Post em, lads
>playing gacha
I hope you forget to breathe
Why is karoly so fucking trash
quick question, why are they such dogshit
of the three multi summons I've done, I've gotten bergamo and fourteen terrible SRs
Because they are free summons
Blessed, got teq vegito and toppo dupes now the can dodge
i got phy LR trunks off of this free banner so I got really fucking lucky
How am I looking for a pure Saiyans team?
no leader/10
nothing wrong with playing gachatrash if you don't spend any money on it
I just got Bulla. I heard she's good, what should I focus on her hidden potential?
There are dozens of quality dragon ball games you could be playing instead, why waste your time on gachashit.
Did transforming Goku black come with stone sales in jp? Only way I'll roll for him on glb
What is a good Peppy Girls team? I have Giant Ribrianne for a leader
>game about burly men fighting and throwing energy blasts
>boatload of fighting games based on it
>play afk time and money waster instead
Something to grind on my phone while on the bus or listening to podcasts.
Also I like opening and collecting cards. It reminds me of being a child again.
Depends what your are trying to beat
The current banner Chichi and Getting Butterflies Bulma are both great
Is this accurate?
Bros what's the optimal Wicked Bloodline team?
AGL metal cooler and EZA fp Freeza in one rotation STR Final form freeza and PHY final form cooler on the other then the friend Agl metal cooler, Turles and INT Angel golden freeza floating
>lr ssj 3 goku below lr gohan
trash list
Gohan need no help to function and fits aptimally in a lot of teams, SS3 Goku is outdone by the EZA one in movie heroes and only does great in SS3.
Sadly don't have Turles but I've got everyone else you listed. Any decent replacements for Turles? I've seen people here recommend GT Frieza but I have no clue if he's actually a decent filler unit for that team
You can easily replace turles with GT freeza, he gives less atk but has damage reduction
I got the new ChiChi so I'll use her and #18
>we will never get a Neko Majin dokkanfest
vegeta and the gtrio should be above gogeta/vegito
Give the LR saiyan girls their own tier and move the GT trio in front of the LR fusions.
I can make this team myself, but does Turles help that much?
Awesome, thanks bro. Time to see if the ki troubles I was having with my old Wicked Bloodline team are gone now
Only if you want to optimize damage. You will have more Hp and tank better with GT freeza.
Any chance of beating Super Battle Road with this lineup?
Lr black overrated
Lr great ape baby underrated
Okay so I know I'm probably retarded for not being able to clear "the easiest" SBR without help, but what fucking team can I make to clear Peppy Gals SBR? Tien and Yamcha right at the start are so fucking buff I never leave the fight with enough health to survive the rest.
>Int Brianne de chateau
>Int videl
Easily if you give them orbs and rainbow the str super ribrianne
>Rainbow Kefla
Just follow a nuking guide
Don't worry, I already rolled yesterday.
Brianne lead, Kefla/rainbow Kefla friend, and anything else that can tank.
Fuck yeah. That's what I like to hear
Just make sure you have one int brianne on each rotation
>Have ten doozing kais
>Don't know who I should use them on
How do I assure that? Taking one as a guest?
Also who should I pick for my last unit on the team? Pandel for her 30% damage increase or Mai for her enemy stun?
Obviously I'm going to fully awaken them etc before I go for SBR, I just want to have an idea now if what my ideal team should look like
You got every single best Peppy Gal unit, why are you even asking this?
STR Ribrianne, INT Videl, TEQ ToP 18, PHY Kefla, TEQ Bulla and choose however you want as the 6th.
PHY Ribrianne for links with STR, Caulifla, AGL Mai for stuns, the new TEQ 18, PHY Videl for tanking, it just doesn't matter.
Im a very very very casual player who only just started following these threads. I don't follow the meta
I appreciate the help
They're called rotations for a reason.
Not a single SSR so far, not a single fucking one on the 4 pulls so far, fuck the tickets they are just filling my box with shit.
Int brianne + str super ribrisnne
Int brianne friend + int videl
Bra bulma and pandel/teq 18 floating
>lost my fucking mind and just blew 450 stones on the girl power banner in hopes of getting Int Brianne
fuuuuuuuuck. I blame this thread for talking about the SBR and reminding me how much I want her. God damn it.
>being this retarded
You only have yourself to blame.
Holy shit, you have a problem.
Cant blame you
Peppy gals is fun.
I mean she is nice and all but come on user.
Thank you
I keep getting fucking Bergamo from the summons. FUCK
For EZA? Without a category leader you can swindle yourself to lvl 27/28 by other means but that's the end.
