Assuming the Sega Mini turns out great do you think it will finally make people appreciate or even remember that their console was in fact good? Or is the Nintendo love so strong now that people will instead shit all over Sega as if they were never good?
Sega Mini
Yea Forums will keep shitting on it regardless because Yea Forums is nintendogaf
That is so sad but probably true. They don't deserve the hate at least not for their best performing console. The mini already got about 20 solid games that deserve the praise so far. Hopefully they don't botch the next 20 they announce.
>Most successful console of SEGA's history
>Most pre-ordered mini-console to date (With NES-Mini persmission perhaps
>The only mini-console that doesn't use a cheap emulator
>M2 is working on it
>Yuzo Koshiro music on the menu
>Third's games that weren't re-released until now
>you can change region of the roms
Someone should be brain damaged to shit on SEGA in 2019.
This is going to absolutely kill it in Europe, where we never had the industry crash NA had and where Sega absolutely dominated over Nintendo
My question is, will we get a Saturn or a Dreamcast Mini?
>you can change region of the roms
Wait so that means I can switch shitty PROBOTECTOR (Contra HC) and Sonic slow as a fucking hedgehog to NTSC?
SEGS can’t what NintenDO DO!
No. Nintendo fans will just shout it down like they always do, and it’ll be remembered as shit.
But I’ll enjoy it, I’m getting the Japanese MegaDrive one though.
There's still 20 more games to be unveiled. What do you want to see?
>Alien Soldier
>Dynamite Headdy
>Rocket Knight & Sparkster
>Trouble Shooter
Please Sega don't skimp on S&K lock on.
They skip Sonic 3 in a majority of their compilations now
In addition to those, I would add
Alien Soldier
Crusader of Centy
General Chaos
Monster World IV
The mega drive was better and so will be the mini mega drive.
If you want Never The Same Colour, sure buddy go ahead
>sega fanboys still want to blame nintendo for sega’s failure
Nintendo had nothing to do with Sega dying. If anything Nintendo was getting their ass kicked in the 6th gen too by Sony.
If anything Sony raped the shit out of Sega. At E3 95 when the retards at Sega thought it was good to go before Sony, surprise launch a fucking console at $400. And Sony came out after and did $300.
On top of that they had a shit ton of failed products compared to Nintendo who only did Virtual Boy and some other shit that never left Japan.
Sega was financially fucked and didn’t even ran out of advertisement bucks to fucking promote the Dreamcast.
I’ll give it to them though, they were experimental, ahead of their time, and did a lot of weird shit. Sega was the only company that was actually culturally plugged in. Their games introduced me to house, techno, and breakbeat music.
I miss 90s Sega. They were my favorite company I swore by Sega before they stopped making consoles and I became an Nintendo/Playstation fan in the early 00s.
I hope they take the joke further and make addons.
Sega's failure also has nothing to do with the Genesis. The Genesis was Sega at their prime. It wasn't until things like their fumbled multiple-system approach that killed them.
Looking back I can’t believe how short their run in consoles actually was. As a kid shit seems way longer than what it actually is, then you get older put that shit into perspective and realize
1. Genesis was their only successful console
2. They really only had a 10 year run as a console maker.
I don’t count the shit before Master System
The Master System was pretty successful in Europe I think. Don't know if it's fair to call Genesis their ONLY success.
MiniCD + Mini32X (as one package) would be based if they include the only good games on both systems. I can't imagine it being more than 20.
Shadow Dancer
Golden Axe 1 and 2
Mutant League Football
Alien Storm
Ghouls 'n Ghosts
And of course Sonic 3 and Knuckles. This mini needs the entire collection although 3D Blast is shit and doesn't need to be on.
The mastersystem was very successful because it sold a metric shitton in brazil.
Rocket knight
General chaos
Wiz n Liz
If one of these three get in it’s a day one for me.
Is Ecco the dolphin confirmed?
Also, elaborate on this “doesn’t use a cheap emulator” thing please
Contra: Hard Corps
Gunstar Heroes
Comix Zone
M2 is in charge, however they still use emulation. People are mostly impressed because of all the additional bells and whistles they add to their compilations, but their core emulation is honestly still ok.
I honestly hope they keep the Sonic shit to a minimum. The Genesis library has so much to offer but people only know about the Sonic portion of it because that's all that's ever advertised. You have Sonic 1-3 easily available on multiple platforms already.
>6 button pads only in Japan
They already fucked up. I mainly wanted this for the pads when I saw they were 6 button
If you can swap the roms to the US english versions I might just import it
You can just take the snes mini and put Genesis games on it.
What they need is a mini Dreamcast I mean shit they just need a small shell with the GDI reader instead of a disc drive. Just make it internal memory
This is a mini console that should be a celebration of prime Sega. Having all the mainline Sonic games doesn't just make this more appealing it makes a ton of sense on top of that. For them to skip these games yet again is just very stupid if they do. 3 and K are the best Sonic games.
