Why didn't they invite him into their group?

Why didn't they invite him into their group?

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He murdered a teacher in cold blood for attention

He's weird and he's weird looking.

He's uggo LOL. Only attractive people can be party members in JRPGs, unless you're a monster or an old man.

Yukiko's ugly too and she got in.

Because he would added-in an interesting dynamic and we can't have that in JRPGs

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Too overpowered. His stare and his shadow's baby screeches instakill bosses.

Ugly people can't be protagonists and are unworthy of being saved or having their mental problems taken seriously.

>Ugly in the inside

Ugly and weird.

In addition to murdering a dude, he rejected his shadow and didn't gain a persona which meant he would've been useless.

He literally killed people

Being ugly on the inside is okay as long as you're passable on the outside.

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are people forgetting he murdered someone

Siding with adachi is a bad ending you fucking retard

Looks aside he was an absolute social retard and came off super rapey with yukiko

Garbage taste, senpai. Himecuts = best girl. Consider suicide

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So did Goro but they all love him

>incel defence force

Rejected his shadow and murdered someone. Also was a literal creep and potential rapist.

As others have mentioned, he had the potential to be a neat character but he's just "generic evil anti-social kid that plays video games" in the end.

That's because P5 is a shit game and Goro is blatant fujo pandering

goro fucking died

But Goro is genuinely misguided whereas this guy is a legitimate creepy rapey guy who is no deeper than that

Goro is also super handsome fujobait and he also resembles the stereotypical otome love interest.

Notwithstanding that the IT and PT are different groups with different outlooks and different circumstances (IT never had to deal with an actual government conspiracy who wanted them dead IRL), the PT never forgave Goro ever. They sympathized with his circumstances, but also emphasized that it didn't change how shitty he was as a person.

not saying I agree with him but I forgive him

he didn't even go their school, and was a dick to larry

>genuinely misguided
>creepy rapey guy
those aren't mutually exclusive concepts senpai

>siding with adachi is the bad ending
hahahhahaha you wish

only valid reason in the entire thread
rest are just NPC retards regurgitating shit

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They're teenagers, they're not exactly obligated to do so nor are they supposed to be a moral compass, even if the try to be one.

cuz he ugly

They don't know him. Why would they be friend with him ?
Yosuke, Kanji, Chie and Naoto aren't beautiful.

The real question is why the fuck are there so many persona threads.

In-universe, Naoto has more sex appeal than the literal idol and traditional local beauty, among both girls and guys.

he fucking pissed on jamal

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P4 characters are supposed to represent millennials, and millennials are incredibly super ficial

Honestly it's weird but he reminds me of Jin from p3, but Jin had brains and a devotion to someone whilst mitsuo is a fucking brainlet with no purpose

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>wanting some creepy incel as a party member

Uh no

Yosuke is somewhat good looking in universe.
Chie is second to only Yukiko and has guys crushing on her.
Kanji just scares away people with his bad boy person.
Naoto literally dresses as a dude but is still seen as attractive.

Who? Why did you just post an empty space?

If you cut this entire arc from the story literally nothing would change, the murder mystery story runs out of gas before it even gets halfway through the game

I forgot about Naoto winning the swimsuit competition. But Yosuke, Kanji and Chie are average at best. Not Ugly but surely not handsome.

akechi is a shining example of the weird phenomena of tumblrinas around absolutely shitting on awkward and creepy guys but somehow fawning over actual serial killers and rapists

actually, if his arc was done better, the game itself would be much better
shame that we can't have randoms walking around with personas like in p1-p2

cuz he's ugly and creepy looking obviously, nobody likes incels

i hope so user. i hope so.


Imagine being this thirsty for (you)s

There is no "inside" or "outside". We are just one whole being, and our attractiveness is determined by genetics and upbringing.

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You can only argue this for Kanji though
Having a bunch of secret admirers is average?
Literally designed to be handsome

Um... why would they invite him to the group? There is literally zero reason why they should. He doesn't mesh in any way, he has no desire to join, he has no usefulness to their cause, and he's MURDERED A TEACHER. Hell, even before the murder, all the interaction he had with the party was awkwardly asking out Yukiko, getting super angry and storming off. Sure, the other characters had their problems too; the whole game's about people rejecting their true self. But not only does he completely reject his true self until the very end, he has no willingness to accept help. It's not like they can force him to deal with his mental problems. I get that some people wanna weave this into a narrative on how only pretty people get to be part of the main character group and that's why he's treated differently, but he's not an 'interesting dynamic', he's not 'unworthy due to being ugly', he's the representation of what happens when you continue deluding yourself instead of accepting yourself.

Interesting dynamic? So is having a disabled post-op black feminist in the party, but that doesn't make the game any better.

Goro had an inferiority complex because his dad dumped his mommy.

>no usefulness to their cause

Naoto wasn't useful either and she was a genius teenage detective who came from a long line of genius teenage detectives

So did Adachi, but they still tried to whitewash him in every single spin-off as misguided and even added an extra ending in Golden when you can betray your whole party, shit on Nanako's death and join him like a fucking bottom yaoi faggot.

She had a Persona, and was privy and willing to solve the case. Just because she doesn't solve the case for everyone, doesn't mean she didn't help.

Yeah but she was OP in Golden and had tits

She literally made it worse. Her entire character was defined by her detective background, and she contributed less than the kid who works at the Walmart.

