The definitive Final Fantasy ranking

The definitive Final Fantasy ranking.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Lower seven two points. Raise 9 three points and raise 12 five points and you're right.

If you're completely retarded, sure.


Almost. 6 and Tactics are best. 7 is second, but close. Good aside from that, but I rank 4 higher due to nostalgia and I got it right when it came out after my house got robbed and my parents used the insurance money to upgrade to SNES.



This is actually pretty accurate, but it should have ffx-2 Yuna as an 8 in between.

So if you put every single Final Fantasy character (minus NPCs, and Super Bosses) in a battle royale, who would win?

>IX below VIII

Fuck no. VIII was an abomination.

>7 better than 6
>8 equal to 5
>8 better than 4,9 and 12
>10 better than 9 and 5

It's like I'm on Gaia forum or something. Your chart makes the chaos gods weep, user.

>7 tied for best
>8 above 9
>9 below 10
>10 that high to begin with
>4 that low
you were right about everything else, especially tactics

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Including final bosses? Probably one of them.

>7 that high
>12 that low

9 and 12 that low and 8 that high?

your list sucks

>6 below 7
>8 & 9 below 10
cringe and blue pilled

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>4, 5, and 9 above 7
>12 equal to 7

>bump I to 5
>bump IV to 7
>bump V to 8
>drop VII to 9

I think overall quality of the game

>doesn't even count
Unironically one of the best FF with undeniabely the best job system.

5 is not better than 4. It has a stupid story and the main bad guy is a fucking tree.

This one's fine, I guess, only things I would change:
>Bump V to 9
>Drop IV to 7
>Bump X to 7
>Bump XV to 4... I mean c'mon, it isn't THAT bad

7 wasn't very good, even Xenogears was better than 7.

>Hello, yes I am retarded.


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13 is definitely better than 15

>Gaia forum
What is that? Your tranny support forum?

way better than OP's

>X higher than IX and VIII and V
>VIII as high as V
>IX lower than VIII

13 has only one good character and he's black, so no retard.

Funny how you cut mainline games out, but kept Tactics in.


15 has no good characters

Why do you hate 13 so much? Do you hate it because the lead is strong and power woman?

Orlandu probably. Perma haste and being able to smash weapons is pretty ridiculous

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What are you, gay?

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2 isn't even "bad", it's just horribly malicious towards the player.

Just do a bit of research. It's most likely where your parents hung out before your dad thought the furry suit would work as a contraceptive.

Anyone who doesn't put VII at 10 is trolling.

All I ever get from these thread is everybody but me has shit taste. You guys need to work on that.

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I'd personally bump 4 to a 7 and 5 to a 8.

xv is worse or equal to xiii and ii is worse than both

If you never even played 11 then you can fuck right off. It's more of a Final Fantasy than 10 and 12 were.

shame she doesn't have much screentime, yet more screentime than the love interest.

It also sucks her story DLC got canned

Don't try and talk shit void groin.

>10 that high
thats a yikes from me dawg

>doesn't even count

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Why do people Like 9 so much it was slow boring and way to easy

It was good but was no way better than 7 6 and 10 or even better then 8

>I wish I was a woman

since OP didn't provide one

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>punctuating greentext
Hello newfag!

2 is way way way better than 3's NES port if we're talking the GBA port (which is why you used 2's gba sprites, I would hope). 3 forces you to grind out fucking onion knight to job99 to get decent growth.

I also disagree with 5 being better than 4. equal or worse.
7 is also on par with 6. They're both genre defining titles, and neither is better than the other.
tactics is also garbage baby brain "strategy" shit with tons of horrible decisions like scaling enemy encounters.

you're a retard OP. shit list/10.

You will take that back faggot

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FF7's gameplay is not that great and the story is hilariously bad.

It's below 8, 9, and 10.

10 is probably the best FF has and ever will be (not counting FFT).

Like twenty other people doing the same thing in this thread. It's okay retard, it's just internet trash talk, you'll recover little guy.

Absolute horseshit, completely overrated. It's hilarious how easily manipulated the retarded masses are if they were peer pressured into thinking 6 is good in any way.
all equally good, down to personal taste
both linear experiences, I don't like either one, some do. If you like one and not the other, you're a brainwashed sheep, look reality in the face, those games are the same
both flawed but unique experiences and it's great that they exist

Lurk more.