Comix zone is confirmed
Looks too small, I can't use my cartridges with this. If you're going to remake a console at least make it retrocompatible.
Not surprised. It usually makes compilations. Good, good.
SNESmini looks like dog shit and doesn't have Yuzo making the menu music.
Sonic 3&K is the bastard child Papa Sega only acknowledges when he absolutely has to.
hard pass for me. sega releases a compilation of similar genesis titles every gen and the ps3/360 era one (sonic's ultimate genesis collection) already covered the bases i wanted with phantasy star and shining force
There were a lot of late gen Genesis games that didn't get brought over because SEGA completely abandoned it in favor of promoting the Saturn. Like, the Genesis wasn't even dwindling in sales. SEGA straight up killed support for their own flagship hardware just so that people would look at their own piece of junk. Now would be the perfect time for SEGA to bring those titles back.
I know they eventually released an English version of Monster World IV for PS3. I hope they include it on this. It would be a waste for it to die on the PS3.
the pads are usb unlike NES and SNES minis
I guess they are going to put a 6 buttons pad in a different pack since everyone doesn't stopped complaining about that crap.
IV has a higher chance of an appearance M2 did the translation and emulation for the PS3/360 release.
I know, thats why I wanted the 6 button pads. So I can use them in my PC and the megadrive mini
I hope they change thier mind, if what the other user said about being able to swap the region of the roms is true I'll just import a Japanese version
Yes, you can play Contra: HC and the uncensored Castlevania: Bloodlines/Vampire Killer en EU's Mega Drive.
(Which makes me wonder if Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine will change into Puyo Puyo)
all of those 3 are confirmed S3&K
Vectorman 1,2
Golden Axe 1,2,3
And the games from CD/32x that I want but probably won't make it to the Mini are:
Space Harrier
Star Wars
Knuckles Chaotix
Mortal Kombat 2
Sonic CD
Wait, Hard Corps is confirmed? For real?
Bong here
Master System absolutely nuked NES in the UK from day one. NES managed to retain a presence but didn't really start selling well here until SMB3 and the TMNT pack-in bundle, by which time Sega had already released the Mega Drive.
Yes, it was. Here in Spain, for example, Master System was very common before Mega Drive came in 1990. It was very rare to see anyone with a NES (Which was released very late here, same year as MD specifically).
It's because they want you to buy the Retro-bit 6-Button USB controllers that the company licensed from SEGA, scummy as that may be.
It likely will, but beans is based off Puyo 1, which doesn't let you counter garbage and has 5 colors, unlike 2 where you can counter and are given 4 colors, making it much easier to chain
It is on every version, even EU's MD-Mini, because you can change the roms region, so you don't need to play Probotector if you don't want.
The hardware requirements and emulation aren't there yet. I'm no expert on SBCs, but it looks like the things that could run good SAT/DC emulators are around $300
Nice. I guess that means you can opt-in on the 3 health system if you want. Game is better without it though.
Are they any good? I want megadrive controllers now and I've seen a lot of shittalking about the 8bitdo ones
Whichever one is better, the Retrobit controller or 8bitDo’s?
>Leave MiniCD plugged in
>Boot up Earthworm Jim
>Game is automatically enhanced to Special Edition
Would definitely buy
Their Genesis pad is arguably the best thing they put out.
Let them sell well enough so they can consider a Sega CD-Mini ''addon'' thing.
I'll have to get a USB one then
Oh is the Saturn one any good? Cos then I can play the Saturn and Megadrive stuff with the same pad
Can't wait for pifags to seethe when the genesis mini has more blast processing than their trash
I'm referring to the 8BitDo pad.
I didn't know I wanted this
Will this thing support component/s-video so I can hook it up to an old shit CRT?
Sorry meant composite not component but eh
Are they still mad because the refuse to accept that the NES/SNES mini use cheap emultors that you can find on internet?
(Same as PS-Mini, with the difference that at least Sony admit it it)
>8bitdo didn't put out a pro model genesis pad
>SN30 pro+ still MIA
what the fuck are they doing right now?
You already know the answer. Why are you even pretending.
The fuck is a pro version?
Let me dream, you dreamwrecker.
The majority of Europeans had the Model 2. Pretty much any casual being targeted with nostalgia for this will look at this and be confused what the fuck it is.
It'll bomb here.
My friends and I all had the model 1 as a kid. Only 1 person had a model 2
>do you think it will finally make people appreciate or even remember that their console was in fact good
People already do. SEGA were great. Were.
Well you're the minority.
it's the normal version but with triggers, two sticks, stick buttons, motion controls and rumble added in. look at the sn30 and sn30 pro and you'll see what I mean
Well, i don't know about the rest of europe. But these packs were a big hit in Spain.
