come

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Reminder that Zain is arguably the lamest top 10 player. If you have an IQ above 50, you'll notice how fucking basic his neutral really is.
Hence why he is getting absolutely raped by Plup right now.
>Dude edgecancels lmao

>16 = 8
Please stop

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Melee will be back at EVO once everyone realizes how boring Ultimate is

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used to look at players controllers to see their DI so he can punish better or get rests

Actually Smash will be dropped period
Screencap this

I'm more upset that M2K didn't win an EVO before he retired from Melee.
I've been following Melee for damn near a decade now and M2K has been a staple all these years.
It just felt right that he'd take an EVO trophy at the last time Melee was featured.

Nice NPC comeback shitstain.

As to be expected of the freshest top player who has made it this far largely off the back of mechanics and tech skill.

Both styles can exist.

just face it, ultimate killed melee

When French Bread's investment in EVO fails, Melee will be back.

I could see it

god do i hate vish. i would rather have scar and toph over any commentary with vish

absolute retard and definitly a pedo

No shit. Ultimate has obscene numbers right now, but once that starts dying down there will be NO reason to keep it in the main line-up.

loser. vish is consistently great with anyone

Here is a classic example of his need for attention.

Attached: faggotbox attempts to attention whore.webm (640x360, 2.68M)

What are the chances Zain beats HBox in losers? I worry about Mang0 having to win another set.

From my limited time with FGC people, most of them literally can't tell the difference.

I dont like melee Im just here for the player drama


vish is based

Attached: 1555813058547.webm (854x480, 2.82M)

Very high, hbox is fucking terrified of zain's marth

This is so fucking tough after following Melee for 13 years. Everything is in such a miserable state of affairs, I don't know how much longer I can keep coming back to this. Nothing about this weekend has brought me any excitement. I see Mango winning over HBox and I just think it's some fluke. The way HBox is like smiling after he loses, there's no fucking competition left in these guys anymore. Everyone is just so miserable and they keep pushing ahead because it's all they have.



>i would rather have scar and toph

>Welcome BACK to yet ANOTHER top 8 of Super Smash Bros MELEE! We got some amazing sets ahead of us, don't we Toph?
>Huhuh *cough* we really do though...

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Now this is cope posting.

gets me every time

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>look mom I posted it again


>hey toph this reminds me of that anime i watched in 2003

Isn't he supposed to be coming back this month?

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i have not watched pound at all so far bros
what's the scene lookin like

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>the fucking pizza

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God, this is fucking pathetic

t. Chillin

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It's been a while since I saw some good ole fat men JAV/doujin I know what I"m doing once Pound is done.

Because other than unnecessarily complex imputs there is really no difference. Melee and Ult are as hype when hype style players are there, and just as lame when lame players are there

they're still based

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t. Autist

this thumbnail is such a melee Yea Forums classic now

Loving Melee is like an abusive relationship. You keep getting hurt over and over, but your dumbass keeps holding on to the small glimmer of hope that the spark is still in there somewhere.

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I'd pound her

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>personal pizza
>not a box of bagels
fake and gay

>hbox is fucking terrified of zain's marth
Could've fooled me with the history of their sets.

Attached: Zain vs Hbox.png (993x815, 77K)

Do you have the one where he assaults Zain after beating Leffen?

fucking BTFO

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Textbook histrionic personality

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Recovery always takes longer than you think it will

why is he so thicc bros

how much thiccer will he get?

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Fuck off wojak spamming zoomers

Next month I think

Jigglypuff didn't look that OP? Was Hbox just not turtling for some reason or what?

Is she a feeder?

I find melee so boring now. the players and fanbase seem to want to ban anything remotely slow and campy. they want all play to be as offensive as possible. they've decided that fox sheik falco and marth are the only real characters at this point and everything that harms their version of the game needs to be banned. fuck it, I hate seeing fox dittos all the time. I want to see more puff peach and ICs

Damn Chillin.

stay mad chillin

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Mango beat Hbox in winners
Axe is out
S2J is in

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I wish. Sorry to let you down, user.