Ah yes, because mind-controlling space wizards that appear out of nowhere in the final three hours is so much more well-written than a tree in armor controlled by malice.

I'm about to lurk into your fat boy pussy.

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>The boomer Final Fantasy ranking

Main series only:

GAMEPLAY (A combination of combat, customization, and challenge)


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>6 gameplay
In what way is it good? In my experience it was using special attacks over and over again. That's literally it, just do that

Nobody forces you to grind Onion Knight to 99 though. 2 is definitely inferior to 3, and this is coming from a huge SaGa fan.

7 and 6 being equal is a weird way to put it, but I can agree with it: the big reason between the debate between the two is that both offer different things which are preferred by different groups. I personally prefer 6 for gameplay reasons, but can easily understand why people would prefer 7.

Your opinion on tactics surprises me because I often had the same opinion. It's a game that stands out because of the care that was put in crafting its world and its history as well as its music and artwork. When you take a step back however, you can see that the game play is a grindy mess with not that much room for customization or any sort of depth. It's still a very good title to experience though.

7 is better than 6,only flaw is viii above is and xii too low

My favorites ranked high (6, 7, 10) while the abomination that is XIII ranked the lowest, so I'll give your ranking a passing grade.

any time i see someone list 7 as the best i automatically know its a meme

You can break every FF.

It has pretty good character customization with espers and decent challenge in comparison to other games.


trashbin terrible
didn't play
sup reddit
~7, better version of chrono trigger with cute girl MC, but chrono trigger is so terrible that an upgrade doesn't mean much and this still only ranks here
~5-6, not terrible but not good either
lol didn't play

this is my opinion, not fact, because everyone's taste is different, you dumb piece of shit

I'm 30 years old and my first FF was FF3. I'm just not retarded and I know that 2D FFs are shit. I've not seen arguments that convinced me otherwise. Shit characters, basically zero art direction outside of artbooks, tiled environments all look the same, cliched as shit stories, gameplay barely exists. The music is okay I guess.

>horrible decisions like scaling enemy encounters.


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Using the most powerful attacks all the time isn't exactly breaking the game. That's the most obvious way to play. Why would you do anything else

the only final fantasy games i've played is 11 and 14 and those aren't on the list
please respond


9>6>10>5>12>7>shitty spinoffs and online>1=2=3=4=8=13=14

1 and 3 are nostalgia tier. 3 is literally just a shittier 5 at this point
2 is irredeemable
4 and 8 are a hot mess
13 is what the fuck were they thinking tier
15 turns into the worst overall FF experience after you ride the boat

Problem with these threads is the contrarians claiming 6 and 9 to be the best in the series.
Once you play them you realize how completely untrue that is but those faggots will spam threads with their bullshit and ruin any real discussion.

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>lower than 8
fuck off

>it was slow boring and way to easy
So like every single other ATB based FF game then

And by FF3 I mean FF4, not that anyone gives a shit

>15 turns into the worst overall FF experience after you ride the boat

and it was pretty average before the boat ride

>In my experience it was using specials attack over and over.
You need to play pass Vector. FF6 offers absolutely everything that made FF up to FF9 with the exception of the Job System and PSX era's minigames. It has summons, customizable stats growths, equipable/learnable magic, limit breaks and a cast of well over 10 characters with their own mechanics.

Actual decent chart


Thats the ranking. I'll fight any nigga over it.

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Pretty good list.

Sazh was a shitty character next to snow. Everyone else is better

Lists that don't have 11 and 14 aren't really lists

FF9 is the worst of the PS1 FF games.

>mmo whale pandering garbage
Nope doesnt count

The NES games are pretty bad, the SNES and PS1 games mostly good, FFX is playable but very linear and tiresome, XII has the most hilariously terrible plot of the lot (chase stone of power for entire game, forget that shit let's beat the empire without it in the remaining 10 minutes of playtime), and XIII was so bad that I had to drop it without completing it. Yet to play XV, it's probably not good but not as terrible as XIII unless they really fucking outdid themselves.

4 is trashbin terrible too but with Star Wars story.

