Is Final Fantasy Adventure worth playing?

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Not really

final fantasy adventure is great

however i recommend you play the remakes called Saga, they're on the DS and already translated

You're thinking of Legend. Adventure is Seiken Densetsu.

Why not?

Yeah, it's pretty fun if a bit simplistic, there's a gba remake too

Better than LA.

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How's the remake? Does it make any significant changes?

The Vita/Mobile version released in 2016 is the definitive version, fight me.

They're all pretty bad though.

It's very badly translated but it's a solid satisfying classic zelda-like with a pretty tragic story
The later Seiken Densetsu games had really shitty combat mechanics because they turned it into a sloppy co-op game
Also the remake for GBA or whatever is fucking atrocious but I believe there was a phone-only remake that was pretty faithful to the original

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It was meh when it came out. Chrysalis is better.

Oh yeah and the music is fucking superb

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>Does it make any significant changes?
It's been a long time but iirc it's pretty different, you can choose between two characters at the start and the game has way more dialogue, I remember finding it annoying desu. I'd play the original but it was one of the first game i ever played so nostalgia is big

Adventure is Seiken Densetsu
Legends was the rebranded SaGa trilogy.
>How's the remake? Does it make any significant changes?
Completely different outside of a few common elements and the major plotline of the original, it's not a good remake, nor is it a particularly good game as it's a half assed attempt at turning the first entry into a cheap Legend of Mana expy.

The Vita/iOS remaster is a very competent remaster though, as it's basically just a new layer of paint with a better translation and rearranged music.

I guess if you are beyond feeling suicidal that you are playing an extremely dated Gameboy JRPG for "street cred" on a 4channel board

begone zoomer

No. Like all ff games

What makes the remake inferior?
I just thought it looked like it could be a fun game.

>What makes the remake inferior?
Stupid character redesigns, shitty Secret of Mana style gameplay, various other arbitrary changes that exemplify the worst of Square faggotry and obliterate the charm of the original.


>What makes the remake inferior?
Ohh boi
>Music is worse, not because Ito got worse but because the GBA chip is fucking ass
>The story is almost completely different, all of the good parts of the originals are replaced because somebody thought they were too dramatic
>All the villains including the main one have now a dindu nuffing tragic backstory
>Somehow the MCs have less personality than the original versions
>The heroine also got turned into a generic action girl who's also playable, which makes the entire point of the original story null since you're not the archetypical knight who wants to save his beloved princess anymore
>On that matter, this also makes some of the remaining part of the original story absolutely nonsensical because there's still parts where you have to rescue her despite her not being a helpless girl anymore, some of which are also offensively dumb, see the count's mansion
>No chocobo
>No Moogles
>Zelda like game system got repurposed into a generic SD3 ripoff, with various Legend of Mana elements and even characters (which make no sense), none of which are integrated well in the system because the game is still piss easy and are there purely for massive grind value.
>certain sections of the original game got removed and they added nothing to make up for that
>The party system is tacked on and meaningless
I mean, it looks really good for a GBA game, but that's a horrible remake all in all that has nothing to do with the original game, if not downright spit on it.

Crystalis motherfucker
And it was a great game but had some severe autism at points, I can't believe how many times I got stuck on it as a kid simply because I didn't know where I was supposed to go next

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