>There is no "inside" or "outside". We are just one whole being

Pretty sure the entire Persona franchise revolves around that NOT being the case. You know, the whole "I am a Shadow, the true self" thing.

Mitsuo or whatever was that incel's name could've gotten a Persona too.
In P2 you are given the option to refuse to accept your shadow and a party member straight up refuses it to the very end and both still get a Persona.
Of course P4 is in a P3 world, so anything before it doesn't exist other than when it's needed to rip-off villain traits and sob stories for spin-offs.

>Mitsuo or whatever was that incel's name could've gotten a Persona too.

That would require accepting that he's a hopeless piece of shit, but he was too high on the smell of his own farts to do so. He was so irritatingly clueless his Shadow went "fuck it, I give up". And then he missed the point entirely and assumed that he won.

I don't fucking care, Atlus needs to acknowledge P2 now

Look, I'm not gonna try and read the story-writer's mind or justify how he wrote the characters. Sure, they COULD have made him a Persona user, but he wasn't written to be that. Furthermore, there's zero inclination for him to join the party. Trying to force it would add no benefit to the story. They COULD have made it a part of the story, but then it ceases being Persona 4 in its current form because it goes against one of the core points of the plot.

>That would require accepting that he's a hopeless piece of shit

No it wouldn't. Like I said, Tatsuya is given the option to refuse his Shadow and Maya refuses no matter what.
By P4 logic, yeah, he'd need to accept it, but according to the series in general, he could've told it to fuck off and still get a Persona.

Your sentence contradicts itself

It's funny how in all anime styled visual media, whenever somebody is so ugly they break the artstyle, they can never be up to good

P3/4 clearly do not consider P2 part of the direct universe anymore.

You can rage and complain about the under-representation of P1 and 2, but the only way they're ever going to do more with them is if either:

They want it
They think their core audience wants it

If you want P1 and P2 to get more recognition, maybe get more people on your side instead of ostracizing them. I'm not saying you do that in particular, but that's the general feeling I get from the P1/P2 fans on this board.

He's ugly. The band of "misfit" heroes has no room for a fugly kid.

So, what evidence do you have that he isn't part of the group purely because he's ugly, and not because of the multiple reasons stated in-game?

I remember getting pissed at the thought of this guy becoming a party member. man I was so glad to be wrong

no they don't

Because if he tried to get that date the way he did but was hot, he'd be seen as a charismatic chad in-game. He's just too ugly to get away with it.

Because he's ugly and a nerd. Sadly that's all there is to it.

So do the main characters, but it's okay when they do it.

The only actual difference is that one is pretty.

Except a) It was established that Yukiko rejected everyone regardless of looks, and b) That still doesn't change the way he acted afterwards. If he looked good, he would have merely been a weird, arrogant good looking weirdo.

Because he looks like a retard

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Upcoming spinoff
Upcoming switch port
Possible upcoming pc port
Just got into smash
Upcoming stage show
Shin megami tensi 5 is starting to look like vaporware so people are probably looking to persona to get their fix.

>It was established that Yukiko rejected everyone regardless of looks
Women say that to try and seem decent, but in reality if he was a hunk she'd slobber all over him. Women are sluts and Yukiko is no exception.

He just needs to fatten up and he can be the protagonist of every ntr doujin comic or game

Shut up Adachi

>ugly on the outside

>Upcoming switch port

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>Wh-Why is that ugly person so mean? What's his fucking problem?!

Why is everyone calling him ugly? He looks fine.

>upcoming Switch port

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>beautylets seething itt

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Tfw people have told me I look like him.

/end thread.
How do people keep forgetting this? The most surprising thing is that he managed to drag the dude's body up there for hanging by himself

It was Yukiko's fault for rejecting him for no reason

Yea Forums always ignores this because it doesn't fit their retarded version of events.

Looks will always be the biggest filter for empathy and success. Not to say Mitsuo wasn't a psycho, but there is a reason no Persona game has an ugly party member despite dealing with psychological themes.

most games don't have ugly party members

Literally every western game lmao

>"Hey, Yukiko, do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

even some of the sheboon shit shoveled out there is meant to be attractive

No they didn't, you lying whore.

Oh no, Goro's dad treated him like shit. That means it's okay for him to work for the dad that treated him like shit and become a serial killer, doing all of his dirty work for him, just so he can say "Neener neener" at the moment his dad gets into office. :(

That was probably the last straw for him after a long line of rejections in his life honestly. He was probably at the “fuck if I don’t care anymore it’s get laid or go murder some fucks” stage.

>"we did some human experiment on children and now they are terminally dying".
>"yeah sorry" -mitsuru's organization.
>"now please proceed to kick their bittered asses".
I wish they would have explored them more instead of being just non-shadow bosses.

He was surprisingly good looking in the anime, they got rid of his dead fish eyes. What would his persona have been?

nyuu ... is that you ?

Is strega the only time in the series where we've had a group of antagonistic persona users? It's something that I'm surprised that hasn't happened more. Too bad they were retarded.

>meanwhile Akechi exists and will totally get redeemed

They knew he was a backstabbing snake since their first meeting, and counted on him attempting to murder Joker as part of their plans.

>and will totally get redeemed

He fucking died. Did you even play the game?