Sure, it was generic openworld garbage with some of the worst combat system I've seen in a video game, but it was still interesting.
After the boat ride, it became a worse 13. Now that's an accomplishment

Woah dont let the contrarians see your post. They might comment about that one thing in their game thats any good. I dont know what it is but maybe something to do with Vivi? Or maybe theyll post the one of three decent songs on the soundtrack?
I honestly dont know because the game was so average

FF8 gameplay this high ? Honest to god, was I playing it wrong ? I just spammed Summons over and over with the skill that allows you to hold select and spam a button.

That, Mute/Blind an enemy to draw 99 of their magics and play the card game to upgrade my weapons which are the only true equipment you have.

I literally did this the whole game up until that boss fight where Rinoa is being absorbed (AoE would kill her too) I used my weapons for the first time in the game.

Story and setting were pretty good though.

redpill me on 12, only played 6 and 7 (grew up with N64 and Xbox, so no FF for me) and i want to catch up with the series. The 2d games before 6 don't really interest me.

Raise XIII up by 11 points faggot

wie bitte?

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Still mad people liked 7 more than 6 after all these years, user?

Only furfags like it. Final fantasy is a garbage franchise (as tradional jrpgs are a dogshit genre) with no game better than a 6/10 and most under 4/10

>Amazing tier
>Okay tier
>Belongs in the trash tier
>So old they arent relevant
>Contrarian tier (put these wherever youd like despite one of these games being okay tier at best)

This is the real actual official chart, OP is wack

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The game is pure kino if you don't go out of your way to break it. Great difficulty, great customization, and fun boss fights.

Wouldn't furfags prefer 10 ? Or even 7 considering Cait Sith.

I don't understand how it would apply to 9. Because Zidane has a tail ? They do look like chibi/cutesy characters and got a lot of hate for it, similar to when Windwaker was first released. Both are still pretty good titles for those that can get over the appearance.

It's okay. Side content is some of the best in FF, main story is shit. World is extremely interesting, most characters are boring. Overall gameplay is below average, with vanilla XII having awful character building and exploitable shit (like Quickenings) that makes 90% of everything else you could be doing irrelevant (like Summons). International/Zodiac Age fixes a lot of things but it's still not that good.

Pfft. No list that doesn't acknowledge how awful 12 was can be the official one.

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Not worth playing prior to the re-release that gave more form to the "jobs" and license board (think skill/stat board that also unlocks ability to use specific gear).

Ultimately the game plays itself. You get your gambits (or A.I) to behave a certain way like "if < 25% hp use cura" kind of stuff.

It's not incredibly engaging gameplay wise. Story is pretty good. Vaan is a pointless character. Literally almost he entire cast but him and Penelo/Fran would be more suitable MCs.

Everyone is going to have there favs and finalizing a full list of agreement is impossible.

We can agree on one thing though that objectively FFX-2 is the best FF, correct?

>go out of your way to break it

user, GF are the very core of the game. It's a broken ass game when you can beat the whole thing by doing nothing but watching the cutscenes of your summons or your TV off the side while you spam X. I know FF is mainly about the storytelling, but great difficulty ? Come on.

Great customization would be true if everyone doesn't end up exactly the same. You actually have 3 people in your party since anytime the group shifts, you just shuffle your 3 GF sets around. There is absolutely no customization beside maybe putting certain specific status ailment on your weapon if for some reason you need to stop spamming summons.

As for fun boss fights they were fine. Identical to boss fights of the rest of the series, in fact.

I just don't get it.

What's a good one to start with for someone who's never played a FF game before? Already have X and X-2 wishlisted on steam but if there are better options I'm open to suggestions.
I'm not the biggest jrpg nerd but I love Megaten and DQ if that matters.

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GFs aren't the strongest thing in the game and summons are always the strong in every game.

Take it back fag

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13 is better than 15, and x is better than all of them.

The older, the better with FF. Unlike DQ, the guy who was at the heart of the old games doesn't work at Squeenix anymore, and it shows with the modern ones. Can't go wrong with anything from 4 to 10 though.

If you never played FF but still understand and like the core concept of a JRPG and don't mind retro graphics, begin with the 1st one.

If you're relatively new to JRPGs as a whole but don't mind retro graphics, I would start with 4.

If you're relatively new to JRPGs as a whole but want something 3Dish and nostalgic, go with 7. If the graphics don't work for you, next would be 9.

