What's the most interesting character in all of vidya?
What's the most interesting character in all of vidya?
I want Jessie to sit on my face and call me a worthless piece of shit
>She grew up so poor that some of her meals were just snow
Snow doesn't contain nutrition. How did she survive?
Well snow is basically all water, and water can help you skip a few meals here and there.
t. Was poor
The snow was actually tiny pokemons rich in proteins and vitamins.
Yellow snow
Why do you think there is no Vanilite in Kanto?
Pokefags don't apreciate Jessie enough. Its always about muh Misty's or muh Dawn's but the true best pokegirl was always Jessie.
When you have characters that appear for every single episode of a 1,000+ episode series, then yeah no shit they're going to develop a backstory whether they want to or not, because you're going to run out of material and start HAVING to flesh out your characters against your will.
I fucking hate the pokemon anime so goddamn much.
I love Fuuka!
Man she's a lot sexier with no makeup and her hair like that.
it says SOME of her meals
not all of them
starving people sometimes just want to fill their stomach with anything, even if it isnt food
She cute
>Jessie grew piss poor and had to depend only on herself to survive
>James grew filthy rich but hated his life so much that he ran away from home
>Meowth became an outcast after learning human language and being rejected by a Meowth he was just trying to impress
>They're constantly failures as Team Rocket operatives
>But are so talented in so many areas that they've found success by founding so many businesses or side jobs, including Jessie becoming a famous Pokemon Contest performer
They deserve happy endings.
post a vidya character asshat
imagine instead of having Ash lose to some shitty edgelord fujobait have him lose to fucking James in the league who ends up there on some accident. Admit it, James is a God tier trainer
I wish they would. Hell I'd love a side saga where they try to be genuine trainers and act as rivals for Ash. Literally anything else that could reward them would be nice. But it'll never happen, they're the wacky comic relief and that's forever what they'll be stuck as
I think their relationship with Bewear is really good since the guy obviously cares a lot about them and they care a lot too
i would like a happy ending with jessie
any good porn of her?
i would fuck all of them too
yeah I just realized almost all lewd pokeart is of the PC girls wtf
Jessie is top tier, with those boots GATDAMN
I thought pokemon universe was all shine and sparkles, you telling me the cartoons are a straight lie to cheat the children like me that watch it?
It took some time, but we also had Emma in XY who was homeless when you first meet her.
I wonder what her mom looks like
Not as much as the other pokemon girls, Jessie porn would slowly grow over the past decades in order for it to be considered a sizable amount. There's quite a bit now but it feels like it should have been this way since the beginning.
>Her mom went to research the Mythical Pokémon Mew and never came back
Oh... I didn't know I was going to be sad today
I think that's because it's reached the point now where everyone who's grown up with pokemon are at an age to appreciate Jesse properly which is why you have threads like this where you sympathize more with our Team Rocket duo because we're all old enough to relate more to them than the original cast
>Emma in XY
that was still all shine and sparkles
real homelessness is a horrorshow.
user I've been feeling bad for James' stories about his pet growlie and loving him for his bottlecap collection since I was in elementary school
ash was always a goober, misty was always a bitch and brock was cool but then he got replaced with fucking tracy of all characters and by the time he came back he was more into breeding pokemon than breeding bitches
I think they shower her once but I might be remembering wrong or thinking of someone else.
We get it, you're IQ is too high Mr.Special Snowflake but the average viewer did not have that level of empathy and self awareness. It's cool you did though but you don't need to try and flex right now, you knew the point I was making
What's even worse is how little doujins she still has. Not even the Pokepals guy does much with her.
>Brock and Lucy will never be together because of the nonstop cockblocking
She was the one girl who liked Brock's advances and felt for him back, what the FUCK
best pokegirl coming thorugh
I liked how James became a great trainer as soon as he found out his zodiac sign or some shit like that was Moltres. Some outside source gave him a tiny boost in confidence and that's all he needed to actually win battles.
I'm not implying I'm special, retard. I'm implying I'm the standard.
They. Is though
>I thought pokemon universe was all shine and sparkles
Someone hasn’t been reading the Pokedex entries
In the anime she put onions sauce on the snow to make all different kinds of snow foods
Literally /ourguys/
I'd agree, but all the ones that claim to "like" Jessie only like her with her hair down, they don't give a shit about her otherwise.
If Jessie's design was released as part of a pokemon game today the porn would be non-stop
>you have to read these external or semi-external media to actually understand the universe or even the story
Let's talk about the REAL best pokegirl or pokemilf
>Not James
pokedexs are 100% internal you rube
Based James.
It's Brock and James that carries the show.
>Jessie comes from the poorest family
>James comes from a family so filthy rich he wanted to climb down in society
>meowth decided to literally change from pokemon to human for love
they are absolutely great and I love these villains
At t-the same time all five of them?
If you go WAY BACK to when the original series was airing, she shows up a fair amount in anthologies.
they're literally geniuses, they're successful in everything but capturing pikachu because they're softies who don't want to hurt him
I like all of Jessie.
Don't open.
Except half of that backstory is from a drama cd and half is from within like the first 40 episodes. The bit about the nursing school is in Johto, so at most around 250 episodes in.
So yeah it has absolutely nothing to do with the anime length. I don't think jessie has gotten any real pre-team rocket backstory since, aside from random tidbits about her wanting to be actress or famous or whatever else as a kid.
James got backstory expansion all the way into Sinnoh though, at the least. His backstory is easier to work off of though.
too fat
Show the whole image that also displays Lina Inverse.
