Fuck, Yea Forums, you're so boring lately

Fuck, Yea Forums, you're so boring lately.
Can't we do something fun together or talk about something interesting?

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Alright, but you've got to have something in mind, or fuck off.

What I love about this part of the manga is the implications that Light just chills and plays games with a shinigami

like gardening?

Some guy is making a hellmoo revival

Today I went and visited the Royal Greenhouses of Laeken in Brussels, Belgium.
Not the main reason I'm in Waffle land, but I'm definitely glad I went there, it's quite beautiful.

Is there any game that features a greenhouse ambiance?

Damn i would need to get realy wasted to dive into this.
Fucking capcha kicked in :(

no we must post twitch viewer numbers and talk about gay people
also pasta faggots are a mistake same goes with the ironic fags.

Get the fuck outta here this isnt discord

Let's talk about how I lost my Death Note that I got X years ago and how it makes no sense. It was LITERALLY in a drawer next to my desk and it's not there anymore. Just vanished.

How did it look like?

we could play a game

nvm found it because that post made my mad about not finding it in the past so I searched more intensively

You're welcome, type Jarosław Kaczyński in it.

kill justin bieber with it or fake

>in a book
zoomers must be purged

The rules state that when you use a sickness, the sickness takes as long as it usually would.

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Nah i'm just not native english speaker, here you go "write". Thanks for pointing my idiocy.

He will probably catch it via his girlfriend's bull

If you write "die of disease" with a specific disease's name and the person's time of death, there must be a sufficient amount of time for the disease to progress. If the set time is too tight, the victim will die of a heart attack after 6 minutes and 40 seconds after completing the Death Note.
If you write, die of disease for the cause of death, but only write a specific time of death without the actual name of disease, the human will die from an adequate disease. But the Death Note can only operate within 23 days (in the human calendar). This is called the 23 day rule.

Whoops then I guess we will hear the news sooner

What? There's dozens of political threads on the catalogue, aka the best threads.

True, Yea Forums is best during political shitpostan

What if he has AIDS already?

omg guys check google news it fucking happened

what happened?