>Four hundred fifty fucking dragon stones
Holy shit user. With Anniversary right around the corner too?
I hope for your sake you are ftp
>Tfw I had 4 Int Briannes and Baba'd them all
Reminder next World Tourney gives LR Yamcha
not worth it
They were 450 saved up so no money spent on this failure. Planned on whaling hard for anniversary either way so no big deal. Next time she will be mine
Thanks Vegeta
Fuck really? How do you get him?
I need to grind it for my LR Tien/Chiaotzu anyway.
Any advice for brand new players?
Global is so dry. I just want some new story event to grind or something.
New battlefield?
You just have to get ranked high enough.
Can people without 10 viable teams get some bones thrown their way too?
>easiest battlefield yet
Clear it in 10 minutes then nothing new to do for another week. Was so sad when it updated last week
I beat it first day
>summon only on dokkan fest banner
>don't use stones for stamina/box space
>read what you leader skills do
Just reactivated my global to save for LR caulikale and beat all 3 levels.
I took a break after transforming buu.
>read what you leader skills do
I'm amazed how many people never follow this advice. My brother tried getting into the game but for whatever reason was unwilling to put critical thought into ANYTHING. He just had all of the units with the strongest attack on 1 team and was getting frustrated when he could never preform supper attacks or complete anything on a difficulty beyond Hard. No matter how many times I told him to read the leader skills and passives.
Same went for the rules of individual events. Trying to grind stages for medals that they didn't even give, etc. Infuriating. He wasn't the only one I knew who did this too.
awaken your piccolo
Yeah maybe if you are a pussy who likes to cheese things rather than play fair
Thankfully they are giving unfeatured SSRs better leader skills.
If only the game had something telling you certain units are getting no boost from the leader it would help a ton
You ain't beating battlefield or SBR with your 55% goku and freeza who will take you 2 weeks to even dokkan
The game needs a more streamlined way to make teams in general I think. Being able to organize based on catagory was a huge help, but it could be better.
Some sort of feature where you can see at a glance exactly who is benefiting who when on a team with each other. Like just a little {+30%atk +2ki} blurb above each character when viewing the team if toggled on. It would go a long way in simplifying things compared to now where you need to constantly be checking cards
Then you wait until you do have good enough cards to do SBR. Rerolling is bullshit.
Is Goku Black really as bad a people say he is? His banner doesn't seem that bad but the problem is I have all the units on that banner except for Int SS3 Bardock so the most I'll be getting are dupes.
Is the banner worth at least 1 multi or should I continue saving for anni?
>Is Goku Black really as bad a people say he is?
Takes 5 turns minimum to get to 120+% attack and has no defense on his first turn.
You will never transform either so think to yourself is the base black worth summoning before the coins?
>yet another chance at ss4 goku
>will also take another rose dupe or nublack
>will end up getting one of the 4 other shitters
Wonder if this boy will come with some stone sales. Will whale for him no matter how trash he is if so
He 100% comes back with the Merged Zamasu banner though...
Bardock and cell are good and trunks might EZA
anyone summoning for INT black on the 24th? i hope 4 multis are enough for either the INT one or the STR one
I only want that Goku.
Got Bardock with 2 scoops and Cell with one
Been chasing the SS4 Teq since release, got both the STR and SS4 Gogeta rainbowed(plus 1). Completely f2p, got so lucky on the other ones and nothing of this guy(also 2 dupe ss4 Vegeta).
Nah, i got every unit on the banner except him, and that 6 turn restriction is shit. I'm also saving for the girls so i'm keeping my stones for that
I'll might throw a yolo multi at it and then go back to hoarding for the anniversary.
Oh also got trunks with 3 dupes, do not need any of those negros.
I don't have any SSB Vegeta INT but he's trash but he's also not far off from an EZA but who knows how that will be.
Got 2 dupes on rose so anything other than int black is not meaningful.
Just hoarding for Kale and Caulifla.
I have him at max free dupe and he only hits for 650k in the best conditions without support on the first turn, then 850k. That's all you'll ever see for most battles so the rest is irrelevant.
You are forgetting he builds up crit chance
I didn't, he can't tank so having him get hit is too risky and only a couple hits worth of crit chance isn't notable at all.
When is the next Budokai?
Never, you either get Xenoverse with the same developers or Heroes with the same models.
Sorry, I meant the Dokkan World Tournament. I should have been clearer
05/02/2019 11:30 pm PDT