But my favorites in this limited image are the Ayanami Rei, Faye Valentine and Haibara AI.
I wouldn't mind Jessie's jelly doughnuts.
>jelly-filled donuts
This joke has come full circle.
James is a better character, though.
Also this proves Ash is a fucking nobody and the show shouldn't be about him.
Cute midriff slut
*VA Joke
*Have a different VA jump on English dub than her equivalent because I RECOGNIZE THAT REFERENCE
my wife is NOT a slut
#I quote
@I quote with non-quote, make fun funney
Cut brock some slack. He came back after months of getting drained 5 plus times a day by ash's thirsty ass mom.
looks like Jessie had too many donuts herself
>i have something else
looks like she had the right amount of donuts
Uh... what?
she's in pokemon yellow
>zoomer doesn't know about yellow
why am I not surprised
yeah i played yellow and it's based on the anime, retards
It's called evocative storytelling. Immediately you think of a poor child, angry at the world, crying from hunger pangs out in the cold.
And how does that change things? She's in a game, therefore a videogame character, therefore videogames.
She's also in pokemon revolution online btw.
Wasn't she in LGPE?
Wow... what was as bad as I feared.
Thank god for based Megumi though.
Actually the bewear is a girl
It's a mother, user.
cringe alolashit pokedex isn't canon
>doubling down on retardation
time to strap in boys lets see how far he goes
There's been at least two others aside from Lucy like that IIRC, including one recently
someone (usually Misty) always cockblocks him though
>she's in a fan game so that makes her vidya!!
jessie is the best pokegirl
i want to make her orgasm from navelingus
I want to ____ mini-Jessie
Yes it is. Cope.
>fan game
I was right anons he's tripling down now
>That fucking Slayers reference at the end
God damn, first the G-Gundam episode and now this? What based fucker is directing the show and what other references have I missed?
>Fan game
>Fangames aren't videogames
Not even worth a (you), go pester your parents for attention now
Was this the same episode as gif related?
i'm talking about the pokemon revolution online shit, dumbass. learn to read.
I remember seeing something about a precure reference a few weeks ago
How would she fair in the Old Chateau? Keep in mind she is scared of ghost-types to the point she wondered how she would feel about a Grass/Ghost type before they introduced some.
>had malnutrition during puberty
>normally puberty stunts development
>is still tall and busty
imagine how big she could have gotten if she had enough nutrition
i think so, yeah, i think they were running off with pikachu but then something happened and they got sent off and lost pikachu
not until this user mentioned it. you implied yellow didn't count herethat raises your retardation by a factor of 4 now.
>fan game
Next you're going to say "lol I trolled you" to pretend you got us or something? Fucking imbecile.
Sun/Moon anime is full of references and funny faces.
You can go weeks without eating foods as long as you keep yourself hydrated (snow is just water). In some cultures, it's called fasting
yes pokemon revolution online is totally an official game
man you are trying to save face way too hard.
it's over, you're done. leave with at least a shred of dignity.
>onions sauce
Fuckin kekked.
And happy ramadan to you too but this is a 'merica
No one cares what your goat herder god does unless it involves lolis
The anime is full of fun and cool references now but the best part is how much it makes /vp/ seethe
Natural hair down Jessie >>> Normal Jessie >>>>>>>>>>>> Styled Hair Jessie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fucking Bald Jessie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HimeCut trash Jessie
Sause i guess
lets settle this once and for all.
is james gay?
how bout you leave to /vp/ to talk about your shitty anime character that was in 1 game 20 years ago
I realized that but I still have no idea why. The only ones I think of that kinda have a candle to PC girls are Cynthia, Lillie and Lana
>tfw when I recognize the artist
>I have something else
>tfw the comic is updating at a glacial pace
Cacnea don’t look very prickly, no idea why James was in so much pain whenever it hugged him
jessie is a massive slut
Are they still trying to catch Pikachu?
>1 game 20 years ago
aha! so Jessie IS vidya
I accept your concession. good day.
Is this canon and does that mean her mom was with Dr. Fuji's team in the first movie?
I also like the part where she wanted to be a Pokemon Nurse but couldn't afford the Pokemon Nursing school so she went to the Pokemon Nursing school instead.
>wait what?
>cut to her in class with chanseys
To be fair, anime Gardenia is a masochist.
Jessie was unironically my first waifu.
As a kid, she made me feel funny.
Yes, though the Black and White series tried to change it up by making Pikachu a side opportunity when compared to their main objectives
notice how no one in this thread is talking about jessie in yellow. they are in fact talking about jessie in the anime. therefore this thread is not vidya and neither is she.
dustox leaves episode > butterfree leaves episode
granted i watch subbed and hayashibara has a more convincing emotional voice
i love how she's probably one of the most developed if not the most fleshed out character in the entire series
4>5>1>3>7>6>2 in terms of best pokegirls in the region
Groose in Skyward Sword
The guy started out as the typical early bully but then this fucker legitimately became a major character guy completely accident and an actual helpful one
Not fat enough.
team rocket should have its own game
She likes the pain
backseat modding's against global rule 8 user, just chill out and leave it to the mods to do their jobs if they see as such
There should be an episode where Dustox and her absolutely massive family show up and harass the Butterfree and his girlfriend(Male) over food supply or something. And Dustox, the other 'tox, and a Wurmple baby should do a mock Team Rocket motto on appearance.
Reminder that Ash’s main rival battle is going to be against Hau and Gladion in the league only to end up losing against based Guzma
She looks so much better with her hair in any style that isn't her default.
