One digital deluxe copy of Borderlands 3, please

>One digital deluxe copy of Borderlands 3, please
But sir it's Epic Store exclusive!
>That's fine with me

Attached: giga chad.jpg (963x1147, 146K)

the arrow is supposed to mean you're quoting someone

and then gigachad died of cancer
such is the consequences of the epic store

>one copy of Barbie Riding Club please

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Working on Epic Project. (cause easy money from home).
I've seen so many refunds on games its not even funny.

>shit meme
>OP doesnt into meme arrows
>shit thread
all fields


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>Seething this much



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>Your game is only available on the epic games store? Hah. No thanks.

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who is he talking too? its an online store, there is no cashier

OP Pic related is being quoted.

just a reminder for you guys that you will probably never be able to get a woman like this, accept it and lower your standards.

>just a reminder for you guys that you will probably never be able to get a woman like this
and thats a good thing

I've literally fucked girls like that and I'm a goblin. You just need money or at least the appearance of money.

>tfw dozens and dozens of whores with that body in the nearest brothel complex

Oh, and one copy of Dark Souls 2, thank you.

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all i need is some money and bitches like that will come to me no matter how disgusting i look


he always appear almost naked, does he even have money to buy all those games?

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How do I get that much money

>splatoon? yea i adore that game and think it's the best new IP we've had in decades. why do you ask?

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imagine the smell

>why yes, of course i play Super Mario Strikers EVERYDAY. how did u know????

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why do americans like fake asses so much?

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because it is the ideal human form

my mommy already looks like this! jealous?

He's quoting pic related

I don't even know which version is shopped

Nothing is more aesthetically pleasing than his naked body, wearing clothes would be pointless.

>For me, Granblue Fantasy. The best gacha game

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>can't stick my dick in some thot with a fat ass
No great loss, really.

>1 preorder for a shitty game please

holy shit unironically made me bite my lip

are you gay?



>y-yes i pre-ord
>pre-order, h-how did you know?

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