Why the fuck is Valve not reacting to Epic's success? Do they literally don't give a shit?

Why the fuck is Valve not reacting to Epic's success? Do they literally don't give a shit?

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Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Anyone who opposes Steam must be destroyed/

>Epic's success
citation needed

just look at all the games that are now epic store exclusive

>Competent management

Looks like a bunch of shit most people wouldn't even bother pirating. Do you see ANYONE talking about Metro Exodus?

Them turning their massive ship even a slight nudge means that they'd acknowledge them as a legit competitor. I'm guessing they're delaying that until it's actually necessary.

Both companies know that the practice is unsustainable. We've yet to hear of any exclusivity deal pay off for Epic, and it's unlikely that we ever will.

it was kino

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Sure it was.

All 12 of them?

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i'm glad you agree

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So they paid tens of millions and have nothing to show for it. That's success?

I mean they paid 3.3 million dollars to a random indie dev for their kickstarted game, can you fucking imagine how much they spend on actual AAA games.

It's pretty obvious Epic is not a threat for them or they would have already

There is none. Epic is burning Tencent money in hopes there will be some success one day.

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Devs get nothing there.
Obsidian didn't even know their game was Epic exclusive before the trailer launched.

They probably have made some special deal with 2K - Same reason why Borderlands 3 is Epic exclusive and probably other future 2K titles as well. Those big publishers can make all kinds of special contracts.

Valve is literally too big to fail.
Why should they worry? They're not in any danger, probably not for decades.

Actually doing nothing/doing something incognito is the right thing steam has to do. Because Epic basically bribes to publishers to make their games epic game store exclusive.

Epic games doesen't have unlimited money and i dont think EGS will get back all this money they spent on forcing exclusives, especially with all negative reputation it has. So sooner or later EGS wont have money to force new exclusives and at this moment they will be out instantly.

EGS will kill itself and steam wont need to do anything.

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Steam doesn't need to do shit. Epic can waste all the money they want creating exclusivity but it's not going to be sustainable. You know why games on Steam become so cheap? It's because they're sold on multiple other launchers and stores. Epic doesn't have that because they're digging their own grave with this exclusivity shit.

Fortnite generates ludicrous amounts of money though, it will be a while before they run out, if they actually get the store in a good state while having many customers who have a decent library on EGS, then EGS could thrive on its own.

the reality is that Epic doesn't have a leg to stand on

they've just got a whole bunch of fucking money they're willing to throw around right now.

their exclusives thing will peter out as more devs and publishers realize it seriously hurts recognition for your game. the negative PR that will soon arise from forcing exclusives on the PC platform, coupled with Epic's inability to push their platform into Steam's market, will soon have even the greediest of CEOs thinking twice before signing these contracts. ESPECIALLY because Epic can't continuously give out multi-million dollar deals for games that sell less than half their deserved numbers because they're being shoved onto an inferior platform.

of course, there is still a change that the consumer IS just that fucking dumb, and they eat up the "EGS is competition for Valve" meme, without understanding just how much better Steam is as a service, and how much more trustworthy Valve is as a company.

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only game on the epic store i have even considered buying was satisfactory

they don't care they got a store to run. not a shit show.

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they don't need to they are fine

crow aint wrong

I """"""missed"""""" you chink shill user.
How many threads you posted this image in today?

1 Artifact card has been deposited to your account

No thanks dog eating boi. Keep that card to yourself because I don't even have Artifact.
Thanks for being generous tho. I'll tell your curator to not eat your dog for dinner this week.

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Valve gets enough money because of DotA 2 and the The International Battle Pass

they're fighting a losing battle having to bribe publishers to put their games on the egs and their 88/12 revenue cut is not sustainable

>Epic's success
If Epic is so successful, why don't they share sales data?

Here comes the Epic shill again posting his three sets of strawmen that he heroically knocks down

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he did it again


That could have gone much worse. Horses love to roll around like big fucking idiots.
Also that is too big a boi for that little girl

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How exactly would they react? By giving devs a bigger cut? Epic isn't enough of a threat for them to cut into their huge cut yet. You only perceive it that way due to the high profile cases of a few big name games going exclusive, but ignore all the money steam is making on everything else and the high price Epic probably had to pay for exclusivity.