I hope the Darkrai dude shows up again and just wrecks everyone again
8 is looking seriously strong in the female department. She female protag is gorgous and the blonde trainer they also showed looked great
mods won't do shit, this anime shit thread is up every single day
nothing about ash is interesting enough to care about or read about
that comment almost put me to sleep
No, he just likes crossdressing
God dammit, stop tempting me like this
Satan from Puyo Puyo.
No, really.
It will take some really good girls to beat Gen 7. That generation may have been a massive turd but it gave us some of the cutest girls in the whole franchise.
Last I heard, Giovanni was finally giving them some degree of respect, so they have that going for them at least.
Two games actually.
Three counting Puzzle League.
Parts of it are, others were from a Drama CD for the first movie.
According to the wiki her mom disappeared and may or may not be dead/going crazy in the mountains trying to find Mew.
Man when did Pokemon get so dark?
Pokemon has great lolis and great smelly roast beef
It's the ultimate franchise
It always had dark aspects. Just focused on "cute monsters" because that is the most popular part.
The girl game was real strong, I wonder if they want to capitalize on that in the next one.
For the anime, since the first movie.
For the games, since Gen 4, though stuff like the dead Marowak was always there.
Was that a reference to Oscar from RoV at 21 seconds?
>That bulge
whoa haha
What the fuck is going on with that stomach
Looks like he did a revision where it's SLIGHTLY less inexplicable
good lord
7 is second place
>They deserve happy endings.
And they will get them
Watch her episode in the anime and find out fucko
Gen 7 was also what finally made me fap to pokegirls when before I just didn't like the idea. Shield is cute and so is the Lass but it will take some really good effort to beat a cast of hawaiian goddesses.
Flat Jessie is the best, see
Hell Sabrina's episodes in the first season were kind of messed up
Post more chubby Jessies
Wait, so THIS is Bowser Jr’s mom?!?
So is the new season actually good? It seems that it's the season where they're trying new things and mixing it up the most, at least. I might have to watch it.
LGPE was such a mess
>reuse meowth's SM overworld model instead of making a new, bigger one for TR's meowth
>meowth doesn't talk
>Jessie and James only use Arbok and Weezing, they don't even use Lickitung and Victreebel, which they had in the Kanto anime
>that episode in Sun and Moon where they legitimately beat Ash and then Bewear ruins it
google the name at the top.
That's weird I want her to sit on my face and thank me for doing a good job
To be fair, I'm just happy that all the characters from Team Rocket are actual characters and not just generic bad guys who blast off at the end.
James is probably my favourite character in the show, since he's honestly just a nice, pretty smart guy who gave up a rich family to join Team Rocket. He's even kind enough to stop fighting and form truces a lot of the time, like that episode where they were trapped in the forest and the one where James' Chimecho and May's Muchlax were sick in the same place, he just said kind words to her and hopes her Pokémon got better, the episode where he was trying to win a flying contest (i think) and team rocket actually wanted to cheat for him, but he denied it. I think eve going as far as blasting them off himself since he could win without their cheating, hell the second movie had an entire section to helping Ash get the final orb he needed.
I guess bad guys helping out good guys became a thing I really liked in shows, since the bad guys in Nadia and pretty much Team Rocket, and they eventually drop the whole stealing the Blue Water and join up with Jean and Nadia for their adventures, even going as far as being a wild card against Gargoyle.
Talking about Giovanni, i remember being told he used to be friends with Oak and Delia. Is it true?
has there been any jessie focused episodes lately? i remember the last one i watched was the one this episode was from
How did the gyaru from that one pokemon movie turn out?
>t. James
>t. Meowth
Prostitute, mass-murderer, reluctant goddess and all-around lazy messy slut.
this gif was from*
I have never been fan of the whole Pokemon School stuff but at least it helps give a lot of screentime to almost all the captains when otherwise they'd be relegated to just one or two episodes. It goes between SoL and some plot with Ash beating the trials and the Kahunas, along the UB season where they become a sentai-like team that captures loose UBs to return them back to their dimension. The animation may look goofy usually, but they tend to play a lot with the faces with tons of references to other animes.
I also ship Lana with Ash and there's nothing you can do to convince me otherwise.
>that episode in Sun and Moon where they act as the Ghost Trial and Mimikyu sweeps the floor with Pikachu before being saved by plot armor
TR doesn't fuck around this time.
I'm not sure about Oak. I think his friendship/relationship/whatever with Delia was only brought up in Pokemon Live, so I doubt that's canon.
From what I've heard/read, it seems he and Nanu (from Sun and Moon) used to know each other in the Anime canon.
I remember reading a translation from a CD drama many years ago.
She got hit by a landslide in a mountain when searching for mew alone
What's with characters with Red and White color schemes being named "Zero"?
Is there some sort of Japanese symbolism there that I'm missing?
I've been practicing drawing for like 2 years and I'm still shit. If I could draw doujins I would make hundreds of them with her.
The amount of navel fetish art involving pokegirls is truly staggering
Keep at it user, it takes time but if you put in the work the fruits of your labour will grow
At least draw fanart. Is not uncommon for an artist to have a main favorite character they like to draw art pretty much daily.
Are there any scenes in pokemon where jessie shows her soft side or atleast a romantic scene involving her?
I searched on youtube and only found amvs I aint gonna watch that shits cringy as fuck
Teasing a girl's navel is fun
If you like sol comedies then its really good, the anime is at its best when it breaks away from the same old formula it usually does.
they do god's work
asking a question like this is even more cringy so just watch the fucking amvs
Get DDDestroyed.