Once those are beaten and you have a good grasp on the very basics of FF, you can jump in to the ones with a bit more depth like 5,6,10. If you want something completely different akin to a Solo MMO, 12 is good. I would play it at the end if possible though because it's kind of anti-FF: it has absolute shit characters but an extremely well build world.

Alright, maybe be careful with the eighth game. It's the most questionable of the bunch.

Fixed your shitty chart for you

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I need the follow-up image showing Lightning in hell or something.

>summons are always the strong in every game.
Until you run out of MP. That's the point in absolutely every FF title except for 8. They deal alot of damage to a wide area but costs a ton of mana. They were never meant to be the core of the battle mechanics.

Depends on if you prioritize story over gameplay or vice versa.

Since you like DQ you'd probably be safe starting with FF6 as its gameplay and story are both pretty solid and it's not as linear as the rest of the games start to get.

If you're more inclined to dive into something newer then FFX is prob another good option. Also has solid gameplay and story though is more linear (not really a bad thing).

After those 2:
Nothing before 5 is really worth playing. 5 kind of isn't - its story is pretty routine "muh great evil" but so is DQ so you might be fine with it.

6-10 are all worth playing 10-2 behind its weeb veneer and cringe moments has the best gameplay of all of the FFs.

12 Zodiac is a hate or love it kind of game.

13, 13-2/3, and 15 are all hot garbage. 13 is literally on rails.

12 was good, really it was the last good one.

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Fuck you, VIII breaks on its own.

I had second thoughts. Now it is correct.

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Are you excited for 12-2?

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>ranking 13 that high

pleb taste

5 should be at the top. XIII is better than XII and XV.

Don't draw anything but summons.

Get magic only by refining monster drops.

Suddenly it's the perfect game.

I would be if it weren't an MMO.

5 is great but overrated, even more so than 6 and 7 which should really say something.

Job system is so much fun until you realize it's completely pointless. The only time you can really enjoy it (aka Journeyman class) is at the very end of the game. It results in subpar characters development / story sequences and make it balanced with 4.

I'm probably getting FF6, FFX/X-2 and FFT in that order, thanks everyone for suggestions.

So you gotta break the game in order to not break the game.

At that point why not watch the game on youtube and draw your combat scenes on a piece of paper and roll a dice: if you get 6 you win else you gotta watch the video from a save point ?

If we're talking in game power level, I'd say it's a toss up between vanish/x-zone antics from 6, or Vincent from ff7 with his last weapon, which can cause so much damage it hits overflow and one hit kills even on ultimate weapons

Push XIII to 1 and XV to 3 and I agree.

The characters were the only good thing about XV. And the music.

My nigga.

>people will argue wildly about almost every entry
>but everyone agrees that XIII is trash
Does that game even have any fans? A consensus like this one is a rare thing.

Based retarded 2016 poster

>doesn't even include all the games

8 was okay, but it doesn't live up to some of the other games in the series.

XII & XIV are the only good games in the final fantasy series
don't >> me

Man, your taste is as bad as your MS paint skills.

I'm doing it anyway because you're right. Why don't they count, OP? XIV is the best Final Fantasy game we've had in many years.


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Yes. That's the taste right there.

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It wasn't just the wonky gameplay, it's everything about the game. It's just so bad.

>no 1-3
>no 5

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4 and 5 too high
8 too low
9 far too low
12 too low
15 too high

I'm playing through 12 for the first time since I dropped it on the ps2, behind the utter lack of thought for the interface and complete failure in execution, there's an interesting system envisioned, and the setting and style don't do it harm either.

What I don't get is how the fuck do licenses tie into their reality? Can anyone in the world unlock quickenings and shatter reality only to result in an amount of damage whose quantification is esoteric?

I still have to play those (and also 11 and 14).
Considering the graph, would I like them?

The first time I've seen an actually good list from this shithole.

Seething tentard.

Also it's still funny that the more you play the game the more you could figure out how to not have to play the game.

Only Heavensward was good. You retards think 1/3rd if the story somehow makes it the best FF? ARR's was bland till the lead up to HW and Stormblood as a whole had been a dumpster fire till 4.4 but hey maybe ShadiwBringers will help to claim 50% of the story is good.
>inb4 cutscene skipper

I think 9 is better than 8 but yeah, it's pretty solid.