The crow is more reasonable. The crow cares about the industry.

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There's number three

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>Fortnite generates ludicrous amounts of money though
Literally why, I don't understand. I played it back when it was in open beta and got bored of it before the beta ended.

they aren't worried about it, valve is still raking in tons of cash and they know that epic buying exclusives and taking 18% is just a short term strategy that will change as soon as their storefront has enough people invested in it

I'm sure they're having a hearty laugh

Pointing it out isn't going to affect his paycheck lol

its going to affect its master paycheck

you are grosly underestimating the fortnite money

>Devs get nothing there.
Publisher managing the distribution methods doesn't means necesarily that they don't get royalties, specially if they own the IP.

They reduced the share as long as certain milestones are met.


Steam drones are honestly pathetic at this point. Reminder that this is the guy that calls me an Epic store shill chinkoid in these threads

I have an idea for lyrics to his next song

>Anyone who opposes Steam must be destroyed
>Anyone who opposes my love of Gaben
>Will have the Steam troops deployed

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>88/12 cut is not sustainable
how much do you think it costs to host files exactly? you know how many fucking "companies" pop up in everyones backyards with a cloud company? valve is just greedy, it isn't like 12 percent profit from every purchase just to sit down isn't profitable. and for that matter, thats clearly something that barely requires maintenance.

and thats not even mentioning the fact that tencent is one of the richest companies in the fucking world, which epic is owned by

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Anyone who opposes Steam must be destroyed/


and people have the audacity to claim shills aren't real

Steam shills exist, to be sure

Steam drones: Living embodiments of cringe

they are, but it takes time

>every paid exclusive flops
fuck off shill

Actual Metro fan here. Like two threads at MOST had 500 replies. Everyone was on console based on the comments and the few on PC had preordered on Steam before the shitshow even happened. Literally fucking nobody played it on PC.

They got the money to buy out those games from Fortnite. That's not a success of the Epic Store, it's an attempt that will eventually result in a success or failure depending on how those games sell.

Proof these moneyhats are flopping?

Good point. Checking GameFAQs which seperates by platform, the PC board has been dead (like REALLY dead)

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The Xbox version board is about as active as the PS4 board, so it's not like the PS4 one dominates either.

>buying success

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there is no proof

Lmao this insectoid does it again after being btfo'd by jannies.

Fuck my sides

>how much do you think it costs to host files exactly?
As long you have to mantain multiple servers for probably more than 30k games and paying for the bandwith, yeah, I'd say it's pretty damn expensive

Also Epic, depending on which is your payment method, can take up to 25% per game.

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Gabe Newell 纽厄尔加布 Valve Software 阀门软件 Steam 蒸汽 Half-Life
半衰期 Gordon Freeman 弗里曼戈登 1998 Black Mesa Incident 1998年黑色台面事件 Seven Hour War 七小时的战争 Resistance 抵抗性 Red Letter Day 大喜的日子 City 17 uprising 城市17起义 Lambda 拉姆达 Index 指数

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lol nice


How can they react when they have nothing.

Valve themselves haven't made a single game worth a damn since 2010.

>platform has to pay millions to get games on it's store
That ain't success

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Are there known links for livestreams other than brettygood?

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>epic store exclusive
The only game from Epic launcher that anyone is playing is Fartnite.

dont buy shits on epic shit store. Thats all


Probably because they're going to keep working on the VR stuff. DESU I think video games with current technology have already peaked, and I'm looking forward to seeing what VR improvements come within the next generation or two.

>I feel bad for you
>I don't think about you at all

consoles aren't a success?

>why doesn't this multibillion dollar company do something about this another multibillion dollar company
worry about getting laid first, you cringey autist

thanks haven't filtered this one yet

>had to pay 3+million $ to convince a mid-sized indie-studio to put their game on their platform exclusively
>for 1 year

Epic is competing on price and I doubt Valve could substantially boost its user base through features alone at this point, so it's likely they'll have to adjust their dist. pricing to compete. They don't want to do that until they're sure they need to, as it will substantially alter their revenue stream and is very costly to undo.