Why the fuck would you want that
So you have a fully functional controller with the buttons and dpad that mimic the retro controller. It's not for everyone
>Divegrass as a pack-in game
Like pottery. Can't say that SEGA didn't know their audience back then. No wonder they dominated Yurop until Sony came along.
Obessed snoyfag. Nintenbros have made peace with Segabros long ago. This mini will be much better than the garbage snoystation classic.
You lying fucking rat. Anytime there's a 4th generation thread, you cunts come out like cockroaches under the fridge when the light turns on to declare how shitty Genesis is and start console war bullshit instead of actually discussing the 4th gen.
go to grandma's house, ask her for shitty notebook she never used, install emulators and every 16 bit game for free, boom already a better product than this paypig nostalgia bait
Retrobits new Genesis controllers are solid. Got a USB one and I'm enjoying it. I would say its easily their highest quality product so far. I'd imagine the original port controller wouldn't be too much different aside from the new L + R buttons the USB controller got. I ordered a Saturn USB one too but it hasn't shipped for some bumfuck reason so I can't comment on it.
That's good to hear, I am also considering buying the Saturn one. The USB Saturn one should work with Genesis emulators as well and I've heard great things about it, cant wait to play Fighters Megamix and Burning Rangers with it.
Use an arcade stick for megamix nigga
Burning rangers is why I want a saturn pad though
>Robocop VS The Terminator
>NBA Jam Tournament Edition
>Elemental Master
>Alien Storm
And these cart compilations were quite famous here, more even the stand-alone carts.
Thanks to these games like Golden Axe and Street of Rage became very popular.
Thunder Force 3 is in there, probably because 4 is part of the SEGA AGES Collection so they want people to get that standalone definitive version over an emulated version on this thing.
Well every Sega compilation that has ever been released on a disc has been great. Sega Smash Pack, Mega Collection Plus, Ultimate Genesis Collection, and there was even a PS2 compilation but the games were remade in 3D.
As long as they don't AtGames-it-up, it should be fine, but when I look back on those compilations, they never get third party games unless it's a Treasure game like Gunstar Heroes or Dynamite Heady. Where's the real hidden gems?
This came with a model 3 Genesis that was made by Tesco in 1996. As an 8 year old who up to that point had only played a Nintendo, 6 whole games on one cart, plus a Sonic, that was wack. I didn't start playing other games for like a year.
Today someone have to sell some organ to get this on ebay.
I dont got money for an arcade stick. Speaking of Saturn pads, how many games need the Saturn 3d control pad?
If it was $50 and came with the 6 button controllers, I'd be all over it.
I still have my original Genesis and two controllers (one of them being the arcade stick)
Might as well just buy a copy of Gunstar, and maybe Alex Kidd, by themselves. I don't recall much at all about Flicky, and Altered Beast has never had a good game.
Altered Beast is a bit dated, but it is much better than Alex Kidd in the enchanted castle.
I await the raspberry pi case that this will inspire.
well, that and because they are actually capable of making games, and are adept to work with limited hardware and still come with quality products.
Fantasy Zone 2 arcade, the one made for the Fantasy Zone collection and featured on the 3ds ages eshop game was done in house by them from the ground up, and its an emulation so good that the game actually can run on actual arcade hardware, with arcade copies of the game actually made for promotional purposes..
if that is not proof that this system is in good hands, then i dunno what would be.
theres already one, look up Retroflag.
Advanced Busterhawk Gleylancer
Alien Soldier
Alisia Dragoon
Battle Mania
Battle Mania Daiginjo
Beyond Oasis
Bio-Hazard Battle
Columns III
Crusader of Centy
Dynamite Headdy
Earthworm Jim
Earthworm Jim 2
Ecco: The Tides of Time
Elemental Master
Eliminate Down
General Chaos
Ghouls 'n Ghosts
Grind Stormer
Kid Chameleon
M.U.S.H.A. Aleste
Mega Bomberman
Mega Turrican
Monster World IV
Panorama Cotton
Phantasy Star IV
Robocop Versus The Terminator
Rocket Knight Adventures
Shining Force II
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures 2
Steel Empire
Streets of Rage
Streets of Rage 3
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist
The Adventures of Batman & Robin
The Revenge of Shinobi
Thunder Force IV
Twinkle Tale
Undead Line
Vapor Trail: Hyper Offence Formation
Vectorman 2
Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair
Wonder Boy in Monster World
X-Men 2: Clone Wars
Zero Tolerance
Zero Wing
Ranger X has no chance in hell of being in the western releases because it requires the 6 button controller.
Controls were a bit ass, but damn, that game was pretty creative and fun. Kinda afraid it aged badly though.
Play this. M.I.J.I.T. has an english translation.