I want to ____ poke-lolis
what the fuck are those breasts
t. amv maker
>hair down
>pink hair
I always imagined Jessie to have the most exquisite tits.
full, medium sized, round, perky, with tiny, pink areola and nipples.
Definitely not disgusting cow tits you tasteless weirdos shit yourselves over.
Also, I imagine her with a nice, snug, hairless pussy and petite little hips with a gentle curve.
The first one that comes to mind is this one: She falls in love after being saved and taken care of by a young man and starts debating between returning to Team Rocket or staying with him, until she finds out he already had someone he was in love with, all after James and Meowth track her down but decide to let her stay after seeing how happy she was.
Mosquito bites are CUTE
Washboards are for men
the only part that matters
>No dick
What's her appeal?
>Gardenia, why are you always showing your belly button?
>Doesn't your stomach get cold from showing off your navel?
>Alright! Your belly button is really ticklish!~
>I'll also enjoy touching your delicious midriff.
>Quit it!~ Haha...
>Oooh! This part of your body looks good for tickling, too!
>S-Stop this... ah...
The rest seems untranslated still
>Jesse was my first childhood fantasy crush while everyone else was Misty
Misty is a dumb tomboy that probably fucks like a Snorlax. Glad people here have patrician taste.
>This is Sabrina now
What in the actual fuck? What game did she return in? Why does she look like this now?
That was fucked up, why would she do that? It was clearly Meowth's ice cream sundae.
Have you ever played or watched pokemon lmao who are you
She improved
Does this ever get explained? Does her personality 180 too?
I wish that spoon was my dick.
Isn't jessie is a tomboy too though?
That's her HGSS/B2W2 look.
She also appears in the Pokewood Studios side-thing
HGSS Sabrina if I'm correct.
if I were Jessie's arbok I would vore her
>Tits and a sad backstory
>People latching to the first adult characters because they hate Ash or can't stand the fact that he's the MC and not Red
>Muh underdog
The only ones coming to mind right now.
>Does her personality 180 too?
Not really, is just an outfit redesign, I assume to give her different clothes to show a change between Gen 1 and 2's three year timeskip.
>hating hime cut
I want to sit on Jessie face and call her things of indifference.
For some reason I never found Jessie very attracti-
Jesus fuck, I stand corrected.
Did Ash ever beat Giovanni in one final showdown? Felt like the anime kinda forgot about that.
Also, did Meowth ever one up Persian??
>Felt like the anime kinda forgot about that.
When was he supposed to? They for the most part never knew of each other's existence or cared.
I'm hoping the Gen 8 anime will be an actual journey again. Given how Galar looks to be a return to the original formula it very well might. Hopefully the art style changes with it too.
crossing paths/sayonara dokucale
ignorance is blissey/hapinasu no happiness
mimikyu unmasked
a fork in the road
i watched all of these in the original jap then compared to the dub and the english version doesn't get across the emotional or sentimental stuff too well
Didn't Giovanni want Ash's pikachu...
I only "like" Jessie when she's wearing her uniform.
It's just Paprika's hair style
Pokemoms are simply the best
Even back in 1999 I knew this and proud I had great tastes since then.
The only time they've met thus far (without mindwipes) is the Meloetta saga in Unova and that had Persian defeat Pikachu.
He never did outside of Pokemon Live, but the aforementioned saga has him at least notice it.
Never saw the episode but I do remember seeing a clip of pikachu bombing Giovanni with some electric spirit bomb like attack.
More like Jessie and James just assumed that
Seems like it but I can't figure out why. RoV aired years before Jessie's seiyuu started acting.
No... that's all on Jesse and James. Unless you're talking about that promo VHS tape from long ago. Giovanni doesn't know anything about Ash and the gang with the exception of Togepi because the trio actually presented it to him.
Not really, stealing Pikachu was always Jessie and James personal mission since they believe he's special and way stronger than a regular one, which would please Giovanni if they were to capture him. I think the only time Gio shows interest is in Best Wishes, when TR returns to their white outfits.
There's also the Mewtwo Returns movie where is when Ash meets Giovanni for the first time.
I have shot so many gallons of semen by fapping to Lana's mom.
It's fucking insane how much depth team rocket have, they've gotten so much character development over the nearly 15 years the anime has been airing, Jame is a rich kid who ran away from his wealth due be having an arranged marriage with a clingy and domineering woman (who ironically looks exactly like Jessie) Jessie who grew up extremely poor, left her highschool heart who left to become a pokemon master and asked her to travel with her while she left to pursue a career as an idol, failed as an idol tried to become a poke nurse, failed to due to circumstance and then joined team rocket, and mewoth who was just a stray that tried to impress another mewoth by leaning how to speak english, only for her to choose a persian over him. Team rocket has crazy depth for a bunch of joke characters.
Also Jessie regularly beats the shit out of pokemon with her bare hands
>James has been shown to be incredibly competent at Pokemon Battles when he actually fucking tries
>Jessie is extremely capable of being a successful actress / contestee
>They almost never expand on these topics, and are just played as comic relief 99.9% of the time
>They'll never hook up and get married
Haven't watched the anime but her everything
it's a kids show
>tfw Team Rocket is more fleshed out than Ash and probably a good chunk of his companions
True best girl
>Cute old lady that is a Dragon Master
Do you think Sabrina uses her ESP for practical effects when she does her roles?