Of course they could increase customer loyalty through things like improved features and sales, but the effects of that are more temporary than making the platform more profitable for publishers.

little faggot bird only cares for his own convenience. fuck him.

Paying other companies not to do business with Steam does not necessarily make Epic successful. If, by doing so, they increase sales enough to make up for what they spent, then you can call it a success.

>it would've been good, but only if it appeared on my shitty digital story of choice
This is what never interacting with a female does to the male brain. it's quite the spectacle

Damn being this retarded

Epic hasn't even implemented half the shit steam has yet. They think if they just BUY developers that'll sell their store.

Windows live tried it,
Origin tried it,
B.net tried it,
Bethesda tried it,
Is there some one I'm missing here?

B.net is the only succesfull one in that list

they'll just start using the data they've harvested over the years in more google-like ways.

the business of selling insight is the way to win in the new economy.

Bnet has more users than Steam tho

your retarded

like in the case of anno 1800, they paid for exclusivity rights so late that they forced everybody who was going to buy it to preorder it on steam

totally Epic™ waste of money

I've always found it hard to believe that this shit is so profitable. What do companies do with that information? Try to advertise to me more effectively? Oops, I fucking ignore all advertisements. Unless it's used for identity theft or some other illegal stuff, it hardly seems worth exploiting. Maybe I'm not seeing the big picture.

Steam launched in 2003, it didn't have a proper refund system until 2015. It took 12 years to introduce this one feature. Valve is slow as fuck when it comes to change. So I won't say they don't care, I'm sure they do, and they want to maintain the cash flow they are getting from selling other peoples games. It will just take a while for them to actually change anything. Right now I bet they're seeing how they can bring incentives to bring developers away from signing exclusivity deals to Epics platform. If they give developers more of a cut to be competitive, then their cash flow from Steam is reduced, and as a shocking conclusion, they may have to resort to putting out their own games again, games that they can keep all the profit from, in order to maintain the profits they have been seeing for the last decade.

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What success?

Don't forget that all it's going to take is Fortnite to no longer be "it" and there goes a significant amount of revenue. Everything is teetering on that Skinner Box made for Kids and Twitch.

Epic's mistake is viewing Steam as a storefront.
Its like Gamestop saying they're going to start competing with Facebook.

google made 22 billion dollars off advertising in the last quarter of 2018. it accounts for 84% of their revenue. it may not work on you, but it works well enough to generate those sorts of numbers.

steam has a trove of purchase habit data, behavioural data re: play times, marketplace data and social data on top of all that. all for a substantial, yet very focused audience. it's all very good, very specialised data. they just need to figure out ways to leverage it and package it into services that publishers and developers would want to buy.

>Having to bribe companies to not release games on other platforms
>Most people will pirate such games since exclusivity has no place on PC
Lmao, sage

>I fucking ignore all advertisements.
you don't realize that most people aren't abnormal like us and actually buy stuff that is advertised to them

Epic is just throwing around obscene amount of money for timed deals. What should Steam actually do? They don't even want to spend money on cleanig up their own store, which is part of their problem.

>A Fucking Shopping Cart
97% of epic shills fail this quiz

Keep in mind a lot of things didn't become staples until a big fuss was made about it. Refunds were never a huge issue until around that time due to intense consumer backlash about all the monetization shit going rampant in games as well as Early Release scams. Honestly Epic should have waited until their launcher was actually any good to use before going full blown Bull in the China shop. Because now all Steam has to do is refine their mouse trap just a little more and they'll stay on top.

>reacting to
how exactly? buying their own exclusives so they get shat all over? lowering their cut which is ultimately fuitle because epic pays for a lot of money for exclusivity deals anyway?
epic is more of a nuisance than an actual threat

This, epic went full retard releasing their store as it's own early access product. Now valve can just walk around them.

Only because they forced all the wow users onto it.