14 is a great game even if it is an MMO. Certainly does a better job capturing what made some of the earlier entries special than 15 and many of the newer titles did

Final fantasy have never been good

Well 1 is moreso recommended on the basis that it's the first in the series. It's a bit dated because of this though, but it's still worth at least a look
2 is a bit polarizing to some, but it has a much more somber atmosphere compared to the rest of the series
3 is kind of dated since so many other games has followed in its footsteps, but the ds port gives it a bit more to stand out
5 combines the Job system of 3 and the ATB of 4 and is just packed to the brim with charm. It's my personal favorite.
Also Battle on the Big Bridge is the best battle theme

Also, while I would recommend XI, it's pretty dead these days, so it's hard to recommend these days since you aren't getting the full experience.
If you want to play XIV, wait for the Shadowbringers Expac to come out. I'd argue now's the best time to try it out, the polulation is booming.
Just stay away from Balmung
t. Balmung citizen

Meant for

We've already agreed on this being the definitive ranking.

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ff4 B tier? naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa LR S? hellllll naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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FF13 is so much better than FF15. I'll never understand the "return to form" narrative.

This is bait.

>7 is top
Play the fucking game without speeding the emulator. That game plays like a turtle fucking a snail.

>he doesn't change battle and text speed immediately after getting off the train at the beginning.

Hello retarded, I am Dad.

I was too busy changing my menu and window colors to silver on blue on black

What's the problem with FF2? I've never played it.

the gameplay in every mainline ff game is shit
tactics is decent


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>thinking 1, 3, and 12 are of equal quality
>thinking 5 and 8 are of equal quality
>thinking 7 is better than 6
7 is my favorite and even I know that's wrong. Let me break it down for you. Haven't played 13, but I'll take a crack at it.


I think it's pretty good.

>putting 8 above 10 ever


Different leveling system from all other games.

Good chart, user.

How do we even save this franchise?

Through the realization that not every franchise must live forever.

Yeah, but it should end at its best as opposed to whatever the heck is going on.

Do you actually in your tiny brain believe the experience of 8 is anywhere near as good as 5?

Why does it ignore the MMOs? They are numbered titles as well. quit being a faggot and go play ff14 already

I know I'm not very smart sorry if I have shit taste

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>IX as bad as XV

that is bait. IX is like B/C tier.

You were playing it in a sub-optimal way that I would also find really boring, but it has terrible gameplay regardless.

The only way to avoid breaking FF8 is to have a thorough understanding of its mechanics and to go out of your way to gimp yourself. You will break the game by accident if you don't know what you're doing, and if you know what you're doing then you need to ignore most of the game's mechanics in order to achieve a "balanced" but incredibly boring experience.

That's the highest I've ever seen 2.

Want me to pull the numbers from every other chart and create an average?

>MMOS don't count
found the retard who never played ffxiv.

It's part of the template I borrowed

Also, I never played FFXI and only played FFXIV up until about level 35 so I didn't really want to rate them

>shitting on 8 that much
It's not that bad, come on. Not on the level of 7 or 6 or 9, but what the fuck is.

Pointless, uninteresting main character.
A zillion status effects.
Fetch quest after fetch quest after fetch quest.
Politics that make the Phantom Menace's look interesting.
Erratic difficulty curve.
Dumb math based skills that make no sense.
Skill tree where you can't see which upgrade path you're taking.
Overall lack of money even when doing sidequests (you can never buy shit).
Party members AI programming feature in a turn based game.

Stupid 7 fanboy

>Including Tactics
Either include all of the side games or none of them. Don't be a cocksucker.

>Coming up with strategies to deal with new situations you're tossed into and learning good DPS/Healer/Tank roles isn't playing the game.
You don't mash X to make your characters attack but you should always be attentive to jump in and give commands, especially when you're heading into new territory with new monsters and status effects.
Unless you have a Ribbon on every single character, you're going to need input.

>Skill tree where you can't see which upgrade path you're taking.
>Overall lack of money even when doing sidequests (you can never buy shit).
Party members AI programming feature in a >turn based game.

These are not in FF2

Fixed that for you, OP.

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