>only for her to choose a persian over him
this one hurts
Who is this semen demon?
a modern kids show where kids aspire to be a kid that loses to his rival constantly and the message is the friends we met along the way
well it's about the same size
>That one doujin where Sun is fucking Lana and her mom in the bathtub and you can see her full bush and armpit hair and Lana pulls on her mom's armpit hair with her teeth while Sun fucks her unshaven pussy
>That other doujin where all of the S/M anime moms (including Delia Ketchum) are getting fucked by four male prostitutes in a massive orgy
Say what you want about Gen 7, but some great doujins have come out of it.
He had a lot of time to kill by himself in a mansion growing up as a kid. A LOT of time.
>goat herder
More like goat fucker lol
>That doujin where her and Mallow work as escorts for a tourist
>mfw when she asks him to get her pregnant
>mfw her and Mallow, my favorite pokegirls for porn, featured in the same doujin
I fucking love SM porn so much.
She's a real cutie. Sucks that she never appeared in the anime though just to hear what she would have sounded like.
>that doujin where Chicken Chan has a massive cock and fucks Hou and edgelord
You don't need to show sex or mature themes. Just show them interacting more romantically with each other. Kids show can be well written too.
yeah uh okay
guess i'm the weird one for liking the tamagoro one where Mao and Lana and Sun have sex the most
I always found it weird that Moon became this sort of innocently blunt girl who forces her will into everyone with a smile on her face and doesnt understand why some things would be a problem.
>That doujin of her having a threesome with Sun and Lillie
>Somehow decides its a competition and makes Lillie cum by herself and brags about it to Sun.
That's so fucking gay.
if they would have just stop going after ash all the time and steal other pokemon, that would have been mildly successful thieves.
Maybe because of her non reacting smile. She never emotes even during dire situations
we have gotten to the point where we can't use a word for its' intended purposes as a foodstuff
The player character doesn't emote even when everyone else does.
I keep forgetting Jesse is only 19. She's perfect.
Maybe they're just tsundere for Ash and his Pikachu is getting in the way.
>see this image
>laugh at how absurd it is
>decide to watch the episode anyhow
I was surprised they had an episode where they just played baseball, it was really good. I can't even call Pokemon Sun and Moon soulless because it honestly was a fun watch and while it's not as good as Ash and Co walking around and dealing with problems on their journeys, it was still pretty great.
The fucking animation is incredible, which is really surprising. I do wonder how many baseball anime references I missed in the show though?
I thought she was 25?
>fan art of pokewomen like cynthia and lusamine make my dick diamonds
>yet sexualizing jessie feels wrong for some reason
they know exactly what they were fucking doing with that.
>Jesse Meouth and James want Ash’s cute butt
>Pikachu is hogging it all with nightly hard fucks and worship
>In the end Ash’s cute face was so irresistible that they all start jerking off after his shorts get ripped
She not only has a different outfit (love the midriff but hate that her long hair was cut) but she's also given a side career as an actress
>implying James isn't gay
Implications aside, every time people in the show mention James or Jessie are married or are a cute couple or whatever, they both usually recoil in fear or sickness over the fact. I'm guessing they're literally married to the job and don't give a shit about one another beyond being partners.
>now but the best part is how much it makes /vp/ seethe
why? pokemon being a slice of life comedy with actual development is probably the best thing to happen to it since Kanto.
They have more character around them than the bloody fucking protagonists
Aren't they married in the manga?
nothing wrong crossdressing when you look better then 90% of the female population.
eating snow is a really common thing in poor and indigenous populations. I grew up poor in a village and people ate snow all the time.
>tfw team rocket will never be the main characters in either video game form or anime form
>Ash say goodbye to a pokemon
>everyone call him a fag
>James do the same
>no one complain
Just loves fashion and clothing more than cheap hoes
He makes for an excellent genderswap
The anime has NEVER been good
jessie is a classy lady
I like them brown
>incompetent, is supposed to be improving
>fails all the time, no reason to feel sorry for
>actually competent, but fails due to being comic relief
>has a reason to feel sorry for
Do.. do you not remember lavender town? Did you not read the manga? Or the pokedex entries?
Are Sun and Moon worth it? With sword and shield coming out i have an itch to get back into Pokemon
Those look delicious
James is loving as fuck too. Underrated.
Do they still get to be good guys once in a while?
first off fuck off Kanto aged pretty well in a lot of spots. some better than others.
Ash releases Pokemon every fucking time, meanwhile James is an absolute sweetheart whose heart breaks whenever he has to part with one of his Pokemon. Him and Jessie releasing their Arbok and Weezing so they could stay behind protecting a horde of Ekans and Koffing from poachers while they blocked said poachers' Pokemon attacks with their own bodies was way more impactful and heartbreaking than Ash releasing Butterfree.
i don't like how nu-pokemon has basically turned into a pedo fanservice franchise
The best part of Pokemon was James' voice. Fight me
>he hates Hebephilia
Go back to Yea Forums
don't lie to yourself user. it always was.
Its the most fanservice pokemon series to dates
I'm still pissed about the voice change. the dub is completely unwatchable now.
The brown girls in Alola are absolute cuties. Hapu especially hits me in the deepest because she's so damn small and adorable.
Shut up faggot, go be a filthy poser genwunner somewhere else.
>Jessie thread
DP > Kanto > XY > AG > Orange Islands > Johto > Sun & Moon >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BW
Even if he was gay Jessie would be the exception
if the KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOfags have a point about something it's that the show did use to be good at one point.
it always was. only differences is you were a kid back then.