Fair enough.
Steam probably could make some money from the data it has, if they're willing to sell that data to game publishers. I doubt my data would be very helpful though.
>buy everything under $1 including fucktons of keys from bundle sites
>haven't paid full price for anything since 2005
>still end up playing Devil Daggers more than anything else, and I got that for $1 too
I'm a game publisher's worst nightmare.

Of course they should have, and it would have been better for the consumer for them to have invested money to make their platform competitive, and complete in a manner that you would want to download it. Their philosophy, however, is to throw money at popular studios for exclusivity to make people HAVE to download it in order to even get the chance to buy what the game they want. They don't give a fuck about the consumer.

I'm not gonna lie and say that Valve has always been pro consumer, they didn't have proper refunds until 2015, and their support is still notoriously dogshit and can take weeks to resolve issues. They still beat Epic Store by a mile though.

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selling the data on is a short-sighted strategy.
google does as well as it does because they keep all the data, analyse it and then sell advertisers a really simple but effective service.

google is on a whole other level now though. behaviour prediction and individual targeting is the old game - behaviour shaping is the new frontier.

i wouldn't be surprised to see steam push more and more towards guiding their users into treating steam as their primary social network. push more for that gamer identity shit. keep them on the platform longer. share more intimate details. i suspect they'll be pushed into it after some kid with a profile full of nazi shit shoots up a school.

>I fucking ignore all advertisments.
Unless you're a neet with purchasing power and responsibilities you'll eventually fall back on an advertisement somewhere. How many banks do you know? Insurance companies? Cars, milk, sausage, eggs, toothpaste, etc.
Most of the time its not about convincing you that a brand is good, they just need you to know it exists so the next time you're looking for cotton swabs you're looking for Q-tips.

without purchasing power and responsibilities

This, if GDC is anything to go by Valve is more concerned with review bombing than anything that Epic is currently doing

can someone make a webm of the 'luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing' video with the steam logo shooped onto luigi's head and epic on all the others?

I wouldn't call it success, it doesn't move product.

Review bombing is generally a sign of shit communication between companies and their consumers, or companies going down a path that further hurts the consumer. Want to avoid review bombing? Stop fucking over the consumer. It seems the only way to get companies to respond to the issues of consumers is to create PR nightmares for them.

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B.net isn't a direct competitor to Steam, and it is successful because of that. It only sells games made by either Blizzard, or Activision. It has found a niche where it works and it looks like it isn't going to overextend those boundaries unless they see something like Epic Store actually taking off.

You mean like origin and GOG?

>their 88/12 revenue cut is not sustainable
While i do not know if the 88/12 cut is sustainable i do know that the 70/30 cut is absurd, it's the reason why major publishers left Steam, why give 30% to Valve if having your own service costs a lot less, the changes Valve made on the cut for high-selling games were to try and avoid losing more big publishers

>Shareholders: "Okay, so this... 'Front time'? Whatever. It's making us millions so your response is to spend those millions on something that isn't generating a return. Stop it."

It is very succesful in what ut does, sell blizard and Activision games, i dont know about Activision, because i never buy anything from them, but blizzard games sell like hot cakes. And they dont have to give 30% to valve. Or any taxes to the US.

>epic store timed exclusive


The reality is that despite all the press, the Epic Games Store isn't even a pimple on Gabe's fat ass yet and probably never will be.

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>the 70/30 cut is absurd

That's like..the standard fare in the industry.

That's it, keep drinking Sweeney's kool aid

while all that is true, publishers just see it as vandalism and valve appears to care enough to consider it a threat to their business.

70/30 cut has been around for awhile, how come they're only just crying about it?

If you think the 70/30 cut is absurd then don't even look up what retailers and physical disc manufacturers get.

>Boredlands 3

never played a single of these games, why should I care now?

That's not much better than just distributing a malware that locks your steam games until you pay a ransom.

This, for as much as people praise Steam's services, most of them either took a long time to be implemented or they were forced to implement due to some sort of backlash or because government forced them to do it
Stuff like the EU probably scares Valve much more than Epic ever will

Honestly is there a way to look those up? I've always wondered how much do those people get, and how much the publishers get compared to just digital distribution

>was only really upset at Outer Worlds becoming Epic Store only
>at least until I saw an actual hour long gameplay preview of it
Dodged a bullet, holy shit that looked like hot garbage.

