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I would rather have one that is more powerful and is permanently docked. I have taken out the switch of the dock maybe 3 times total.
in your dreams bruh
It can has a smaller screen and probably a smaller battery too because of it, both would drop the price down methinks.
I prefer this mock-up.
What do you want the extra power for? Better VR?
the 3DS is still like 150-200$ depending on the version and that came out like 10 years ago
>that came out like 10 years ago
You replied to your own post.
Maybe playing games like BotW without stuttering when more than one blade of grass moves at the same time
>cant detach joycons to play with friends
What's the fucking point? No one buys a Switch to play alone.
This. Handheld is fun for maybe 15 minutes, then it gets boring.
>then it gets boring
It's the same fucking thing, but in your hands instead of on the TV. What do you mean "it gets boring"?
I just know that the new model is going to be announced right after I buy a Switch but I could not care less. I just want to play Smash Ultimate already.
You can do that right now if you hack it and use overclocking. The switch is downclocked by default. You can push it to get better performance from every game.
How easy is it to do this? Asking for a friend.
then why don't you own one yet?
So I take it this means Nintendo is out of the console race? This is pretty much admitting the switch is a handheld.
Isn't that just the fucking wii u?
Not like the switch wasn't a wii u already
fuck off retard
It's obviously a mock-up, leak, rumor, and it originated here. So stop posting this shit.
If you get all the files and a USB cord and a little jig to jam into your switch hacking it should take like 30 minutes with a guide.
And you just throw in the overclocking program on your SD card and turn it on. It's not very hard at all.
its not real dumbass
>and a little jig to jam into your switch
Well then it's too hard for me, with my BIG MEATY CLAWS I'd probably break it.
>when you have no idea how to fix a crippling hardware vulnerability so you just make a new SKU that has joycons permanently attached
>800x540 res
Calling it now
Its just a small 3d printed jig that slides easily into the right joycon rail. You can get them for a few bucks on eBay or etsy. You need it to boot a cfw payload to launch the custom firmware.
Nintendo released patched units in August 2018 dumb frog poster
I am sure it's under-clocked for a reason.
>patched a hardware fault
Battery life
I don't have a Switch yet, I was asking for when I get one down the line, and I don't think it'll be a good idea to do something like this right after buying a Switch, with my track record I'd probably fuck it up and break the damn thing and then that's several hundred euros flushed down the toilet.
Why the hell do you people want a revision or downgraded model? We went through years of shitty 3ds display until the switch finally provided us a decent 720p portable display. Some sort of upgraded spec model I can understand but this mini switch bullshit is giving me Gameboy Micro vibes.
They did
Literally any Switch produced post June 2018 isn’t vulnerable anymore
I'd say you can't fuck it up but considering how many people managed to fuck up their joycons by sliding the grips on backwards I'm not sure.
Just give me joycon controls for the galaxy fold.
Mine is hacked, I'll sell it to you for 8000 bucks.
No lowballing.
Well it was nvidia’s fault
Hackers used Nvidia’s old manuals to figure out this exploit
The Switch OS outside this 1 fault has yet to be hacked
The new switch can't be hacked the hardware was fixed. Right?
Does this means my hacked unit will grow in price?
And to avoid making the whole thing literally melt
Yes. They altered the hardware in new units you troglodyte.
>I'd say you can't fuck it up
Then you CLEARLY don't know me that well.
If I had that much money right now I'd already have a Switch.
fucking same im on the fence incase a new version is announced but wanna play smash while its active
To save battery life and heat
I'm homeless but I own a 3ds and a switch.
It's good to be a hobo in France where you get a fuck load of free money every months for no fucking reason. lmao. Fuck the wagies.
This would suck because it would mean no more motion controls in anything.
Motion is great for stuff like Mario party, party sport games, puzzles
if they made one exactly like this and hoopo released risk of rain 2 for switch i'd buy it day one
They will never make a switch revision that doesn’t have detachable joycons. I have no idea why you people are so caught up on it
It would still have gyro built in dude.
>fucking same im on the fence incase a new version is announced
That's why I didn't buy one when I had the chance last year, not making that mistake again. I want in on the stage building fun, I've wanted Smash to have a stage builder (that doesn't suck ten billion rancid demon cocks) for a very long time. I don't care if the new Switch is announced ten minutes after I buy mine.
There's a revision coming later this year, it's already been confirmed.
No Joycon tech, no overpriced dock, smaller screen. It is a 199$ SKU and the final nail in the 3DS coffin. Hits stores this fall alongside Pokemon. Colours are vibrant. Orange is my fav.
>I'm homeless but I own a 3ds and a switch.
Well I'm not homeless, I have a New 3DS, and by the end of May I'll have a Switch.
So have fun playing vidya on the street, I'll be Smashing bros from the comfort of my bed.
>literally a more successful vita
When will snoy learn?
100 million PS4 sold
>Circle pads
Fuck no they are the worst, playing with them feels horrible
I hope you own your own house. Or are you losing money every months to the Jewish rent trick?
That is the worst placement for a second analog stick I've ever seen
The PRO is basically a Dock with enclosed Hardware. Runs Tegra at near full speeds (1,9Ghz and 980mhz gpu). Has Joycons and a charging grip included. $369. Also this fall. Some games already have patches tested. Zelda and Xenoblade 2 among other things run at flawless framerates. Xeno looks closer to cutscenes with an extra shader.
I just want a handheld for grown up hands.
Tried the 2 and 3DS but my hands start to cramp after 10 minutes.
Then buy a PS4 you fucking nigger. Why do room temperature IQ cretins desperately want platform parity like this?
100 million PS4 + 15 million Vita
80 million 3DS + 35 million Switch + 13 million WiiU
Oh no no no no no!
Buy a grip for $5 you absolute imbecile.
Why would you want a tiny ass Switch?
More portability
>3DS couldn't even outsell PSP
They're fine for anything not multiplayer. I don't see the problem. Would you really want to play smash or a FPS in handheld mode instead of with a gamecube/pro controller?
Big yikes
Ps4 doesn't have Botw
The gameboy micro had a better screen than the AGS-101. Better brightness, better pixel density, better refresh rate.
Psp and DS existed before the iPhone was even invented. Smartphones and tablets cannabalised handheld sales. 80 million is phenomenal considering.
It's not fair to compare the pre-smartphone market to the post one. I think you know this but are just a faggot fanboy.
>Not buying all the consoles and a high end PC because you aren't a poor worthless cuck.
Shiggy Diggy
Assisted living for adults with autism. It's pretty great, I've got my own apartment all to myself.
>buying the Persona 5 only machine
It might not even be that by the end of the month
Pretty much this. But i would like for the pads to have a more durable material instead
>people thought Nintendo wouldn't put up a pokemon machine version of Switch
So worst than the vita?
I am the opposite side. I haven't bought anything but Nintendo handhelds since the SNES because after that Nintendo home consoles are trash that only total brainless retards buy.