Mexican dub James is god tier.
onions sauce sounds good
BW didn't deserve the kind of anime it got. Fuck earthquakes.
no, back then it was just a re imagining of Dragon Quest.
Not really. They're extremely heavy on tutorials and intrusive cutscenes that can't be skipped and at times occur within seconds of one another. You finish one, take 5 steps, and boom there's another one. Then they had the audacity to release "enhanced" versions one year later that just tweak the post-game but don't fix the cutscenes.
>ranking the adventures of Ash Failure and the useless electric rat
No, stop posting. The anime ended in at episode 78
Source of this?
Onions has been filtered forever by now you nincompoop.
Thank frend
I agree, at least back in Kanto Ash had an actual personality. At least Alola has him being more expressive but it still kind of pisses me off how oblivious and naive he is in general after so many seasons of traveling.
>Ash is kissed by Serena by the end of XY
>He only smiles as usual like he has no idea what happened
trips of truth
>we were close to having competent team rocket not just being gag villains all the time
I found AG to be the best series mainly because they had a large cast of characters to actually do things with mostly. I also enjoyed Max being a person who wasn't a trainer which was a cool dynamic, XY had a similar cast to this and it was also pretty good, but I never watched far enough to see how it went.
Only problems AG suffered with was the dub cast change, and contests did get a bit boring sometimes, but otherwise I felt it was good. Although, I haven't watched any Pokemon for years, last episode I was up to date with was 431 back in 2012 or so.
>serenafags still seething he NO WAY FAG'D another prospective thot
Pirate USUM. They're good for one single playthrough but you'll never want to replay them ever again
what happened?
James sometime look more competent than ash with his pokemon. Just try to look every time James "catch" a pokemon and you will notice that almost never a battle was necessary, just being nice with them
The big conclusion of Ash and co taking on Ghetsis and Team Plasma to foil their cataclysmic scheme was completely skipped without any resolution or mention because of the 2011 earthquake
That's not what I implied you braindead cocksucker, I'm talking about Ash having not a single ounce of personality before Alola that he doesn't even react like a fucking human being.
I ship Ash with Lana actually.
>tumblr, deviantart
Wait... ...was this made unironically?
An Earthquake caused the Team Plasma plotline to get pushed back to the end of the Unova run (and based primarily on B2W2) just as the anime was building up to a Team Rocket/Team Plasma battle).
Initially was ramping up to a Team Plasma v Team Rocket special, but tsunami ruined plans + had to be cut because showing destroyed cities in the wake of a flood was "too soon"
Japan was hit by a huge earthquake just after they had teased the Rocket vs Plasma episode, causing its delay and eventual cancellation to avoid potential emotional distress to the population since it featured lots of mass destruction. It's really sad since that was the point when Best Wishes went from potentially amazing to "we don't talk about that" tier.
Google BW025/BW026
>first part of Best Wishes were alright, setting up Team Rocket to be competent villains with a larger scale plan rather than just memes
>suddenly Team Rocket/Team Plasma about to battle, Giovanni flying to Unova, etc. Looked awesome.
>suddenly 2011 earthquake happens
>episodes end up getting shelved until footage was reused towards B2/W2 release
>Black & White ends up becoming a shitty meme, Team Rocket regresses to being gag characters, and Ash goes full fucking retard even for Ash standards.
Not all artists who use those sites are stereotypical left wing leaning retards who eat up steven universe and voltron and write 2,000 gay fanfictions.
Irony doesn't exist in the internet anymore.
Cameron was the worst loss in a league he had since Kanto, and yet it was just another footnote
My biggest pokesecret is that I kind of liked XY. Kalos was comfy, Lysandre was well-written, Pangoro is one of my favorite pokemons, and lumiose city had tons to do when you unlock all of it.
But I couldn't ORAS and quit before the first trial in SM. It broke my heart to see one of my first franchises go down in shit. Haven't consumed any pokemon since then.
But SS is giving me hope, bros. I don't know why, but I'm back on the hype train.
well no wonder everyone thinks Best Wishes was a joke.
>fucking retard even for Ash standards.
I always liked Jessie but she can be quite the bitch.
Then again Misty is a mega bitch as well.
I’d wager it’s cuz Jessie is older than rest of the other Pokegirls.
yeah pretty much always end up helping ash fuck over the other villian teams in the anime towards the end.
This was truly when BW died to me
I thought you were only allow three.
She is my wife
OK Johnny
>dat bellie
yes please more
>Ash releases Pokemon every fucking time
Are you stupid or just watched a few episodes while falling for the memes of Ash releasing all his pokémon, they can be counted with almost one hand.
>meanwhile James is an absolute sweetheart whose heart breaks whenever he has to part with one of his Pokemon.
So does Ash but doesn't want to show his tears so they can go in peace.
>Him and Jessie releasing their Arbok and Weezing so they could stay behind protecting a horde of Ekans and Koffing from poachers
Oh my god! It's almost like what he did with Pidgeotto and Goodra, and Greninja!
>while they blocked said poachers' Pokemon attacks with their own bodies
Damn! I guess that Ash jumping inside a volcano to save talonflame, stopping infernape's blaze with his body while being burned, dying by stopping the fight between Mew and MewTwo, being stomped the Marauder, almost killed by J multiple times, being tortured by Lyssandre and more was all a fever dream!
