Indie game devs are all inspired by this game but they fail to capture what made this game great. There's always something off. What is it
Indie game devs are all inspired by this game but they fail to capture what made this game great...
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Humor is a big one. Undertale is the only one that's ever gotten close and it's still not as good.
Confusing quirkiness for charm. Mother 2 was both, but most of the copycats aren't particularly charming. The Mother franchise also as battle mechanics that are almost never seen outside the series (timing hits to the bga, rolling damage counter which makes mortal blows put you on a timer to act quickly) so they don't even have a leg up over Mother in terms of combat.
Second game/expansion fucked it up but Lisa got it right. I've also heard Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass pulled it off. With Undertale doing it arguably as well maybe the secret is just letting a lot/all of the control be in the hands of one man. It has to be a passion project out of wanting to be a story they want to tell rather than a Mother 4 "We just want to make Earthbound" desire.
>Game gives you a bike
>Shortly thereafter, Paula joins your party, making the bike useless
And what the fuck was the point of the condiment system?
>Oh man, waste a slot to carry a packet of salt instead of just having another hamburger!
When I think about it, this game actually kind of does suck. For an RPG, it has no replay value to speak of
>99% linear with no side quests
>No party organization to give certain characters priority over others
>No unique equipment builds that reward smarter thinking, not harder thinking
>No way to truly test your characters skills with the lack of a new game+ feature
Would have been nice to have, but this is give or take:
>Alternate party members
>Alternate endings
>Monster/boss arena
At the end of the day, it's still a VIDEO GAME and not an "interactive experience". You don't cut Gone Home any slack(the hipsters that love Earthbound LOVE Gone Home as well), neither should you with Earthbound.
The fact that you played it as a kid
Art, character, mostly. They're too concerned with transferring their own worldview into it and so can never capture the innocence that the game is founded upon
The fact that it was made by Itoi, a big name celebrity who knows more about life and telling stories than some no name shmuck that spent his childhood/teenage years playing games.
A lot of what you're shitting on is flavor that makes earthbound more than the sum of its' parts while the other half of your complaints are shitting on it for not having things that some other RPGs you happen to like have. Essentially you shit on Earthbound because it isn't like every other RPG or at least like your favorite
Earthbound was overrated shit. The best thing it had going for it was its soundtrack. So it's not much of a surprise that indie games inspired by it are also mostly shit.