What is your favorite character designe?

What is your favorite character designe?

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Corvo's design is pretty cool. Chico from the MGS V concept art is up there for me. Also, I might be in the minority with this but I'm a big fan of Barry Burton's look in RE:REV2.

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Agreed. It’s a shame they killed off Chico immediately, his character had a ton of potential

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xcom nailed it with their cyberpunk-y designes

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edgy generic assassins creed guy
edgy generic grim reaper guy
edgy generic humanoid alien
Pretty good. Mirror knight is an original idea in of itself
Weebshit waifu bait. You don't have frinds noor any kind of social life because no one can relate to you, except your weeb internet frinds. You are an social outcast. Just Kys.

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u k?

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The best Reptile has ever looked.

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I fucking love that helmet

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fuck off

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Good taste.

Still mad.

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too edgy

>literally just the generic enemy from Infamous

What did kojimbo intend with this

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I kinda wish we had more games with non-human protagonists. Animals, aliens, robots, etc.

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I like edgy.

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not main character but I find Caesar's legion of Fallout New Vegas really aesthetically pleasing, especially the centurion and decanus.

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Corvo's design and Stephen Russell were the only good things from D2. God I love the first game. Dislike D2 and absolutely fucking hate DotO

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Honestly, I could list every character from the Deus ex franchise

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Prerelease lightning + this mask could've saved DSII for me

>those textures

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this thread is too edgy

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I like the Mad Max aesthetic of the armor

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it really is

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Have an edgy character who doesn't look it.

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*GOTCHA’s your path*

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How can you not love him?

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my dick

His judgement design is genuinely less Bad Box Art Mega Man.

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ODSTs are top tier military aesthetic

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The one and only

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Literally one of the maybe 4 or 5 good designs in all of Overwatch

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best armor design

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I can't stand Overwatch's aesthetic. In their attempt to make every hero unique they made the character designs clash way too hard.

overwatch design is terrible
i don't get how people like it

>those hips on the right

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Its getting late nigga, go back

My niggers

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Have sex

Mostly cool, but I don't like the camo pants.

started playing Dishonored 2 last night, why does Corvo seem less cool compared to the first one
and how the fuck did he lose and get cast in stone so easily at the start

People that reply to more than 3 posts don't have the rights to opinions

Will we ever get another Dishonored?

Theres something slightly gay about his stance

Games need more skeleton mariachi

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i like majima

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I love the Arkham Knight's design too. Pity he ended up just being red hood.

dmc 3 dt designs

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always looked doofy to me

Why is dmc 3 the best dmc in literally every single regard

The game was shit, that's undeniable, but that vest and cape were so good.

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HLD has cool looking art design in general

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You might said Kaneko designs are great

That mask is from the Dark Souls 2 trailer. It was replaced with this one in the final game. There's a rumor that it was changed for legal reasons because it looked too similar to a mask from Naruto, but I don't know if that's true.

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>alternate costume blows default costume out of the water

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>10/10 character design
>wasted on a shitty writing

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One of the writers/directors from the first one didn't return in the sequel. Both it and DotO ruin the universe, lore, characters and thus the IP. Enjoy the gameplay however you can and forget the sequels even exist.

yeah, they're pretty unique

Apollo still the best Persona in the series

Anything from the first two oddworlds.

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I'm begging for Apollo to be in the next Persona game. Even if he is just DLC.

All of Nero's early concept art costumes looked way cooler than the final product.

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Everything about Vivi makes me happy.
Freya is pretty cool too.

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>Barry Burton's look in RE:REV2.
But Barry in that game is just "Tactical Dad"

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Love this guy's stuff, just wish he ordered his Pixiv better.

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why is Claire so hideous

I had a dream about playing a game called "Dishonored 3". I can't remember much but in it you play as a guy called "Blackeye" who is in fact the young man who used to be The Outsider. The game has no supernatural powers, instead it has proper stealth mechanics.

I like how in Thief 1 his appearance is always different, this was intentional since he is a master thief and completely invisible to many people. Description would change from people to people

Garrett is legit one of the best vidya characters in existence.

Garrett's appearance changes constantly in every game in the trilogy. The only consistency you will ever find are the static unanimated character model in Thief 2, the crappy pre-rendered ingame cutscenes in TDS and the third person ingame character model in TDS that no self-respecting Thief player even sees.

Posting some favorite FromSoftware designs

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Check the cutscenes in the first game. The only times Garrett looks similar is when he is face to face with someone aka Constantine and the Keepers.
In every other cutscene he changes

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Zena doesn't get nearly as much love as he deserves imo

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Kind of a fan of Ace Attorney. Wacky and reflective of character.

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I find this one just visually pleasing and cool, nothing deeper than that.

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Best boi in Bioshock. I think he makes an appearance in burial at sea, is it any good?