>was way more impactful and heartbreaking than Ash releasing Butterfree
I won't even bother with this, you can hate Ash all you want but saying that when he does the same shit doesn't count is stupid.
those matches allowed trainers full teams up to 6 pokemon. ash loses to some retard with a riolu and forgot to register a 6th pokemon.
the fact that she is a bitch sometimes gives her an edge of multifaceted which other characters who are just too static don't have, because on that token, i just really hate static character and only ever use them as background characters in stories of my own because they're otherwise unaffected with their own environment
They're in their mid 20's
They're also in Pokemon Puzzle League along with Butch and Cassidy.
Baseball episodes are always amazing don't you watch anime?
i'm pretty sure the actual reason is that ash is a boring fuckface who is the same character throughout the entire fucking show because the little kids that grow up are replaced by new kids that get into the show to identify with reset ashera, and the only people caring about him are boring fuckwads who are the same kind of people they always are throughout their own timeline
Japs have shit taste in girls as usual
>its raging tires it out and causes it to fall asleep, but the anger resonating in its dreams causes it to wake up—which infuriates it all over again.
>ability: Vital Spirit: prevents this pokemon from falling asleep
>I won't even bother with this, you can hate Ash
When did I say I hate Ash? I just gave one of many examples of why Jessie and James releasing Pokemon can be more bittersweet than when Ash does it. You sounds like you took it a bit too personal.
>Its a weight gain episode
holy fuck man it's just a weird ass piece of writing. Stop trying to apply your masterclass to pokemon's anime, shit is funny cause it's so absurd.
Poor people don't eat snow ffs.
>Just try to look every time James "catch" a pokemon and you will notice that almost never a battle was necessary, just being nice with them
Just like Ash! Difference being that they still want to fight to prove their worth and sometimes not even that.
his interactions with Lillie are cúter, they're always near each other and talking unlike with Serena
That's the entire reason I watched the episode lmao. Hell, right now I'm watching Episode 29 again since I want to see if they snuck in an Ashita no Joe reference.
Baseball episodes are great, the episode of Ika Musume where she joined that softball team was pretty great since she kept using her tentacles to her advantage and even caught a ball high up in the air.
She isn't vidya
No you didn't user.
Poor people that can't even afford heating sure as fuck don't eat snow for meals.
>/vp/ ashfag arrive
Welp, this thread was nice
>that mao ass
oh so that's where this came from
Have you guys been reading this?
Except she is, being a vidya character since Pokemon Yellow
No. I'm not a homosexual.
Of course they know what they're doing.
Like that scene where Meowth has a fantasy involving Gardevoir, Lopunny and Glaceon.
Ash's character changes all the time though. Ash in Kanto is so different from Ash by the time he's in Sinnoh. BW is different in a bad way and XY is something different altogether, same with SM.
ha fag
>non canon update that only exists because gaijins were too stupid for red and blue
also LGPE doesn't count either
not even a furry but meowth has good taste in eeveelutions
>When they let go of Weezing and Arbok
Yes, because having a sob story gives a character depth, and more when they do the same shit all the fucking time.
You were basically saying that when Ash does the same it has no value and that he release his pokémon all the time without giving a fuck.
Excepting Arbok and Weezing all their other Mons are given to Giovanni to be used by other grunts, while Ash's are free to do what they want.
She's the best.
>Saying the truth is being an Ashfag.
>You'll never have Jessie as a cute wife
She looks like she is about to crush some twerp nuts.
I think I found the one he's talking about. (C92) [Choujikuu Yousai Kachuusha (Denki Shougun)] Suiren-ke e Youkoso (Pokémon Sun and Moon) [English] [PhantomsJoker] [Colorized]
As someone who hasn't watched the show seriously, can someone explain the Shuckle navel-licking meme?
I thought this for a long time too, but there comes a point when you have to realise the earthquake wasn't responsible for everything. The earthquake didn't make Ash an idiot who forgets to bring a full team to a gym battle. The seeds for a bad series were there from the start. I was in denial up until the league that the show would improve any episode now, but it continued to get worse.
It was a good decision, back then Team Rocket just had grunts and Giovanni.
>human vs pokemon porn
Stop putting words in my mouth, idiot. The reason why any other character, not only TR, releasing a Pokemon is more impactful is simply because they're not the main character who has done it several times during the series, but it has a bigger effect on Jessie and James being the gag characters and villains of the series, who are supposed to be evil failures, yet show even more actual genuine compassion over their Pokemon than people would expect them to do.
It happened to Jessie's navel twice in the anime and everyone loved it, Gardenia has fanart of it because she's the biggest navel slut in the series
This is actually based on a commercial, and yes, it does have a hot MILF in lingerie insinuating /ss/ with a kid.
Ah, I see.
>It happened to Jessie's navel twice in the anime
Based Shuckles
>Gardenia has fanart of it because she's the biggest navel slut in the series
Wrong version m8
wow thanks, this is a based fucking edit holy shit
now we're talking
no, i'm sure it's just ash being a boring fuckface, sorry that you're such a boring fuckface too lmao @ your boring morgan davis life
Team Plasma and N were going to be introduced rather early (episodes 23-24 I think), but due to an earthquake those episodes weren't aired
They seem to have completely dropped the plasma storyline (probably changing the entire structure of the series). Years later we got a short, rushed team plasma storyline using B2W2 characters
She's been in more games than Geno
Do you have the original one in that resolution without text?
>no results
isn't the ending just surprise futa?
>Are you a couple
>"N-n-NO!" *shocked*
Is a very common reaction in anime for people with unresolved sexual tension
>I'm now the same age as fucking Jessie
time flies I guess
fucking stop it
James has never caught a pokemon by force and every one has joined him by choice soley due to him being kind to them.