>hey member when back in the day that thing happened
>lets reference anime
That's all the text this image needs

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*random anime reference*

>tfw no goth gf


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Attached: 1525262613517.webm (1280x720, 2.53M)

mang0 beat HBox and Plup beat Zain, both winners semis.

woah he's married to Avril Lavigne?


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dude this is the hypest Melee I've seen in a while
though it helps that Ultimate top 8 is so bad in comparison

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>The way HBox is like smiling after he loses, there's no fucking competition left in these guys anymore.

Both Hbox and Mango had physical seizures after every hit whatare you talking about?

fuck i can't believe i missed it

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Met her at hair. She's not even "thicc", just straight up fat.

I wouldn't


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Where is Wizzrobe?

Accurate, I cant look away though

>SFAT vs Zain again
good. Love to see SFAT get rekt.

ultimate wishes it had this level of dedication

it's over

>smoke 2 joints was born one day after 4/20
a cruel joke from the universe

based, literally creating the next era of melee. People have no idea how much slippi is going to shape melee

>In their last 5 sets, Zain has beaten Hbox twice and every other has been game 5
uh user?

This looks a lot easier for Hbox


the game is older than most of the people posting here


where is wizzy


Wait, so he's got a Big titty goth GF ?

The euro tournament? What are your thoughts on EU switching to NTSC?

isn't that the logo for racist twitter?

>Puff Falcon when it's not Wizzy

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well now she's his fiance


lmao smash.gg already updated the bracket, hbox moving on

quit melee for shartimate

post the summit one where he sits down and breaks the video feed

no that's the logo for racist dolphin emulator



I guess the salty suite winner was actually Leffen all along.

I'm euro so I have been to a few heirs.

It's a good thing, PAL is objectively the better version but it's about adapting to a standard and NTSC is by no means broken. I think nothing bad can come from it for the scene.


>Wait, so he's got a Big titty goth GF ?
>Goes to the gym to get /fit/
Truly, /ourguy/

Maybe you’re the problem dude

>puff SD

Hbox washed?

Attached: 1552194019520.webm (860x468, 1.05M)

>sings really awful songs
>isnt funny
>awful impersonations
>isnt funny
hes not entertaining


real preservation of historical media hours

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more like quit to pound his tight azn gf

Is S2J the best Cap or Wizzy?

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>remember that time I got 5th at Genesis?

S2J duh


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Why is vish losing his mind over a puff sequence we've seen millions of times

Wizzy is better but S2J is pretty close

>at least avoided the 0-3

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Why is this stage legal btw when the tree can blow you off to the side.

>when you lose a game

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he's very knowledgable from years of watching melee and vibes well with everyone

also i do think he's funny and i like his songs

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Wizzy by autistically abusing falcon tech chases and playing safe, Johnny and None are ten times more entertaining though.

S2J has been missing a lot of ledgedashes and wavedashes so far

wizzy is technically better but S2J is infinitely more based and way more sick

That's almost never relevant and the wind can't push you while you're in the air anyway.

melee kino

Attached: ice and west.webm (1280x720, 2.3M)

if s2j wins on ps where does hbox go?

this shit is golden


thanks bros
never gets old

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probably fountain

I miss his Samus

>2 minutes for 1 stick

bluepilled as fuck. Vish is absolutely based and has a lot of game knowledge.

the same reason people like m2k marth FD, consistency is a big deal


puff is aids

big blue

is being good at vidya really all you need to get a gf

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hold down to become intangible

Would't he go to Fountain instead of FD?

maybe if youre 15 or reddit


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Vish is at least better and more entertaining than ANY Ulticrap commentator.


yes i am dum dum

I get this, but where are TOs going to get setups from, now that player can't bring their own setups to tournaments anymore?

if you're good enough to get status in a community

I literally had a relationship with a thot I met at a smash tournament and she told me she noticed me over the others because everyone kept saying how good I am and that I won. Was a local tournament with like 50 people but still, true story.

FD gives Falcon loads of room to run around Puff yanno. Hes gonna go FoD for sure.