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Valve should care. Borderlands 2 sold 11 million copies on steam. Let's say it sells a million copies in its first year before coming to steam. Let's say average price of $50/copy. Valve loses a potential 15 million dollars.

GOG has it's niche in making older titles playable on modern machines and then selling them, of course they sell new games, but it's not what they are known for. Origin is most popular for selling EA games, yes, they sell games made by other publishers, but in general they don't step too far out of bounds of their products, and when they do they are games from major franchises like Assassins Creed.

I'd argue that Epic Store is different, they broke a boundary on the PC platform, that being locking down games to their platform that they didn't publish. Instead of finding a niche they are instead trying to force their way into being a pillar in the PC market, one that you have go to in order to even have the opportunity to buy a game that looks interesting. The avoidance of platform specific exclusivity is why a decent amount of PC users prefer playing games on PC. Don't like Steam? You can often times find the game on another platform to purchase and play on. You aren't restricted to using Steam. (I'm saying this in general, of course games made in house, for example, Half-Life , is restricted to their respected platform).

For physical, digital stores took the cut from physical stores and copied it thinking that game devs/publishers weren't going to realise/complain that the 70/30 split makes no sense for digital distribution

Valve is kino

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It's even higher for physical.

Same, it looks god awful.

they don't
there are people on fucking plebbit complaining about EPIC games
their business strategy of purchasing exclusivity is not sustainable since unlike consolefags, PC users can just pirate shit and speak with their wallets

It's a free game so naturally people are spending hundreds of dollars on it

Just saw a bit of the Pax East gameplay. Who the fuck thought that publicly showing the gameplay of a story driven game that didn't even have dialogue implemented yet was a good idea?

i don't understand this phrasing of "speak with wallets", wallets do not have vocal cords, and thus, cannot speak

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now this post deserves gold

Based GabeN setting fashion trends, having plastic and loose bits of wire flailing around in your face is the new craze.

Everything Epic has been saying could be summarized as "Fuck the customer. You don't matter. It's developers that matter, and we don't give a shit if we pass the cost onto you instead of them. We don't need you. Take your complaints elsewhere." Their lazkies like Gearbox are now getting cocky and parroting the same anti-consumer ideology.

I don't understand why people support them.

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>reacting to Epic's success
Because that success is manufactured. All Valve need to do is sit back and let Epic burn through their Fortnite bucks.

this but unironically

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Yep. I know the term "shill" is thrown around on this website to the point that it nearly loses its meaning, but in this context, anybody supporting the Epic Store platform is a literal shill. They're advocating for consumers to use a service that is inferior to the competition and is actively pushing practices that goes against the consumers best interests.

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They're all indie devs that think they'll make it big now that they're away from the asset flips on steam. A lot of them are finding Epic doesn't want them now though, serves them right for shilling

I don't know about that. Fortnite is on Android now and worse, on iOS. They've probably unironically made billions off it by now. Even if their overhead was something crazy like 70%, they'd still probably have over a billion to burn.

Neither do Muppets but they make it work

I know it won't because console shitters but BL3 deserves to be a commercial failure.

for some reason this doesn't work
why can't epic shills meme?


the only ones who complain are indie devs, big publishers just simply make their own client because they can on pc

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>memories of BL2 on Xbox360
>no FOV slider
>30 FPS
>forced to play with those ugly as fuck black lines that you can disable on PC

Why would anyone do that to themselves?

God dammit Rogal go to bed

And only like 2 are worth playing

generic FPS games?

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I would hate to have this west vs east mentality
All it does is lock you out of games to satisfy a desire to fit into a group

played one played then all

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Why the fuck would someone NOT release their game exclusively on the EGS first? You effectively get to release your game twice which means more sales.


Do you mean the CODEX exclusive?

Look at how many autists are screaming over exclusives, that's bad PR, it would waste marketing efforts, by the time it does come out elsewhere there would be newer games to talk about


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