VERY nice
>TFW knowing no hot futa poke milf will ever comfort you like this.
You can lucid dream but you will always wake up.
Do you need to have played S/M to play US/UM? Are the Ultimate games just improved versions or is it a proper sequel where nothing will make sense because I skipped S/M?
>I only started playing Pokemon in Gen 7
>Do you need to have played S/M to play US/UM?
>Are the Ultimate games just improved versions or is it a proper sequel where nothing will make sense because I skipped S/M?
There might be a few minor things, but overall no. Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon start off the same for the most part before the plot goes in a different direction, partially due to a difference regarding the main villain.
No, unlike Black 2/White 2 which are direct sequels to Black and White US/UM are literally the same games as S/M with sparse differences until the tail-end of the game where there are several changes. US/UM also have more pokemon. There's zero reason to play Sun or Moon when US/UM exist
SM is a bad beta and what USUM should have been, so play USUM. Pretty much the same game except for a couple changes, the story is also almost the same until more or less the third third of the game.
>never owned anything because it would only get taken from her
>always took from others whatever she needed
>song called 'This Silence is Mine'
I like to think it's because she earned that silence. I love that all the bullshit in the game was caused by her because she wanted to live just to spite the world that she hated. She still hated the world in the end even when she saved it.
Oh cool. So its perfectly fine just to skip S/M and go straight to US/UM?
A reminder that this man does not wear any underwear.
Thanks bros.
lol ok bucko
Don't bother with Sun or Moon. Gamefreak straight up stated that the idea to release US/UM came up when they were ready to ship S/M because they had stuff they wanted to do but didn't think they could. They're that incompetent. At least Intelligent Systems did a remake instead of a cheap cash-in
Well the plot is fucked, but you can probably just watch the original cutscenes on Youtube.
Your thoughts?
I just did, its pretty gay senpai
>Censored version
There's no ending, and it's a better resolution than the one that is always posted.
Wish it was me James impregnated
>short hair Jessie
no. Also
>implying James wouldn't be the wife
yeah but I want more Jessie, not ash on brock
why user why do this to me
>game changes genres for a minute and ruins the whole game
>Red and White
That's not red but most of the time it's just an edgy name for edginess sake. White makes sense because Zero = Nothing = Colorless
For the record her "sisters" are named One through Five and have their own signature colors, Drak3 was a bit inspired by Madoka and other mahou shojo anime.
Main character of Drakengard 3, and she is basically a semen demon literally.
>japanese artist that 100% loves jessie and only draws her in 100% vanilla porn
>another artist pops up and starts drawing her with ash
Muh dick
Nooooooo, nostalgia boner.
In one episode after someone said that Jessie looks like his wife, James imagined a life living with Jessie and he imagined he would be worked to the bone, and then said that he couldn't bare to imagine a life married to her, to which she got really annoyed since it was a go at her.
It’s cute because that’s the spot where they’ll be bearing your child one day
Wasn’t this made by a dude that made hardcore hentai?
That would explain the way he draws girls in that manga.
Lots of magaka create hentai on the side
James looked so good in the black Rocket uniform.
We'll duh James is legit the best looking male in this series.
has anyone considered that it probably meant rice and some ameritard saw a drawing and interpreted it as snow
it's jelly donuts all over again
Let's not sell the other men short. Brock especially got jacked and hunky in the SM arc.
starving people will eat anything that physically fills their stomach to stop the pain
people in haiti eat "mud cakes" for some meals
jesus isnt he supposed to be, like, 15?
Yeah, but even teenagers can become ripped if they train.
the only interesting character since the OT
>He work this hard to get this fucking jacked
>They still won't give him a girlfriend
They've robbed my man of his salvation too many times.
>Brock and the SM Cake hit it off in the anime
As much as I can't stand the game the show does make me feel happy and you get used to the animation change.
you sound shocked. should we reveal what R. mika from SF5 jap VA has done
Too bad it was right back to the status quo.
Jessie and James are both in Pokemon Yellow, fucko.
Recycled Advanced Wars character.
He is holding it out for the best
Let me dream, it took me a while to get over the episode where Lucy liked Brock and yet the series did nothing about it.
I remember when the Professor Ivy episode aired when I was a kid and happy he was finally found someone.
Sounds great, I love Sami too.
The one thing I hate about the Pokemon anime is how it absolutely refuses to change or expand. Let Brock get a girlfriend, god damn it, the "Falls in love only for someone or something to tear him away" thing god old before the Kanto season ended.
>Meowth evolves into a Persian
>he forgets how to talk
guy deserves his own evolution at this point
Doesn't he hate Persian?
Ash battled Giovanni...
...About halfway through BW
Fuck Brock, Lychee is for my self-insert.
futa isnt gay
Spanish threads on /int/ can't even say 'I am'
I mean they're still selfish greedy idiots, like when they screwed up their legitimate BBQ jobs just to catch Pikachu
Because one stole his girlfriend and another stole his spot by Giovanni's side.
where's the bulge edit
Good thread. I hated Team Rocket in Johto but they have come a long way. Sometimes I want them to not go after Pikachu and do other things. They could hold down a spin-off nicely.
>you'll never wake up besides musashi in bed
Shit, does anyone have the original in Japanese?
If the team rocket training episode where they join for the first time and jessie's episode about her time training to be a nurse joy are some of the best episodes
Marijuana shitpost.
James has Elite potential to be honest
he has an affinity for poison pokemons
... you mean Naruto? It's not hardcore sex.