>super slow match ends like that

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Hbox is the greatest cucker in all of Melee. Think about it.
Every tournament he goes to, you have at least 95% of the audience and viewers cheering against Hbox. They hate seeing him body their favourite players that they idolize. It's like they treat their favourite player like their wife. They adore them and want them to do well. Want to protect them, keep them from Hbox's dirty, dirty paws.
Yet he keeps doing it over and over. Just going in, whipping out his cock and taking your wife as his own little cockslut. Laughing at everyone's pathetic raging tears as he fucks their collective wife right in front of their eyes.
And it's not even like he's raping her. It's worse than that. She is enjoying it. She is given something that you can never ever give her and there is no going back to you after he's done. This is peak pleasure. Nothing will ever compare to this.
Your cock is shrinking as she moans. His grin is growing bigger and his cock harder. He's penetrating her sweet tight pussy with his massive girth and you can do nothing but watch and cry in anger.
This is why Hbox objectively is the most alpha male in all of Melee. He's cucking the fucking shit out of 95% of the Melee community every single time he wins a tournament.

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Decided to nap for a while which went on too long. Wake up to HBox in losers.


name a more iconic duo than s2j and breaking my fucking heart

Ban Puff

>Puff can just f-air/b-air almost anyone into oblivion
Fuck Puff.

Why does Yea Forums try to deny HBox is a great player?

Okay I'm going insane, can Falcon grab crouching puff with running grab? He only tried the standing grab there

What? The same way all the EU tournaments had UCF. Just a memory card with slippy on it or a NTSC UCF memorycard. Or even Slippi. The different signal is no problem at all.

Has Ultimate been off stream this entire time or did I miss it? Has Leffen quit yet?


>Community ousts DSW for being a religious/ homophobic nut job
>Hbox is still a top player despite being a narcissistic cheating womanizer
Makes you think huh?

Attached: file.png (400x400, 329K)

you can do it with just a memory card dude

So as far as Falcons go, Wizzy is the only one with the proper mentality and game plan to actually beat hbox even when he's at his worst with camping. I haven't seen any other recent Falcons do better than Wizzrobe.

I met my gf at a smash local. She's really cute and I only have to wait 4 more years for her to be legal!

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Nobody denies that Hbox is great player - people just don't like him or his campy playstyle.

You know that all set ups are hacked wiis right?
Failing that you can mod memory cards too.

ultimate after melee ends

>"great player"
>plays a braindead broken character
>can't play anything else for shit
>doesn't play friendlies with anyone so that nobody can practice against him outside of tournament

t. hbox

he's a schizo

Attached: dubs.png (576x216, 27K)

ultimate is after melee, leffen quit but he's "totally just joking"

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Ultimate top 8 is after Melee

Zain vs Sfat. Is this gonna be the 11th Zain win in a row? Reminder that Sfat only avoided losing 0-10 sets to Zain because he lost to Spud at Dont park

hes great at cheesing and boring gameplay

I love watching shiz.

post wizzy's gf

You are a complete idiot. All the top players will tell you he's easily one of the best players around, and there's a reason he's the only Jigglypuff at the top.

Spud > Zain.


aight good shit zain

>Zain vs SFAT
Might as well just give it to Zain.

Who has a better chance of beating Hbox?

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Look I think Hbox is lame as fuck too, but he IS good with other characters. Hes traded games with mang0 in falco dittos the past year.

she isn't that tight

What was Zain's record against SFat again?

high social status for a male is the same as 10/10 looks for a girl

>it's a zain sfat match
can our street shitter just dumpster him and get on with it

Attached: zain yawn.png (1140x648, 1.01M)

Zain is by far the most hype person to watch in Melee these days

Attached: somebody clip that.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)


/ourguy/ zain


Literally just because he's a black man that doesn't suck satanic cock. Fuck white liberals, and god bless Malcolm X.


What a qt.

Attached: Wizzy gf.jpg (726x960, 113K)


Retard. You probably play ultimate so you don’t know, but Puff is the second most skill based character in the entire game behind fox. That’s why there’s so few Puff mains, since she takes so much work to do. Every back air is painstakingly calculated to pressure opponents. It’s not spamming at all.

