*walks toward you*

*walks toward you*

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virgin stealth vs the chad "barge in like you own the place"

Why is Thief so unsettling at times?

The soundtrack

I know exactly where that was, and the residual memory of that shit level made me angry.

>tfw can't find any more non-jumpscare, non-zombie horror fan missions
Kill me.

Join us, join us now!

>expecting quality community content from a game this old

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Because the graphisms leaves a lot to the imagination. The less it shows, the more your imagination compensates for it.

Why wouldn't I?

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good design, thought about, crafted.

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Great design with thought and love poured into every cubic inch of everywhere, coupled with the player actually being vulnerable to virtually everything if they're not careful. Pretty much the opposite of most games with OP af player characters.

Pretty true.
t. got Assassin's Creed Origins this week, it doesn't feel like a stealth game

Thief community content is fantastic to this day.
I can't wait for Black Parade to drop if it drops.

Most recent FM I played was Death's Cold Embrace from last year and that was great. The only game content in a long long time to genuinely unnerve and spook me.


What the fuck was that. I finished the Cradle in the less good of the Thief games and that still spooked me.

Death's Cold Embrace. Pretty unique and original campaign. Starts out with you investigating the murder of an inventor and quickly turns 2spooky5me when you find out that the inventor was killed by his own invention who stalks you for the rest of the campaign and provides some good scares.

I'll have to set up Fanmissions.
Once I'm done fixing Vampires the Masquerade so that it actually works, and once I'm done modding Skyrim.

Dark Project > Metal Age

Okay, that was epic.

As I recall all you need for VTM:B is the latest unofficial patch (which still gets regular updates) and you're good to go.


>ramin djawadi worked on the thief and system shock 2 soundtracks
now he's wasted on game of thrones and capeshit

thief's soundtrack was great but I've got a real soft spot for the beat breaks in system shock 2


Metal Age has more things.
But I like Dark Project for the wacky missions you could sometimes get. Constantine's Mansion was a really fun part, I have fond memories of it. And apparently, I haven't even seen it all, there's a giant part.

That'll be more simple than Skyrim. That one doesn't even get a workshop (that apparently nobody used anyway).

Reminder to play the 20th anniversary missions.

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>if it drops
It will, just be prepared to wait a while.

Not the same thing, but check out some of the earlier hitman soundtracks, also the condemned 1 soundtrack has a lot of subtle stuff.

Dark Project = Metal Age
I love both and like how they both take a different approach to Thieving which compliments each other. Song of the Caverns is goat

Best Ricardo

For VTM:B just use Moddb.

I need the image with all the good fan missions

Hit me up with the 20th anniversary missions senpai

It really needs to be updated but I don't know how frequent /vr/ thief generals are any more. As for the 20th anniversary FMs, I don't have the link but if you dig around TTLG there is a download link to a page which has all the Anniversary FMs.

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That image is far from exhaustive and has some questionable entries.
These are the contest ones: southquarter.com/tdp20ac/
I crossed out the ones not worth trying in pic related. Also, Enigmatic Treasure is hard as nails and not really intended to be like a typical thief level. I liked it but it's not for everyone.
My favorites were Sound of a Burrick in a Room, Catacombs of Knoss, Rose Garden, and Heart and Soul.

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don't play rose garden unless you're literally autistic, most anti fun mission I have ever played
if you've played any of the author's other missions there really is no point in playing burrick, it's literally the same shit mission over and over again

Not everyone's as retarded as you.

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yeah well enjoy your tedious sickdark asscreed fanwank missions


I'm not convinced you've played either Asscreed or those missions if you think they're at all similar (unless you think Asscreed invented the z-axis) but out of curiosity, which FMs would you recommend? Both from the contest and otherwise, it would be good to have another perspective for recommendations.

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Who's that cute?

No fuck you, you gave no actual reasons as to why they're bad except buzzwards. Explain yourself, or fuck off.

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Weird how I can hear a brief snippet of mechanical sounds and immediately recognize it from System Shock 2.

from this list I'd say
>conspiracies in the dark, seven shades of mercury, mystic gems, calendra's legacy (mostly just for the second mission which is one of the few city fms actually worth playing), heist society, returning a favor, sepulchre of the sinistral, the tower, inverted manse, the den, amoral dilemma ,ominous bequest
are great and well worth playing

you didn't give any reasons as to why I'm wrong either so go fuck yourself too nigger

because it has a dark world and you are disempowered


didn't they just turn the last two assassin games into rpgs? Like you can't assassinate people who are ten or so levels above you or some shit.

How is he wasted on Game of Thrones? His stuff is excellent.

I can confirm that in Origins. The hidden blade has her own damage output, and you need to upgrade it in order to oneshot enemies. But if you're willing to, you can keep assassinating the same guy over and over.

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how does this game have the best fan art?
Thief and Morrowind always have A grade art

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lewd statue

Because their graphics are of sufficiently low level that fan artists are able to use their imagination rather than replicating everything perfectly.

Because the game was made in an effort to make art, not profit.

stop playing with texture filtering turned off


what i don't understand is why garrett is a manlet in the cutscene but in the game he is the same height as hammerite/machanist?

but I like my crispy textures

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Post more art

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thief 2 textures are already pretty sharp

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