Tf2 screenshot

tf2 screenshot

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babby's first thread

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Does anyone have "your intelligence has been dropped" shot?

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Why the fuck do people disguise as scout? Why would you?

literally every spy main knows the hitboxes are fucked when you disguise as scout because scout is a whole head shorter in size and posture to the spy
so snipers going for headshots will hit his chest instead


inb4 barneyfag


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I honestly have no idea, I must have had a good reason. I never usually do it.

>spy main
You're supposed to use them by fooling the enemy, I do this by backing away as demoman and fake reloading 4 shots.
Take your eceleb strata somewhere else.

>spend 3 hours queueing trying to find a single game that isn't defense with pubs, 2fort, or an idle team
This game is fucking shit tier

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Aside from the shirt and veteran thing he's right.
Yes, even the game design part. You'd have to be a Mongoloid to be dumber than the guy who thought random crits were a good idea.

What team fortress 2 NEEDS

I don't understand the hate about random crits. TF2 is not a serious game, it shouldn't be treated like one.

I just generally ignore anyone posting a wojak edit, I've been suffering with TF2 until recently when I stumbled on RGL and unrestricted/prolander pugs are a fucking relief compared to the shitshow that is default config and the public matchmaker.
Even playing new game modes in testing pugs is a new breath of fresh air.
And yeah, casually should ideally be pug tier gameplay at least, because literally look at Dota and CS, massive more influential and successful games, that play almost identical to invite tournaments in matchmaking. (of course they're both awful games but for other problems besides starting games)

Only plebs that use deadringer do that because you don't have to with the invisibility watch.

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>gibus scout with 1 health on a straight line back to base
>not fooling 90% of the enemy team
yeah sure

>disguise kit
>is instantly recognized because anyone with 100+ hours can recognize a spy instantly

If random crits are to be left on, Valve needs to compensate by working on other flaws of the game to make it fun regardless
but we get stuck in a map pool pit of which over half the maps are just awful for 12v12 and the default respawn timer of 21+ fucking seconds is nobody's idea of fun
get randomly deleted out of spawn is shitty, but if you're only dead for a few seconds to compensate, that would ok. not being allowed to play because math decided so is retarded.

I use it because I'm too lazy to actually disguise, since full respawn timer for being a spy sucks shit when you try to be stealthy

>not fooling 90% of the enemy team
Yes because your speed is that of a a scout.

yes because people care about a gibus scout until you bump them, then they do care

Spies are only good for spawn killing the enemy teams top player so your team can get shit done.

You fucking mong disguising as scout doesn't change your speed.

Mr. Paladin (some e celeb) insists that's the right thing to do. I think it's great, it makes it quite easy to find spies thanks to him.

>hey this scout is pretty slow
>dont worry it bro, it's not like it could be a spy

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Everyone who's played for more than 5 hours will notice the very slow, non double jumping scout.

>lets see if I can get some killstreak kits to do up my guns
>26 ref for a tour ticket
>46 for a key
>like one mission granted maybe 5 ref in parts but it could be much less
jesus christ valve what is this economy that means i literally can't just play to earn? I might as well just buy killstreak weapons direct with stat tracks

>Scout going slow
>could be a retard
>could be a retarded spy
>I'll shoot him just to see what he does

Valve economy honestly deserves to burn, or have keys be craftable.

>newfags that think scout disguises are bad
incredible how f2p retards who installed the game a year ago start spouting their bullshit. There is no reason to disguise as any class that isn't scout or medic, considering it lowers your movement speed. (an exception is if you're going for a one off play where you're relying on fooling an enemy medic or some shit)

people are convinced the scout disguise is better than it is, it's really not that amazing
also you can disguise as an enemy spy too retard

Scout disguises are pretty bad. Sure, it doesn't lower your move speed, but you stick out more, which is the opposite of what you want to do. I say this as an engineer player. If I see you anywhere near me, you're getting the wrench.

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Yeah, relying on disguises is the gayest thing ever past 2012. Even then you can make a scout disguise reasonably convincing if you jump around like a retard and backpedal, as a spy in general you shouldn't rely on disguises on players that have 10+ hours in the game because people will spycheck out of habit. So there's no point in lowering your movement speed so you can "fool" people outside of a few situations.

posting here because last screenshot thread hit the image limit

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