Does anyone have the end of NGE with M2K winning summit? There was some line in it like
>I see! A world where I win majors is possible! I want to win! I want to live in that world!

no one could be after wizzy

__ __ ____
________ ____ ____

>it's not pasta

Attached: 1549930344587.png (337x394, 173K)

Soooo Hbox has won the majority of their last 5 sets ON TOP of Hbox's already winning record against Zain.
What exactly are YOU trying to say user?

From what I've seen Spud might be the most hype Marth as he just does constant custom combos.

Attached: 1546875337993.jpg (1280x720, 30K)

Not good for SFAT, to say the least.

Attached: Zain vs SFAT.png (1160x825, 79K)


I fucking hate Wizzrobe for this. Fuck

How did wizzy get a gf with these social skills.

He's actually autistic.

How do I practice Pikachu's JC grab and shorthopping in general?

The real Gods of Melee are good at the game period. Hbox is good at camping, retreating backair, and rest. He gets obliterated attempting to use any other character into other's main alts. M2k's unpracticed puff took hbox puff to game 5. The style ruins melee. Hbox is good at abusing puff but everyone knows he's killing the game. Most high end players don't have the patience to be a faggot and gimmick out the other player. We know m2k is android enough to be in the same league as hbox's but he refuses to because he's not that much of a enormous faggot.

>Autistic fuck gets a qt 3.14 asian gf
It's just not fair.

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hbox doesn't camp though. anyone calling his playstyle are so triggered by every low-tier puff that they make assumptions about how hbox plays.

God damn. I bet Wizzy has stretched out her puss with his massive rod.

The Wizzrod

No pasta started as pasta


did m2k enter melee?

yeah but he is a god at reaction tech chasing.

you know it, I know it, everybody knows it

Attached: sweetspot.png (997x1170, 1.89M)

Some girls are just as awkward as guys.
Wizzy is just another lovable autist, almost at M2K level.

Basically. Similar story to except the girl wasn't single (go figure) and wanted an open relationship so I noped from that real quick.

Wizzy also has an insanely huge cock, not memeing. Look at m2k, he's even better but still single because of his botched circumcision dick.

You just KNOW she is a cock succubus. Wizzy doesn't show up because he's got no vital energy anymore

UnclePunch training ISO

>The real Gods of Melee are good at the game period
Haha, you are one pathetic little idiot.



To practice the 3 frame short hop from Pikachu, Samus, Sheik, Fox etc you light up your hotplate to maximum and if you can put your finger on it and off fast enough that it doesn't huirt and you don't burn yourself, you will be fine.

singles no
won doubles

posts that didn't age well

His arm.

Zain is pretty hype. The set with Hbox poisoned his image for me for a while.

>wizzrobe is 21
>she is 18
>they've been dating 3 years
>yfw 18yo wizzy was banging a 15yo

Attached: Lift2King.png (365x365, 225K)

somebody post wizzy popping a chub vs hbox


Attached: This kills Virginiafags.png (1157x849, 1.12M)

Literally because polygamy and womanizing is empowering to teh wamyns in the peabrain minds of far left liberal retards (large majority of the smash community)

Well shit

Attached: D0CoT3mWsAAR2Zk.jpg (960x1280, 179K)

He didn't enter singles, but he managed to win doubles despite only playing an hour of Melee beforehand.

Attached: M2k Pound.png (931x440, 64K)

what the hell is all this stuff about wizzy's dick?
also zain is murdering sfat, jesus

How did M2K even achieve this?

Attached: 1539047717281.png (223x195, 41K)

That's an obvious shoop retard

>Zain 3-0's SFAT again
Wow, never could've seen that coming.

>zain just styling on SFAT

Attached: 1550527637573.png (285x267, 148K)

Is this real, damn.

as a m2k fan, fuck him for ditching melee in favour of tr4.5h

Come the fuck on Zain just beat him

he has a big dick

M2K is a genetic freak in every regard

is mango/plup next or hbox/zain?

>He doesn't know that M2k is ripped
Behold: youtube.com/watch?v=n2Z_kdbSQJI

>he lacks the required information

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wizzrobe has a huge dick, look at the summit handstand and his one set with hbox

Why doesn't M2K enter anymore?

that's it man I can't fuckin take it I need an azn gf

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>this guys walks up to your gf and slaps her on the ass

Vish is funny as fuck. Fuck Hbox.

jesus christ poor sfat

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i saw her in person and she's honestly not even cute, it was back in the big house 6 in 2016 but she was pretty unattractive

Losers first.

