Is Noctis from FFXV a well written character?
Is Noctis from FFXV a well written character?
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I must (and I will) summon XV–kun to defend Final Fantasy XV's legacy.
A C T I V A T E .
He isn't well written but I think he's still a cool main character, mainly because he's angry and dorky
fuck no. he's a whiny brat from one of the worst "games" (hold-o-to-win movies) ever made.
How many fucking threads for the same fucking "NO" do you need.
he's the least intresting character in his own game, but i feel like there could be so much more after the 10 year skip
15 is too high
13-2 and LR were better than the original IMO
>want to play FFXV again
>remember that the gameplay is kinda terrible
>remember that Royal Edition stuff want included in the season pass
>remember that Aranea and Ifrit are the only fun bosses
>remember that I can only access the DLC episodes by leaving the main game and using menus
>remember that ring magic and actual magic are really boring
>remember that the story is subpar in most places
I really wish this game was good
I hate his design, Fuck Roen and fuck FFXV-kun. Other than that he's decent
His personality is okay (a bit bland), but he has no character development. It's all in the ten year time skip.
Roen is kino, but I do wish we could also get his trash bag outfit
Yes, he is well WRITTEN.
In that absolutely everything about him is WRITTEN in text logs buried behind menu's in the game, text logs that update over the course of the game, which the game never tells you are there, or that the log has updated.
But if you absolutely fucking force yourself to read those text logs the game does it's best to hide from you, yes, a lot about him and his history gets explained.
The funny part, Nocis is a better written character in all of his other appearances (Tekken 7, WoFF, Dissidia, and FFXIV) than in his base game
I haven't seen his shitposts in a while PLUS he is still under a 30 day ban for evading a ban
Where is the character development written?
No, he's still here.
I have seen several threads dunking on FFXV in the past few days, no signs of his shitposting
Look for 'Dossiers' in the 'Archives' menu
Archives was added in patches (1.23, March 2018)
To be fair it's just Noctis' default outfit that I hate for some autistic reason. Everyone else is fine.
No, worse Protagonist in the series behind Vaan & Lightning
everyone finally looks good when they get suits in the final chapter
>Terra that high
FF6 is mediocre as fuck
>Archives was added in patches (1.23, March 2018)
>March 2018
Wow, over two years after the game came out. Long after most people cared
>character development happens in a ten year timeskip cutscene
rivals the writing they did for his relationship with lunafreya
He's better than Vaan, but I agree that he's worse developed than Lightning
Nintendo themselves called FF6 the best RPG of all time, Terra should be higher then Cloud & Ramza
Who the fuck cares what the reps of AAA company think about a game?
Nothing in Final Fantasy is well written
Play the game before posting in another thread, thank you
He's correct. Noctis has piss poor character development.
there was development when he was in the Crystal Coma?
So you think noctis & co run a train on gladios sister while he watched?
Actual development? No, he's just suddenly a "man" after the skip.
NO, because he's a manlet.
>No, he's just suddenly a "man" after the skip.
A "man" he looked like someone tried to quickly make John Wick for no real reason
Do you not remember the infamous thread where he spammed cp because anons were making fun of him? He probably is under investigation or arrested by now
It's because someone linked his Gamefaqs account to him lmao.
>final fantasy
>ever having good written characters
Nigga it's all about the music and FFXIII-2 had one of the best OST niggas. Fuck what you think
>Do you not remember the infamous thread where he spammed cp because anons were making fun of him?
It's probably not even the most embarrassing thing Barry's done
Why do all the deranged retards always come from gamefaqs
pretty sure we have it at the same time every day