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>posting false prophets

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metal gear in general

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Also applies to Yuria from DeS. Just a nice interpretation of a classic witch look.

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why does every character design thread whack off tacky maximalist designs so much?

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the real question is, why the fuck did they make corvo and emily talk in dishonored 2?

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>Hulk Hogan but a hawk
Come the fuck on, how has TTYD not gotten a proper sequel

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>anything Infinite related
It's not even worth it for Rapture alone. it doesn't "feel" like Rapture because they didn't adapt Infinite's gameplay to it. So you end up with reskinned Columbia weapons or Plasmids that Booker drinks and they were totally there and part of the canon all along guys

grear helmet but i hate the fake hair


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*aggressive rattling*

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Do not fuck the miraluka

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Fits his persona quite well as in a tubby droll type sober and violent while drunk

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We are friends now.

whats funny is people are mad

also fuck Roche

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ODST armour from Halo will probably remain my favourite sci-fi armour forever.

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I'm of the position the DMC2 look is a good minimalist approach to balancing Dante's articles of clothing and colors while keeping them prominent, whereas the other versions do too much or little in some respect, but his DMC3 DTs are objectively top tier in really bringing out his personality and nature as a demon PER Devil Arm at that.

And it's criminal how his appearance in SMT didn't utilize not one despite being done by Kaneko.

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A cool and badass negro gentlemen, wish they kept him like that

Honestly, any mech/cyborg/piece of technology from MGS4 can do. Raiden and the BB corps designs are the peaks of this aesthetic

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Cyberzombie pidgeon is better in every way over cockbot

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Terra forever

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Because it's literally the Man with No Name with a robo-arm.

Post it faggot

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Also, this

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neet cybernecromancy

NCR Ranger Armor is much more aesthetic than that clunky ass Power Armor

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Can't find the /wsg/ webm, so have this pic instead.

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I hate how skyrim just cuts off half the face on beast races with a lot of the helmets. Like, couldn't they be fucked to add in different helmets for argonians and kajits? Really got my panties in a twist when my lizard boye lost his horns whenever I put on a helmet

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The faces in this RE7 look so uncanny, and it's honestly a perfect fit for the game. Love it.

The first ME was honestly fucking perfect aesthetically. The colors, the city, the music. Everything was on point. And then they just fucked it all over with the reboot.

i prefered corvo in 2, shit was PEAK /fa/

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all of his concepts were fantastic aswell

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One of my favorite character designs of all time.

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It's so basic but it works. I swear I'm not gay.

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Are you sure that isn´t Bloodborne concept art?

I think Raidou's got one of the cleanest designs I've ever seen in my life.

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First game
>Clean, surreal minimalism
>Colors help clearly communicate the level design
>Excellent dichotomy between the city's tranquil aesthetics and it's brutal police state

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kino trailer

thats what everyone says
but just reverse image search and it takes you to the dishonored wiki

Most overused design trope of this generation

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I personally prefer Corvo's Dishonored 2 appearance. I think it's more fitting for an assassin.

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i can see it

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what game

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Thry fucking slaughtered every aspect of it. Only good thing was the music imo. It was made by the same group/guy, but that's about it. You actually had to fucking UNLOCK the damned impact roll for fuck sakes.

I came to post this, he just looks perfect. I also really like Akira Kazama, Answer and Zappa from GG are some of my favorites too, but it's really difficult to find any design that tops Raidou's for me.

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I use this armor for my Skyrim character. I think it looks good on her and the fact it looks pretty natural feels good.

I just don't get why they didn't just work him in as a companion the way he was originally supposed to be. Just replace ED-E with him to fight off some other OC/the marked men and hire the other VAs to have a few more lines when he's following you in the mojave. It was after all, the gala event to end NV's DLC support and they blew it on arrogant writing that falls apart under any form for scrutiny. Although the DLCs did weaken by writing after dead money was released, and maybe the rot in the firm was there from as early as 2010.

>Using "social outcast" as an insult
>In Yea Forums

i initially disliked the art style change but it grew on me and i think its good in its own way now. the starting area is really ugly and the clothing/character design is terrible. but some of the areas are absolutely gorgeous and rival the best areas from the first mirrors edge. the purple wealthy people area, the unfinished skyscraper, the security grid puzzle rooms, the mall, all beautiful art that are worthy successors to the original

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for sci-fi, nothing has ever topped the advanced suit for me

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Security / police or whatever that suit from 2 was my favorite

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I liked Dauds old grizzled face, he had seen some shit in his past

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simple but unique, goofy but intimidating

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>Mirror knight is an original idea in of itself

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I can't really think of a suit I didn't like, even 3, for all its issues, had cool looking suits.

The fur collar on the basic outdoor suit was a bit weird, you'd imagine a fully sealed suit wouldn't need that stuff.

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Good designs in shitty games?
Good designs in shitty games.

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