>obviously i want hbox to win, i love team liquid™

Attached: chillin getting taunted compilation.png (752x1258, 1.37M)

Well, he is the god of doubles. M2K will never quit Melee doubles.

I've talked with him, and even HE admits that his neutral and approach to fast fallers is super gay. So no. Not even close.

recent set where he took hbox to the brink he had a massive hardon

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Has Chillin lost weight?

because he doesnt care anymore

Imagine what her squeals sound like when wizzy's mammoth cock enters her


>mango staying fox
we 2013 again here boizzzzz

when's mew2king's book coming out?

Is Chillin actually buff or just pure fat?

Imagine having a girlfriend that posts picture like these on her profile. For what fucking reason? Women are so stupid these days.

Yeah, I deserve this.

M2k said he would return if wobbling gets banned.

where's the NEO! tag

>the mango nation is hungry... and so am i
what did chillin mean by this?

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mango's reaction, holy shit I'm dying

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>those shoulders
>not even that cute when you take away her myriad if fucking filters
Yeah no. I mean better than what I'm getting (nothing) but no, sounds about standard for a sperglord that got lucky by being good in a party game.

Who ended up winning that?

crouch cancel.

Holy shit he's packing heat

Is Mango literally back?

Have sex.

Wobble him.

Attached: 3AdduIX.gif (140x178, 1.03M)

I'm pretty sure Wizzy won that whole tournament

Dude mang0 plays like he just time travelled from 2013 peak in here. Crazy.

>Wizzy so passionate about Melee he gets diamond hard at events

I know right.
Look at that nose being 2.5mm off center, and those fingers yuck, long nails? Uhmmmm no sweety.
And did you see those arms? Yeah, they look like .05% more mass for my taste.
Solid 2/10

Get UnclePunch Training Mode 1.1. You need an NTSC Melee ISO and Dolphin. Google it. Takes like a minute to set up.
Once you have it set up, boot it up and press L on the menu(it will be the Event Mode menu). You'll find the On Screen Display settings.
First of all, you want to press X/Y to enable 4 OSDs, then find the OoWait and OoJumpSquat OSDs on the right side. These will display frame data for how fast you're acting out of the wait state(useful for learning when you can act after performing a move) and acting out of the jump squat animation(used for learning how to JC grab/usmash).

Then, just pick your characters, go to FD and start CG'ing. The AI is programmed to act out of hitstun on the soonest possible frame, so you will miss your regrabs if you're not fast enough. You can pause the game and use the d-pad to adjust the settings. I recommend setting DI to random to learn how to react to DI. You might want to turn the SDI chance to 0, because most players aren't going to be able to SDI your throws.

You can hold L and use the d-pad up/down to adjust % too. It's good for figuring out how certain attacks will combo into each other based on % and DI. Seriously use this tool. You're living in an age where you have all this amazing tech that lets you learn shit relatively easily.

This is some 2013-4 Mango shit

i love m2k but what a faggot

Mango is so fucking good

mang0 is the fucking man, bros

Fuck this is great.

Is the Mango Nation finally back lads?

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been saying mang0 needs to bring back fox for ages, his falco is nice but it doesn't have the movement

I'm glad Mang0 is winning and all, but he turned his back on the bird yet again.

Reminder that M2K said he dropped Melee because everyone hates him and only care about Mang0 and that seeding is biased towards Mango

Cope harder for your yellow fever faggot

He's said before that on any given day the fox is either working or it's not so he keeps both of them around


How good was Armada to go even with mango when he played like that, with fucking PEACH?

mango don't kill me please

G-guys... Are we back?

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why do people think Sheik is boring?

Why so mad? I was agreeing with you o.O

oh shit


>low amount of replies when mango is on

Because falco isn't that good.
Fox is.
I hate it too

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not quite

Armada is a melee freak



oh no his norwalk -100 IQ brainlet part is gonna lose him the set

you were saying


Yeah. It just doesn't feel like an honest mang0 win. OG Mang0 was all about falco.

Didn't some guy on here analyze the Wizzrod clip to try to figure out his size?
That was a funny ass thread

Not him, but thx

Lots of people don't actually realize how fucking good Armada was but he was more dominant than hbox is now with a character way worse and for way longer back when the diminishing returns on practicing new stuff weren't as small as they are now

Mango playing well makes me so happy

Yeah, I'm thinking he's back.

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Ok maybe I'm wrong for this post. We're gonna be OK lads.

please link it



>we've lived long enough to see Neo Mang0

What a time to be alive


Not to mention that he lived in fucking europe man. Insane.

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Melee actually IS sick....

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NEO is back

link it

anyone who doesn't think Mang0 is the GOAT go fucking kill yourselves right now

people don't appreciate just how fucking good Armada was



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guys my fucking dick

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>proceeds to lose 6-1 vs Hbox in Grand Finals
when will they learn

Time to drop Ultimate, Plup.

plup on absolute full tilt but this is still sick

>Plup CPs FoD
>High ceiling makes usmash/uair kills harder
>That start

What the fuck, lads..?

most shieks play lame as hell. literally ftilt>fair the character.


Gotta love mango



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What sucks is that even if Mango takes first place without dropping a set, it will still be without facing armada

Holy FUCK. What happened to drunk dead beat blow out mang0?

destruction, you can tell plup wasn't in it after the first stock of game 4 and the crowd

It's about FUCKING time Melee got interesting again

Because of his faulty pad :^)

holy shit is he back bros????????????????????????????????

>there are people who think mango isn't /our guy/
This is peak melee you're watching you fucking scrubs.

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wtf i love mango now?

nobody cares man. people just love watching mango play at his best. he hasn't played like this in so long.

i'm thinking...

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How can anyone watch that and still prefer Ultimate? Tell me you fuckers.


Get out you pleb.

if we get falco marth GFs melee will be officially back

Can we take the time to analyze those final seconds?
Mango deadass did the uthrow-uair, but used the edgecancel as an option select and got the usmash kill.
The best part is that we will never know if this was intentional, or just dumb luck.

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>Mang0 had to wait until Armada, Leffen, and Mew2king to leave in order to make a comeback.

And Plup is still fucking good enough to clean up the stocks though

Mango lucky he didn't have to face Zain

This is it boys

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I doubt I could find it easily.
Just search Wizzrobe on 4plebs

He started making like 300k a year just by playing mario kart on twitch. Money like that does a lot for your mentality.

how did chillin let himself get to this? hems got Hawaiian shirts on now

This will be the best Melee tournament of the year if the cut the stream now, and don't let HBox ruin everything.

How will Ultimate follow this lmao


Attached: chillin82much.png (449x572, 493K)

based as fuck

lmao i love how vish and djnintendo are ganging up on chillin with every thing he says

switching spacies so smooth like that is actually fucking unreal wtffffffff

We still havent seen his fox vs Zain, I think the outcome would have been the same.

migrate at bump limit

hes back

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It was predestined

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Please god don't let him have any beers before GF

def dumb luck, it's mango come on
he just plays and lets it flow

This arab is marrying a hot af blonde germanic qt and you're just fucking stupid.

Based on how he put streaming Ultimate on hold in favor of practicing Melee, I have a feeling that Mang0 was starting to get fed up with not winning a tournament in over a year.

I play Ultimate and I have to say this tournament is way better than snoozefest of Ulti we're getting later.

I simply can't play Melee though, it's the only fighting game where I can't even actually execute basic movement like wavedashing and all the fast cancels, so I play Ultimate instead.

Yeah but you'd think it would have the opposite effect. Like he would just job comfortably for the rest of his life as a full time content creator. But that match was NOT what I'd expect from a man who drinks himself to oblivion on the daily. Damn.



kek what, that fat slob? She's 5/10 at best.

Please don't make new threads while the current one isn't even at bump-limit.

>forgetting the basically
one job

It was his twitch success that was his downfall. He had no reason to take melee seriously when it was doing nothing for him professionally. He was determined to recommit himself to doing well at the game in 2019, and right now it seems like he actually took that commitment seriously.

false flag
